So What's Next

@p1kef1sh (45681)
August 19, 2009 2:33am CST
I was chatting to a friend yesterday about what happens after we die. Where do we go, what does it look like, do we choose where we end up etc etc? What happens to the seriously bad people? Etc etc. Is Hell an endless round of Big Brother on the TV - in which case I'm there already! What do you think happens after we die. Are we moving on to greater things or is this the end of the line?
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8 responses
@34momma (13882)
• United States
19 Aug 09
you know that is a great question. and i don't know if anyone really has the answer to that question. do we go live in heaven with God, do those bad people go to hell and burn forever?? I don't know. and i rather not guess. what i do know is this, when my time comes, I just want to be able to check in on my family from time to time.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
19 Aug 09
I have this dread that my family are dropping in on me Momma. LOL. It's not made me a better boy though. I don't know about the bad folk. Maybe they go somewhere where they have to redeem themselves first.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
19 Aug 09
I think that hell is what we choose. Hitler, Stalin, all those truly evil people do not want to be around love, and God is love. There is a place for them where they can do no more harm, suffer no more torment but where God is absent. People choose to go there. People who don't choose to go to "hell" go to heaven. Maybe not immediately. Those who have done bad things to people might need to make a stop at Karma School and learn where they went astray and why. Ultimately, those of us who choose to will go to a world ruled by God. We won't be playing harps and singing 24/7, though. God's a busy Man! We will be doing good works for those here on earth, helping those on other worlds (cos we aren't God's only children!) and learning about the mysteries of creation. And of course, we'll be able to visit with our relative and reunite with beloved pets and friends.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 Aug 09
Of course not. Like any good parent, He will welcome them with open arms. He'll be a little disappointed that they didn't get to lean on Him during their hard times and share their happiness in good times, but there's all eternity to get to know each other. I think maybe they'll have to take orientation-type classes, though, to see where they went wrong--I mean, I don't understand someone looking around at this world and thinking it was an accident. God is a loving parent and would never reject any of His children. Some reject Him in this life and probably reject him in the next but He won't ever disown them, just as you and I won't ever quit loving our children.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
19 Aug 09
I have heard that view before. But what happens to those that don't believe in God. Is their penance never to see him?
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Aug 09
hi pikey I have always beentaught our spirit or soul lives'on and goes to heaven but dont ask me just where heaven is, right now I am'still spooked by the weirdist thing. I was responding to A discussion from a mylotter who bemoaned the love of his life,who by the wAy is a fellow lAdy mylotter, had left him and gone to Massechuets US.I had suggested knowing the lady was very lonely and wanted to marry again,that he try to win her back. flash my response was gone,mylot was gone,i was off the internet and back to biosphere asking me to sign in my pAss word. I am going whAt happened?I have never experienced this before.I was not given any clues,no boxes popped up to tell me I had done something wrong i wAs just kicked off mylot And the internet. wAs it my computer,was it internet? I am still amazed and apalled.maybeit was an internet version of hell?
@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 09
That happened to me the other day Hatley. I don't think that it had anything to do with your response. More likely it was a glitch resulting from the various upgrades that have been going on.
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@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
19 Aug 09
In my own opinion, the next thing that will happen to our body when we die, is that our body will get rotten. As they say, we came from dust and we will return to dust. If I die, don't want my body gets rotten, I want this cremated. At least my wife can save some money for the land for my tomb.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
19 Aug 09
I want to be cremated too. Then thrown in the sea. Thanks Neil.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 09
As a lover of sea food that seems an entirely reasonable trade Mike. Wonder where I can get it done.
• United States
19 Aug 09
What I believe is that if ya do it right, ya wind up somewhere you're happy to be with a fella who's happy you're there. If not, ya wind up in a place with lousy accommodations and excessive heat for an awfully long time with a fella who gloats at your failure..The question is..which would you rather spend eternity with?..your success or your failure? ENJOY!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 09
I have NO failures. Just experiences that I'd rather no repeat! However, yes, I'd prefer to be where the good times are!
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@preema723 (117)
• United States
20 Aug 09
I was raised in a Catholic family and went to Catholic school most of my life. I was raised with the idea that when you die, your soul goes to heaven, and it is painted as a beautiful place up in the clouds. I guess alot of people have their version of heaven or hell. I never really thought too much about it, but I definitely think there is something else out there after we pass on - whether we move on to a better place, or come back in another way. I can't imagine that dying here on earth is the end of the road - at least, I hope it isn't.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 09
I think so too but I don't subscribe to any particular religion as I believe that for the most part some of the worst disasters in the world have come about because of religions.
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19 Aug 09
Hi p1key, i think this is hell on earth, lol and when we die we go home where all are other relatives and but all those bad people like murderes they will stay here grounded and cannot move on so they will then start haount down here,lol!!! hugs. Tamara
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Aug 09
That means that we are stuck with cutthroats and thieves Tamara. Oh dear...... LOL. XXXX
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@camomom (7535)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Wow, I could go on for hours on what I think. I think we move on to another life or (if there is a God) we move on to help Him with whatever it is he needed us to die for. I think we all have a purpose and when we fulfill that purpose we move on to another one. I also think that we are each here to learn something that we will need in our next "life" or "journey", once we learn that, we will move on (or die, whichever way you choose to look at it). Some of us move on to new lives on earth. Some of us will have other things to move onto such as being spirits, angels, or whatever. Just my thoughts, I could be wrong.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
8 Sep 09
Seems entirely valid to me. None of us know for certain what comes next.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
8 Sep 09
I agree