What do you like and dislike about yourself?

August 19, 2009 2:41am CST
I am quite self aware and constantly analyzing myself. This can be a positive thing at times but also bad as I can incredibly critical. To start with the positive...I am a loyal and generous person. I genuinely care about and love immensley my famiy, friends, animals and world issues. I think I have a good sense of humour too. Negative....I am a perfectionist, I wont stop at something until its done exactly to my high standards and I very often dont reach these. I can be hot headed and argumentative for the sake of it (Aries!!). I dislike that I am disabled. What about you? Are you self aware? Do you ever evaluate your own character? What do you like/dislike?
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12 responses
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
19 Aug 09
Likes: I am honest, funny (so I think), kind, motivated, generous. Dislikes: selfish, bad skin, bad hair, small boobs, belly gut, dark dark circles under my eyes (looks like I got beat up everyday). It's really hard to feel good about myself when everywhere I go are supermodel-esque girls out there that I don't feel I could ever stand in the same room with.
19 Aug 09
hey there. Maybe you are being too hard on yourself? Focus on all those great things about yourself and that confidene will shine through. thanks for your comment
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Aug 09
What I like: I always try my best to cheer people up even if I don't like that person. I always try to be a generous I as can. I am very helpful. I don't fake my emotions. I am pretty funny. I learn easily. I also happen to have some really awesome eyes. What I dislike: I am a control freak, perfectionist, and a neat freak. I get angry way too fast. I "explode" at people for stupid reasons. I have a need to have everything planned. (I won't do anything that I did not have planned ahead.) I also have a tendency to correct people that can get to the point where it becomes rude.
• United States
19 Aug 09
What I like about myself is that I like to be helpful to others and always offer a hand whenever asked. What I don't like about myself is that I'm shy and that I am self conscience about my appearances
19 Aug 09
Hey there. I like that you are haelpful and considerate! I think many people are conscious about their appearance, you are not alone there my friend. thanks for the comment
• India
20 Aug 09
I like myself is self aware and optimistic. I normally respect others ideas and suggestion. But, there was a limit in communicating. In past i had been a dark person, where i did not know what and when to do the things. Now, i had a good experiene and know better than the past. I like mysely a decision making ability.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
19 Aug 09
My biggest dislile is I have a weight problem which is gradually getting worse! I am an emotional eater and wish I could afford help! I'm getting really sick and tired of that! I can't do it on my own! What I do like about myself is I have a great sense of humor and I have a corky personality! I just wish more peeople could see that!
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@jugsjugs (12967)
19 Aug 09
I look at myself and see a person that do not trust anyone anymore as i have had my heart broken too many times and there for will never trust a man.I look at myself and wish i had a friend i could go to knowing that they will not discuss what i have said with anyone the trust has gone with one friend so i apply no trust to all of them.I think that my body is horrid to be seen and that with a skin irritation called psoriasis nobody would want to come near me.I dont like myself so why should anyone else.
19 Aug 09
hey there. I am so sorry that you have been hurt in the past and can underdtand why you find it difficult trust anyone. I hope one day you will regain that confidence and trust in yourself and others. Sending a hug your way.
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
19 Aug 09
Hi..I like analiyzing my self too and I am self aware.Here is something that I like,I am a loyal person.I do something voluntary.I brave.I like learn new thing.I am self confident.Bad caracter that I have is I am not patience person.I could not hold my feel when I dislike to someone.
19 Aug 09
Hey there. you sound like a great person to know and you have qualities that I would love in a friend. Maybe one day you will learn to be more patient! thanks for the comment
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Aug 09
hey there kin happy day to ya! let me think..Il take the negaitive first..Im wayy too NIEVE..on sooo mnay levels..especially in relationships as well as too dang trusting..maybe even too loving..but that i think can be on both lists..because it seems to get me in mega trouble.I also have a huge bad temper..especially when someone hurts a loved one..i just flip out..and i feel bad for that because my son got my temper:( ......and the positive i will say again very loving,caring,loyal,passioante,sensual,full of life and i have a great sense of humor..i love making people laugh it makes my day,especially when i see someone is angry or looks really pi$$ed off,and i smile and they smile back or even laugh..just for the 5 seconds or whatever i get it makes me have a much better day knowing i made someone else smile or laugh.have a good one! April
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Aug 09
hi pushkin I like that I am thoughtful, compassionate'and 'dependAble as people dont have to worry for when I say' I will do something I will do it. I dont like that I Am shy,that I am a wuss, that I cannot say no evenwhen I dont want to do something, and that I have a hard time talking to'strangers until I get to know them. I dont like that I have a quick temper and that I hate to use the telephone. weird I know.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
20 Aug 09
what i like myself. i don't know. there is not much about me that i like about myself. i am very introvert person though from time to time i can change into extrovert but there is only some limit on how extrovert i can be but i am more of an extrovert person.
@jen14ed (865)
• Philippines
20 Aug 09
i like to my self is being thoughtful and honest and very down to earth person and good friends.. help other people and Dislike is I'm a shy type person I'm very shy when someone looking at me i don't know why.. many people when i saw me always looking at me from head to feet i don't like that Looking at me like that I'm not a artist to looking like that i hate people looking at me like that... happy mylottings!!!
@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
19 Aug 09
I hate some things about me too: I hate my being an idiot sometimes for making all those stupid things in the past that I still regret up to now coz it had changed my life forever! I've been paying for my mistakes for soooo long now. I hate my temper! i hate a few things about my body. But if I look at the other side: I am a good mom, I know that, and my kids love me, and people around me admire how I take care of my kids. I am smart, in so many ways. I am a strong person. and I have a good heart!
19 Aug 09
hey there. It is most important to have a good heart! Focus on all those positives. People make mistakes, thats part of life. As long as we learn from those mistakes then its all great. thanks for the comment
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
19 Aug 09
I am so self aware that I shall put that side of myself on the list of things I absolutely hate! There is nothing worse than constantly picking everything about yourself apart and finding faults (for me anyway). On the plus side I really, really love my sense of humour and personality. In a none egotistical way I would class myself as a good person because of those. I also like my arms (though the rest of my body probably goes in the dislike category!) Away from that I believe that I am a good and loyal friend, and have helped several people which is something that makes me proud :) All the best, Dranz
19 Aug 09
Hey there. Ah like me always finding faults with things! I am glad you like your sense of humour, at least you know you will always entertain yourself! I think being a loyalperson is a great attribute to have and something i admire in people. thanks for comment