Do you love the country you live in?

August 19, 2009 9:39am CST
I love Canada. I can walk into a clinic and walk out without paying the bill, I dont have to wait till Im deathly ill to be able to go to the doctors and I dont have to worry about the hefty bills a stay at the hospital may bring. Were known as peacekeepers, and I dont live in a big city, so peace is what we have. Sure there is violence and crimes, but in my city, its not often, and no one has to worry bout being shot on the street (now I cant say that for all of canada, the big cities have to worry about this more) Really, Im happy with the way things are and ran, it hasnt affected or taken away from my comfortable way of living so right now Im content. Do your country? Are you satisified with the way things are being ran and operated? or if there were any issues, what would you change?
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30 responses
• India
19 Aug 09
yes dear..............i am an indian and i love my country a lot.i like to wtch patriotic movies because it reminds me of my duty towards my nation...................
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@Abhii88 (214)
• India
19 Aug 09
I am from India too and i LOVE my country very much. India has second highest population which raises the level of corruption and unemployment but i can't hate it because of this. I believe each individual love their own country (obviously exceptions are there). In India i reside in a town called Shimla(Himachal Pradesh). It's a small town but in comparison to other cities i love my city. This is because it's a natural trait with which we humans are born. As for the corruption and unemployment and all other negative things about my country i remember a line from a movie "koi bhi desh perfect nahi hota, hume usse perfect banana hota hai" which translated in english would be "No country is perfect, we have to make it one". I believe and feel that every young Indian has feeling of patriotism in them. We are the world's largest democratic country. Such large varieties of culture that we cannot say that Hindi is our national language. My country rocks so does yours.
• Belgium
20 Aug 09
I am from India and I love my country very much. I am from a very small town and I love the way people live in these small towns. Normally the population is not too much in these small towns, may be around 10000. People are really helpful towards each other. I do not see such kind of closeness among the people who live in big cities. Also as the cost of living is low in such areas people are not too much after money. Which makes life simple and carefree. But like every country will have, India also has some issues which needs to be sorted out. But as an Indian I think it is the responsibility of us Indians to try to solve these issues rather than to run away from issues. And I think people are really working towards it.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
19 Aug 09
I love Canada too. That is where I was born. I was brought up in Stouffville Ontario. Right now I am in Berlin. I have lived in the Netherlands, Belgium and Curacao. I have noticed that the Governments and Politicians are all big lies. They are having a rich life, while the normal people have to pay for there lifestyles. I still love the country's. It is the upper head people I don't like. So many people going hungry in there own country , but no the money has to go to other countries. While there own people are starving or freezing in the cold because they have no money to pay the electricity. I could go on, but I had better stop. I still want to enjoy my evening.
• Canada
19 Aug 09
I know what you mean. I enjoy everything about this country but cannot think about government or parliament because I think its all corrupt anyway. Unfortunately, its like that pretty much anywhere. Aside from that I enjoy everything about Canada, just dont want to read to much into the other issues that involve government
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
21 Aug 09
Yes indeed. But, why do we let them do it? The people are the majority. Why are we letting ourselves be used this way? Sure alone we can do nothing. But what if we all got together? We all stop going to work, and we all start making bad credit. They would have no more control and the people can speak up! Problem is , how can we get everyone to stop working??? Just like a strike thing. When we don't make money the politicians can't go on vacations anymore. But, guess we will never be able to do that. Got some other suggestions? Have a nice day.
• Malaysia
20 Aug 09
Politicians everywhere are the same. They have split tongues and their actual reasons why they entered politics are to enrich themselves while the citizens work hard to make ends meet.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
20 Aug 09
yeah canada is called the most peaceful country. i don't know if that is still the best place to live but it is always on the top list of best place to live. well i do love my country despite the fact there are much corruption in our country. but i think these are getting better each year. though still so far from your country and other peaceful countries at least we are heading to be peaceful also like your country as each year pass. it may take more time but at least we are going there.
• Canada
20 Aug 09
I dont think its the best country to live in I know theres better ones out there, but we have it way better here then alot of other countries do, as they are pretty fair to us in how we live our life. The reason why I had asked this question is because I had travelled to a state in the US for a school trip when I was in higschool, and they were unbelivably rude to us. No offence to any US citizens as actions of other people shouldnt refelct on everybody, but we were treated horribly. The people were very rude to us. Pretty much the people that were nice to us there had the same attitude as people who are rude here in canada. There was a big difference between the way we were talked to there as we were here. People in that state werent so friendly, or willing to talk to people they dont know. Even the people who worked in the public didnt put on the face smile or nice attitude that we have to when we work in the public here. Mind you, they're probably not used to as many tourists or people from other places as we are here, as it was deeper in and no where near any close borders, but I had also met a peson fro tht state who said she though the people were rude and wanted to move to Canada. Once again in no offence, Im just curious after I heard this persons comment if everyones completely satisfied with their country, how they live, and the people around them.
@shimanaja (493)
• Indonesia
20 Aug 09
for now i have to satisfied where i live in. Though everything's here are so complicated, i try to love my country, coz i was born, grow up, work and live here. But sometimes i'd like to move out to Canada or someplaceelse who could give the welfare for their people. Just wish me Luck..:)
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@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
20 Aug 09
so so much!!! I'm from the's a beautiful country! I have been to some parts of Asia as well, and to U.S.----- but there's no place like home.. Here in the PI, i can live like a king. In other countries, I am the servant...
• Philippines
20 Aug 09
..that's why I'm here.. I'm back.. and Im definitely staaaaaaayyyyyiinnnnnnnnnggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!
• United States
29 Aug 09
I love where I live, even though we move around a lot I still love living in the USA. Some people might say our system is flawed but its the people who elect our officials that put their trust in them. I live in a society that governs its own, laws help but its personal responsibility of each person to make their own life better for themselves and if they have children to make it better for them as well.
• India
20 Aug 09
I am from India and I love my country. Sure, there is a lot of corruption, poverty, unemployment, indifference of the govt, etc.But, I still love India and India is rapidly progressing. A dialogue in a popular Hindi movie goes ' No country is perfect. It has to be made perfect.'
• Malaysia
20 Aug 09
I love my country very much and I am blessed to have a peaceful country. Compared to where I live now, it is far cry from the progressive country where I come from.
@croamer (165)
• Taiwan
20 Aug 09
Ah yah, hey girl, I'm a Chinese, as living in a developing country obviously, we have a long way to go to get the life you described, there are a lot of poor districts in China, especially in some western small villages, people still struggling with the food, and surfering from illness, hungry etc. but I love my country, and I satisfied with the way that my country are being ran and operated. best wished to China!
• United States
20 Aug 09
Hello YoundInLove, I LOVE USA!!!! I know some of you might call me nuts, crazy and every other name in the book. I was born and raised in Europe-Romania and when I was 12 years old my parents and I came to US. I love my country. this is my country USA. I've lieved here most of my life and our country is ALWAYS helping out others and putting ourself last. That's why we are in this situation now. If we were selfish and just take care of us and our people like others, we wouldn't have so many problems, like we do now. I was laid off over a year ago and I thank God every day for the government because so far, I've been receiving unemployment. Don't get me wrong, I hate the fact that I don't get the same pay I did when I was working but at least I have a little bit of money to pay bills and food. I did not vote for our President, but now that he won and he is in the White House, we all have to stick together and support eachother as much as we can. We Americans stick together thru thick and thin. Yes, we may not have best reputation right now, we may not have free health care and we may not have jobs out there for everybody...BUT...This too shall pass. In God We Trust and He will get us thru this too. At least we have Faith. So, I guess my answer to you is...Yes, I love my country too! :) Take care my friend and happy mylotting Olivia~
• China
20 Aug 09
I live in China,and love my country very much.I think taht any country has all violence action.Of course,my country exists the violence,but I am willing to live my motherland.So it's political environment is very good.In a word ,I love my country and am satisified with the way things are being ran and operated.
20 Aug 09
Me? I don't love the Philippines. I think that all the people in here need to be wiped out and be replaced by a new breed so solve its problems.
• Sri Lanka
20 Aug 09
I live in Sri Lanka .I love my country very much.We had been suffering from a unforgettable memory of most brutal terrorist outfit LTTE.But that is now over and we go everywhere very freely and without any fear.We were looking for this day long time ago but finally our brave soldiers saved our lives from brutal terrorists.There is no place like your born country.
• China
20 Aug 09
I love my dear China. It's the land where Mama's cook, first kiss, New Year's fireworks, and life-long friendship take place.
• India
20 Aug 09
I am indian. I love my country. it is unique in many sense. It is unique in its cultural activities, unique in its diversity, unique in its emotional qualities , unique in its hospitality,unique in spiritual activities. Only one thing i want to be better is its politics.
@yogambal_64 (1014)
• India
20 Aug 09
Yes I am proud to be an Indian and love my country. I am very contented with the pleasures I enjoy being an Indian.
20 Aug 09
Well i am from the UK and on the whole i would have to say yes i do love my country, we have some amazing things to be proud of. There are bad points but there are with every country that you go to. I think here the goverment needs tweaking, we have great systems in place but they can be run poorly.
• India
20 Aug 09
Hi, i am suneetha. now i would like to share few words about my mother "India" before going to discuss about my country i am very happy to share about my feeling to all. Every Province has a Special Beauty. I am Proud to be Indian. I always look for Local and then for Indian first Products, whether it be bedding, furniture, food etc.. It is not an easy task. more jobs, more manufacturing in out country, less poverty, less money spent on other Government Agencies. Its a great Country is there more to be said???
@vandana7 (101622)
• India
20 Aug 09
I do. Much as I constantly listen to disparaging statements about it, and much as I hate what the politicians of our country is doing to us the middle class, I still love my country and would love to remain here for the rest of my life. I have been abroad, so this is a practical experience. I missed the friendly way of shopkeepers and hawkers out here. I miss the greetings from my maid. And of course the comforts that people abroad have to work very hard for. How many people in the United States can get somebody to sweep, mop, do the dishes, wash the bathrooms, and cook for as little as $3 a month!