Fluoride in the Water. Is It Good For Us?
By mrakobesie
@mrakobesie (1246)
United States
August 19, 2009 4:25pm CST
I have been learning more and more about fluoride these days and to be honest, it's scary. Fluoride can cause so many diseases, so many disfunctions that it simply shouldn't be in our food or water. We are basically being poisoned by the same chemical that is used to kill rats, by the chemical that is almost as poisonous as arsenic and more poisonous then lead. Fuoride can cause cancer, DNA damage, spontanious abortions, it allown toxins to get into the brain, it destroys the bones. Not only that, but the whole story behind fluoride being good for the teeth is false, fluoride doesn't help teeth, it can actually destroy teeth instead.
Here is one of the articles i found about fluoride: http://www.wholywater.com/fluoride.html
here is another: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_261/ai_n13648126/
And another with references to studies done on effects of fluoride: http://www.all-natural.com/fleffect.html
And here is one talking about fluoride damaging the brain: http://www.fluoridealert.org/health/brain/
Why with all this information our government doesn't stop adding it to our water? because too many people are making money on it?
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5 responses
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
20 Aug 09
Definitely not! Fluoride in drinking water is very damaging to the human body. It results in severe defects, such as twisted limbs, delayed development of thinking process, most of the deceases bones can get!
I think the Government adds chlorine to the water supply, not fluoride. Adding chlorine kills all the bacteria and makes it relatively safe to drink. I say relatively as excess chlorine has its own health issues.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Aug 09
Nope---fluoride is actually added to some water treatment plants for human consumption...usually for the big cities like my area of NYC :-(
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@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
20 Aug 09
Yeah, i live in long island and they add fluoride to the water here too, it's insaine to be honest and it's very hard to get rid of it too. I buy fuolire free water for drinking, but when you shower with fuorinated water it absorbs through the skin anyway. Actually people get more fluoride through the skin then they do by drinking :(
@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
20 Aug 09
oh also, if you keep water out on the window all the chlorine will be gone, fluoride stays though. If they don't add fluoride to water in your area, you might want to at least get rid of chlorine becasue that too can be damaging. Normal organic substances when combined with chlorinated water become cancer causing. So any organic food you eat can cause cancer if you prepare it with chlorinated water
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Aug 09
I have no idea why our government allows anything anymore. To my mind the FDA is a joke in how it regulates safety regulations and practices. Fluoride is usually in the drinking water for major cities like NYC--but of course it's also in our toothpaste and then those mouthwash rinses usually have it too. Ever read all the warnings on toothpaste? It even suggests calling the Poison control center is too much toothpaste is accidentally ingested..like sheesh

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@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
20 Aug 09
I live in long island and we have fluoride here too, it's criminal. Btw, they started adding it because US government was afreaid they will get sued. Fluoride is one of the most dangerous polutants and many companies have fluoride as a byproduct of their manufacturing. when US started making atomic bombs fluoride was produced as a result, so they paid a team of scientists to find a way to avoid legal problems and these scientisits fabricated information that fluoride is good for the teeth. This information kept US government happy and all the companies that used to spent tons of money to dispose of fluoride safely. As for toothpaste, soe toothpastes have insane amounts of fluoride. In third world countries they don't add fluoride to water, so they make up for it by adding more fluoride to tooth pastes and then they ship it here where we get double the amount if we use that tooth paste. They actually used to use fluoride in prisons in nazi germany and USSR to keep prizoners obidient because fluoride kills the part of the brain.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
1 Sep 09
Well here is one subject on which I agree with you wholeheartedly. My mother was fighting against introducing fluoride to our water supplies 50 years ago and thankfully the idea was ditched. However, it has reared its ugly head again here, even though so many countries have abandoned it.
Fluoride is a deadly poison and should never be introduced to water supplies.
@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
1 Sep 09
yes, and some doctors to this day argue that it's healthy to have fluoride in the water. Why are they ignoring all the scientific facts that have been descovered about fluoride? or are they just happy to have sicker patients so they can make more money? I'm looking for a new appartment now and one of the things i check before even trying to call is if the area has fluorinated water. There are a few towns in my area that fluoridate to this day and i simply don't want this poison. besides, even if fuoride was good and healthy, it's a forced medication which is illegal. All patients have a right to refuse, so why are they not letting us choose?
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
1 Sep 09
The same arguments as we have used here, but Councils seem determined to introduce it. People who object are almost accused of child abuse because we are causing their teeth to rot! Insane!
@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
1 Sep 09
well, almost all long island is unfuoridated and there is less tooth decay then in the cities only an hour drive from us. They have fluoride in the water, so why are their teeth rotting more? And parents can easilly get a toothpaste with fluoride, it only supposed to work if you use it topically anyway, so having it in water wouldn't do anything good for the teeth. You know how much money corporations make becaseu of fluorideted water? They used to pay huge ammounts of money to dispose of it because it's so toxic, now instead of them disposing of it, our towns are buying it from them so they can poison us.
@raj_ka (431)
• India
21 Aug 09
Ya its true flouride is dangerous.
I know that to purify water chorine is added but i dont know whether floride is added or not. But there are some reports in different countries saying that flouride was found in water and the people in that area are suffering from bones problems and other problems.
I think if we find flouride in toothpaste we can avoid it to some extent by buy ayurvedic,natural pastes which do not contain floride. Clogate is one such company which uses floride but still people are using it.I dont know why? Anyhow if it is with water they are some water purifier which are giving guarantee to remove harmful chemicals and germs from it. One can use it to some extent to avoid drinking flouride water.
But on the whole govt. should not create a problem like this as they know its harmful to public.
@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
21 Aug 09
There are only 3 ways to remove fluoride from the water that i know of, most filters would remove other chemicals, but not fluoride :( these filters can be pricy too... Reverce osmosis one can cost $200-$300 for the simplest filter and over $1500 to get fluoride out of the water from the whole house, which is really the only way to get all fluoride out becasue we absorb it through the skin while showering. In the US they add fluoride in many places, State of New York is more then 70% fluoridated actually. they started adding it becaseu there was information going around that fluoride is good for the teeth, well, most of long island is not fluoridated and here he have less tooth decay then fluoridated new york cities, so that one was proven wrong lol. I found a tooth paste that has natural fluoride in it, it's a totally diferent chemical then the one added to the water and that one actually helps the bones and teeth. It's Tom's natural tooth paste. Fluoride they use in that tooth paste is sodium monofluorophosphate instead of sodium fluoride or siliconfluoride that is added to water and most toothpastes as well as mouth washes. They also add fluoride to some of the drinking bottled water and coca cola as well as other sodas.
Actually in united states people in many towns had to force a government to stop fluoridation of water, they had a vote and ended up winning. Just to think that they have to actually force government to stop poisoning them... very disheartening. Government is intentionally adding fluoride to the water in many places, though it's slowly decreasing as more and more people refuse it. Many argue that fluoridated water is a forced medication which is illegal.