Do you like your own company?

August 20, 2009 10:42am CST
This actually started off as a completely different question - would you be friends with yourself if you had the chance? - but as I was writing the detail part of it I decided the concept was way too confusing - or too hard for me to explain at any rate - and so have rephrased the idea and done it this way instead! (Feel free to answer the original question though if you want!) I really like my own company and generally (except for on-line situations) I am one of the rare, perhaps even, strange people who usually prefers their own company to that of other people (though I would rather that when people answer this they don't just seize on that fact and point out how odd I am, I do realise it already lol). There was a time when being in my own company became hell, but that change of state distressed me so much that I made sure to change things back to the way they had been, as soon as I could to get the peace and enjoyment back! I am glad to say it worked and I like my company again lol! But yea, are you the same way, or do you find that when you are in your own company things tend to get too dark and so you always aim to be in the company of others? Thank you for you answers :) Dranz
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8 responses
@Care4Pets (176)
• United States
20 Aug 09
I love being alone with time to relax, unwind, and do my own thing. That said, I also love being around other people, hanging out and having a good time. So to answer your question, yes, I enjoy my own company, but I enjoy being around others too. :) Oh, and I would totally be friends with myself. I used to not think I was a very fun, interesting, lovable person, but ever since I got my anxiety under control, it completely changed my outlook towards myself. I know now that I am terrific person and anyone would be lucky to have a loyal, caring friend like me. If someone thinks otherwise, then that's their loss. Best of luck with you and your friendships! Continue to enjoy that alone time! :)
26 Aug 09
I really love how you ended this, that people would be lucky to have a loyal and caring friend as yourself, that is a truly fantastic outlook. I tend to go for that as well, though I still have some of that anxiety you mentioned so look shifty afterwards and whistle in case anyone noticed my minor (albeit insanely enjoyable) bit of egotism lol! I hope you continue to have that outlook and many thanks for the response :) Dranz
@vandana7 (100704)
• India
20 Aug 09
I too love my own company! I love singing, and so I find myself singing at all times, even though none of my neighbors do. They must consider me an oddity, but who cares. :-) I too like friends on net. :-) And am happy enough with the television programs. :-) My interactions include those with my maid, who does her chores and is off before I realize. I love getting up late (which I would hesitate to do if others were around), I love eating at odd hours, and can make something exclusively myself. I love long baths. And in all its just a pleasant package. :-) What another person would say can't complain. Do I miss not having people? Absolutely not. I want them only when I need them. I rarely call on people, and when and if my parent and his friends visit me, I am courteous enough. My ex colleagues do visit me occassionally. I dont think I do anything abnormal with them. But we do get habituated to our own world, which may soon be outdated. Occassionally, we do need to mix. Not every day, not every week, but at least once in a month. Things getting dark? lol. Never. :-)
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
24 Aug 09
I love my own company but then I guess I am used to my own company, having been the only child growing up, I used to entertain myself and I actually would enjoy it, I didn't have to share my toys with anyone and I could do what I liked, no squabbling and fighting over toys! As I have grown up I have learnt that being in my own company is far more safer and enjoyable, I don't like compromise and to be honest I am very selfish in that I only want to do what I want to do in relationships you have to do things sometimes that you hate doing to please the other person. I love the freedom and independence of going where I want to, doing what I want to and having quality time to myself without having to worry about other people! I think both questions you asked are clear, yes I would be friends with myself because I wouldn't argue, I wouldn't let myself down and I could rely on myself to be where I wanted to be. I don't need anyone else to help me enjoy what I do, in fact other people around complicate things. I like an easy life and an easy life is being me, being single and being alone.
26 Aug 09
Wow reading what you wrote here made me think that I would have loved being an only child as well. I have a brother so had to do all the fighting and squabbling stuff, though I did used to follow him around a lot too so he had his uses lol. I always used to want to be an only child though for the freedom that came with it. It is nice to know that you would like having yourself as a friend as well. I was wondering (and this draws on your comment on my depression topic which I really appreciated, but wasn't sure how to reply to without being too much like the Spanish Inquisition!) have there ever been times when you have wished that you could have yourself as a friend? That is what sparked this topic for me, those thoughts and I wondered if you ever had that since, out of the people I have seen here so far (and I mean this in the good way), you seem to understand this more. Regardless, thank you for your responses to both topics, I really do appreciate your honesty :) All the best and happy mylotting, Dranz
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@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
21 Aug 09
Oh I love my own company though not forever. Now I don't live alone anymore, I live with my adult daughter and her three sons and my daughters partner so my alone time is very precious and when I have it, I LOVE IT!!! LOL With that said, I like being alone, now the not forever part that I mention is because when I did live alone for several years, I did feel like my life lacked a purpose because no one needed me. Evidently I've been a mother too long! So I did get a bit weird then but I'm all better now, for the most part. But you know, I would be friends with myself if I had the chance. Since I know my motives and thoughts and all, I know that I am a decent person who would make a decent friend. So now I sound conceited I'm sure! LOL
• United Kingdom
21 Aug 09
I love my own company! I think the saying is, 'If you don't love yourself then who is going to love you?' Well I think there's a lot of truth in that statement! At present I live quite a solitary existence and I don't have many people in my life. I have become so used to this though that I have grown to enjoy or like my own company. I find things to do so I never reach a state of boredom! I think that it would be nice to share some life experiences with others but I haven't got around to doing that yet! I'm thinking that I have to get out there when I'm ready to grow! Andrew
@maezee (41988)
• United States
21 Aug 09
I'm similar to you, I believe. It's not that I don't like being around my friends - I do! But I'm also very big on "me time" - I can be perfectly contented to sit by myself and read, watch movies, or go shopping - totally by myself. But I do love my friends, and I love spending time with them. So I'm caught in between the two, for sure!
• India
20 Aug 09
yes i like my own company i would like to make and stay myself and myself in this world, i like my own compnay most all my firends are not much trustable it is not goood to depends on others all the time for the others for any other puprose in there life os earn better lkive better in your lifre it is always better to make money from here as soon as possible than thatof it isalways good to make the money by yourself
20 Aug 09
It is completely normal and healthy to enjoy one's own company. I do and wouldn't brand someone who also does as a weirdo. There is a notion of stupidity and, crucially, a loss of one's own sense of judgement and freedom of thought in groups that I find disturbing and dangerous. I am not asocial but, in order to be friend with myself or maintain that state, I do need solitude and introspection more than I need to be around other people.