Do you try to be considerate to others?

@kykidd (6812)
United States
August 21, 2009 4:00pm CST
The traffic was backed up, and a sign well before that read "Left Lane Closed Ahead". Most people got over, but instead a big red truck pulling a boat zoomed past me. Then he pushed his way over into the traffic that had already merged into the right lane. I think he was very inconsiderate to all of the people who had been waiting in traffic. What do you think? I walked into the hardware store today, then realized my foot was sticking to the floor with every step. Sure enough, there was gum on the bottom of my shoe. Someone probably didn't realize that by throwing their gum down in the parking lot that I was going to step in it and have to spend the rest of my shopping spree sticking to the floor. And then, when I got home, spend another 10 minutes and some orange cleaner trying to get it scraped off. What about you? Do you push your way into traffic? Do you throw your gum in the street or in the garbage where it belongs?
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11 responses
• United States
22 Aug 09
I do try to be considerate of others. I hold doors open for anyone. Help the people in the motorized carts at the grocery store to get things off the top shelf so they don't have to get up and down. I do little things like that all the time, so I can't thing of them all. But inconsiderate people make me upset. The truck with the boat, I would have been saying, if to no one, other than myself, "don't let him in." And if I had been the car where he tried to get in, he would not have gotten over. I have also seen in many interstate construction cases like that where a large semi will pull over, blocking the way of those inconsiderate drivers. I think it all comes back to the golden rule. Not enough people live by it today.
• United States
22 Aug 09
as far as traffic that was very rude..i hate when ppl cut me off and i try not to do it to other ppl its just bad driving ethics..but the gum thing i must say i am guilty of throwing mine on the ground..sometimes its soo much easier and less inconvienient then throwing it away.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Well, sportgurl160, at least you realize it. That's one step closer. I am sure we have all been guilty of it a time or two when we were in a hurry, and times when there isn't a trash can nearby. Just like we have all gotten it stuck on our shoe at one point in time or another. Thank you for your response in this discussion, and have a good day!
@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
22 Aug 09
I do my best to be considerate of others. I try to keep in mind that old adage "treat others the way you want to be treated." Of course it doesn't always work out that way since there are a lot of inconsiderate people out there but at least I can feel good about myself and know that I didn't try to walk across others to get my way. I think that's selfish and there's a lot of that out there. I've had the gum thing happen to me too, it's kind of gross.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
25 Aug 09
That is a great adage to live by, and I think that all works out best for us when we do try to live with that idea in mind. I think the gum thing has happened to everyone in life, even if you try to watch where you walk, it is just bound to happen at some point in time. Thank you so much for responding in this discussion. I hope you have a great day today here on myLot!
@PSmith721 (286)
• United States
22 Aug 09
I hate when people don't think about their actions! Sounds like you had a very hard day! Hope your night goes much better! Be glad that the gum is on your shoe and not your clothes!
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
25 Aug 09
You have some great points there PSmith721, thank you for your positive words in this discussion. I did have a pretty hard day that day, hopefully things will start looking up for me! I am absolutely glad that it was on my shoe and not my clothes, because all I had to do is take some orange cleaner and a putty knife to get it off. If it were on my clothing I have no idea what I would use, possible lighter fluid. YIKES! :) Thanks again, and have a great day!
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
22 Aug 09
To the best of my ability, I am considerate. I'd never do something like what u experienced. There have, however, been moments in my life, when I have been inconsiderate as well. When people try to encroach in my personal life, my considerate nature takes a long leave. :-) I can really sting. :-) Other than that, there may have been moments when it never occurred to me that I was being inconsiderate, perhaps due to preoccupation. I dont recall these of course, because had I known them, I wouldnt have had those moments in the first place. :-)
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
25 Aug 09
You make a good point here vandana7. I think a lot of people have no clue that they are even being inconsiderate to other people. They may be thinking, that guys a jerk, he won't even let me over. LOL It is amazing how different people think. It's almost like we are all on a different planet. Even though we have all of these rules, we still can't figure each other out. Ha! Thank you for your response in this discussion, and have a great day here on myLot!
• China
22 Aug 09
You say things are really bad.I think. If I have this situation.I will step back.Let others pass.Chewing gum thing is embarrassing people angry, it sticks to the soles of the feet, the old legs feel things Luo. Have a hand to get it down. I do not like to throw chewing gum. I will throw in the trash.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Hey there, wangjihong350, and thank you for your response in this discussion. Yep, you're probably right. I shouldn't let these people affect my mood. Just let them go, and laugh that they have all of that anger pent up that they have to let it out in their outrageous driving. Thanks again, and have a good day!
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
21 Aug 09
I am always the person who is extra nice in traffic situations and always let someone in. That is the right thing to do to keep the traffic flowing nicely in bad traffic situations, people like that guy in the truck mess everything up for everyone, and obviously think they deserve more than other people. When it comes to gum I know I myself hate when I step in it and gets on my shoes. If I have gum that I need to throw out and there is not a garbage any where in sight will spit it out in the bushes or somewhere where people are not likely to walk.
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
25 Aug 09
That's great that you are so considerate to people. I will usually let people in too, especially if I am not in a hurry and they don't wait until the last minute. I do realize sometimes people don't know the area, or don't see those signs until it is too late. It happens. Thank you for your response in this discussion, and have a great day!
• United States
22 Aug 09
Where I live we are having a lot of road construction and it seems that almost everyday that there is some jerk that thinks he can wait till the last minute to merge and not have to wait. I try my best to never leave enough room for them to merge in front of me and I have noticed a lot more people are doing the same thing. I doubt that these people will ever get it through their head though and will continue to do the same thing everyday. I always try to be a considerate driver and will stop to let people pull put in front of me when traffic is bad and stuff like that but it seems more and more drivers are becoming jerks!!! It also seems that people don't know what a stop sign means anymore and they think they can just roll through it and almost hit you. I had someone do that to me not long ago and then they honked at me like I had done something wrong and they were the ones with the stop sign!! I guess with some people you will never be able to win and you just have to learn to live with them.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
25 Aug 09
When people do this in traffic, I think about amusement parks. If you cut line in an amusement park, they have signs that you are subject to being thrown out of the park. I wished I could give these people a ticket, or put some points on their license for being inconsiderate drivers and cutting in on people. LOL Thank you for responding in this discussion. I hope you have a lovely day today!
@UK_Shree (3603)
21 Aug 09
I always try to be considerate too. At the end of the day, as much as I can I will try to treat people kindly, and basically treat them in the same way that I would want them to treat me.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
25 Aug 09
That's a great theory to live by UK_Shree...Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Thank goodness my mother raised me that way, and I still believe it to this day. Some people I know were raised that way, but unfortunately I think they have given up on that belief as life has gotten harder for everyone. It all comes back to you though! Thanks for your response in this discussion and have a beautiful day today!
@rhowena (31)
• Philippines
22 Aug 09
It is one of the nice thing that we can do towards other person, but it depends on the situation. if mistakes is not intentionally done it is but right to give him/her a consideration. in the situation of giving away of something for the good of others , for me we should not give second thought of giving it for his favor especially if it brings happiness.
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I do think it is good to help others out when you can. And I realize that not everyone ends up in that lane that is ending on purpose. They may be unfamiliar with the area, or maybe they just weren't thinking. It happens to all of us. I know it has happened to me on more than one occasion. I'm really just referring to the people that blast away thinking they are king of the road. LOL Thank you for your response in this discussion, and have a great day!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
21 Aug 09
I try to always be the considerate one in traffic situations. If I see a sign that says lane closed ahead I will get over as soon as I possibly can. And I am also the person that will let another person over if they have their signal on to try to get over as well. As far as the gum thing, it has been a long time since I've been able to chew gum, but I do throw mine in the trash where it belongs. It sure does make a mess when you have gum stuck to the bottom of your foot and then walk on carpet. Though, even above dropping gum on the ground is the people that stick it under a table. That absolutely disgusts me when people do that.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Oh yes, gum under a table is disgusting. When I was in Voc/Tech, I worked in the cafeteria and had to clean the tables after lunch. Luckily that didn't happen too often, but when it did, it was just so disgusting. And I have a weak stomach to beat it all, so I don't know how I made it through. LOL Thank you for your response and have a great day here on myLot!