Have you ever Agreed to "DisAgree" with someone.

@yparson (581)
United States
August 21, 2009 8:12pm CST
Sometimes we get into discussions that go on and on and we never seem to agree. I tend to want to keep the discussion going just to prove my point, seeming that I'm always correct(not). Other times I throw in the towel. Have you ever threw in the towel with someone and agreed to disagree just to end the discussion or did you just walk away or kept the discussion going?
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3 responses
• United States
22 Aug 09
i just don't respond at that point because i can keep it going for days on end but i just don't have time to do it , i figure it this way there is no point in fighting with people on the net because no one is going to agree so whats the point of keeping it going on and on when i will never change my mind ,
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@slogger (48)
• United States
22 Aug 09
Many times I have agreed to simply disagree upon an issue. Some arguments get to the point where the only way to end is to simply agree that we each have a different point of view (maybe even a little bit of a stubborn point of view?). However, I have learned that it is not usually good enough to agree to disagree. Usually I end up agreeing to disagree without being disagreeable. While there may be a very small difference between the two statements, the without being disagreeable ensures that the argument ends on good terms and not simply on two hot heads running away from a conversation.
• Canada
28 Aug 09
I often agree to disagree with a lot of people on religious matters. I am around a lot of people who are extremely religious, in many different ways, and I've been caught between four different branches of Christianity in my family, to the point where I'm not sure where I stand religiously. When someone tries to force something on me, I just tell them that we should agree to disagree, since I am not out to change their mind, nor should they be out to change mine.