When Bugs Kill
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
August 22, 2009 6:38am CST
Following on from my 'squash em, swat em, spray em' discussion about killing bugs, I thought the bugs were given bad press, so to even the load, I thought I'd do a discussion on not when humans kill bugs, but when bugs kill humans!
I am highly allergic to wasps, and one sting could actually KILL me, worrying eh! Who'd have thought that just one bug or one sting could be enough to kill someone, this sounds like something out of a horror story, but sadly it's not!
I have to carry a special epipen, an injector pen around with me, in case I get stung so I can inject myself straight away, without it that sting could be fatal. Just one wasp sting, so you can understand why I fear wasps and why they are numero uno on Wolfie's Kill Bug List! One sighting of a wasp and it's extermination time!
Yet I have been stung a few times by a bee and it hasn't had the same affect, I guess it's different a poison?
Only today I found out that two people have actually been killed by getting stung by a wasp or wasps, one guy had upset a wasps nest whilst lawn mowering and got stung and died, an 81 year old woman was stung by a wasp and died. Scary!
Fortunately in the UK we only have a few bugs that can kill, but in other countries I am sure that is different, we don't have poisonous spiders fortunately and also we don't have the problem with malaria from mosquitoes.
So do you know someone who is allergic to a particular bug? Or are you allergic to bugs?
What do you when you see a bug that you are allergic to, kill it straight away or run? Or do you have a panic attack?
5 responses
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
22 Aug 09
Hi wolfie, I have a friend with the same allergy to wasps which you have and he also needs to carry the injector pen just in case. I often have an allergic reaction to mosquito bites which whilst requiring a painful injection to deal with is not life threatening. It certainly means though that I do everything I can to avoid them in the first place.
Centipedes though have the same effect on everyone I have heard and again whilst not life threatning must be dealt with by a stay in the hospital and I usually check the beds in case one has got inside the house but there's no way I would be able to deal with one, I'd have to phone a friend to come round to kill it.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
22 Aug 09
Mosquitoes love me too, apart from the itchy swelling lump you get when they have bitten you, it's nothing more serious, fortunately. I am not a Summer person myself and wasps make me even less inclined to enjoy the hot weather. I have only been stung once by a wasp when I was 15 and it was very very unpleasant so wherever I go that epipen comes with me, because I know full well that the day I leave it behind I'll get stung for sure!
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
22 Aug 09
Wow, thanks for the advice, vinegar seems to have a lot of qualities to it. Trouble with wasps is that sting whether they are harrassed or not, they don't need a reason, unlike bees who will only sting you if they feel threatened or you hurt them. I do wonder if the epipen will work only if I am stung once, I dread to think what would happen if I stung more than once, doesn't bear thinking about. That's another reason why I love the winter, NO WASPS!
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
22 Aug 09
Hi wolfie, i first noticed the mosquito reaction when one bite manifested itself as 30 bites, all in a neat row, and I thought no way can I have been bitten 30 times. I showed them to the pharmascist and he muttered something about them all swelling up and killing me and sent me to the clinic for a very nasty cortisone injection.
A friend of mine got attacked by wasps the other week and it looked like nothing and his Dad sprayed them with windex as there was some in the car. Amazingly that didn't work and the poor thing ended up in hospital the next day on a drip, Dad should have known to put vinegar on instead of windex. You should use vinegar too after your pen if you have the misfortune to be stung.

@snowy22315 (186059)
• United States
22 Aug 09
I usually run away when I see some of those kinds of insects. Sometimes though when they are precouupied with what they are doing, I just ignore them. Most of the time they are not going to sting unless they are disturbed in some way and I usually do not want to disturb them.
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@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
23 Aug 09
we have 2 kinds of wasps..muddauber's, they pretty much leave you alone if you leave them alone, then there are the yellowjackets..you look at them cross eyed from across the room and they come after you!
@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
23 Aug 09
I am allergic to bees and wasp stings. everytime ive been stung the reaction gets even worse. the last time i was stung by a bee was waaay back when i was about 14yrs old and i had accidentaly stepped on him..so the sting was on the bottom of my foot. it turned ghastly shades and swelled up to at least twice its size, wouldnt go down had to go have the area of the sting lanced open cause the stinger was still in there, my foot had started swelling so fast by the time i got someone to help me the stinger couldnt be seen.
last time i got stung by a wasp..oh i guess at about 16yrs old it was just above my ankle..our paths just happened to cross and we ran into each other lol! but from the tip of my toes all the way up to my knee turned black and blue and swelled up big time i looked like i had the startings of elaphantitis or something! i still have a noticable circle/hole type scar from it too!
the doctor told me the next i got stung it would for sure be worse, and if i got stung ANYWHERE above my waist to rush immediatly to the emergency room cause my airway could close up from the swelling.
nobody ever talked to me about an epipen though. is that cause of the swelling or and your airway or just the fact that the poison gets into your bloodstream?
bees and wasps i plain just run away from! any beneficial bugs i catch and set free lol! others i just kill..like ants or roaches..here in the desert you see plenty of those darn things!
i feed the preying mantis' when i find them..dont see those nearly as much as we used to though, sucks cause they are awesome bugs!
you dont have ANY poisonous spiders in the UK? wow!
hell we even have a LIZARD that is poisonous where i live!!

@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
23 Aug 09
An epipen has adrenalin in it to stop the poison, I haven't actually used it to be honest because touch wood I have only been stung once by a wasp when I was 15 and had to be rushed to the doctors. I dread having to use it but know I have to to save my life. Spiders I encourage into the home, rent free to eat the nasty bugs we hate. Bees I love as they do so much good so I always rescue them. Fortunately we have no poisonous spiders and no scorpions either, ewwww those things make my skin crawl. But we do have ants that bite! Now that is the stuff of nightmares!

@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Aug 09
Hi wolfie, That sounds very scary but I've never encountered a bug that I'm allergic to and I hope that I never do. I've never paid much attention or heard a lot about bugs that kill, so I know they're not common here. As you say there are parts of the world where you really have to watch out for this sort of thing. Keep that injection pen with you at all times and take care. Blessings.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
22 Aug 09
It is strange that you are allergic to and not to bees. I am not allergic to either but I do not like getting stung. I am not allergic to mosquito bites, but I do have a skin reaction to black flies, no-see-ums, horseflies and deer flies, all of which we seem to have too many of in the summertime.
Usually when wasps or bees sting it is in reaction to a perceived threat. However that does not help you once you are stung and you are allergic. Yes, I have heard of people dying from an allergic reaction, people seem to be allergic to many things these days, including peanut butter and other foods. Those people also have to carry EpiPen, and be rushed to the hospital.
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