When did you last see a movie in the theater?

United States
August 22, 2009 2:46pm CST
IT's been a question in alot of surveys lately. You know I haven't been in a movie theater since my oldest who's almost 7yrs was 5 weeks old! My hubby has been only once since then & that was to take my oldest to see Cars when it was in theaters & that's about it. I'd like to go but, my kids are too small, the cost would be insane for all 5 of us, and we'd probably spend more time going to the bathroom or concessions with the kids than enjoying the movie.
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27 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
22 Aug 09
The last time that I went to a theatre to see a movie was last November. I really don't make it a habit to visit the theatre often, but when there is a movie that I'd like to see, I do try to go. As far as taking my kids to the movies, it is a rare special occasion treat. Both my six year old daughter and my two year old son have been to the movies. We were going to go see Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs during summer break, but bad behavior didn't allow it.
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• United States
23 Aug 09
I hear you on the bad behavior things. My kids have been nothing but terriable this summer. OMG only 1 more week til they are back in school.
• United States
23 Aug 09
That would be awsome if you could do that one day
• United States
22 Aug 09
The last movie I saw was Drag me to Hell. I had to pay ten bucks to see it but to make it more worth it, I also watched Star Trek and Demons and Angel. I wouldn't want movie theaters to go out of business but I'm not going to pay 10 dollars to see a movie just once
• United States
23 Aug 09
I agree that's another reason why I do not like going to the theaters... I can wait a few months for them to go on video and pay about the same price but watch it til the kids scratch it up & that's much more worth my money.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
22 Aug 09
My wife and I went last weekend and saw "District 9". It was a great movie that dealt with the fact that we housed aliens from another planet in a slum area in the future like we would have with thousands of evacuees from a severe hurricane etc. It dealt with the plight of them having to survive yet abide by laws etc. A very good movie as it actually gave aliens human emotions etc. I highly recomend it if you plan on seeing a movie soon. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
• United States
23 Aug 09
Nope probably not planning on it, costs too much for my family. Plus there isn't too much out there that's rated G. Easier to wait til things go on video. Thanks for the recommendation though Grandpa Bob :0)
@busybren (258)
• United States
23 Aug 09
My boyfriend and I have also seen DISTRIC 9. WE LOVED IT! Great flick and I recommend it as well. It was also the last movie that we've watched.
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@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
23 Aug 09
we went about two weeks ago and saw ALIENS IN THE ATTIC. my son liked it and laughed alot but i found it to be dreadfully boring. as long as he liked it though that is really all that matters to me. we have seen so many kiddy type movies over the last 5 years and after awhile they all seem the same to me unless they are really something unique.
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• United States
23 Aug 09
That is true many movies seem to have similar plots just different settings & characters.... ya know like a remake sorta speak.
@tintukm (1102)
• India
22 Aug 09
It was some weeks ago when I and friends went for to see a movie in a theater.During the weekdays organizing a trip to the movies has always been the better plan.Guys divide money buy tickets and with rest of the money comes snacks.
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@visigode (36)
• United States
23 Aug 09
Well, for me it was about 3 weeks ago.I went to see the new Harry Potter and i liked a lot.I plan to go to the theater again in about a month for my birthday party.It's always good to go to the theater with some friends
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• United States
23 Aug 09
I love the Harry Potter movies! I wish there were more movies like that out there.. where they are not too babyish or a cartoon and adults can enjoy them too. It's just a perfect series of movies to me!
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
23 Aug 09
A few months ago my son and went to the cinema to watch Transformers 2. It is my son's first time to watch a movie in the cinema and he was so excited to it. There are new good movies that are suitable for young children lately. We may go to watch it anytime. I love China
• United States
23 Aug 09
I don't know if Transformers would be suitable for my kids just yet. I think they are a lil too young for that. However, seeing that I grew up with the cartoon series it would be interesting to see what I remember & what has changed.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
23 Aug 09
Mostly we go to this theater that has the movies after they are out of the big theaters, but before they hit DVD. My daughter is free and my son and myself are $3 each before 6pm and $4 each after 6pm. We saw Night at the Museum 2 a few weeks ago. That is the last time I went.
• United States
23 Aug 09
We have gone to the discounted theater in the past also. Sadly it's so discounted that everything is the same as it was 20 yrs ago when it opened, same carpet, it smelled, and ceiling tiles were falling out of place. I think the last thing I saw there was about a highschool football team in the 60's that was segregated and they combined and how they got along eventually ect. Can't think of what it's called though.
@Elixiress (3878)
23 Aug 09
Have you thought of going with just your husband? And get someone to babysit the kids? The last time I went to the cinema was a couple of weeks ago, I went to see the Orphan, it was a good film ... I jumped out of my seat a few times. I went to see it with my now boyfriend.
• United States
23 Aug 09
We don't have a sitter I am afraid. And we've had to pretty much accept that we don't have anyone to watch them anymore since my mum is in a nursing home and my in-laws are both ill with cancer.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
23 Aug 09
We don't go often. I can probably name every movie I've seen in theaters since the twins have been born! Although we did go recently. Hubby and I saw Harry Potter during opening weekend just like a month ago. Before that I honestly think the last movie I saw in theaters was Hancock. I saw Wall-E and Get Smart at a drive in, I think that was last summer. We saw all 3 of the Pirates of the Caribean in theaters, and we saw at least the last Lord of the Rings. Of course we've also seen all the Harry Potter movies in theaters. Obviously we make sure to see the important ones in theaters, the rest we pretty much wait until they're on video. Usually we hunt down a sitter so we can go to the movie. We did bring the kids to the drive in though, but they only cost $2 each at that drive in.
• United States
23 Aug 09
That's the way to do it would be in a car @ a drive-in. Unfortunatly the drive-in's are all closed around here. People found it more advantagious to sell out to developers instead of staying in business. There hasn't been one open in the area I'd say in atleast 15yrs or better..
@Keola12 (823)
• United States
23 Aug 09
The last move I saw in the theater was Pearl Harbor. Since then I've been buying DVD's of movies I want to see, because this way I pay a one time price and can view the movies as many times as I want. It's cheaper in the long run. I also don't like to listen to noisy children and adults in the theater, because it ruins my enoyment of the given movie I'm am trying to watch and listen to.
• United States
23 Aug 09
Yet another good point why we don't go to the theater. I want my family to enjoy themselves but I don't want to be a distraction to other patrons. Pearl Harbor is one of my absolute favorite movies!
• United States
23 Aug 09
It's been a really long time since I last saw a movie in the theater. Honestly, I think the last time I did was when Superman Returns came out. And that was when? 2006? So yeah, I honestly don't remember seeing a single movie in theaters since 2006. There might be one I'm not remembering but I don't think so. It's been a really long time haha.
• United States
23 Aug 09
Seems to be the theme so far the majority haven't really gone. Especially if you consider prices and family conviences.
@grace118224 (1038)
• China
23 Aug 09
The last movie i saw in the theather was one year and a half ago . I remembered that that day was our Chinese New Year Days . So many people around everywhere. We felt very happy indeed and went to the theater with my old father. Well time goes quickly . Now i also have a small kid and we cann't go anywhere and have to stay with him all day long.
• United States
23 Aug 09
Having a family certainly makes the difference in your ability to go out and afford and have a good time togeather doing things you used to do before becomming a parent.
• United States
22 Aug 09
The cost is crazy for anyone!! The last movie I saw in a theater was The Ugly Truth. So funny, but not for those easily offended by off color language. Before that, my husband and I saw, I Am Legend. I have never felt so ripped off in my entire life. And never seen a movie with Will Smith in it that was that bad. Horrible!! But I did get to look at Will Smith, the only positive to come out of it. Still not worth the price of the tickets.
• United States
22 Aug 09
And I forgot to add, bring back the drive-ins!!
• United States
23 Aug 09
I'm not too fond of that movie either. I bought it on a after thanksgiving deal @ wal-mart for like $3 or something. You are right Will Smith has gotten to be some eyecandy after his days on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
@AmbiePam (96719)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I haven't been to the movie theater in a good, long while. I think it was a year and a half ago. I don't go often at all. Even if I sneak bottled water into the theater, the cost of the tickets alone are outrageous. Even the matinee is expensive. I have a two dollar theater nearby. They used to be the dollar theater, but since the economy has taken this turn, they raised it to the two dollar theater.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
23 Aug 09
The last time I went to the movies was last month. I had taken my oldest son (he's 12) to see Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. It was actually his first time at a movie theater (unless you count the time I was 8 months pregnant with him LOL). With him being autistic I wasn't sure how he would react. I spoke to him about it and let him know what to expect, but with it being something new to him I didn't want to get my hopes up too high. To my surprise he did great! I want to take him again sometime, but with the price of tickets being costly I have to make sure the movie will be worth it. I don't go to the movies that often. I've taken my youngest (who's 9) to see a couple of animated movies back in 2006. And I saw a movie by myself back in 2008. Before that the last time I had gone was back in 97 (when I was pregnant with my oldest). So, in the past 12 years I've gone to the movies a total of 4 times. If other people went as much as I do all the theaters would go broke! Happy mylotting!
• United States
23 Aug 09
I hear ya! A few theaters have gone out around here in recent years due to them not filling the seats. If they did promotions for cheap seat they'd see more people or free refils on concessions (wich they make an absolute killing on those horrid prices).
@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
22 Aug 09
I went to the theater on Tuesday to see GI Joe. I know that at home there's a day that they do at the theater called mommy and me. Each kid gets in for only $2 and the mom goes in for free. They show one movie (usually the latest kids movie) at like 11AM...and it works because there are a lot of kids and whatnot so you don't feel like your kids are interupting the other people's movie and whatnot. You should maybe look into that for your local theater?
• United States
23 Aug 09
Nope that don't have those here. They do have some movie specials in winter if you buy gift certificates where I think you pay for one adult & the kid is free. Still not a deal if I can pay the same amout if I wait to see it on video.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
22 Aug 09
I haven't gone to the movie since I have my second child. Right now, I want to go too but they are too small and it is hard to keep them in one place for 2 hours. lolz.
• United States
23 Aug 09
That is true! Plus don't forget about the trips to the potty, concession and just plain being a nusance while you are trying to focus on the movie. Atleast @ home you can pause the movie ;0)
• United States
22 Aug 09
The last time I was at the movie theater was to see Bruno. I only go to movies which I eagerly await the release of, and expect to be excellent. Other than that, it's not really worth it. Not only is a movie theater outrageously expensive, it's also not near as fun and cozy as popping in a DVD I know I'll love, toking some hash, baking some fresh chocolate chip cookies, and snuggling on the couch with the one I love!
22 Aug 09
I went on Wednesday to see The Time Traveller's Wife, which was excellent. I go once or twice a month and I have 3 yr old twins who I've just begun taking to the cinema recently. I took them to see The Tales Of Despereaux earlier this year which they loved and remarkably sat all the way through, without once going to the toilet. It's my opinion that you should give it a go, an occasional trip would be a treat and your kids might surprise you!
• United States
23 Aug 09
I"m glad your twins did so well. I think it probably would depend on the movie and if we only took one child. I know how they are now and I just picture them wanting to get up for something all the time or pinching each other ect and we end up getting kicked out or something. *lol*