affiliate program
cash gifting
cash gifting program
cash gifting programs
gifting programs
sales funnel
If You Don't Know, Gifting Programs Are Really Affiliate Programs
@CashGiftsDirect (39)
United States
August 22, 2009 5:00pm CST
Unfortunately, a lot of people aren't told this. So the mindset is, "That it's my Main Program". Nope. It's an "Affiliate Program". If you want a program, that's, basically, your main program, you, unfortunately, need to create it yourself. To do that, you need a ton of experience. Affiliate Programs are just products you agree to sell or Pre-sell to online users on behalf of a company. In the case of "Cash Gifting", there are no products or company based associations involved.
To paint you a very good picture, think about the "sales funnel" structure for a little bit. The sales funnel structure has to do with the process where people first visit your site and then, at-some-point, discover your subscription page and sign-up. The sales funnel structure, looks just like a real life gas funnel. It first begins with a simple blog. The blog is just an entry point, at which, you create relationships online. Once you've established a relationship, you get into the second phase of the sales funnel. This is were viewers, may want to know what you do. Once you've told them it is their choice, in-the-matter, whether they want to join your program or not.
The third phase of the funnel would have been your Main Program, but remember, you need a ton of experience to have a Main Program. So, case and point, you didn't create the "Cash Gifting Program" your are in, or want to be in, so your roles is only within the first and second phases of the funnel - which is at the Blog and Affiliate end of the sales funnel.
If your observant, you will notice that a lot of Professional Cash Gifter's use the sales funnel structure to get potential leads to join up with them. The only caveat is that Cash Gifting Programs do not fit the sales funnel structure. In fact, only the One-uP based "Gifting Programs" come even close to fitting the sales funnel structure because the people who join don't have to stay with you forever. They just give up their first person and that's it.
If your thinking about going to or to find an Affiliate Program that's literally a Cash Gifting Program, then forget it. Bear in mind, that there are over 42 versions of Cash Gifting on the Internet. They all come in a variety of forms but the two most popular kinds are residual-based and One-uP based Cash Gifting Programs.
All of them offer you sites, but none of them are valuable in the eyes of because of the fact that what you are getting is a replicated site. That means you are not the only one with the site design that you have. Replicated sites are difficult to get rank for. On top of that they can't be optimized. You'll just have to get your own blog in order to offset that that issue.
A little side note to those who are interested - There are guidelines on how to operate within a Cash Gifting Program, but you still have to be careful. There aren't really any terms-of-services with Cash Gifting Programs because Cash Gifting Programs are privately based. So get you a mentor to guide you through some of the baby steps.
Till next time, Peace
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