If ducks fly south for winter, where do the ducks already living down south go?
By James72
@James72 (26790)
August 23, 2009 3:00am CST
It's a fair question I reckon! If those ducks went even further down south they could end up in Antarctica and that's not really a very nice place to be spending winter now is it?
I also want to know how Polar Bears and Penguins would get along? They're at opposite poles of the earth, but do you think they'd enjoy each other's company? You'd reckon they'd have a lot in common, but I can't help but think that the Polar Bears would consider their meeting as a potential all you can eat buffet. Who really knows?
And do cannibals think that comedians and clowns taste funny?
Why do no words rhyme with purple? How many poets have jumped off cliffs just because they haven't been able to immortalise this colour with prose?
Jeez, I'm really having a tough time getting my head around all this stuff this morning, maybe I need a hobby? Can you help me aout with any of these questions? Maybe you have some questions of your own that I can answer for you too?

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17 responses
@Wizzywig (7847)
23 Aug 09
The southern ducks dont go anywhere. They just moan about all the bloody holidaymakers flying in with their knotted hankies, string vests and sandals with socks - dawdling along the seafront so you cant gat past - causing long queues at the supermarket when you're trying to get a bit of shopping in your lunch hour - littering the place up with their fast food wrappers and dont even get me started about their whingeing, squabbling snotty-beaked kids!!!
The polar bears (in dark glasses) would be best mates with the penguins. They could get together over tea and cucumber sandwiches and discuss global warming and other environmental issues. Being on the frontline as it were, I'm sure they'd be able to suggest suitable strategies.
Cannibals dont actually eat comedians and clowns since they provide the after dinner entertainment.
You mean you've never had a quick furrple?? furrple (verb) to stroke a furry animal affectionately.
As for a hobby... well, I'm sure there will be a quiz somewhere online that will tell you what your perfect hobby is, based on your favourite colour/pizzatopping/animal/fruit/eyecolour......
(PS. Hope this helps)
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
23 Aug 09
It sounds like the only thing James left out was a spanking!
lol. You had a transistor radio? Talk about living the dream! When I was a kid, we used to draw fake knobs on a seashell and pretend that the only thing available over the airwaves were ocean soounds!

@Wizzywig (7847)
23 Aug 09
Hmmm, maybe I could do that for the wedding present..... she did say there was nothing in particular she wanted. "So, any old crap will do then?" She said she'd be ok with that.
Isn't there some story with the punchline "Lie to me Pinocchio!!" ?? I think I'd rather James told the truth... from a good distance 

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@Wizzywig (7847)
23 Aug 09
Well, I'm proud to have helped you cross that line James
- I like to fullfil my role of insanity facilitator... On Wednesday, I was working with someone (also called James as it happens) who is,apparently, known to be so strait-laced that he was at the back of the queue when they were dishing out the silly gene - and gave his share back.... after an hour of working with me he was doing the Pinocchio "got no strings" song complete with actions. He did tell the patients I was a very naughty girl... which was both worrying - in a very creepy kind of way
- and yet quite flattering for someone of my chronological age
A rat on your face????? I'm sure there are comments to be made here but..... I have woken up to find mouse droppings on my pillow but I think that was a consequence of drying marrow seeds in the airing cupboard with the intention of making necklaces. (I was about 12 - obviously back in the days when the most advanced electronic entertainment device a kid had was a transistor radio).

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@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
24 Aug 09
reindeer migrate.
whales migrate.
Bison migrate.
Elephants migrate.
Salmon migrate.
Antelope do it, too...
everybodies doin it. the whole world over.
why don't we?
I know why
humans cant even poop or sleep right when they travel...Talk about easy prey...maybe that's how natural selection works. the constipated, bloated ones are always much much slower to run, easier to pick off...
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Well Maybe the Southern birds fly to visit the Northern Birds in Summer Months and Spring so, the Northern Birds fly South to visit them in the Winter Months..
But I am thinking that Southern Birds stay and fight for their territory from the northern birds...
Well Let's just say that Polar bears and Penguins wouldn't get along...they would be like putting 1 piece of chocolate in a room full of cranky woman...
But the bear would win..and bye bye Penguin.
Maybe the comedians would taste so funny that they would decide to keep them as entertainment instead.
I don't know about the poets but it is hard to find a word to match Purple...I wonder how they thought up of that word anyhow..
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
1 Sep 09
Thanks for the info..isn't it cool how 1 little letter can change the whole meaning of a word that is spelled almost identical..Thanks, I learned something I didn't know today. Well, I haven't been to sleep in 48 hours and so I am going to go to sleep or try to..night.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 Aug 09
How interesting! Thanks for sharing this Becca. One particular thing I find intriguing is that the word porphyra is very similar to the word "porphyria" (just the one letter difference as you can see). Porphyria is a rare blood disorder that some people attribute to being associated with Vampirism because it concerns a lack of certain blood cells that could possibly be replenished by the consumption of blood! This belief doesn't hold true though because the quantities of blood that someone would need to ingest to make a difference are huge! How's THAT for going off on a tangent? 

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Sep 09
Quite easy..
How Polar Bears and Penguins get along? - They do quite amicably. Soon you will be introduced to Pengu bears and Polanguins.
Do cannibals think that comedians and clowns taste funny? - Funnier than you actually think..
Why do no words rhyme with purple? - to increase the mortality rate of the desperate poets....
Any thing else James??
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Sep 09
You better...
What is life? Nothing but destiny, we are mere puppets in the hands of it! *sigh*

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
22 Sep 09
Pengu Bears and Polanguins? So they're breeding??? Good Lord, that must involve considerable care and a heck of a lot of duct tape!
And the introudctionof the word purple was a ploy then? Gotcha!
Thanks for this mimpi, maybe now I can sleep at night. I'll have to try myself some grilled comedian or clown too so I can KNOW instead of think how funny they might taste.

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Aug 09
Maybe they're having an around the world race?
Polar bears think penguins are fluffy, yet crunchy.
Haven't you ever heard of a purple nurple?
And why are you trying to put your head around it? Delusions of being elasti-guy? 

@pratyushtamhankar (859)
• India
19 Sep 09
Oh the ducks down south don't go anywhere James, they er, prepare meals for their duck relatives who come all the way form er, north
Hey and things do rhyme with purple, how about supple, apple or something like that...
"cannibals" LMAO !!!
Hey I've a few questions...
Why do I make faces every time I see a mirror ???
How to cut down (lose weight not CUT DOWN
) my tummy in a week ???
Why do my glasses keep coming down on my nose all the time ?

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
21 Sep 09
WHat type of meals do they prepare then? I hope it's not duck!
If it WAS, then the cannibal references are more appropriate than I originally thought! Why do you make faces when you look in a mirror? It's because mirrors are telepathic, mind controlling smartasses, that's why. They have the ability to manipulate our thoughts and make us do stupid things in front of them. Not many people knew this, so I'm glad to have had the opportunity to get it out in the open. Your glasses fall down your nose too because it gets pretty boring just sitting there all day. It spices things up for 'em! You wouldn't go to a park and NOT go on the slippery slide now would ya?
Cutting your tummy down in a week isn't so difficult either. You just wear clothes one size too big and then kick back and listen to everyone tell you that you've lost weight. 

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@pratyushtamhankar (859)
• India
25 Sep 09
LMAO ! James, you have the answer to everything buddy ! Yippee ! I knew something was there in the mirrors (darn mirrors
, somebody always catches me with a funny face ). And now I know all about the "telepathic mind controlling smartasses"
. Haha !

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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
24 Aug 09
Those ducks living south, Do they come over Egypt ? To the desert maybe ?
I don't reckon Polar bears quite like those Penguins. Penguins spanking polar bears. That's the outcome. That's a good use for those flippers. And then 2 polar bears in a colony of Penguins, Absolute Mayhem...
James, stop asking too many questions about purple will you ? We don't won't you getting to be anywhere close to those purple confused poet society now do we ? Rather think why we have one moon , one sun ??
There's enough confusion as why we refer to so many thins with one word. It's all man's doing. Rather stick to the one's we can't blame ourselves for.
BTW it might have been interesting to say what a beautiful "purple sky", Look at the purple water, Why are you feeling so purple ? Once in purple moon...
Let the ducks be in the Antartica James, Imagine quack quack this and a quack quack that..

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Aug 09
I don't think so? I rarely see birds of any kind, let alone ducks!
I never considered the penguins spanking the bears? They must use a pack mentality though because there's a drastic size difference to consider here! (Or is that "flock mentality"?) I LOVED that movie "Purple Poets Society"! It was sad in parts, but what a wonderful the message it had!
I agree that the ultimate ignorance of purple is all man's doing too, but in our defence, using "purple" to describe all the things you just did hasn't quite got the same feel to it does it? Jimi Hendrix had no issues with Purple Haze though? I'm not entirely convinced about the Antarctica angle either I;m afraid. My biggest fear is that ducks won't quack anymore and will quake instead. It's THAT cold down there!
Then again, all the penguins will be up north spanking polar bears, so there's plenty of space!

@uath13 (8192)
• United States
24 Aug 09
Southern ducks own the condos the norther ducks go to visit...duh. They can't go anywhere or their house would be a wreck.
There are penguins on both poles. Just less where the polar bears are...Wonder why?
Most Comedians & Clowns don't taste funny. They never were funny in the first place. It's the politicians that taste weird & slimy.
That's why they invented the word violet...
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Aug 09
So the Southern Ducks are pretty much Slum Lords then?
I never realised there were penguyins at both poles these days? I guess with air transport having such great deals every now and then, a few of them were bound to head North and then overstay their visa's! I think I'd much rather eat a comedian than a politican, that's for sure! Then again, I don't mind oysters and politicians sound like they'd taste similar. I've always preferred "ultraviolet" by the way. It's kind of like violet, but better!

@miamilady (4910)
• United States
25 Aug 09
The birds that live down here in the south seem to "go" ON THE HOOD OF MY CAR!
Can't answer your other questions for ya.
So, do you do stand-up comedy, or do you just stick to torturing those of us who come across your discussions online?
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
26 Aug 09
The hood of your car? Thrillseekers are they?
Ohhhhhhhhh they GO on the hood of your car! lol. So they're vandals, not thrillseekers. Dirty little buggers. Maybe you should catch a few of them and crap on them yourself in public somewhere? All the other birds will see this and it should send a stern message I'm sure!
No I don't DO stand-up comedy, but I've DONE it once before! I don't like to see it as torture though miamilady. It's more like "stimulation" in my opinion. YI'd like to look at it this way..... a dude'll be strapped to a chair getting his toenails pulled out then I'll take over and step on in with a feather..... 

@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Ahhh! The duck question, I love it. Ducks who live in the south go on a cruise, and are invited to dinner...except that they are the dinner. It gives new meaning to the chain of life. The ducks that go south for the winter stay and then take a cruise...etc.
Sorry, clowns taste a bit "greasy" from all the makeup. At least they're easy to pass and you can poop and wipe in one easy movement. (That one even had me groaning!!!
Sorry, but many of the poets that jumped survived; after all most poetry is light reading.
For your ponderance, if you gave someone a exlax cake with kopectate frosting, which would the person do first after digesting said cake?

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Aug 09
That's one smart helicopter!
Maybe it's one of those Transformers?
I wouldn't mind going on a cruise if I got to eat lots of duck! I like the way a free cruise has been used as the hook here too. These poor ducks though, they'd get all excited about not having to fly and then BAM!!! How was the trip Mr Duck? Delicious!
I'd think that you'd have quite a bit of preparation time before cooking a clown, yes! Not just the make-up, but shaving off all that curly coloured hair would take forever. I wonder if you end up with multi-coloured toilet paper after wiping? lol. I think if you gave someone one of those cakes, the first thing they'd do after eating it is watch Oprah. She has an answer for everything!

@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I love this headline from my Email updates on our local news...
Helicopter over SLO searching for burglary suspect
Isn't it usually people that are searching rather than helicopters?
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@bigplay (212)
• United States
24 Aug 09
Oh, i can answer that question easily. Ducks stay in the south, and boy do they love it when it rains, the other night it rained and i heard ducks all night long from some where. Ducks that are already in the south, stay in the south, and they go and swim in these small ponds, and i know that for a fact because i saw ducks before here in the south swimming in the pond.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Aug 09
A first hand account of southern duck activity right here!
No wonder someone came up with the term "Lucky Duck" if life is as good for them as you're saying! How do you know which ducks are originally from the south and which ones aren't? Is it their accent? Do they quack with a southern drawl?

@p1kef1sh (45681)
23 Aug 09
I think that in answer to your duck question it's pretty clear. They fly south too. However as they pop over a Pole they are then north and thus have to fly south until they reach the point that they started at. When they fly south. My own thought is what to male dogs in cities do when they can't find a lamp post? Does a wall feel the same to them?
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
23 Aug 09
Those poor ducks! It never really stops for them then does it?
Generally speaking, I don't think dogs really care where they mark their territory as long as it has enough surface area to hold their smell. City dogs are a tad more refined though I'd think and probably hold it in until they get home. Given that their sense of smell is about 100 times more powerful than a human's, how the heck must another dog butt smell???
When neutered dog's go to Heaven, do they get their balls back?

@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
26 Aug 09
Hello, James. My, you do come up with some profound questions. You must spend hours gazing at your navel. Well, I just heard on the news that nobody is flying anywhere this winter - all the flight controllers are going on strike, led by the French of course, so the Health and Safety people have decided it isn't safe for ducks to do what comes naturally any more. They're asking all the countries in the world to set up winter duck shelters; those poorer countries can apply for a government grant. We're all being encouraged to hold charity events to raise money for all these duck shelters. This winter will be the winter of the Duckathon, mark my words. President Obama and Gordon Brown are going to co-ordinate the effort worldwide. Oh well, another failure then!
Polar bears love penguins, though not in the Biblical sense, of course - I mean, imagine what the cubs would look like, or would they be chicks? There's another question for you, mate. Perhaps they'd be chubs?
Cannibals will eat comedians, as long as their act isn't too near the knuckle. Everybody knows blue food is unnatural.
Can't help you with purple - I write prose, not poetry. This is possibly a subconscious decision motivated by the fact that I'd never be able to find a rhyme for purple, which is one of my favourite colours, and all poets write about the things they love.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
26 Aug 09
Who doesn't love a good old conflagration??? Burning with abandon is even considered to be therapeutic by some people. Sure, most of them are locked up somewhere, but boy are they relaxed!
You have my word that the RRB will never be informed on one condition..... Never bad mouth berries again Sandra. They're little parcels of zesty, juicy goodness and we should LOVE them forever! (Except for Elderberries, they SUCK) I'm liking the idea of potatoes fried in duck fat by the way. 

@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
26 Aug 09
Darn it, my secrets out now, and after all this time I've spent telling everyone 'Some of my best friends are blueberries.' Please don't report me to the Race Relations Board (Blueberry Department). I'll do anything to avoid that - except laugh at the penguin joke. Even I thought that was just too old to bring in!
Like the idea about barbecuing ducks, with one tiny resevation - wouldn't all the fat dripping on the coals cause a major conflagration? Better to roast them in the oven over a rack, and save the fat for roast potatoes.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Aug 09
hi James well I reckon since they are already in south and utopia'why not just stay there.I think that Polar bears would probably'have a cold weather picnic on the poor penguins.I hope that a lot of'cannibals would think the meat of commedians would be really'off
color and off flavor.As for purple I once wrote a silly poem
about purple and rhymed it with burple. Poem. If I really saw'purple, I would have to burple. oh what I can come up with when I am
sleepy. as for how many poets jumped off a cliff because they
couldnt find a word to rhyme with purPle heres my answer'Roses are red'and violets are blue, for all frustrated poets, gee I havent'a clue.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
23 Aug 09
Hi Hatley!
Well I guess it all depends how south we're talking here. Go too far and it can become pretty cold and bleak! lol. I'd have to agree with you about the polar ebar picnic, those poor penguins wouldn't have a chance!
Purple and burple sound like they could be a pretty lethal combination in the right poetic hands and I bet you came up with something sassy! Great ode to the tormented poets at the end there too. I'm not sure how many of them had cliff jumped prior to this discussion, but seeing as there seems to be no clear end in sight for their frustrations as of yet, I reckon that number may have increased a tad!
Maybe the reference to "burple" will bring a few back from the edge?

@jellymonty (2352)
24 Aug 09
LOL you're right you most certainly need a hobby!
Tell you what.. there's a boobie shaking contest later on and we need some judges to determine the ultimate boobie shaker.. that should keep your mind of polar bears ducks and what not..

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Aug 09
There IS? Does Mykl know? Does this mean I have to get my manboob friend out of retirement?
I'm happy to assist in any way I can jellymonty, but ducks, penguins and polar bears will always be in my heart and mind! God bless their little cotton socks. Hang on, do any of 'em even WEAR socks???