Have you ever found yourself not knowing how to start writing a story?

United Arab Emirates
August 23, 2009 5:21am CST
Have you ever found yourself just sitting there with a blank paper?? You know what you want to write about, but you dont know how to start. I found this site that shows you how to write a novel in 100 days, and it tells you day by day what to do. I just decided to share it with you, because I sometimes feel this way myself, and It's really helped me. I hope it helps you too. Note: Proffesional writers would probably know all the stuff they say on that site. Here is the site: www.peacecorpswriters.org/pages/depts/resources/resour_writers/100daysbook/day001.html Hope it helps you!
2 responses
• United States
12 Sep 09
My approach - which had always worked until just recently - is to write. Just start telling the story and, if it's a strong story, it will come out on the paper. From what I have seen, 100 days is a super long time for writing a novel. Labor Day weekend is also known as the Great American Novel Writing challenge. People sign up with this group, pay a $50 fee (why I'm not sure) and spend the three day weekend writing. When the weekend is over, they submit what they've finished and the "best" gets a chance at publication. And then there's NaNoWriMo...National Novel Writing Month.... in November which is 30 days to write 50,000 words. With those two "challenges," 100 days is a luxury cruise! LOL Not that it matters, I've been working on writing a novel for like five years and haven't gotten anything much accomplished!
• United Arab Emirates
20 Dec 09
Good luck writing your novel :D! You're right though, it doesn't matter. Writing a novel in 100 days is pretty good for putting forth your full effort. Especially if you are writing a real book, not just some random novel for a contest, or challenge. But I must say, the idea for those challenges and stuff sound pretty good. Well, good luck again! Have a good day.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
24 Aug 09
It's rare that I have this problem.. I usually come up with a great 3 or so opening chapters, a great chapter or two at the end.. but it's the filler chapters that kill me... Too little or too much detail can take away from the story just as much as it can enrich it. Catch 22..