Do you know we are making history through Mylot?

August 24, 2009 3:21am CST
Dear Mylotters, Are you really serious in posting discussions and responses you make? I have googled many things and I really destined here to mylot for sugesstions and guidance. Do we know how many people benifit from our discussions. Mostly PTC members are increased in a site just seeing the discussion from ours. Really we are having a great time here. Not only for PTCs and for many other informations too. So are you really serious in opening discussions and posting responses? How you want your discussions to be? How your responses will be? Will be posting your response to get the best response? Do let me know how you came here.... I came here only by google things and came here and found nice tips and suggestions... Share your views people.... Cheers.... Have a nice day always....
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13 responses
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
I don't know about that. but some how i feel that i have been really really happy here. maybe am making history by people remembering me.if i tell them who i used to be. i just want here to have fun. but there was a time i tried to make history and it didn't work. no one agree
• India
24 Aug 09
Hi LetranKnight25, I believe you are making history. I too have seen your discussions tops the list and some 2 million people here will view that... Cheers... Have a nice day always...
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
no, i would believe that if they are responding to some of my important topics
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
24 Aug 09
LetranKnight25, someone need to initiate something in order to create a history. You need not please everyone as it is human nature to be unhappy of others who managed to show their skill. They aren't capable of doing the same so they disagree out of jealousy.
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@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
i hear you . that is really true. sometimes i search for something and it would be from a certain type of discussion site like mylot.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
25 Aug 09
I was not aware of this. we do discussions and responses each day. If its history that way, its well and good.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
25 Aug 09
that's cool to know I try to keep some things general and be as specific as I can sometimes I like serious discussion sometimes light hearted I am myself though, so if people don't like me because of what I said here well so be it I was actually here because someone said mylot pays I was on yahoo answer and it was nothing like mylot anyway so I left it but I gain more than money on mylot in the long run I've read stories I never read before, opinions I've never heard before (because they are from many places in the world), met nice people I never met in real life, tried and true tips which are better than tips on the magazines and many more. money from mylot I use it for seling on ebay that's about it the people certainly are better than other forums
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
24 Aug 09
Mylot is a platform for all like minded people to interact. It is a walking life encyclopedia. You get to share real life experiences from people of all walks of life. You are informed of the latest happenings in online earnings. You are warned of which site is legit and which sites are scam. It is perfect place for gossipers, pensioners, and troubled souls. They come under one roof in mylot to share and learn from other cultures. Professionals like doctors, lecturers, architects are on hand to give out their professional service at no cost. I have found a second home in mylot as I enjoy the lively interaction here and the friends I have fostered is something that I treasure for a long time to come. Getting best response is a credit to me but not really looking forward to it as every response has its own strength.
• India
25 Aug 09
yes its been 8 months i am looking this sight it is working perfactly fine and is the only one website i am using to earn moneyy to just for posting very good i take part in easy to answer topic for time paas and write just 4 lines and i post it though i am earning very less but i am happy and i wish it allow me to earn money.
@sunny5u (2069)
• India
24 Aug 09
Hi phillip. I joined in mylot in the year 2007.But due to some circumstances i stopped mylot and after a long time still i am getting the friends request and adding many friends.I have started many discussions which are used for my career and both for my personal life.I have started many openings seriously and i got the responces also seriously i believe. I enjoyed the mylot and made many friends through this.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
24 Aug 09
I don’t have any agenda when I contribute to MyLot. I certainly don’t aim for best responses because it is impossible to ever know how my response will be interpreted or what others will post. As much as I love getting paid for having fun here I don’t have any monetary goals when I come here because we all know MyLot has a secret way of determining our earnings! I do come here for friendships and if I can lend a hand, learn something and have a laugh I cannot ask for anything more!
@subhakars (932)
• India
24 Aug 09
Hi, I joined mylot from a friend and I am very happy that I am a part of this great site. When I joined this site, I was a beginner in the online earnings. Now I have learnt many things about the earnings from mylot and I am able to guide people in this regard. I have not earned much from mylot but I learnt many new sites and I have earned good amount from these sites. So even mylot stops paying...I will still continue here...
@jheLaichie (4438)
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
we surely do!!! and we all are. we are here because in just one and main reasons, for mostly all of us, the earnings that we can get and gain from mylotting. but later on, we came to know the true value of being a mylotter. mylot is introduced to me by my bestfriend Flagella. she is here and one of us!!! we are still mylotting and happily inlove with it. w have fun, make new friends from different people around the world and learning new experiences, sharing thought, ideas, information's... mylot has never been a boring community for me. because this place totally rocks!!! jhelai
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
never thought about mylot making history... anywa, i came here through a friend, i saw this site in her blog and asked her about it, after that i joined, and have been active then. im really serious in my discussions here and the responses i am posting. although i know we can earn here, i dont like posting something that is just post so i can earn. i think about what to posts even to simple discussions only.
@Aylward (198)
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
Hi. I am not aware that we are making history through MyLot, and if that's the case, I'm proud to be part of it. Yes, same here, I came here through "googling". I checked the site and registered. I am serious with my posts and wanted to know what other people think. I am open for negative and positive feedbacks for that's part of the reason why i do post.
@shellyli (55)
• China
24 Aug 09
if i have time , i will come here read the new of people ,if i know how to response the questions , i will response by my heart , if i don't that knowlege , i just write serval words .