Do we take it for granted that we don't have to pay for things online?

August 24, 2009 4:06am CST
There is a new idea gaining weight online and in the larger economies of the world... That of the "Free Economy" where recommendations and time are traded rather than money... Not sure what this is then think about youtube... you post for free, you watch for free... but google paid $1.65bn for it in 2006! There are people who simply enjoy what they are doing... why pay them? Companies used to have to pay for testers - now simply send out free samples via a survey site and people will test them for free! Yes you pay the surevy site, but a lot less than the testers used to be paid! What do you think? Are we heading towards a free economy where recommendations and time are traded rather than money? Do we think that everything online should be free? I haven't even touched on the P2P sites, downloading music and films... but as I am sure you can see they certainly have a major impact on this area...
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