Are you a SAHM or WM?
@polo_princess (803)
August 24, 2009 10:41am CST
How do things work in your household? Are you a stay at home mum or a working mum? Why did you come to the decision that you have?
I am currently on maternity leave but i will be returning to work part time in January of next year. I would love to be a SAHM but my career means a lot to me and i earn a pretty good wage so i feel like if i give it up i wont be able to give my daughter a pretty good upbrining, i would prefer us to live comfortably financial wise rather than me not work and struggle to make ends meet. I couldnt return to work full time because i would feel bad for leaving her for so long but i think part time is ok as im only away for a few hours a day.
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15 responses
@hmfryklund (389)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I am a full time working mother, and I do love working! But, if I could, financially, I would definitely like to be home more, which I can't, but if I could I would either work home full time (who doesn't want that??!!) or work a part time job so that I could be home more. It sucks, I am away from my kids on average about 10 hours a day, and it's so hard! Plus I work 2nd shift, which is even worse. My husband is lucky, even tho he is away from them almost the same amount of time, he works 1st so he is home for many hours with them in the afternoon and evening.
@polo_princess (803)
25 Aug 09
I think in the ideal, if we could all afford to stay home and live confortably then we would, we can always hope of winning the lottery 

@Ithink (9980)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Im a SAHM, I worked before we had our first child and then I stayed home with her and all the following children. We have never been well off but felt that we watned our children to have a full time mom. Personally I think it is a personal choice for every family. For us, material things and all the extras werent all that important I guess. There has been times thou that we wished we had some spare money but I dont think we would change it.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Aug 09
hi polo nope I am a retired mom living in a retirement center becausemyfamily got split up because we were evicted and my son had lost his job. same old story as lots of others. I was a parttime worker after mykids were in school then when my son was anadult I Again went back and worked part time in ourlibrary. I am so proud of'you for sticking to your career as it will do good for you in years to come.your daughter will be better taken care of and p rovided'for And she is after allone of your prime know I think kids with moms who have careers are actually better off thatn some kids whose moms stay home and wish they could have stayed in their jobs. a happy mom makes a happy child also good wages now mean more than ever inthis odd horrid economy that has wreeked havoc onso many of us.
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@polo_princess (803)
25 Aug 09
Thank you Hatley, its nice to hear a positive opinion about mothers returning to work as the majority of peoples views seem quite negative. There are positives and negatives to every situation be it a stay at home mom or working mom.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I have been both a stay at home mom and a working mother. I believe the most important decision you have to make is regarding child care while you are working, whether you will be away her a few hours or all day. What kind of training will she receive? I am aware that many child care persons will just park the child in front of the TV. In fact, I know some mothers that do that. Part time work sounds good, if that works out for you. That way, you will not be so tired when you come home that you don't feel like giving your child the attention she needs.
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@polo_princess (803)
26 Aug 09
Luckily for me i wont have to worry so much about what kind of childcare i will havve to put her into because my mother in law is going to be looking after her as she retires at the end of this month. I think if she hadnt of offered i may well not have gone back to work at all but because it is family then it makes it a little easier 

@baker83 (4)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I am currently a SAHM and I actually am loving it. It's not by choice, I got laid off so therefore it's just that way currently. I only have one child and she just started school and previously I had family that cared for her so as far as childcare expenses I have no experience in, although I've heard and I know it's quite expensive. Since I've been home everyday things have went a lot smoother though and I am noticing my daughter is not as whiney and clingy as previous. With my previous job I would be away on average of 10-12 hours a day 5 days/week so I hardly ever got to SPEND time with her it was rush, rush, rush and get in the bed for the next day. I am looking for work, part-time, for the simple fact that like you said I want to be able to give my child a good upbringing, whether it means being able to go out to eat or going to the mall. With the cost of living in todays society it's so hard to have a sole bread winner. I also enjoy having the adult interaction when I go to my work place, but I also would like to have more time with my daughter so that's the reason I want something part-time. Hope this helps you and good luck!
@polo_princess (803)
24 Aug 09
adult interaction is certainley something that i miss about work, as much as you love your children you cant really hold a proper conversation with them. It just gives you a little time to socialise too.
@Nikigirl613 (131)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I am a working mother. Even if I didn't have to work, I still would have at least a part time job, because that's just me. Even if it was just something 1 or 2 days a week, a couple hours each day, I still would have something. But, I don't have much choice - my son's father does absolutely nothing, does not pay a dime, and from the day I found out I was pregnant he said ok, and if you want to have it you are on your own. He is such a jerk that I'd rather have to work harder than go after him for child support and allow him to have any type of visitation with my son. I love him to much to put him through that.
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@polo_princess (803)
25 Aug 09
What a jerk to say that to you
I think your doing the right thing by working hard for your son, at least when he is older you can tell him that you did it all for him and didnt sponge money from his father who couldnt care less.

@Nikigirl613 (131)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Thank you. I agree - and I look at it like this. My son is the most fantastic child I have ever known, and he makes my life wonderful everyday. So I don't care if it is harder, because he is the one who is missing out, not us!
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@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I stay at home with our son but I clean a few houses each month. That way I'm able to stay home with him most of the time and still make a little extra money. On the days that I do work I have a lady (family friend) that comes in my home and watches my son. She will do flashcards and workbooks with him so that he will learn certain things. She will also take him to the library and park and other places like that. I enjoy being home with him and on the days I work I enjoy being with my mom that works with me. I could work more and make more money but I enjoy being here with him. And my husband makes pretty good money so that's a good thing too.
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I work pt. I worked ft til I lost my job when my oldest was 11 mo's old. We decided it was better for me to stay home after my dismissal since it was too hard for hubby to sleep & feed her while on night shift. Then we had 2 more kids. Last year things were getting too tight around here and I insisted I get a part time job. I only work 4-20 hrs a week usually unde 10. It helps us out quite a bit even for such a small amount of hours and pay.
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@bookreadermom08 (5614)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I am a SAHM. I worked 3 jobs, 7 days a week... 2 part time jobs and 1 full time job... up until 9/11/2001 when the terrorists attacked the US... then one month later my full time job downsized the office by 7 people and I was the last one to go.... and I still had my 2 part time jobs...the economy was hit pretty hard at the time so there were no jobs. I went from working 7 days a week to working 3 days a week.... needless to say I was home alot more and became pregnant in the next year.... since I was already home most of the time hubby said for me to stay at home with our son... 4 yrs ago one of my part time jobs closed up due to the economy .... and I was down to one day a week, then 2 yrs ago we lost that job too due to downsizing.... so now I am just a full time mom at home with 2 kids.
It gets tough living paycheck to paycheck some times but I am now only comfortable with starting to look at what is out there and available --unfortunately our economy here in michigan is at the all time low... so I am now looking to bring in extra money online here at mylot and a few other sites... I hope that in the next year to find something stable online that I can bring in a decent montly income and help out even more and hopefully start getting ahead again.
I know the hardship of staying home, but if you can cut down to part time that wont be bad at all. I was already home pretty much full time when I got pregnant so it was a different situation for me.
Happy mylotting.
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@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
25 Aug 09
Hello Polo, I am working part time too, I have to quit my full time job because I need to give more time to my kids and as well as the attention. Me too can not leave them for to long hours. Or else my mind will keep thinking of them, worry on them.
I am not going to quite my career as I still need to earn something to help my hubs for living. And I could have my own pocket money to spend if I work part time. 

@polo_princess (803)
25 Aug 09
every little penny that you earn helps to contribute to the household, plus it gets you out of the house for a few hours each day too, staying at home 24/7 can sometimes give me cabin fever, i go to work for the odd day whilst i am on maternity leave.
@shimanaja (493)
• Indonesia
25 Aug 09
For now i am a WM.I have to work cause i have to make a better living for my kids.
Though only enough for basic needed, i'm glad to work.
I'd like to be SAHM someday, but i must have work and income at home. i dont like just stay at home without do anything worth.
Thanks..wish WE Luck Mom..:)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I'm a SAHM now. I was a working mom from the time my oldest was just a few months old until about a month before my youngest was born. At that time in my life, it made sense because my husband and I were trying to get ourselves established. The thing about that which was difficult to me is that my daughter spent so much time with the child care provider that she would sometimes call me by her name. The reason that I decided to be a SAHM after my son was born was because it was just too expensive to pay for child care for both kids. I've been able to bond so much with them and work with them and they are both very advanced for their age at this point.
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@debssay (7)
• Australia
25 Aug 09
I'm a SAHM. I have tried the working mum scene, and it was great at the time when we needed the money, but now that my husband's business is established we can afford for me to stay at home and look after our 3 children. I love being at home with my youngest, who is 18 months old, while my older 2 are at primary school. The house is certainly cleaner, we eat better meals, my kids get less sick, my husband is happier and overall I am less stressed. Sure I miss work, but I feel staying home is the best decision for our family at the moment. There will be plenty of time once all the kids are at school for me to return to work, and not paying huge childcare bills helps make my decision make sense for us financially.
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@jrouse1214 (2)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I am kind of both. I worl for my parents in their office and my daughter goes to work with me everyday. She is 2 and I am expecting my second child to be born in January. I am definitely blessed to be able to both work and spend time with my daughter. We could make ends meet without my job, but I like the extra money and see no reason why I can't continue doing both.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
11 Sep 09
I'm a SAHM. After becoming pregnant with my oldest I quit my job as it would have been a risk to my unborn baby's health if I would have stayed on and I for one didn't want to take that chance.
Once I quit I didn't want to go back to work. I wanted to be able to watch my children grow and be there for them. Fortunately my husband makes enough to support the 4 of us. Though it isn't always easy, especially in these economic times.
Now that the kids are older I have a desire to go back to work, even if it is only part time. I want to be able to contribute to the household financially. I may not be able to make much, but anything is better than nothing at all.
Happy mylotting!