how can we stop the child labour?

August 25, 2009 3:44am CST
hi friends, now i am going to share with you a serious problem in our society, that is child labour. in our global world we looks many of the child labour in our daily life. it may be greater percentage in the under develop or developing country but it is a global threat to the civilization. in any intellectual topic or lecture or any slogan of student movement we see the sympathy on child or student life. but in reality more of our new generation could not see their dreams because of their poverty. when their more friends are playing or spend their times with parents or school, in that time the child labour spend their times with the command of their owners. all child are innocent. if they could not carry their dreams, how can we aspect from them? what will our next generation? in our country the government has taken some steps to prevent the child labour. but still now the all governmental scheme become useless due to proper official steps and awareness of people. so friends, how can i stop the child labour? thanks and bye.....
1 response
@shibham (16977)
• India
25 Aug 09
Hi partha, u have raised a very good topic. Do u know that the third world countries and the rest are suffering from this fatal problem. But if u see then u will find that children are performing a vital role in industrial sector. If we want to stop this nasty system then we have to forced those indusrialists who employ them otherwise there is nothing either.
• India
25 Aug 09
thanks....... we should think first about there economic problem. if they find their basic needs easily then they shall think for their future. bye