Have you seen "District 9"?

@gary1125 (173)
August 25, 2009 6:51am CST
Have you seen "District 9", I just watched it today, it was quite different, unlike other scienfiction movies, the graphics are more real, and the director are not making it like a movie, but a documentary. He is telling the story which not happened, but makes us feel it happens. It is a good movie.
3 responses
• Estonia
25 Aug 09
Yeah, I gotta agree - it is a different movie. Maybe a bit more work on the plot would have been nicer and would've made it easier to understand but all in all - it was great. A nice mix of action, horror and drama combined. I hope District 10 will follow the previous one and will be even better. And the whole documentary thing was kinda interesting angle.
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
nope!whot is the actor/actress lead in that movie?
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
nope! who is the actor/actress lead in that movie?