I am ready for a new trend on TV...what will it be, I wonder?

United States
August 25, 2009 9:20pm CST
The reality show trends and the talent shows and such are becoming tiresome for me, as they seem to have them on nearly every channel every night. I am ready for a new trend! Are you also ready for a new trend in regular TV shows? What do you think it will be, or what do you hope it might be? Karen
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11 responses
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Hello my friend I agree everybody and their mother has a t.v show now I am sick of it, so with that said they need to make a show about me and my mother
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• United States
26 Aug 09
Good morning, Kitty. LOL, you're going to be too busy with over-seeing your movie, remember? But hey, might as well edge into the big screen and the small while at it :) Your story could be very interesting! Karen
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Hello my friend Oh shoot I forgot about our movie , well this is only like a matter of weeks so the reality show wont take up to much of my time, I wont promote it, only here on mylot lol sounds like a plan lol
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• United States
26 Aug 09
I love your sense of humor!
@russso (1693)
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
Hahaa. I feel ya dear. I wish there will be fresh programs that are going to be really interesting. A lot of the shows that I'm watching have been a little boring, even local programs here in my country - a lot of them are patterned from shows in the US and several of them are dubbed series' from Korea and Taiwan.
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• United States
26 Aug 09
Hello Russo. Ack! If your shows are patterned from our country, it must be reality, reality, and more of that lol. I think I would like to see the return of some truly good sit-coms, or perhaps a decent drama, or a movie night on the weekends. A good documentary or animal show might be a nice change, too. Between the reality shows and the infomercials, it is becoming hard to find something of interest! Karen
@russso (1693)
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
@ TENNYROCKS Nope, not from China. I'm from the Philippines. @ PEACEFULWMN9: You said it, it's REALITY SHOWS GALORE and to add to that, we have tons of Celebrity Search & Singing Contest(s) Programs! Actually, each time there's a reality show here, the big winner and the prettiest girl & the most hunk-looking guy end up becoming celebrities. It's just too bad that we don't really have quality control, like anyone can become a celeb. I know that I do have an option not to watch them, but sometimes, I am left with no choice but to watch them because these are the programs being shown on television. Like you, I would like to see decent programs again - some drama's okay, but I don't want the kind of drama wherein there seems to be never-ending problems. Documentaries are good, I get to watch a lot of it on NatGeo, Discovery, and The History Channel. That sounds really geeky, but I enjoy them. Aside from these, movies on HBO and Star Movies save my sanity.Ü
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• China
26 Aug 09
Are you from China...
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@tarachand (3895)
• India
26 Aug 09
I think reality television is here for keeps. The producers will come up with newer and newer themes/sub-themes and sub-themes of sub-themes. In India, over the last 6 to 7 years I have heard people discussing the fate participants of singing competitions, dancing competitions, even one whole season about who a particular starlet will select as a husband among the 13 or so applicants for the job of being a celebrity's spouse, about a group group of people roughing it out in a Malaysian jungle, stuff like Big Boss, Indian Idol, the Indian version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire and various versions and avatars of the same (Slumdog Millionaire was based on the initial seasons of Kaun Bangega Crorepati or Who Will become a Millionaire). There is going to be season of male minor divorced celebrity who is going to select a bride from the umpteen hopefuls who want hunger for the limelight on them..... Television content based on the happenings in a small locality-maybe cameras focused on groups of individuals going on with their normal live - maybe this could be a trend? Also, since it's possible to watch television on a mobile phone, there could be special content created for the mini-screen (Television being the small screen)? We live in interesting times, technology is improving faster, I think the last 50 years has seen more growth in technology and science than seen since primates evolved from walking on all fours to becoming bipedal...... It'll be interesting to see what the human mind creates to keep other humans glued to what is generally called a an 'idiot box'.
@tarachand (3895)
• India
26 Aug 09
An interesting website-www.indiantelevision.com tells you about the trends and important happenings in the television, radio and music an animation& SFx space.
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• United States
27 Aug 09
Thank you first of all, Tarachand, for the website :) I think a really "good" reality show would be interesting. But as you've said with the sub-plots and sub SUB plots, it gets a bit crazy the extremes to which they go trying to come up with something new in the genre. LOL, I've heard the TV set called "idiot box," too, or "boob tube." There is such potential there. It will be interesting to where it goes in the next decade or even two! Thank you for the feedback! Karen
• India
8 Sep 09
Hello my friend PeacefulWmn9 Ji, I know one thing. "EXCESS OF EVERYTHING IS BAD". I applies to all everywhere. All such shows are professional and money making type. Our great born singer 'Lataji' outrightly discouraged such reality shows. They are craeted to suit some one's popularity. Only public is made scapegoat. MaY god bless You and have a great time.
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• India
14 Sep 09
Hello my friend PeacefulWmn9 Ji, Your Mom is really wiser, we must listen to elders blindly, as tehre is no harm , except gain. May God bless You an dhave a great time.
• United States
12 Sep 09
Good morning my friend...well at least it is morning here in the US :) Your saying reminds me very much of my wise mom, who says often: moderation in ALL things. Your singer, Lataji, is very wise, too! Thank you for your insights and have a most blessed day. Karen
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
25 Sep 09
I went without TV for a month because I wasn't digital ready and then I started using Satellite TV (the option was always there I just chose not to indulge). There is a ridiculous amount of channels available but what amazes me is how there are entire channels devoted to one thing like babies or reality shows or whatever. When I think of all the money that goes into producing all that content for all those channels I just shake my head at some of the waste.
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• United States
25 Sep 09
Hello Canellita. You're right about satellite TV, which I had several years ago. The number of channels, each addressing a single subject, boggles the mind! I did enjoy the music and the movie channels, which I miss, and some of the animal channels and such. Karen
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
27 Aug 09
I don't have a tv..
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• United States
27 Aug 09
Hi Ruby. When I moved alone into my apartment, I did not have a tv either. If you wish, you can always go to some of the online sites and watch tv shows right on your computer! I think hulu.com is one of them...hope I got that right lol. They also have movies! Have a great day ahead. Karen
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
26 Aug 09
Yuk I am absolutely sick of them, and to be honest I don't hold out much hope for anything more entertaining, if you can call those shows entertaining, more mind numbingly boring. To be honest I don't watch much television, I think I watch about 3 or 4 programs a week, I like my Soaps, I like Weakest Link and I like Dragon's Den, the rest of the time the tv is off, a complete waste of money to me, so I tend to be on the computer far more, watching dvds or reading.
• United States
26 Aug 09
Hi Wolfie. You do make a good point about the mind-numbing shows at least encouraging activities other than TV. Like you, I find myself far more interested in reading, or doing work online, or putting in a good movie these days. So I guess "bad TV" isn't all bad lol. Thank you for your insights! Karen
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
26 Aug 09
Yes all the features on the TV range from the sensational to the shameful. What is lacking is something practical. I would appreciate something that is of practical use. Do you know most of the welfare activities of the government and charities are not utilized as people are not aware. There is a woeful lack of information as to where to seek help. Programs projecting such would be practical. Rather making them drab, dry pieces of information some fun element could be thrown in. Maybe in a Jerry Sienfeld show. Kramer would do a good job of it! Lot of openings for creative people! The possibilities are endless. Someone please sit up and take notice!
• United States
26 Aug 09
Hello there :) A show on "govt. awareness--programs to help others," now that is a great idea. I'm sure you're right that a lot of good ones are out there, but go unknown. And yes, I miss the days of the truly good sit-coms...like Seinfeld or Friends or Will and Grace. Tv is in one big rut, and it seems they are getting desperate for new and interesting programming, given some of what is on there today. Thank you for your good ideas! Karen
• India
26 Aug 09
i dont think or i dont hope what it will be... but i want this to happen... there area lot of good books out there which have not been made into proper adaptations into the movie format.. i have never been happy with the harry potter movies because they are not comprehensive... i am very much looking forward to some big production house to come forward and do full justice to the harry potter novels.. also there are many such sreies out there which are equally good such as artemis fowl ... even the japanese anime naruto can be converted to a series with real actors.. it would be a great thing if somebody could do all this.. it is quite something what i am asking for here but i am sure its doable ... only time will tell....! already we have movies of animes and cartoons coming out like dragon ballz and gi joe... if only they could be translated to small screem i would be happy and so will fans all over the world... and i too am sick of all the dance , singing and talent programmes simply because of the fat they are very expoitative!
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• United States
27 Aug 09
Hello Diwak...you're right. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of good books that done right, would make excellent movies for television. I agree that your ideas are very do-able in the right hands. I wonder if there is a good place to write and offer such suggestions? Thank you for sharing such good ideas. Karen
@JDBentz (37)
• United States
26 Aug 09
The biggest trend I've noticed in recent years is that the studios in charge of making tv shows are doing so with the same kind of plots. In general, if you have a drama-action style tv show, whether that be on the SyFy channel or regular programming like ABC, NBC, FOX, etc., most of the action is people shooting at each other. If we go back ten years from now, you'd find a lot more shows on said channels where you had people fighting face-to-face. Now, the few ones you can find like that are cancelled soon after, or are during time-slots of other favorite shows. The shows I mean are like Buffy, Angel, Dark Angel, and other shows like that where there was as much face-to-face violence as killing someone with a bullet. Now, I think the only ones I see as having as much of that are Supernatural and Smallville, and those might not be on the air much longer depending on ratings. If they wanted to start or re-start a trend for the next ten years, I'd say go back to that. I miss seeing people busting their fist across someone's jaw or actually being put in physical danger that would actually be plausible in the real world. (Yeah, I know, the shows I mentioned aren't exactly 'real world', but the fighting is stuff that can take place. Except maybe the whole going through a wall thing, but come on, that's good action). Don't get me wrong, I like stuff like Stargate and L&O: SVU/CI, but the rest of the shows that come on aren't all that good.
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• United States
26 Aug 09
Hello JD. I've also noticed that each network has shows that are similar to stay competitive. Hm, fight shows. I guess that brings to my mind Kung Fu and Chuck Norris? The trends come and then they go. So...perhaps the "fight" shows you like will be back eventually. I do believe as we approach yet a new decade with 2010 just around the corner, there will be changes, so yayyyy! Thank you for your input. Karen
• United States
27 Aug 09
The new trend will probably be something that is actually a real life situation like some sort of job or something like that. then after that it will probably be back to some form of a game show.
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• United States
27 Aug 09
Hi Gothic. They do seem to alternate back and forth between those two themes a lot lately (sigh) I miss some of the older shows...a good sitcom, etc. I do like the Law and Order series, all of them. Perhaps come fall, some of the new lineups will offer a bit more variety. One can hope I appreciate your thoughts on it. Karen