What is the first thing you do after signing into your account on mylot?

August 25, 2009 10:56pm CST
I have wondered always that what people are doing exactly at the moment I am spendin the time writing this discussion. As my thoughts flowed I started wondering what people do when they log into their account. Whether they browse through the 'todays top discussion' section or go to my interests section and select a topic from that and then look for a suitable discussion to jump into, or go to new discussion section or recent discussion section or check the discussions which thay had responded to see whether they have got any replies or check their friends discussions, unresolved discussions, new user discussions or heck, forget discussions. May be some check out the tasks page first or goto photo section to upload some nice photos. What do you do after you log into your mylot account? (Answer can be anything! not necessarily out of those which I have pointed out.)
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20 responses
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Hi ankush_uict Most of the time when I sign into mylot it is because I am responding to a poster from my email so I have to sign in too respond, I go through all my notifications, most of the time I get responses while going through my responses once I am finally done then I go to discussions or to a friends discussions that is pretty much what happens when I sign on.
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• India
27 Aug 09
Hey kitty42. Thank you for the response. It happens with me too. Many times when I am commenting or responding back to own discussions, and commenting back to everyone who has responded to the discussion, 2 to 3 more responses come in; sometime even more if discussion is hot and interesting.
• India
4 Sep 09
Oh I too may have to start looking at the daily digest more closely then. If it shows the top discussions from the day from our interest areas, then definitely, we may have something to say to it. LOL. I too now think that I should have started doing this from first day.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Hi ankush_uict Yes it seems like the notifications go on/on I love it shows me someone read something I said and felt the desire to take he time to respond I like that and appreciate it as well, I also respond to the daily digest I think that is what it is called, just started doing that a few days ago, seems I always have something to say when I read the discussions, never thought about that before I should have done this from day 1 since it comes from my interest
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Aug 09
I answer messages and friend requests, then I reply to any responses to my discussions and post any new discussions I have in mind, then I check replies to discussions I've responded to, then friends' discussions, then random stuff on various tabs, whatever I'm in the mood for!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 Aug 09
I'm in the mood to go back to bed and sleep. lol
• India
4 Sep 09
Oh that was err. I don't have a word for it. Guess I may have to improve on my vocabulary, lol. So what mood are you in today?
• India
27 Aug 09
Thank You for the response dawnald. I almost forgot about posting discussions. LOL that too is something which many people do everyday when they log into their accounts here. You are moody! So what kind of mood are you in today?
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• United States
27 Aug 09
After I log on to mylot, I would take a look at my earnings and see how much I earned the day before. After that, I would look at my own discussions and reply to any of the responses I got. Then I would dive into the new discussions and see which ones interest me. That's pretty much my daily schedule for mylot. Happy mylotting
• India
27 Aug 09
Hello animegirl334. Don't you check out the old discussions to which you have replied?
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
26 Aug 09
Hi ankush, the first thing I do is go straight to email, I delete all the notifications of responses to my own discussions as I'll see them on my home page, I look at friends new discussions and delete the ones I'm not interested in and save the rest to go back to later, I read comments received and delete the boring ones and save the rest to go back into later and answer again, so I'm all organised before I put a word on mylot. That way I can see any new notifications whilst I'm on line and deal with them quickly. Oh yes I check messages too.
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• India
27 Aug 09
Can you explain in bit more detail how does deleting the notifications help you keep things organised. I am just bit confused and though I can make some sense of it, it will be better if you explain it more clearly to avoid any misunderstandings of what you were trying to say and imply and what I understood. :)
• India
27 Aug 09
Thank you thea09. Thank you for taking pains to clarify your response. I understood it now better. That is a good tactic. I used to read each of the notifications and then delete all of them. Then sign in here and go to the discussions where the notifications came from and satrt replying. But since I get very few notifications it is easier for me to remember them. May be not for you?
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
27 Aug 09
Hi ankush, certainly I can clarify for you if you had difficulty understanding my point. When I start on Mylot there will be many notifications in my email and I like to sort through so that only the ones I intend to deal with are there, in that way I can deal with future notifications coming in much more quickly. If the box is flooded and not sorted through it is likey then to retain notifications which are probably of no interest to me but then end up lingering. There may be many notifications of friends started discussions and the ones which do not interest me I delete and keep the ones I will answer later, as an example. I trust that clarifies.
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• Philippines
26 Aug 09
I mostly check on the discussions that I have responded to see if there are any follow up responses to the comments I have posted. If there are, i usually try to evaluate if there is a need to provide additional comments or not. If not, then I usually just try to scan on the discussions area to see if there is anything interesting enough to respond to.
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• India
26 Aug 09
I appreciate your response and I have another question for you. Do you also rate the comments and discussions you are looking at any given point of time? That helps you know. And how do you scan the discussions and what parameters do you look for in a discussion?
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
I do not really rate, which is a mistake I guess given that there are some responses to discussions that I really like. But I haven't gotten used to the act of rating, if you might put it that way so, i tend to neglect doing that part often. but if there is quality response, i try my best to recognize it. As for the discussions, i usually go for those under my interests and see if there is something that I like. that way, it becomes much easier to respond to a discussion because it is of a topic that i like or are interested in.
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• Indonesia
27 Aug 09
first time i joined mylot. i read all discussion becouse i have bad english language so i really difficult to understand it. and when i see all discussion i think its good for us. we know more something from other world and we can enjoy to share what our think. so i repply more discussion here and i want make some discussion about my think
• India
27 Aug 09
Hello aning21. I see you are new here to mylot. So first of all Welcome to mylot community. Now since you are new do read the Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs properly and carefully to understand what and how do we post here on mylot; what is allowed and what is not. So that will help you to understand what you need to do to increase your participation and increase your earnings. One tip I am giving to all new mylotters I come across and am giving to you too that, try to post more than 3 lines in every comment or response otherwise it will not count significantly towards earnings through your participation. It is no problem if your English is bad. Mine was bad too, but being on mylot for one and half years now (though irregular), my English has improved substantially and also my typing speed.
@playapal (894)
• United States
27 Aug 09
I usually get on mylot via my email, so I can see if any one has responded to any comments that I have made. I like to keep a discussing on a discussion if you know what I mean. When I have done that I check my earnings, look at what my friends have started and comment on them if there is something that I am interested in. After that I just kinda browse around and see what looks interesting. Some days everything is interesting and I could spend hours, other days I don't see anything I want to respond to, so I just check back later.
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• India
27 Aug 09
Thank you playapal for the response. I do agree with you on the last sentence of your comment. Sometimes there is so many interesting things to post on that it is just hard to not spend time here. But somedays, there is nothing which interests us here and probably it is these days in which we create new discussions to keep away the boredom. Is it not?
@kumarpslv (3216)
• India
26 Aug 09
First I will check my balance to see if there is any change in it.Then I will open a discussion which I started or to which I have responded to, to see if there is any change in my rating and post counts.Then I will open four or five interests in many tabs and will look for the discussions to start or to respond.If I find any friend request , then I will approve all of them without considering the member.But some time I failed to notice that one.
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• India
27 Aug 09
Hello kumarpslv. That is a good strategy to be in many discussions all at one so you don't need to keep going back to the discussions tab again and again. I will try to emulate that thing. Good lord! This discussion is turning out to be so good and useful. Many helpful tips are coming out of it. Glad that such a discussion was started. Hope it serves the community.
@levite (1062)
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
I check first my email updates if there's a new response to my discussion and through that, I sign in to mylot. I then comment to the responses I have received. I don't usually focus on top discussions but to my interest and there I either start a new discussion or respond and comment to other users' discussion. I just join in to today's top discussions if those interest me.
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• India
27 Aug 09
Thank you levite for your response. That is a good method to get logged onto mylot. I guess most of us first check out the discussions where we have either responded or commented recently and then check our own started discussions to check for comments and responses we have got. That is what is clearly coming out of this discussion. Don't you think so?
@dbabcook (388)
• United States
26 Aug 09
The first thing I do the moment I sign into my account here on mylot is to check my posted discussions. Then after I complete that task I bounce back and forth between today's top discussions and the No Responses discussions. Then at some point I always take a look at the Tasks current available. Have a great day.
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• India
27 Aug 09
Oh good day to you too dbabcook. That is as clear you can put it. Thank you for your response. It helps me get a general idea of how many people do what they do as they log into mylot. Thank you for the response.
• Canada
26 Aug 09
First thing I do is check back on the comments people may have left for me in the discussion threads. Then, I check to see if I have any messages, friends requests, and things like that. After that, I head for the discussion section. I check out the Top Discussions first, maybe for the first 5-10 pages. Then I head for the "Game" Category, followed by "Computer", and "Recreational". Of course, I'm posting as much as I can in those sections and not just browsing. That's about all I do at MyLot at the moment since I just started out and am I'm still learning about all the stuff that MyLot has to offer.
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• India
27 Aug 09
Hello strikezero86. From your comment, it feels as if you are a gaming buff. And if you are what I am thinking you are then it is nice for you to respond to this discussion. Thank you for your response. I appreciate the effort. Good to see that you are eager to learn here at mylot. Mylot has many things to offer and there are many mysteries you will unravel while you grow old here.
@Gladia (36)
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
The first thing I do after signing into myLot account, I check the today's top discussions and join. I just let my mind think and ideas flow.
• India
27 Aug 09
Oh good. Thank you for your response Gladia. That was short and to the point. I also noticed that you are new to mylot, so i would like to give you a starting tip. Try to post more than 3 lines if you want your posts to count up to significant earnings. And you are welcome to mylot community. Happy mylotting.
• Indonesia
27 Aug 09
I read 'earnings' first. Then my profile, before i got into a discussion room and defined a topic.
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• India
27 Aug 09
Hello sushisarah. I guess you are new too to mylot. So I will like to give you a friendly tip. Try to post more than three lines in your comment or responses if you want it to count significantly towards your earning. Mere posting a sentence or a line will not help you earn much. Now to the topic we are discussing. It is only fair that you should look at earnings first since you being new would be excited and want to know how much you earn everyday.
@zausiu (608)
• China
26 Aug 09
Ha ... im newbie here. i have interestings to visit every part of the site. i find DISCUSSIONS is attractive.
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• India
27 Aug 09
Hello zausiu. First of all let me welcome you to our nice, dynamic, intelligent mylot community. I appreciate your response and effort to be a part of discussion. I would like to point to you that if possible try to respond in more than 3 lines, if you want any of your participation to really count towards earning. Just a little tip. You will come to know more about mylot as you grow old here. Till then happy mylotting.
@whyiswyh (170)
• Malaysia
27 Aug 09
I normally start responding to discussion after that I look at my task and maybe start my own thread
@whyiswyh (170)
• Malaysia
27 Aug 09
I wish I could be more descriptive.Well, anyway here it goes. I would start of searching for interesting and relevant topics. After that I will comment on it based on my experience.After that I will be responding back such as what I am doing now.Giving back a comment for a comment. After that, I will check my tasks to see whether I am eligible for any task that I could do. At the end of the day,only and only if I have the time and have any ideas then only I start my thread.Sorry if this isn't what you want.I normally summarize it now I am expanding it.lol...It is not easy to think in long sentences..My brain hurts when I need to expand such a simple task.That's what I normally will do.
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• India
27 Aug 09
Thank you for your response whyiswyh. I appreciate if it would be bit more descriptive.
• India
27 Aug 09
Oh now that is what I mean by a descriptive response. I appreciate it. That helps me in understanding it better. And it actually helps you earn more. :)
@sameroad (3178)
• United States
26 Aug 09
when i first sign i check my messages or friend requests... then i go to see what friends started discussions and reply to some of those and then i'll check out the new and today's top discussions.. or i might start a discussion if i have one to start.
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• India
26 Aug 09
Hello sameroad. Thank you for replying to the discussion. Its good to know that people do check the new discussions. And I didnot think of checking the friends pages, since I think it shows when after you log into the account, if we have any friend requests or message, it is shown in brackets aside the corresponding title. That helps a lot. And that is not everyday what you do obviously? I mean we dont get messages or friend requests every single day! Or do you? Well whatever thanks for a response
@abhi_bangal (5517)
• Ahmednagar, India
26 Aug 09
That's a good question I suppose. We do so many things unknowingly that we never pay attention to those things. I, for example, have noticed the same thing for myself. My attention automatically is sifted towards the earnings. I wonder how many might have realised this. Well, this is what automatically. But what I do on purpose is see on which day I earned how much. This gives me the idea of how I should work and go on earning. Secondly, I see if there are any discussions in my interests which I can answer at full length. I mean when I am high in spirits and enthusiasm, I can work better and earn better. I think, only MyLot can offer this and I am making full use of it.
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• India
26 Aug 09
Dear friend, Although i am not working only for money, the first thing i look for my earnings and then i go to my started discussions to see how many responses have come for my discussion, Then i go to recent discussions for commenting on them. Thanx
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• India
26 Aug 09
Hello bhargavoza. Thank you for responding here. Now that's a first. You are the first person to say that you look at the earning page after you log into the mylot account. It is not necessary to justify your action. Don't you look at no response discussions or new user or new discussions?
@psycospaz (320)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I normally am lead here from my email updates and respond to discussions that I have already been a part of for a while. Then I move to the newest discussions and see if there are any that I like and what to be a part of. If I do find one then I respond (DUH). From there I go to related topics and just keep bouncing around. However I always have my email open so if some one responds back to me I can answer right back, then I continue to browse around again!
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• India
26 Aug 09
Thanks for responding to the discussion. That is a good strategy to navigate mylot. I will have to change my method of searching for topics to respond! I generally keep looking at random topics and hence I do not get topics where I can actually talk and discuss. I guess that is a very very good method to keep oneself engrossed in the various discussions. A good response.
@amarhits8 (263)
• India
26 Aug 09
after signing in mylot i first see whether i get any personal msgs from my friends then i move on to the discussions to check whether i got reply for my questions ot not. and next replying to other discussions like that will continue.
• India
26 Aug 09
Thank you for responding to the discussion. I appreciate the effort. I have to really start searching for discussions I like. It feels as if I am the only one here who hunts for discussion randomly. Everyone else hunt by looking at related discussions, but I am the sore thumb here.