Does regular criticism affects your psyche?

@dpk262006 (58677)
Delhi, India
August 26, 2009 12:25am CST
Hi friends, if you get to hear negative remarks about you at your work place or at your home about your competence, dedication, efficiency and sincerity towards disposing tasks assigned to you, does it affect your psyche? I think that remarks like - “you always commit mistakes”, “you are careless”, “you are good for nothing’ and “you do not learn from your past mistakes”, do make an affect on our thinking and performance. I think those who make these kinds of negative comments about others are the people, who want to tell that they are more superior and smarter than them. What is your take on it? Please share your views. Many thanks in advance.
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32 responses
@aprces (1082)
• China
26 Aug 09
Certainly not,because I am from Chinese.Our educational system is not a human process.Teacher in school often make some criticisms to student,and Chinese students has the most excellent endurance and patient in the world,on the earth,around the universe I just remember when I was a student on a English lesson in one day before.I had a row with my English teacher,because she said something I can't bear it,which abused my personality.Now I still remember she said like this ,she said I climb out from coffins.At at moment,I was very angry,so I attack her with my mouth too,but I didn't punch her,just use mouth Look!Now a person with our personality are talking to you
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
26 Aug 09
Hi aprces! Your response tells that you call a spade by spade and you can take the war of words and do not tolerate verbal abuse. You appear very bold. Hats off to you. You are welcome to talk to me, I appreciate your bold approach. Many thanks for sharing and responding. I am impressed with your attitude.
@chaitra001 (3278)
• Bangalore, India
26 Aug 09
Hi Deepak If I get any such remarks I definitely get angry and that time I will not speak a single word to the commenter but later I will prove I am better than that person in every aspects so that the person should feel guilty and should never make such comments against me..
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
26 Aug 09
Hi Chaitra! Your response tell that you believe that your silence could be a better answer to the person, who tried to make adverse remarks about you. You would like to prove to the other fellow that you are better by simply performing your tasks in a competent manner. Many thanks for sharing and responding. I am impressed with your attitude.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
27 Aug 09
HI DEEPAK!I know what provoked you to start this discussion topic. Here is my answer,--first of all I must describe a bit of my character here--I am very sensitive, reasonably talented and quite efficient, have a King-sized ego, cannot be spontaneously rude even when people are rude to me , would not like to antagonise people and believe in maintaining good relationships with everyone, Now, from here springs my reaction. I would get very irritated and my back would be up [to the skies]when someone does this constantly, and I would alos lose my peace of mind. I would not be able to say anything face to face but I would tend to bottle up feelings and flare up later. It makes me stubborn, and let me behave precisely the way I would . THis being my character, i am trying to find new means of maintaining my peace. I would listen to my husband because by position he is my superior and because a man MUST run his show at home.[it gives me peace to accept this and let peace be at home]If it si others I now have found my way with them , --I interact less or when I have to I try to be courteous but firm with them.Over a period, I have found that people who used to talk like this are wary of me because I have proved myself superior and proved my skills also.Sorry if I sound conceited but this is the response of a person who was criticised unnnecessarily.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
27 Aug 09
No DEEPAK;it is actually a negative trait and a sign of a hesitant cowardice in me that I am unable to answer rudely to a rude comment?Only now I am learning to be at peace by ignoring them.Ah well! I just thought it triggered a thought process when when we were interacting in the discussion about the lost bag[where I told you that I wanted to make a suggestion/remember?
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
27 Aug 09
Yes, you are right Kala to some extent that 'bag' incident triggered the thought process of starting this dicussion. You were to send me some suggestions, however, I am waiting for the same, please send me through mail. I do not agree with you that calling a spade by spade is a kind of cowardice, I mean if you do not speak rudely to a person, who is speaking in a nasty manner, it does not mean that you are coward. Sometimes, we do not want to raise our Blood Pressure, because of triffle issues, therefore, we ingnore the fellow, who is speaking rudely to us. Deepak
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
27 Aug 09
Hi Kala! OH My God! How come you know what provoked me to start this discussion, please let me know your assumptions about it. Your reply tells that you being sensitive person, constant criticism could hurt you badly. It is good to hear that your try to be nice and good to others. You try to remain silent if somehobe critcise you and you open up as and when any opportunity comes your way. I thin you are adopting the correct approach and I appreciate your stance, I did not find in your response that you were sounding conceited. You wrote what you actually are and what you actuall feel and behave. Many thanks for joining and enriching the post.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
26 Aug 09
Hi Deepak, I am very sensitive person and criticism may hurt me easily. But it varies on situations, if I can find any fault in my side I may feel bad for being a careless person or an irresponsible person but I won’t waste time to ask an apology. If I am sure that there is nothing wrong with me then I won’t mind the criticism. I will try to prove my side, I was completely right. On your comment, “those who make….. smarter than them”, my opinion is they must be having an inferiority complex and criticizing others is way to hide their lack of knowledge. I believe that a person who is having more knowledge or more abilities should be humble to others irrespective of the position/status of the other people.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
26 Aug 09
Hi Sree! I can understand that you are indeed a sensitive person and mindless criticism is not tolerated by you. You are correct in saying, if there is mistake on your part, there is no harm in asking for an apology, no honest and sincere person likes to hear negative remarks about him/her. Yes, you are right those who make such remarks may be having some kind of complex in their minds and they come out with their complex when they speak negative comments. Many thanks for joining and sharing. dpk PS - Would like you to read the response at S.No.8 above.
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
26 Aug 09
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
27 Aug 09
Yes I read her comments and yours too. She has written well.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
hello dpk! well, i think somehow it does affect..coz when we keeps on hearing those things everyday...i think we will become irritated with it...hehehe and it will make us think if we really are like that... but hmmmm, since i know myself more than anybody, i think the best thing that i could do is to counter strike them by making my work better...i mean by being more competent in my prove to them that they are wrong with their criticism or just take it positively... maybe you are right that those people are just insecure and threaten...that's why they are doing that to make us paranoid! huh! i hate such kind of people specially in the work place...
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
28 Aug 09
Hi ck! Glad to see you here. Your reply tells that you being sensitive person, constant criticism could hurt you. It is good to hear that your try to raise your level of competence and you retaliate with your deeds rather than sharp words. Yes, you are right it will be quite uncomfortable to face these kind of people at work place and to tackle them. Many thanks for joining and enriching the post.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
9 Sep 09
Believe in yourself, ckyera!! hehe Dun let those negative forces affect u, as a whole.. hehe ^_^ YEah, 'counter-strike' them, so that u will be able to 'command and conquer' them at the end of it.. lol =D
• India
26 Aug 09
Hi Deepak, it is very sad when such things are said with no real love behind them, it can be very hurtful, especially if the person's confidence level is already abit low. Can be gutting remarks! You are always committing mistakes, you are careless, you are good for nothing.....these are just terrible things to say. These things will not inspire a person to do better but make him feel really insecure and dejected. These remarks are indeed very insensitive and I would strongly rebuke the person saying them, it definitely shows that the person saying them is mentally deranged to be uttering such words. Perhaps this is how they have been brought up and just passing it on, but whatever it maybe these words are very damaging and should not be taken to the heart. Understand that the person uttering them is 'sick'. There is a healthy way to criticize and these people should learn about these ways if they truely care to get better results, otherwise it is just a form of condescension to make them feel superior. I hope you have not been a victim of these words, if you have ignore the harshness in them. I am sure you do much more than you are getting credit for. Remember one thing you are only answerable to yourself (or God if you believe in God)....look inside your own heart and see the truth of the situation, try to improve where you can but also give your credit for all the good things you do do!
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• Romania
26 Aug 09
no way,don't affect you
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
26 Aug 09
Hi Sri! After going your response twice, I falling short of words to appreciate the same. You have indeed written wonderfully and superbly. You touched the core issue in the discussion so beautifully and mangnificently. So far yours is 'the best response'. I completely buy your arguments that negative remarks could be hurtful and it affects the psyche and affects one's moral and self-confidence. Belittling someone with negative remarks is not going to do any good to that person, it is not going to give a chance to that person to improve upon himself. Yes, those who make such remarks could be said to be mentally deranged or mentally sick. You are very right that there are many other positive way to critize so that one could try to improve. Yes, you are correct, I've not been a victim of these words, I try my level best to dispose of tasks coming under my jurisdiction or allotted to me. It is very true that we should always give credit to ourselves and we are answerable to ourselves. Thanks so much for enriching the post with your superlative thoughts. Hats off to you. I am more than happy and satisfied to read your analysis.
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
26 Aug 09
Pl. read - "After going through your response twice, I am falling short of........."
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I hate negative remarks. I have had to deal with those in my childhood alot. I have even had to deal with it in my adult years also. People do not understand how bad it does affect some people and their thoiughts about themselves afterwards.
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
1 Sep 09
Hi step! It feels good to know that you support my contention that negative criticism can affects one's psyche. I can understand your point of view that you always felt bad, when you were served with negative comments. Many thanks for joining and enriching the post. Deepak
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Those that are constantly picking on others are themselves aware and ashamed of their insecurities, or faults, or things they just aren't as good at as others. It's sad that others must pick on someone just to make themselves feel better. I suppose this isn't always the way things are, but for the most part I think that it is.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
27 Aug 09
It is a very valid point you have made somecowgirl.I definitely ageee with this.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
27 Aug 09
Hi dear! You are very right that those who constantly criticise others feel insecure in their hearts of hearts and they just want to prove that they are better than others. It is a kind of negative trait, I believe. Thanks for joining and sharing your thoughts.
@sweetie1026 (1718)
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
Hi, yes i think it does. For me people who make this criticisms to their co workers are people who have insecurities. They take on other people what they themselves lack in their ability and character. They do this to make themselves look good and in a way make up for their lack of confidence. But that is just what i think, because i have this co-worker who does this and i know that it is he who does not have the abilities to do such tasks.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
27 Aug 09
Hi Sweet! It means you are in agreement with the fact that constant criticism does affect one's psyche. How about you, if you face happen to face constant criticism by someone known or close to you, how does it affects you? You are right that we should adopt a positive and humble approach to teach someone, instead of critising him/her. Many thanks for sharing and enriching the post. dpk
• Philippines
27 Aug 09
Yes, i do agree. I just hope that people give positive criticisms always, so as not to hurt the people they are giving the criticisms to. Nice to see you, dear friend.
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
By the way, yes it affects the person's ego and personality. If he is one who feels so inferior then it does not help to always criticize him. It will only worsen his inferiority and may make him the most miserable person on earth. So, I think it is not right to criticize people. We can teach them or make them aware of the mistakes they commit in a more civil and mature way that we don't offend them and hurt their feelings.
@raynejasper (2322)
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
..well, if I'm not grown up, I would definitely be affected.. I would feel bad and immediately give up.. however, with so much experiences I had in the past, I would take those comments positively.. In a way, it well help become stronger and more careful in doing the task.. I would also ask the person who is telling me those things to tell me what I did wrong.. Yeah, I believe that those people who are doing this only wanted to be recognized as more superior and smarter than me.. But that doesn't matter already.. I know what I can do and I do what I believe is right.. Anyway, I know I can never please everybody.. There will always be somebody who will be giving negative comments to me.. This is life and it the reality.. For me, we just live and act according to what and how we believe.. We don't live for others, we live for ourselves.. Whatever accomplishment we have will be our happiness not them.. It is then necessary that we prove those people who are belittling us that they are definitely wrong..
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
26 Aug 09
Hi rayne! It is good to know that you would take negative comments about you in your stride and will try to improve upon yourself, if there is such scope. It is good that you would like to confornt the person, giving you negative remarks, to know the exact cause of his criticism. You are very right that we cannot please everyone, afterall we are human beings with some negative traits and we cannot be perfect. I buy your argument that we live for ourselves, first. You appear very bold. Hats off to you. Many thanks for sharing and enriching the post. I am impressed with your attitude and quality response.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
26 Aug 09
Constant criticism can certainly have a negative impact on your psyche. I grew up in a very emotionally distant environment and the only attention I received consisted of criticism. It was quite a serious situation and I did not become aware until I grew into adulthood that my up bringing was downright abusive. I don’t know if I am particularly sensitive to disapproval but I feel that any sign of criticism still affects me quite deeply even it is from someone who feels quite unsecure his or herself and receives gratification from putting others down.
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
26 Aug 09
Hi paula! Your response tells that constant criticism does affect one's psyche. And in your case, you have felt its effects. As you faced it over the years, you have become accustomed to it, however, you don't feel good about it, if someone criticise you constantly. You see we cannot please everyone, afterall we are human beings with some negative traits and we cannot be perfect. Many thanks for sharing and enriching the post.
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@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Hello deepak! Sometimes, I do got affected with those negative remarks by the people surrounds me. Although I tried to ignore it, deep inside me, there's still a little bit of hurt feelings. But whatever happens, "life goes on".
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
27 Aug 09
Hi [b]Where were you hiding Aisa! I thought you had gone to some other planet and you've forgotten your frineds[/b].. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, BTW, how do you ignore negative rematks?
• Bangalore, India
28 Aug 09
Aisa I really missed you a lot.. hope everything is fine..
• United States
28 Aug 09
well, I just don't think about it..hehehe..I would never forget my mylot friends..
• India
8 Sep 09
Hello my friend dpk262006 Ji, Such remarks should find welcome at initial stages and not at regular basis. It is good untill some one is not pointed out, improvement in performance may noty be noticeable. But in case it is a habit of someone pointying out at others, it should always be discouraged. Such characters are not satisfied from their home side. They have something to say at their home and they react in offices. I would not tolerate it. MaY god bless You and have a great time.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
8 Sep 09
Hi dear! You are right that criticism need not be tolerated and we should rise to the occasion and make ourselves more expressive. Many thanks for sharing your invaluable thoughts.
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• India
9 Sep 09
Hello my friend dpk262006 Ji, So nice of you for you positive comments and holding me for such high regards. May God bless You and have a great time.
• United States
10 Sep 09
Maybe we should tell them to "shut up, and telling them they are no better." When they make mistakes, we should point it out too, even if it is a small mistakes too. Revenge on each other will continue. Is it what that person wants?
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@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
26 Aug 09
I won't be an idiot to an idiot. He/she can attack me verbally and I'll retort back with words that's enough to shut him/her up. I think careless is not hurting enough but 'you are good for nothing’? How good is he/she? I will make that particular person eat his/her word soon after that. Abusive words are a form of bullying, never tolerate and let them do their way.
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
26 Aug 09
Hi! So you call a spade by spade and you can take the war of words and do not tolerate verbal abuse. You appear very bold. Hats off to you. Many thanks for sharing and responding. I am impressed with your attitude.
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
29 Aug 09
If I were to go through a constant criticism as the type that you have mentioned, it would affect my psyche to some extent. It would cause an inferiority complex to some extent.But here again it would depend on the phse of life Deepak. If this happens today, i would say that i can get a hold on myself introspect and try and sort it out. At a much earlier stage this would have definitely created a problem. In fact i know of a young boy going exactly though something like this and is now into depression.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
1 Sep 09
Hi Alok! It feels good to know that you support my contention that negative criticism can affects one's psyche. I can understand your point of view that after spending so many years of your life, you have become wiser and more experienced and you can take the criticism on your stride. If it had happen, when you were young, things might have been different. Many thanks for joining and enriching the post. Deepak
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
Of course it can affects me somehow. I might believe I am really like that in other words I am useless, but on the other hand who is this person to talk to me that way. If I regularly hear those words, of course I will not just listen, I act or respond. If they believe I am like that, I try my best to change my attitude. I change for the better. I let them see that I can be a better person. But the best thng would be is to not let those criticism affects you. Don't let other people put you down, although you have shortcomings be sure to take it back.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
1 Sep 09
Hi Grecy! It feels good to know that you support my contention that negative criticism can affects one's psyche. I can understand your point of view that we should raise our level and do our best to change our attitude so as not to give an opportunity to others to crticise us. Many thanks for joining and enriching the post. Deepak
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
9 Sep 09
It will tend to affect me slightly at that point of time.. BUt i will let it go immediately too.. haha =D For, it's human nature not to like anything bad or critism.. THus, it's normal for us to feel affected upon hearing that.. hehe ^_^ What we need to do is to get out of it fast, and improve on ourself, to prove them wrong.. haha =D PLus, be it proving it to them, or ourself, it will only do us good, for we are improving to be an efficient worker.. haha =D
• United States
10 Sep 09
well, one of the best way is to make yourself an agenda, trying to focus on work, and only allow one mistake at a day. Otherwsie, you find a way to punish yourself. Otherwise, do everything to be perfect.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Hi dpk! That is so true! People that make these remarks usually don't really care what they are doing to the people who the are making the remarks about or how it is going to affect them! If you want someone to do things better I feel that criticizing them in a negative way only makes things worse! Belittling them just breaks down their spirit! I had many bosses do this to me! They would degrade me and it would make me feel horrible! I would end up hating them and the job and wanting to leave. If someone is really interested in helping you do better then I believe using positive reinforcement is the right way to acheive this outcome. People don't ever react well to negative criticism. At least I know that I didn't!
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
27 Aug 09
Well said OPAL.Negative criticism only drives people away and even good people would become stubborn and rebellious when this happens.In a work situation this is horrible and this boss is only foolish if he is going to think that his subordinate would give him better output on account of his negative criticism.
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
1 Sep 09
Hi Opal! It feels good to know that you support my contention that negative criticism can affects one's psyche and those who do not are not aware of its repercussions. I can understand your point of view that positive comments work as a moral boosting agent. Many thanks for joining and enriching the post. Deepak
• India
30 Aug 09
Hello Deepak sir, Hope you are doing well! I believe that in some stage, criticism helps us to improve ourselves in some areas where we are not good.But it depends upon the criticism(whether it is constructive or destructive).If i was criticized like a Criminal for my small mistakes, then i would loose my temper soon and turn on against them(now i reduced this habit much). I had even resigned 2 jobs never caring about my salary. In those 2 incidents, one time I resigned my job on 30th of the month, where 1st is my salary. Thus the height of my reaction towards too much criticism on me for small things. I read somewhere.. The good form of criticism is known as constructive criticism. a constructive criticism can lend much needed assistance to an individual by giving them feedback on things that can be improved and issues that can be avoided. And I remember one more thought, "when someone is criticizing you, be happy that someone is listening to you" So, I still think the way that there are lot of positive facts hidden with others criticism towards us. But one thing for sure. I would never allow anybody to criticize me who are not good human beings or the one who is not perfect in his duties. And at the same time, I will try to be quiet and remain calm when elder peoples or the persons who helped my family, then persons who helped me in my hard times, etc., if these peoples criticize me, I always try to hear them or atleast not to show my angry towards them. In my life, I had never debated with an old peoples even if they gave wrong statements. Respecting their age, I always maintain silence, the best thing to do. Other than this, I would never fear to give back words to the people whoever criticize me wrongly. I will never care who they are or in which positions they are. If i found their criticizing towards me is wrong, then i will start with my word saying "No,you are wrong" My mother, My Aunt and even Grandma had scold me to change this habit. But i couldn't change till now, as i don't find any wrong thing in saying "No, I am not", when one wrongly criticize me "you are wrong" Criticism is good so long as its not targeting any body and anything in specific. Criticism - a checkpoint of our actions and work. Happy Postings.. Have a nice time! Nice Discussion!
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
1 Sep 09
Hi Raghu! I am fine Raghu. It feels good to know that you support my contention that negative criticism can affects one's psyche. I can understand your point of view that constructive crticism helps up improve upon ourselves. I am impressed with your detailed response. Many thanks for joining and enriching the post. Deepak
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
26 Aug 09
Hello Deepak, Yes. There is a saying that if ten people agree and say you would be termed a thief. Likewise negative remarks all the while works like slow poisoning and a time would arrive when the person at target would seriously starts de valuating himself and there could be the final catastrophe. We, the so called educated people know this is not good to pressurize any one with negative node and it could affect the person's phychological balance and his mental aptitude might go down,hardly realize and are ever overlooking this. Constant belittling is more dangerous for the growing children as they are still not sure about a hell lot of things. They should rather be patted with encouraging words. Those who pass such remarks are surely conceited and feel they are the better off.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
1 Sep 09
Yes, Rajib, I agree with you entirely.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
27 Aug 09
Hi Raj! You have given a very good example to prove the point, which we are discussing. Negative remarks can work as slow poison, I agree with you. Negative remarks, if spoken regularly could demoralise even a good person. Yes, you are right, we should remain more careful in case of children and we should not belittle them as their minds are very tender and they are in the learning process. Thanks for joining and enriching the post with your thoughts.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Aug 09
Yes deepak, this is very sensitive and if possible we should tell others as well that no one is unnecessaruily negative criticized.