What do you think about the current education system in your place?
By Sreekala
@Sreekala (34312)
August 26, 2009 6:40am CST
Hi friends,
Education is a great subject to discuss but here I am not explaining anything but asking some questions and I would like to know your answers.
Do you think the education system in your place is challenging or need more changes?
If you are not satisfied with the system of education in your place then please explain why? What would you like to change?
Do you think that kids have more burden than earlier?
Do you think that the system of education is merely on theoretical?
You please add your own version. I would like to know your thoughts, views etc.
Thanks to all dear friends.

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22 responses
@raghul77ster (2132)
• India
19 Sep 09
Hello my dear,
This discussion of yours is very important topic in our country.
Will you agree if I say our country is following useless education?
Even for the last 60 years
Here I remember the words said by Honorable Dr. M.S.Udhayamurthy, in 1975 to tamil weekly book "Anantha Vikatan"
The question he faced is,
Could you say what is our important problems in education?
Our Education failed to to create confidence in students. Our education concentrates on the fact that their students should have studied this much information, they must know this much facts at this age & that much facts at that age, etc., But, our education forget to teach what all are the informations needed to develop in life.
How to handle a problem, How to approach the problem, how to take decisions for a tough problem, How to interact with others, etc., our education failed to teach.
Our education system had failed to realize that, it is education which prepares a student for his tomorrows life. It is just under the formalities of studying a degree and getting a job, which is a useless procedure.
Having an Aim with us, to change our current education system and if we start to concentrate now to bring new style of education, only then our society will change after 15 years.
So this was the fact told by Honorable Mr.M.S.Udhayamurthy in 1975.
So 34 years had been passed. Its very bad that education system still remains the same for many years.
It is true that the education system which we are following now is not created by us. We are following the education which is borrowed from British. In china and Japan, they had created the education system based on culture.(Our country is famous for our culture[??])But here, we had copied and sticked something and saying as this is our education system.
Our country is 85% based on Agriculture(but how many Indians knew atleast some facts about our agriculture?)
There is no meaning in saying that "teaching knowledge" giving an useless education.
Knowledge is for Life and not for the fact showing outside that "I have this much knowledge"
Seeing other countries education system, we just copied(Liberal arts education) and inserted to our education system forgetting what we need for us, our culture, our students, etc.,
Education creating a fact in students mind that, "If you complete studying, you will get a job" and when the student meet an unexpected situation of no vacancies and unemployed situation anywhere, our students loosing hopes on their life and they are not ready to be bold. Our Government must think what will happen if we face our students in big numbers of unemployed status.
If we turn our looks on village sides, we can see a lot of intelligent peoples who knew much facts of life. They will approach any issue with their own style. Like that, we must also create our education system according to the basis of our county and create a new form of education system which also saves and grows our cultural benefits.
The interviewer didn't stopped. He also asked
What can we do for that? What do you think of it?
Our Dr. M.S.Udhayamurthy continues that,
"In running race(For example), they make the short peoples, little handicapped peoples to stand some more front and run the race. Here we are not discouraging the fast runners.
Like that, its okay we give offers to backward class peoples. But to develop them, if we are avoiding the real talented peoples, then it is truth that we are having some troubles in our helping good mind (how the way he had expressed??!!!)
If we continue the same, our society will be filled with no talent guys.
When a society don't respects the talents, it will be filled with no talent guys.
I don't want to say that this is enough for a society to go downwards.
One must get works according to his talents.
That is Justice.
So let me stop here. He said still a lot more facts and i was amazed reading all of his points. he clearly pointed out what is the problem in 1975. but it makes me shame of our country politicians who never ever made any changes even till now.
Its much years passed and I don't have any hopes on any of our politicians.
These idiots will never do any good things.
Swiss bank says India alone have 125 lakhs of crores black money. If we have that money with us, Our economy will be much increased. India will be the No.1 country in Military. we can pay all our debts which we bought from world bank or any country. Also we can give 1 lakh of money to every Indian.(I can see your mouth opening, dear..)
Recently, I think it must be january 2009, Swiss Bank announced that they can release the names of top money holders if India agrees. But no reaction from neither our government nor our politicians. why?
I wish one day if all these politicians die in a night and good, brave, smart guy comes to rule.
Unless foolish peoples dont vote for the frauds again and again.
Our Education itself turned as "Business" nowadays. Marks are not really neccessary for any students nowadays.
If he had just passed by taking border marks and if he needs to study B.E or B.Tech, sure he can study. It is possible to study as I mentioned it has been turned "business" nowadays. In the name of donation, if he pay the money(lakhs) they asks, he will get any seat he wants in any popular college.
These are shocking facts but which are 'simply' practised for many years.
I wont say that our education system needs a change.
I say we need a Revolution.
Thanks for starting this dscussion where I could share my informations, facts, expectations and also for even shedding my little angry(I have a lot inside).
Have a nice time, dear mum!

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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
2 Oct 09
Hi Raghul,
I can understand your angry. Education is really a business now, a profitable business. Parents are also thinking that they are investing money for their kids. If you sow then only you can reap. Each and every parent expects their children to reach in the top so they don't mind to spend money. So they are ready to give the huge capitation fees to get an admission for MBBS, Engineering etc.
In my opinion the primary level of education is good but after this level the quality is loosing. Actually the system of education is changing time to time but a strong method is yet to find out. I don’t want to mix the politics and education here but I know it is related to some extent. There are lots of issues in the field and I think it is difficult to discuss the whole thing here.
Thank you very much for your thoughts.
Have a nice time to you.

@crimemonitor (73)
• India
24 Sep 09
raghul, i know u talk things right. but i hav 1 doubt her(which is not mine). my friend asks me that educatiion have much developed these days and the informattion u said a re wrong. he said in north india education is worst and here iot is better. our education ministers are quiet good and strict. here wo do strict correcdtions to the answer papers and comparing third class iq student of south indian is better than first class iq talent of north indian. so he says that we are still better(south indians). your comments?
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@crimemonitor (73)
• India
24 Sep 09
and he also says that our current education system enough. there really no need to insist any new things. it is stupid thing to do anything new. current education routine is good and perfect, says he. not me.. lol..
take care..
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
26 Aug 09
The overall education system of the United States needs alot of work and changes
the majority of the schools are over crowded and many kids are being swept under the rug
that is not the case in ALL schools though
here in my school district the classes are small with only about 10 kids per class
the curriculum is more challenging than the larger city schools but the teachers have more one on one time with each student
my only complaint would be that they need to keep God out of the school
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
27 Aug 09
Hi wonttakelong,
You are not happy with the teaching of religion in school. I don't know in which way they are teaching religion in school. All religions are teaching love to each other, tolerate each other but teaching religions in a wrong way make only troubles than advantages. I completely agree with you, religion is a personal choice and forcing to believe in a particular religion is not at all acceptable.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Have a nice day.

@cosmopolitan (1263)
• India
11 Sep 09
I am against the opinion that the present syllabus is cumbersome to kids. The science of evolution has shown that the IQ of every species increases with every new generation. The syllabus you studied in tenth class was not the one I studied and is not case with my sister.It has undergone drastic changes and the content almost tripled. I am of the view that the human brain is capable of taking any amount of data. It is said that even Einstien had not used 1% of the brain in his entire life, don't you think how amazing our brain is.So even the present syllabus is not sufficient to mould a thoroughly educated youth.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
17 Sep 09
Hi Cosmo,
Yes the human brain can do wonderful when it is used properly. But do you think the brain is using properly in the case of education. I have a different of opinion about the system of education in Kerala, where there is simply memorization is going on. I don’t think we want to apply our brain for memorize anything. Now the trend in Kerala is sending every kid to English medium school, I am not against it because we can’t avoid English in the present scenario, but the poor thing is they are appointing teachers for ‘spoken English’ separately
. I wondered what they are teaching in school. What they meant for ‘English medium school’. I know the native language is also important but it is teaching separately and teachers should communicate through the medium, the school demands. (You may also agree with me they can be fluent in English only if they speak and school should take care of this thing because I know every kid are speaking their mother tongue at home). I know all schools are not alike but I told you about one school where my brother’s daughter studied, now she is studied in another school and I think it is better than the earlier.

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
27 Aug 09
Hi Sree!
Our education system is not job oriented and it is such that I find that children mug up and keep cramming different subjects. There G.K. and general awareness appear poor to me. I think that there should be less of exams and there should be more of practical training, instead of bookish knowledge and children should be allowed to take the subjects of their choice, which is not the case in our city. Here there are limited options to study after 12th class and students feel suffocating when they are forced to study subjects, which are not of their choice. I think there is need to reform our education system drastically.

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
17 Sep 09
I agree practical knowledge is also essential, else kids will not grow or learn in their lives.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
17 Sep 09
I agree Deepak now the education is merely a memorization of knowledge and there is lack of practical knowledge. I have gone through different responses from all over the world and all those have the same opinion that is – lack of practical knowledge. Let us hope some changes in the coming future.

@whyiswyh (170)
• Malaysia
27 Aug 09
To the first question, yes...our education system in Malaysia needs to be challenging because it is more on factual memorization. This technique is very faulty if you depend solely on effort to memorize and not to learn the real deal of education.
Second question is,...ka-ching...I am not satisfied for the prior reason I had had told you just now. They have to produce more all-rounder in a way it develops the full potential of the youth. Solely saying that education is the way is not entirely true in Malaysia. Fact regurgitation does not produce what they society needs rather is the education needs to be more proactive by making teachers more reliable and responsible on their behalf of teaching.
Third question, kids nowadays have more burden but this burden is an advantage if used correctly. Nowadays, we are heavily bombarded with information so we can make better choices.If the kids knows how to manipulate the situation and make use of it the burden could be easily changed to an advantage.
Fourth question, education is merely theoretical? Not exactly true, sometimes we need some push from the education to be able to think wisely. But education is just temporarily needed. That my thought, don't be mad at me for I am telling you my side of the truth.It may be one-sided but that's what I think.
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@CynergyDiva (805)
• Canada
27 Aug 09
I absolutely agree with you that memorization is not education. That is what the problem is here.
Remember what's in this book, then repeat it back. If you remember more than 50%, we'll give you a paper that says you're smart.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
16 Sep 09
Hi whyiswyh,
I agree with you, memorization is not education but currently it is going on in every education institution. Children should need the practical training so that they won't stick up after the studies. It is not the condition in Malaysia only but I think the entire world is facing the same problem.
Thanks for sharing your insight.
Have a nice day.

@daliaj (5674)
• India
22 Sep 09
I am against the education sysetm that exists in my country. Our education gives more importance to by hearting things and writing it at the time of exam. But, now the world has changed. All the information is available in internet. Instead of accessing the by hearting capability of students, our education system should change in such a way to access how well a student can apply the things he learned.
@prenuer (277)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Norfolk is doing very well with the lower school public education system but they seem to be seriously dropping the ball at the high school level. I have two eigth and I have already begun shopping for private high schools (and financial aid).
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@youless (112898)
• Guangzhou, China
27 Aug 09
I think the study pressure is just so higher here. The students will have a lot of homework to do. And there are also lots of exams. Their spare time is limited. And some are forced to learn something like playing piano, painting, advanced maths etc. I hope one day the students will have less homework and the study is no longer a pressure.
I love China

@Sreekala (34312)
• India
4 Sep 09
Hi youless,
May be the home work is a burden for many children. Some schools are explaining that they wanted to keep the child busy with studies. In other words, they don’t want to be the child idle. But we know it is just an excuse. Actually children don’t have enough time for play, most of their time consuming for home works, assignments etc.
Let us hope for the best.
Thank you very much for your comments.
Have a great time. 

@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Over all I am pleased with the education that my kids get here. We live in a very good school district and my kids do well in this school district. I do find that sometimes my kids have a little too much homework, more than I ever remember having. But so far I have no real complaints they have good teachers that truly seem concerned about students.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
3 Sep 09
Hi ladym33,
I am also pleased with your reply because you are satisfied with your kid’s education. It is really great and as a parent it is our responsibility to provide good education to our kids.
Have a nice time with your kids.
Thank you very much for your participation and valuable comments.

@chaitra001 (3278)
• Bangalore, India
27 Aug 09
Hi Sreekala education system in Karnataka is not that good.. Though the syllabus is really good but there are no proper teachers(there few but not in all schools) who have the knowledge to teach the students.. not in all schools but few private schools are just money oriented.. students will not understand the concepts properly instead they just have to memorize line to line in order to get good marks in exams.. I think proper Lab and equipments to be provided to students so that they can learn it very easily by doing the experiments..
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
16 Sep 09
Hi Chaitra,
Many private schools are money oriented, it is true. But some of the schools are not able to come up to the expectations. The talented teachers are not available in many schools and if there is talented teachers then there will highly charging from the children. Somebody told me about a school which was running smoothly and standard was high but now it gone down just because of the non-availability of teachers. Yes the talented teachers will not be stay in school unless they paid in well so there are so many issues in school to run it successively and very few are wining the same.
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@CynergyDiva (805)
• Canada
27 Aug 09
Education has changed a lot since I went to school. It seems our government is always changing the curriculum and trying to reinvent the wheel. As a result, we are turning out more and more kids who know nothing.
I remember when teaching truly was a labour of love, as teachers just didn't make the money they do today. Several of my teachers commented that they actually had to find temporary jobs during the summer just to get by. Teachers really wanted to see you succeed then, and worked hard to bring that about. Now, it looks like the teachers just name the assignments and send it home for the parents to teach it. And yet, when I mentioned that I might prefer to homeschool my kids, I found myself on the receiving end of sarcastic remarks like, "where did you get your teaching degree?"
I really believe that a great many teachers and school board officials today are more concerned with their income than they are with the education of our children. If they don't feel like they're being paid enough then there's no qualms about going on strike, and if the children miss out too bloody bad for them.
I have even noticed a difference between the schooling my children were getting in our home province compared to what they were receiving here. I noticed a huge drop in the amount of homework they were bringing home and kids are much more easily passed up to the next grade whether they know the material or not. There is a bigger emphasis put on the child's so called self esteem because failing a grade might make him or her feel ashamed or embarrassed. Well, where I come from, that's just what you needed to make you pick up your socks and do better in future.
I have never liked schools; of course my reasons as a child were very different than my reasons as a parent. And make no mistake, I am all for education, it's the what passes as education and the way it's delivered that I have a problem with.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
16 Sep 09
Hi Cyne,
I do agree now the education becomes a business and parents can nothing to do but following the rule. Actually parents are trying their best to get admission in a high standard school irrespective of the fees structure. They want to give the best education to their kids and this trend encourages the school to some extent for charging a higher amount of fees. I am just saying some of my observations and I don’t know whether I am right or wrong in my findings.
Thank you very much for your valuable thoughts.
Have a nice day.

@Ruby722 (796)
• China
27 Aug 09
Hi there
The education system always been an important problem in every different country
As we know children is the country's hope and the education for the children is most of important .But if you see now our case you will be pity.The samll kids about 6-7 they have to carry a lot of books to the school i think at least that the bag must have 4kg,Can you imagine they have carry so heavily bag everyday go and return.another way the university student when they graduated they have to face a serious problem ---jobless.Yes that is the true.What 's the problem is?
I don't know.But i really hope some people can take it serious and solve it
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
10 Sep 09
Hi Ruby,
You are right, children are the country's hope and education can make the child to a responsible adult. Now the children are forced to do things for facing the competitive world. They are not getting time for enjoyment and fun. It is really sad for them.
Thank you very much for your participation and valuable comments.
Have a great day.

@diwakarraghavan (76)
• India
26 Aug 09
hi sree,
i am from tamilnadu and i have to say that indian system of education really sucks... the state boards are useless ....they dont teach the kids anything.. all kids are encouraged to do is learn things by heart and if iam to put it in the indian way mug answers and jus vomit them on their answer sheets... we dont give value to the growth of a childs skills or intelligence... our system inhibits a childs creativity... i am sure a lot of people feel so... and our colleges are worse ... we need to have the quality of the iits everywhere... i am a proud iitian now but i a sure there are thousands of kids out there whoa re wasting their time and parents money only to have their brain drained....and parents and teachers dont guide kids qualitatively. all kids learn from schools are that it is good to to take a course in computers and get a software jobs.... and so all their passions are curbed in the initial stage itself... the cbse boards are somewhat better in this aspect in the way that children are trained to think... the harsh truth is students from cbse boards outshine students from state boards simply because of the difference in the quality of education
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
3 Sep 09
Hi diwakar,
From your response I gathered that you are not happy with the system of education. I agree many schools failed to boost the creative ideas of children. I have seen that under CBSE, schools are adopting different methods of teaching and some are giving more burdens to children. I agree with you, the present system is testing the memory power of the children, not allowing using their brain. But it is vary from school to school. I am happy to say that some schools are developed a creative way of teaching and I hope others will follow the path.
Thank you very much for your participation.
Have a great time. 

@balasri (26537)
• India
26 Aug 09
I am not that happy with the educational system here.There is no yardstick to gauge the real intelligence and how much the student has learned here.The entire life depends on what a student write for two hours of memorized lessons.I can always see the difference between a student who got 100 marks and the other one who got 80 marks.There are many cases where the student who got a little lesser marks is astonishingly brighter than the one who go the 100.There is something wrong with our educational system. Testing the knowledge and aptitude of a student throughout the year in the class should be the right choice.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
27 Aug 09
Hi Bala,
It means the intelligence is not testing but the memory power is testing and those can by-heart the lessons can score a good marks. I think the system may change slowly. Many schools are giving more important for creative education. Let us hope the best.
Thanks for joining.
Have a nice day.

@iriscot (1289)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Hi Sreekala, my concern with the present school system is that disipline is very lax in the early grades. When they took the paddle out of the teachers' hand, the students were allowed to get away with all kinds of misdeads. A friend of mine retired lot long ago from teaching and he said that kids in the hall would cuss him and call him all kinds of dirty names, because he tried to be strick with them in class. There was nothing he could do about it.
Disipline has to start in the very lower grades and maintained through high school. Students used to be failed by the teachers if there work wasn't up to grade and the students would spend the next year in the same class room. That doesn't happen today, they just pass them in order to get rid of the trouble makers and poor students.
It was recently stated that 20% of the kids in St Louis never graduate from high school and most of that group never attend school, they just wonder the streets and get into trouble.
So, I would say that our school system needs a complete overhaul. I know that a lot of people will disagree with me.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
28 Aug 09
Hi iriscot,
I never disagree with you and the reason is I am not aware the situation in your place; you are the best to assess it better than me. Students with bad behavior are every where in the world and they can disturb the teachers especially those are strict in their attitude. But it is not good to disrespect a teacher for his strict attitude; he/she is doing the same for expecting the good future of their dear students. Each and every teacher wishes the bright future of their students. The students should realize this first. Otherwise the education becomes meaningless.
Thank you very much for your valuable comments.
Have a nice day.

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Our education system has fallen so far down that I don't think it can recover. In the name of "self esteem" we don't even have valedictorians anymore--those are speakers at graduation who have excelled in their studies. We don't have them because it might make the other students feel bad that they didn't succeed like the valedictorian.
We can't play tag at recess anymore because the person who is "it" might feel badly and besides, it involves touching which is wrong in the eyes of the school. No more kickball, either, because it'll make kids feel badly and hurt their feelings.
Our education has been dumbed down so that everyone can succeed but no one can excel. It is killing our nation.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
28 Aug 09
Hi dragon54u,
I don’t have any idea about the system of education in your place. I agree education is important and is making the citizens good and if it fails it may kills the nation. The responsible person should do something to make some of them excel.
Have a nice day dear.

@krupesh (2608)
• India
26 Aug 09
I am from Bangalore & the level education is quiet nice here.There are so many people from all over the world who come here to study.I have not gone deep inside as to know how they teach & all the stuff but it seems that we have a good education system in place here.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
27 Aug 09
Hi rupesh,
I know that people from different parts of India prefer Bangalore for higher education. I never visited the city but I know many people who completed their education from this city. What about the primary education in your city. I hope it must be good.
Thanks for joining.
Have a pleasant day.

@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
26 Aug 09
Hello Sreekala, I think the education here in Greece is wonderful and is not burdended with problems which detract from the actual education. The standards are very high and the children are extremley challenged which I believe is a good thing. The homework is a heavy load but my son is one of those who opt for all day school so deals with his homework there in the afternoons. There is a huge empahasis on Greek history which instills them with a sense of pride, and at ten my son learns three languages now, which will increase in another year to four. It is also a system which takes pride in academic achievement.