if you find money on road, will you keep it in your pocket?????

August 26, 2009 7:33am CST
Yesterday, while coming back from Office, I found Rs.100 Note. I picked it up and looked around, I did not find a soul around. After staying still for about a minute, I quitely decided to keep it in my pocket and went home. Now tell me, did I do the right thing??? What would you have done in my place??? Have you ever found money on the road????
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63 responses
@ENVY68 (158)
• India
27 Aug 09
If I were in your position then I would not have taken that money which supposedly belong to some unknown person who left it may be he or she is blind or handicapped who knows in what circumstances you found that money. You may think then if I leave it alone someone else would take it. I donot think you should take this as your right to claim someone else's money as yours since you had seen it first and nobody there around you to watch or claim. You may think I would sound rather different from other myLot members views but this is what I exactly did a couple of years ago when I found Rs.500 note near bus stop where no body was standing except me. I looked around like you but nobody was there. But I just ignored it and waited for the bus. After sometime a very old partially blind poor man came searching some thing on the floor. I just asked him what are you searching for? He told me that he was searching for his Rs.500 which fell from his hand while he got down from the bus which he did not notice till he reached his home. So he came back searching all the way from his home. I wondered how long the money was lying on the road but nobody watched it. He told me that he is a weaver and weaves floor mats, he sold the mats and got money from the near by town. He returned from the town by bus where he lost the money. Since he is too old and nobody supports him and his wife he could live on his own earnings and he could only weave few mats with help of his wife and goes to the town to sell it once in a month.When I took that money from the ground and I gave him his own money he was so happy and showed his gratitude. Then I felt money never brings real happiness but helping a poor old man to get back his hard earned money can. It was a very satisfying moment in my life. What really surprised me was the money was lying on the ground for more than an hour as told by the old man. Finally, I thought since it is his hard earned money God left it for him to get back his own money.
@ENVY68 (158)
• India
27 Aug 09
Thank you for your comments. But this is not a story but it really happened to me. I had the opportunity because I waited for long time to get the bus. Otherwise after seeing the money which I ignored and if the bus for which I was waiting came early I would not have seen the poor old man and helped him to get back his money.
@msinfo79 (324)
• United States
27 Aug 09
nice story, good person if that really happened. Not everyone is as that caring and considerate. lucky for that guy you were around and not me. ;)
@vandana7 (101379)
• India
27 Aug 09
Hi goodfundadvisor, I do find it strange, but I often find coins. I found a quarter (commemorative at that) like this. I believe they are lucky, so I keep them. However, if I do find a large sum of money, and I did once - more correctly a friend did as we got down from Mumbai local train - we took it to the police station. I bet that guy laughed at the cash. But my primary concern at that point of time was our safety. Didnt want somebody running behind us for that money. And in any event we didnt know whether it was fake or not. Of course everybody yelled at us. They said the policeman would do nothing to give away the money. I did it in good faith, and I do feel bad that I made my friend who was much younger than me do that. In all probability, she would have been better off with it.
• India
8 Sep 09
Then what happened???? did the police man return the money to you or kept it for himself???
@vandana7 (101379)
• India
8 Sep 09
Obviously he wouldnt have returned!
• Philippines
31 Dec 11
Hi goodfundadvisor! I would surely do that. Well, of course, if I found it and no one claims it right there and then. I would definitely keep that. When I find coins, I actually keep it in my coin container. It surely adds up!
• India
31 Dec 11
Hey dolce_vita78, Why don't you return it to the owner ? I think then you have reward and blessings too. Think something differently !
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
Yeah I do keep the money I find on the streets. I pick it up but before doing so I check first if there is someone in the area cause I find it embarrassing to be picking money on the streets. If no one sees me, then the money is mine. Finders keepers hehe! Ciao!
• India
2 Sep 09
Yes, it is always wise to look around and see if someone is watching you while picking up the money, and then of course , enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
3 Sep 09
Hehe, yeah look around first before picking up money on the streets. Besides, the money might from someone looking for it and it would be embarrassing for us to pick it up.
@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
27 Aug 09
if i find money on the road, and if i see nobody comes back looking for it. i would keep it for myself. i'm sure a lot of people will do the same thing too. money's hard to find and if there's one sittng on the road, why not just take it? besides,i might even hurry to pick it up and leave to make sure I get to keep it ! LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
• India
4 Sep 09
Which means, patofgold23, that if someone does come back, you are ready to give it back... is it????
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
hello there goodfun! oh yeah I would...no matter how much i wanna keep it bad.. if someone comes looking for it..must mean he needs it so bad..I would feel so terrible still keeping it... but then...if nobody wants it... then it's mine...
• Indonesia
27 Aug 09
i've never found money on the street. you must be a lucky one LOL. but if i found some money on the street, my religion told me to give 10% to a person who are in-need.
@jojuana (311)
• Jamaica
27 Aug 09
lol!! thats nice. i would do that. but yeah i've found a lot money and if my friend's with me i would share it. it doesn't matter if it 10% or more.
• India
4 Sep 09
Well, if the amount was BIG, I too would have definitely donated 10% or even more to any Temple, but the amount is Rs.100, that is just about $2....
• Philippines
27 Aug 09
Yes I have found some money which is a PHP500 bill on the road one time while I was waiting for a bus at the bus stop. Nobody saw it though there were other people waiting before I came there so I picked it up and put it right away in my pocket as I also badly needed some money that time. There was also a time when me and my sister were in a restaurant, I found PHP200 bill. I thought its my sister's money so I took it and gave it to her after we ordered some food. She said its not hers so I kept the money again, there were no other customers near us.
• India
4 Sep 09
You did the right thing both the times. If other people at the bus stop could not notice, then God meant it to be for you. He probably understood your financial position at that point of time. And maybe God wanted to give you a treat and that's why he made sure that you found another amount in the Restaurant. Free Food. Enjoy.
@lsnggrp (180)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Yep you did the right thing. You looked around, waited a little and no one showed up I say that money is totally yours and you keep it man. I would have done the exact same thing you did in that situation. On the other hand if I were to find a wallet or smth I would either drop it off in some post office box or maybe drop it off at police station. I would not take anything out of the wallet. I say this because I myself lost a wallet once and somebody returned it to the police which in turn returned it to me. I was very grateful because I had all these ID cards in there plus bank cards and such and I also had around $100 in cash. When I got my wallet back everything was in its pleace except the cash, the cash was gone. I guess whoever found it thought they were entiteled to the cash they found in my wallet. Oh well, no big deal as long as I got my IDs back I was fine. But like I said in a situation like yours I would do the same thing so do not feel bad at all but ENJOY THE MONEY!!! CHEERS!
• India
6 Sep 09
I can understand what you are trying to explain. My brother had such a bitter experience in Haridwar. He had gone for a bath on the banks of Ganga, and shiwsh, gone!!! His wallet was stolen. And yes, like you, more than the money, he was disappointed because he had kept his Credit card, Voter Id Card and even the Income Tax Card. Inspite of a complaint to Police Station, he could not get back his card. So disappointing. Yes, I am sure mylotters are a good bunch of people, who would not hesitate to return any Wallet if they find any ID of a person.
• United Kingdom
27 Aug 09
It's interesting that I should notice this discussion! I have never been lucky enough to find money blowing around in the street! However, last week this actually did happen to me for the first time ever and I was pleasantly surprised. I live in one of these new two story apartment buildings and, as I was entering the main door I found five pounds on the ground outside. Now, this is probably a lot more trickier than your own situation as I'm thinking that this five pound note probably belonged to someone in the building. I decided to treat this as a piece of luck from the powers that be and I decided not to knock on apartment doors asking if a five pound note had been lost. I think it's ok to keep money if you find it lying around. However, if I'm walking behind someone and I noticed that they had dropped some money without them realising it then I would not pocket the money, I would then inform them and would relish their facial expression as they thanked me heartily!! Andrew
• India
6 Sep 09
Yes, your situation was trickier than mine. But, in hindsight, I feel what you did was okay, especially since the money was not large and also no IDs were found.
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
28 Aug 09
If you can't find the owner then sure, why not?
• India
31 Dec 11
Oh no no! Why don't you give it to police and tell him the right thing ?
• India
27 Aug 09
no i did not find money on the road untill now. but you did the right thing because a person that careless should deserve a loss.by the way ensure it's not a fakew note
• India
4 Sep 09
Thankfully, Venkat, the note was a genuine one
• India
27 Aug 09
I have never found money on the road but if i found one will drop in a nearby temple box as offering. I may also give it to a beggar but never keep it with myself.
• India
8 Sep 09
I hope one day, you do find some money on the road and I pray to God that let it NOT be MY money.....
@magickat (381)
27 Aug 09
I often find money in the road and always pick it up and keep it. It's just cash so there is no way of knowing who it belongs to. If it was a wallet or purse that would be different and I'd definitely hand it in. If you do feel guilty, how about giving the money to a charity?
• India
8 Sep 09
You do seem to have magic in your feet, going to places where you often keep finding money in the road. How about lending me your feet.....
@san_683 (88)
• India
27 Aug 09
you did the right thing, i wud also have done the same thing, i know that i have lost lots of money like that, i have found little money like that and kept it, but the amount i have lost is 50 times more than i found.....
• India
8 Sep 09
Sad, isn't it???? Losing 50 times more than you have found. Maybe you are bit careless. Or find out, if all your trousers have holes in them. Maybe your tailor is secretly making holes in them, and following you, and he himself could be picking up your notes.....
@sameroad (3179)
• United States
27 Aug 09
i have found money on the road before... i found $20 going into best buy recently. I have always kept that money. I don't know who it belongs too and the money has always come in handy to me. I always see it as a blessing. a little gift someone left for me to find. hehe you did the right thing. if you hadn't of picked it up and kept it.. the next person to come along and see it would of kept it. so it's a finders keepers type of thing. it was lost money and you found it.
• India
4 Sep 09
$20 is not a small amount. So you are lucky. Yes, you are right, if I had left the money untouched, some other person would have found it and picked it up.
@jojuana (311)
• Jamaica
27 Aug 09
come on you did not stay still for a minute i saw you, you just picked it up shove in your p[ocket an ran off! loll!! well my friend if i find that money i would not stick around and wait i would put in my pocket walk around and scrutonize peoples faces to see if they are looking for something i would ask if they had a problem and they tell me and its about the money i would give it back but if no one's there ,noone to claim it then i would be gone. i think about peoples fellings i know how i would feel if i had lost my money so i'm concerned for others. and yes my dear friend you ddid do the right thing. i've found money a lot of times.
• India
4 Sep 09
well, jojuana, as I told you, I found the note, while coming back from office, it was night, so, obviously, there were very very few people around... Otherwise, I am sure, it would have been noticed by some other person. And, lucky you, that you have found money a lot of times...
• China
27 Aug 09
Well,honestly,if i pick money on the road the first time i'll see if there're people,if not i'll keep it and contracy i'll pretend see nothing.
• India
4 Sep 09
Hmm... I think that's what practically everyone does. Even I too did the same
@taztheone (1721)
• India
26 Aug 09
Intresting ,yet a common scenario. According to me, no one would leave a note like that & walk away. Some think that it is a gift given by god & keep it happily because you are lucky to find it while others failed to find that note. There is no point of feeling guilty as we have done nothing wrong here. Well I should say, Lucky are those who find the Gods gift!! (you won't know if he actually dropped it!!lol)
• India
3 Sep 09
taztheone, I found it and that's it. Luck or not, it is mine now. However, I do not consider it as God's gift. I do not such a 'chilar' as gift from God. Instead let God give me a Gold biscuit. Psst..... I will give you a treat. want to come???? P.S. The treat comes when gifts me a Gold Biscuit.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Wow what luck. I have never found money on the road, but believe me I would have done the same in pocketing the money. And that is a lot of money, I can't believe someone dropped that and didn't notice it missing. Enjoy the money.
• India
3 Sep 09
Yes trisha, the person who dropped must be either very rich or very dreamy, not noticing the missing of the note. My luck!!!!!
• United States
27 Aug 09
Someone once told me; Finder's Keepers, Loser's Weepers :)
• India
4 Sep 09
So true, can't agree more