What do you think of a woman who is a heavy smoker ?

August 26, 2009 8:26am CST
In our country most of female don't smoke . It would be strange to see a girl or woman smoking in public . But as i know that there are some female who are smoking . Some just say that they smoke just in order not to be the victim of second hand smoking. Some smoke because they think female who is smoking is really charmful. I konw that in other country female smoking is very common . Please share your opinion.
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26 responses
• United States
26 Aug 09
Women do smoke here in the US but I don't think quite as much as men. Sadly when the woman is older like 40yrs+ you can see how much it has aged them, their skin, their face, their voice especially is alot lower than it should be.
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• China
27 Aug 09
I used to have two English teacher from USA who both smoked a lot . They told me that smoking is kind of way to refresh them when they were preparing the lessons. Yes i agree with you that smoking do a great harm to women's appearance besides their health.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
27 Aug 09
I hate to see anybody smoking period. I move far away from them. I do not want first hand, second hand or third hand smoke.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
30 Aug 09
Its like iam alergic to that smoke. I get congested.
• China
29 Aug 09
I would step away from the smell too.
@rsa101 (38320)
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
Sad to say that in our country which is pretty much liberalized already, many are already into smoking. I am a man but I do not smoke like many men are. That is why I usually do, as much as I could, avoid them. But if it cannot be avoided I just respect them as they are and avoid to become judgmental about them. It is their choice to become so and hopefully would not suffer in the end about the consequence they have chosen.
• China
29 Aug 09
Yes we should respect everyone's choice .
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
Well, I don't have any friends that are smokers, but if I did I would make sure that they wouldn't do it in my presence. Otherwise have never cared for it and I just basically think it's a very "unclassy" thing to do. But they're going to do it anyway.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
I just thought of something I wanted to add on. Well I would hope that as a female you'd be more concerned about your looks, because you don't want to age one day and find that you have the "weathered smokers skin" thing happening or that raspy croaky voice - not sexy at all.
• Indonesia
29 Aug 09
[Hi grace[/b] Well, in my country there are various opinion about woman who smoke. In my family, woman who smoke considered as bad woman and she makes bad impression about herself. Personally, I don't think so. It's her choice. I'm sure she has a brain too, and with all warning and bad fact about smoke, if she still decided to smoke,it's her rights. For me, I try not to judge people before I know them, so it's fine. My problem just I can't stand the smell of smoke! I hate trays and I realize that smoker has certain smell that I don't like. That's why I stay away from them, because of the smell, not because I have certain impression to them. I think they need to be helped.
• China
30 Aug 09
I cann't agree with you any more. I don't like smoking and the smell but i also respect those who smoke .
• United States
28 Aug 09
I don't prejudge someone. I wouldn't smoke though coz I know its long-term consequences. Women who smoke are brave enough to ruin their lungs. I don't drop someone from my list of friends just because she smokes. I still respect her.
• China
29 Aug 09
You are doing right things here.
• United States
27 Aug 09
I'm a woman and a smoker. Not a heavy smoker but I do smoke. I don't do it to look cool, I do it because i'm hooked on the nicotine. I really would like to quit but haven't tried very hard lately.
• China
29 Aug 09
Good luck to you and wish you reach your goal soon.
@AKMEDIA2 (328)
• United States
28 Aug 09
I think whether you smoke or not should not depend on your gender. Most European AND Asian women AND American women smoke as much as the men do. I also have never had that type of response that they smoke because of second hand smoking. It's pretty offensive and unless you live in a third world country I don't think you should be making any difference.
• China
29 Aug 09
Well i don't know whether i'm offensive or not because in our country most of women don't smoke at all . Yeah i know men should be equal to women in doing everything in theory but in real life it doesn't always work like that.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
27 Aug 09
I find nothing attractive or interesting about a woman who smokes. There is no problem with it though. I don't think bad or good either way. However I would not want to be with a woman who smoked. It smells bad. Makes your teeth yellow. Ruins your skin. Makes your voice get scratchy over many years. So no thanks.
• China
27 Aug 09
I also think that smoking smeels bad .
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Hi Grace Personally I dont't smoke I find it to be a discusting habit it smells bad its a health hazard,however it gets into everything your house,car.ect.. when we moved to our house we live in now they were smokers and it was in everything it took a year to get all the smell out of the house we even had to change the carpeting which is where most of it was harboring the odor.
• China
29 Aug 09
I even can breathe the smell when i read your wording above. I feel bad about the smell too.
• United States
27 Aug 09
Well, I live in the United States and I think that the majority of people that I know, smoke. Whether they are male or female, it isn't really a big deal. That is weird that in other countries that women aren't found smoking, that is a good thing though! I smoke, and I am female, and like I said, it isn't really catergorized by either male or female, either people smoke or they don't here lol.
• China
27 Aug 09
Different countries have different life ways . Good luck.
@Aylward (198)
• Philippines
27 Aug 09
Some women smoke to release the tense from their body. Some smoke because they love to, meaning it's their vice and they achieve something from doing so. I don't understand why they love to do that knowing that it is not good for their health.
• China
27 Aug 09
Everyone knows that smoking is bad for health but they still have their own reasons to smoke.
• Pakistan
27 Aug 09
I dont like girls who smoke. In my city i rarely see girls smoking except a few who belong to elite cless.However women in our villages smoke heavily and it seems to me very odd
• China
27 Aug 09
I also find that some village women smoke heavily.I think the reason is that they need to do a lot of heavy work and smoking can refresh them.
@marctiu (829)
• Philippines
27 Aug 09
Some female in my country the Philippines smokes socially in order to catch up with the trend, but I really dislike ladies who smoke especially when they develop into a chain smoker. It's really disgusting to watch them play with smoke, and the thought of them having a lung cancer in the near future because of smoking just kills my conscience. To all Female out there: pls dont ever try smoking or if you have already started, try stopping it... with 21 days of breaking a habit. just have abstinence for 21 days and the habit will be gone.
• China
27 Aug 09
Thanks for sharing your opinion here. It's very kind of you to say things like that.
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
27 Aug 09
Hello there Yep.our country in some ways are very traditional.But i like this traditional anyway.I can acceept women smoking most of somker they somking beacause they under a big pressure from work or life as i know a lot of female stars somking in our country maybe it's the best way they relief of pressure.However somking is not good for our healthy so whatever men or womem i think they should contorl themselves smoking less .more healthy.
• China
27 Aug 09
Yeah smoking in some way can relieve the life pressure which is the main reason most of people start smoking .Also good suggestion that smoke less ,more healthy.
@taztheone (1721)
• India
26 Aug 09
In most of the major Cities & developed countries you do find a lot of women smoking. However this is not so common in small towns & villages. I feel that it is more harmful to women than men to smoke. If you see everyone around you smoking, then as a girl how long will you stand without smoking. Once you do, mostly your friend will follow & get addicted. Well,some says WHY ONLY BOYS SHOULD HAVE ALL THE FUN!!!!!!
• China
27 Aug 09
Everyone can smoke but it's for everyone not to smoke for the sake of health.
@shimanaja (493)
• Indonesia
27 Aug 09
I think in this day and age many women smokers. They have their reasons why they smoke.Perhaps one of the reasons that you mentioned is true. Personally i dont smoke, cos i really do not find the pleasure of smoking. And for women smoking can cause problems, especially to your healthiness. But it is up to each of them. They have their life and responsibility to use it well. Thanks, happy mylotting..
• China
27 Aug 09
Thanks for sharing your opinion here. I like your opinion.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
27 Aug 09
for me, woman be heavy smoker like call girl
• China
27 Aug 09
Well it seems that you are stronly against woman smoking.
@wlyatshu (18)
• China
27 Aug 09
Anyone has the right to decide if he or she want to somke or not. If a woman kisses an ash tray in front of me, the first idea conjure up with me would be "Oh, god! This woman got gut!". As long as her somking does no harm to me, oh well, i will give no fig for her whether she smokes or not.
• China
27 Aug 09
I feel the same as you . I won't fig for anyone if they do no harm to me.
• Vietnam
27 Aug 09
I think if female smoke, it is the bad thing.The peoples said that female who was a heavy smoke,she wouldn't good for her children and she can die
• China
27 Aug 09
In some way it's also bad for men to smoke . But you are right that a smoking woman might do harm to her baby if she smokes heavily when she is pregnant.