Driving on the Highway.

@hdjohnson (2981)
United States
August 26, 2009 5:58pm CST
I recently got a debt free vehicle with a small corner of the windshield cracked, while driving the van today, I wondered how many people have driven on the highway and experienced a rock or some other foreign object from these fast 18 wheelers or dump trucks fly up and put a crack in your windshield? It hasn't happened to me personally, but I used to work for a call center where it would happen on a daily basis. So I was wondering if any mylotters had any experience with this sort of challenge? Were you able to get your insurance carrier or the companies insurance carrier's to pay for the repairs?
1 response
@taztheone (1721)
• India
26 Aug 09
For a moment, forget about the car, Imagine you riding a bike & a stones of some sort flying toward you!! This happened with me many at-times & lucky that it didn't hit me on my head as i usually don't wear Helmets!!