I Was Thrown Away By My Best Friend
By CatsandDogs
@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
August 26, 2009 6:00pm CST
I don’t even know where to start, so I will just jump in for the ride, and say that my best friend threw me away like yesterday’s garbage. I love my friend with my whole heart, and it hurts terribly not to have her in my life.
For me, friends are like family. My friends are part of my life, and they will be part of my life for ALL of my life. I don’t ever throw a friend away. That said, I am devastated. I feel like a family member has died. I don’t think my grief will ever fade. How can it? How can I know that my friend is alive and well, and for all intents and purposes she is the same as dead to me? I want my best friend, but she doesn’t want me. Was she ever my friend to begin with? How do friends do this and call themselves friends? What did I do to deserve to be thrown away? I’m sorry for going on, guys, but I am just thrown for a loop over this.
The major thing is that we had a disagreement. My friend has a giving heart. She helped me and my parents out a lot. I didn’t ask her to, and I told her I could never repay her kindness to us. It seemed to be okay at the time, but now it is a big issue between us. It seems that because I gave her back some of the money she sent, I insulted her somehow... I don’t get it.
To make this into a discussion.... Do friends really throw each other away without talking things out?
If I could talk to my friend I would tell her that I love her and miss her. I don’t want anything from her. I just love her and want her in my life. I don’t know how we got to this point, but we are at a standstill. I have asked her to forgive me for whatever I did to turn her against me, but she won’t forgive me. She won’t even talk to me.
Have you ever been thrown away? If the answer is yes, did you ever get over it?
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22 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
27 Aug 09
I don't get it either. I can see a friendship breaking up because you didn't repay some of the loaned money not because you did the honorable thing and tried to repay some of it. I think there must be another reason that you are not aware of. However if this is really the reason then she must not have placed the same values on the friendship as you did. It his is the case them I would just let the friendship go as IMO true friends do not behave this way.
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@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Hello CatsandDogs
I feel really bad for you, I am in a similar situation myself only thing is I want the friendship to end, you seem to really love your friend and if she wont take your calls I don't know what else you can do, I don't understand why she is doing this myself, I would want someone like you in my life, give it sometime and if it is meant it will be 

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Hi kitty42. I asked you to be my friend because of the kind words you said on here. How could I not ask you?! lol All I ask is if we ever come to a disagreement, to please, let me explain what I mean or meant before shutting me out completely because I've been known to stick a foot in my mouth and not realize I did it till later and either I've been called on it or I'll realize what I said didn't quite come out right and I'll do my best to explain and "fix" the wrong doing. I'm not one that goes around hurting people. I don't have a halo on my head but dang it, I try to be the best person I can be all the while be myself too and stick to my beliefs.
Yeah, I do care very much for my now ex friend and don't wish her any harm or any bad luck but wish her the best that life has to offer. She's a good hearted person who took me wrong and now won't give me the time of day to explain my side, which isn't right. I feel if she had an opened mind, she'd be able to see where I'm coming from and want to repair our friendship.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Hi kitty friend! I'm sending you a pm which is a private message (if you don't already know....) Look at the top of your screen and you'll see messages with a 1 beside it, there's a message for you. Let me get it typed up then you'll see it.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Hello my friend
I am so glad we are friends you sound just like me, I am the same way, almost word for word really cool, don't worry if we don't agree thats fine, I will try to avoid disagreements in here unless I know for sure I can explain myself clear enough that you will understand my point, thanks again for being my friend, always remember when I post, I post from my heart 

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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
27 Aug 09
I have had the same problem with a friend of mine a few years back. Money can seperate friends giving, accepting, borrowing, and loaning, friends and money don't normally mix well. Your friend is probably feeling as bereft as you are about the loss of the friendship and may even be sitting there right now regretting her hasty and harsh words. When she did you those favors she did it as a gesture of friendship and she didn't neccessarily want the money back. Expecially if she knows that you can't afford to give it back to her, which is information that she would be privvy to because of the friendship. She probably feels that you don't understand that her friendship and her help were unconditional and that by giving her back money you're telling her that she was not helping you out, or that "I don't need your money.", and I completely understand that you feel obligated to pay her back. Probably you were trying to return some of the money that she helped your family out with. She feels like she helped you out not wanting gratitude or indebtedness but because she could see your need and she had it to give. She probably also feels like you're family and by giving her back money that she told you you didn't have to return you are saying to her, "you're just a friend, your not family, don't insult me or my family by giving us handouts." Which that can be misinterpreted as.
As angry bewildered and hurt as you may be, she probably is also. If you can go to her house and talk to her, if she lives to far away then send her a letter. Tell her how you feel, that you love her, and that you do appreciate her help, you just didn't want the fact that she's helped out you and your family to get in the way of your friendship. Tell her you are her friend because of your love, and the shared experiences that make you two friends, and that you were humbled by her wanting to help you when you feel that maybe she can't afford to do that or now that the economy or circumstances have changed for her and you're in a position to give some money back to her you thought that you were doing a good thing. Tell her if that's what it takes then give you the darn money back and you'll never discuss it again, or tell her regardless she can keep it but not at the expense of your friendship which is much more precious to you. Pour your heart out to her and try to make her see where you were coming from wasn't in any way to negate her blessings or her help, and that you didn't want to hurt her feelings. Tell her you miss her, and money or no money you need her. Yell at her, cry with her, whatever it takes to get her to hear you and to try to reach an understanding. Set boundaries for monetary gifts or loans in the future. Tell her if it is a loan I will do my best to pay you back as fast as I can, but if you give me a gift, just like if you bought me some item I am not going to give it back. That would be like you giving me something and after I used it a little, boxing it up and giving it back to her. A gift is a gift and gift giving is a blessing to the giver as much as it is a blessing to the friend in need. Don't let her discard you without a better reason than this little misunderstanding. Maybe something else is going on with her and she just unloaded on you and now regrets it, sometimes things are not just about us, they are about what is going on with us, when someone does something that pisses you off and you just let them have it with both barrels. You feel bad afterward but you also feel that you are right and that if your friend can't see that then what kind of friend are they.
Remember neither of you has to be wrong for the other to be right. You're dealing in the realm of feeling, and feelings are neither right nor wrong, they simply are how you feel. the reasons for the feelings may be right or wrong, or seen from a different perspective they may be inequal to the situation. Relationships of any kind, with family, friends, partners, and children are fraught with emotional baggage and emotional fallout. Friends have misunderstandings, it happens, but don't give up on her so soon. I know you're hurt but is it worth it to swallow your hurt and your pride and make the oveture to start the dialogue. It sounds to me like it is worth it to you, so don't wait, patch it up. One day you'll both look back on this bump in the road and laugh at how you oculd have misunderstood each other so completely.

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Another thing, she's in a different country across the ocean from me. I'm in the States and she's in Europe. And she's used to not being talked to by her mother for weeks at a time so she's used to it and can do it to others without feeling anything so it's hard to communicate to someone who just shuts me out.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
27 Aug 09
Hi Cats, sorry for the pain you are going through. It is hard to understand why people do what they do sometimes. One of my dear friends was dumped by another friend last year and to this day she still does not know why the friendship was ended so abruptly. She has analysed herself over and over and cannot see what she could have done that was so wrong. Clearly the dumper has issues and they may well have nothing to do with her.
The only thing you can do is let your friend be for a while, after all you have apologised for what ever has upset her and there is nothing more you can do.
Time will help a little I hope...
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Aug 09
She's angry with me because I gave the money back to her and then I joined a pet picture contest in hopes to win the money so I could help my parents. She thinks I threw the money in her face! I did NOT do that! I didn't mean it that way and told her why I sent it back! Besides, I didn't expect her to vote as much as some of my other friends could because she and her husband works and she has long long commutes and I told her that but she sees it differently and calls me a liar now. I doubt time will change her mind but I do hope it does. I'm not going to bother her anymore and hope she comes to realize that I didn't mean it the way she took it and we can become friends again. I can only hope.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Aug 09
I hope so Paula but I don't think she will because she's so angry that she can't see that there may be a reason behind the action. At times I wonder about being damned if I do and damned if I don't. Can't win either way.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
27 Aug 09
I hope so Cats, how strange for her to get so upset over you returning the money.I sincerely hope that in time she will at least talk to you about it. Take care Cats...
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
I don't know if a friend of mind thrown me away because she doesn't give any message from now on. I really consider her a s a goo great friend of mind. I help her all the way to her problem. Help her in her blog marketing.
If she request that go for this sites and sign in I sign in. Go to this sites and give me what you opinion and go to the sites and give her a feedback.
But one day I found out that the friend of mind that I consider a great friend from the Internet was tricking me.
Now she is not online and doesn't give any message. I don't know why?
That's my share..have a great day!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Aug 09
I'm really sorry to hear that. Apparently she wasn't much of a friend to begin with. I wish you the best!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
Yup! my friend, it is sad that the friend you consider as family is tricking you. I am a good friend in all the aspect in life but not rich. I don't know if destitution in life is one of the biggest obstacle in a good friendship. Have a nice day!
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@quita88 (3715)
• United States
28 Aug 09
I believe if you give her time, she'll eventually come back to you.
The money seems to have been an issue. Not sure why when you were doing the right thing.
Take your time. Call her in a few days and try to talk to her. If that doesn't work, then ask her point blank, why?
I really do think you can work this out, it just takes one of you to take the first step. Maybe she heard wrong? never know till you try.
Be that one.
God Bless,
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Aug 09
She lives in Europe while I'm in the States so I can't call or go to her place and talk to her. I have tried to talk to her via messenger but she shuts me down right now so I can't explain my side. I've explained what happened in more detail a couple of responses above yours, if you want, you can come back here and look at them and you'll get a better idea of what exactly happened between us.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
29 Aug 09
YOu do have a problem and I sympathise with you.
But, she must not be the friend you thought she was and money is always the culprit in losing any freindship.
Still she sounds childish in shutting you out completely and not listening to your side of the story.
But, like several responses are telling you, send her a few bucks at time and when you are sure you have paid her back in full, forget her. I know that will be hard but so is this worrying isn't it/
Sorry, get that money back and move on.
I am quite sure there are many out there, including me :) that needs a good friend as your are !
Hang in there kiddo , you are not the firt to lose what was thought of as good friend.
many hugs,
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Aug 09
Well Sweetie I know how that feels I had it last Year when I had my Operation
22 Years we where friends and all because I was trying to sort things out before I went to the Op and asked my Son to let them know she got a huff on that I did not phone her myself, no matter I had things to do before I went it
It upset me very much, we now sort of talk but the Friendship will never be the same
I am sorry this has happened to you and I really hope your Friend will see sense and at least talk to you
Big Hugs
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
27 Aug 09
I read through the discussion and my eyes are teared up. I feel for you. I kinda threw a friend away. We had always done things together and went places together and had children together. My main thing was that she lied constantly. She would even put me in a place in time where whatever she was talking about happened and I was never there if the story was even true or not. I got tired of helping her out especially when she wouldn't help herself out. I put my heart out there and one day, just moved and stopped talking to her. Do I miss her? Yes, I really do. Do I want her back? Yes, but I have a life of my own and I am happy with it, and for right now, I have the memories of the good times to last a life time. Remember, If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it was meant to be....I hope you find something to heal your heart. I broke my own heart letting her go, and no I haven't gotten over it yet. Wish I could but I still think about her daily and it's been over 6 years now. Good luck to you Love!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Aug 09
It is horrible when this happens, and yes it does seem that friends throw friendship away at the drop of a hat and I am sorry it happened to you. It has also happened to me recently and it hurt so much, she just stopped talking to me for no reason. The reason she told someone else was so pathetic it was untrue. This all happened about 6 weeks ago and I do not think I will ever get over it as I have never been treated so bad in all my life!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
30 Aug 09
I think it's harder when things go so wrong that one won't let the other tell their side in hopes to straighten things out like your friend as well as mine has done to us. I'm so sorry it's happened to you. It is very painful but we have to move on with out lives and let the past be what it is, the past. Hugs!!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Aug 09
catsand dogs hi hatley here my best friend is an angel to me'as I owe her at least three hundred dollars.she lent it to me and i said I'would pay it back. but now here i am all my money save a little'goes to pay for room and board here at GoldCrest and only'vbecause I have mysocial security and SSI checks.she knows'the situation and has never ever referred to it.It bothers me so much as I dont see how right now I can repay her. but I willjust as soon as my son'gets a good job. no good friends dont throw each other away
without talking it over and resolvingtheir differences.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 Aug 09
That seems SO backwards, dumping you because you did give some of the money back. Usually it's the other way around. How sad. And strange...
I haven't been dumped by too many friends, and with one exception, they weren't that close and I got over it.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Aug 09
LOL You're too funny dawnald! they weren't that close and I got over it LOL
Actually if you don't mind, look above at my response and you'll see EXACTLY what happened. I think I acted as any one else would've done. There again, maybe not.
• United States
27 Aug 09
i'M SORRY CATS FOR YOUR LOSS OF A FRIEND & THE HURT IT HAS CAUSED U. i DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT MAKES SOME FOLKS TICK.maybe she will come to her senses & y'all will get it all worked out. I hope so. I do know what u are talking about, been there done that. U will learn to accept whether u ever understand why it happened to start with. Friends don't or shouldn't treat u that way. i wish u the best.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Thanks Jo. It did hurt and some kind of bad too and the worst of it is, I don't understand why! I'm not perfect but when a person sincerely apologizes, the other should forgive but she won't even hear me out. She just shuts me down, just like that! Now I'll be honest here, I have said things to other friends out of content that sounded entirely different than what I meant and sometimes I'll catch it and sometimes I don't. I have two examples, one is, one time a friend told me she had given her daughter up for adoption and as we went on talking, I told her that I don't know how one could do that. Well about a month later she came to me and told me how I hurt her feelings and proceeded to tell me how. I was so shocked but understood what she meant and I explained that that wasn't the way I meant it!! I explained that for one to give up their baby is the most unselfish thing for a mother to do for their child but if it were me, I couldn't do it because I'd be selfish and keep my child. She understood and was relieved! Now that was one that I didn't catch but when brought to my attention, I'll explain how I meant. Now the other one was, hubby had met a guy while stationed in Korea for a year and this guy was coming back to the states a few months after my hubby. His wife had asked to borrow some blankets and pillows because their stuff hadn't gotten to their place yet so I lent her some blankets and extra pillows which she brought back about a week or two later. I asked her if she had washed them and she said no and I told her that I'd wash them not to worry about it. After she left, I got to thinking, oh crap! the comment about washing them probably sounded as if I was saying they were dirty people!! So I vowed to right myself with her when I saw her next and explained that any time I borrow something, I return it in the same manner it was lent to me or better such as, if I borrow someone's car, I'll fill it up with gas as a way to say thank you for letting me borrow it. But if the gas was already full when I borrowed it then I'll refill it and wash it. I'll bring it back in better shape than when I got it as a way to say thank you and that I didn't mean it to sound as if I was saying you're dirty people! She laughed and said she didn't take it that way but she did understand. It's the same when people stay over night just one night, I'll strip the bed of everything and wash it all so it'll be nice and clean for the next person. So I can stick a foot in my mouth without even trying but I'll apologize in a heartbeat when I'm called to the mistake or if I catch it myself. This gal knows I care about her and I appreciate every thing she's done to help me and my parents and that I meant no harm in any way shape or form. I just wish she'd forgive me and let it go but she won't. What can I say?
• United States
27 Aug 09
We all have said things that could be taken out of content of what we meant. I think alot of times as i told u earlier i think she was venting her frustratios about something else on you. Friends shouldn't do that & if they do they should apologize for doing u that way. It's a shame to lose a good friendship over someone getting their tail up in the air w/a friend without talking abpout it w/u & both of u explaining what what was said or done. Makes me wonder if she was really your friend to start with, i'm sorry . Friends to me should be able to say anything to a good friend. U just can't talk to some people, it's there way or the highway, not a good way to be but alot of people are like that. I know this is heavy on your heart but it to will pass. Take care & keep your chin up. U are loved by alot of people on here, Cats, don't forget that.
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@larish (2239)
• Philippines
27 Aug 09
This such a coincidence. I was also thrown by my friend last month. It is painful at first but as the days goes by, life for me becomes better and I felt that I have lost nothing. She just threw me like that because she got new friends and better position in the company we are working. Since I remain in the supervisor position and she is now at a manager level, she prefers to hang out with the companies VP and AVP. I just realize later on that she treat me as a friend before because she was getting something from me (she ask me for money, she ask me to do for her, etc.) but now that she thinks she doesn't need me, she just throw me away without a blink of her eyes. She recently keeps ignoring my presence as if I really don't exist,she turn down my offer to have lunch, etc. I know there are reasons for everything. Don't worry, You will get use to it.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Aug 09
That wasn't a friend at all, that was a USER of the worst kind! I'm so sorry you were hurt like that! You sound like a person who's a friend for life too. Try to think of it this way, it's her loss, not yours because you were a real friend to her. Her NEW friends will figure her out sooner or later and dump her just like she did you. Maybe you'll be around to watch it happen!
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@larish (2239)
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
Yes, she was indeed a user. You are also right when you said that it is not my lost. I am confident that I have been sincere to offer my friendship before. I am so happy that this early (she's a friend for 10 years), I have seen the real her. I just pity for her attitude. Thanks for making me feel good. Thank you for your opinion. At times, it still hurt me whenever I think what she has done to me.
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@alhunt (2)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Sorry to hear about your situation. Surely it is not a pleasant thing to be discarded by anyone to which you have formed an attachment. However, sometimes, for reasons only the Lord knows, friendships do part. We may not realize in our grief immediately but many times it may be for our good. So give yourself some time to review various aspects of the friendship you have had with this person. I know it will not be easy because you are quite aware of the void they have left in your heart. The easiest and quickest thing is to seek to fill up that void so that you don't hurt anymore. However, it is good to allow yourself time to grief and heal and come to some understanding of what could have gone wrong. Look at yourself honestly too and see how you may have contributed to this break...that is at first difficult to do. I believe true love never ceases. If someone truly loves and cares for us, even if for a while they may forsake us through anger or disappointment, will forgive and seek to repair the friendship/relationship. Are you sure this is the kind of love you have for this friend or are your feeling more of rejection? These are good questions to ask before trying any further to repair this friendship. If this person does not truly love or care as you would hope, they will not strive as they should to heal the break. Then maybe it is best to let her go. People operate from the heart...what they think and believe. Wish you all the best. Be strong!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Hi alhunt. Welcome to mylot! Now about my discussion, if you don't mind, look at the response that I gave above yours, it's rather long but it gives the details of what happened. Don't get me wrong here, she's a really good person and has a very giving heart but she took me wrong but won't let me explain my side at all. She just shuts me out right here and right now which isn't fair to me at all.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Wow, I am so sorry Cats. Thats got to just break your heart. Can you email her this discussion? She can read your thoughts and feelings and also what some of us are saying about the situation. I have a bestest friend, I can't imagine ever having a falling out with her. As for you giving some of the money back, I don't see why she would get upset about that, she shouldn't be insulted by it or get mad about it. My friend has given me things, I don't offer to give her money because she would be sort of insulted too, but she wouldn't get mad or that upset about it. I hope your friend comes around and gets to thinking and gets in touch with you. I have had friends, that I treated just fine, then something happened and they basically sh!t on me, they were no longer my friend, but this sounds way different. I don't see where anyone should be upset with anyone.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Yes it did break my heart right in two. I cried all day long because of it. I had to take some xanax to get myself to calm down. She has no idea how much she meant and still means to me because she cared enough to want to help and did. I meant no harm in any way. I can't send this to her because she doesn't want me to contact her anymore so I'll honor her wishes. I have tried earlier today to talk to her but she shut me down, just like that. I just wish I could explain myself to her then maybe she'd understand but she won't have any of it. It makes no sense to me.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
27 Aug 09
I am sorry you are going through this. I never have gone through that in that way. My best friend, disappeared when we found out that my son had a disability. I contacted her many times, and she was always too busy to talk. I finally just gave up. I have gotten over it, but still miss her.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Aug 09
How awful!! You know, she wasn't much of a friend to begin with but dang, what a way to find out! Some people are so narrow minded and fake that their true colors don't show until something like this comes up. Hold your head up high for you're a valuable friend because you're a friend of the heart!
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
27 Aug 09
Friends are meant to be forever. I can't remember having friends who turn their backs towards me. I have many real good friends, friends that I made since my school days and are still in communication with me. Once in a while we go for holidays overseas. I am so lucky to have sticker friends who are never bored with me. I think it is time to move out if your friend has severed ties with you. There is no point of hanging to that friend who doesn't appreciate your friendship. No real friends, try virtual friends. They are as good as our real friends.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
27 Aug 09
Hello Cats, It really hurts losing a friend but in your case you haven't done something wrong. I guess your friend is just emotionally or disturbed. She might have other personal problems, so give her enough time for sure sooner or later she will realize you didn't mean to insult her and that she misunderstood you of your action. For sure she treasure and love you as her closest friend as well. Just call on her or keep in touch with her from time to time, show her you still care, you may also add prayers for her to understand and be friends again.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Aug 09
I don't understand what her problem is. She's angry because I gave the money back to her and then I joined a pet picture contest in hopes to win the money so I could help my parents. She thinks I threw the money in her face! I did NOT do that! I didn't expect her to vote as much as some of my other friends could because she and her husband works and she has long long commutes and I told her that but she sees it differently and calls me a liar now. I doubt time will change her mind but I do hope it does. I'm not going to bother her anymore and hope she comes to her senses and so we can become friends again. I can only hope with time.
@saharol90 (68)
• Malaysia
27 Aug 09
sorry to say this..
Your friend is strange..
thing that u do is't something that can insult her.
You do that because her helps you too much and to show some appreaciate,
you give back some of the money that she already sent to u..
Sorry if what i'm saying annoying u..
P/s: May god bless u..:P
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Well, she's no longer my friend and strange or not, to each his own thing, I guess. I still love her and wish only the best for her but wish she'd hear me out and maybe she'd understand my point or side of things then maybe she'd get a better understanding of why this and why that but she won't give me the time of day.
And you're not annoying at all! May God bless you too!!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Aug 09
I don't consider that lucky samjit. Why do you think you have no friends?