Starting a New Business

United States
August 27, 2009 11:05am CST
I am starting up a new business called NewMed Diagnostics. I am a third party administrator for alcohol and drug testing in the private and public sector. I am currently still employed full time and work my new business during my lunch hour. Do you see the problem? I am at a stopping point right now. When I make my calls during my lunch hour everyone I am calling is on lunch. I am too afraid to step out and quite my job for fear of not generating enough business fast enough to help meet the financial obligations of my family. I am selling drug testing kits on ebay and it is going well, but not enough to quite my day job. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
2 responses
• Philippines
27 Aug 09
In order for your business to grow up, you will have to give your whole and strive harder. You should always think of a business that will last for long, and I guess that your choice of line of business is pretty good because those tests are needs of people and other industries. Chinese in our country (Phils) are most well known entrepreneurs in our country. This is because they give their whole heart and their focus and attention to their business.
@jazzsue58 (2666)
27 Aug 09
Congratulations on starting your businessventure. In the UK wehave all sorts of help for new businesses, addressing exactly the kind of problems you're having. At some point,you have to take the plunge and quit your day job - possibly with a big loss of earnings, to start with. I got round the prioblem by taking on part-time regular work and getting a business loan to tide me over. It gaveme the freedom I needed. But you have to accept the majority of new businesses runat a loss for the first two years. If you're serious, don't expect to maintain the lifestyle or income you have at present. You need to run at a loss, visiting clients face-to-face. Remember, this is people's health you're dealing with; qualified practitioners like to meet the companies they deal with face-to-face or, at least, the best (and best paying ones) do. Ebay is great for many things, but not for what you're doing.