dogs yapping at night

August 28, 2009 5:30am CST
Hi, I have a year old lab mix puppy. She is such a lovely, over friendly dog but she has gotten into the habit of yapping at night. This is not the "I smell cat get out of here" bark, this is very annoying high pitch yap that is driving me crazy. She is outside but next to the window so she can see and hear us, we have another older dog next to her, we talk to her often and she gets played with and exercised almost everyday (once a week I work away from home and everybody comes with me). So how to stop her yapping? I have tried ignoring her but that hasn't worked and I am worried that the neighbours might complain, we have jsut moved here, and this is a rental property so I don't want any trouble with the neighbours. Any advice? Please
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7 responses
@mdrgsm (61)
• Ukraine
28 Aug 09
I don't have a dog, but have had many in my life. Is there anyway you can let her in at night? Or maybe give her a warm blanket that smells like you? Maybe there is something bothering here, maybe a trip to the vet might help? Like maybe she eats too much at night, or the food bothers her stomach? Maybe she's afraid of something? Maybe someone has been mean to her? These are all simply suggestions in what can be bothering her. Sometimes puppies go thru a stage of not wanting to be left alone at night, it can be a phase she is going thru like children go thru being afraid of the dark? Again just another suggestion. Hope this helps.
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• Japan
29 Aug 09
I tried the blanket thing but she chewed it pieces after an hour!! We got her very young, just 2 months old but then we lived in the countryside where the nearest neighbours were deaf and the other were to far away to hear anything. I will just have to be extra nice to my neighbours while we sort this out!
@med889 (5940)
28 Aug 09
Oh my God I remember very well when my dog was still a puppy and I had to sleep just for the sake of the night because he was barking a lot at night especially so we just had to move his kennel some distance far from the bedroom and once we even got scolding and complains from our neighbourhood sos thankfully when we put the kennel in the distance the noise was also a bit far from the house.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
29 Aug 09
My husky did that last fall for several weeks. I finally figured out that he was barking at my window. I assume he wanted in or was lonely. He's an outside dog and i swell up if hes inside too long. I found though that if i turned off a light in a different room last he didnt sit and bark at my bedroom window. So id turn off my bedroom light then go to the other side of the house and turn off the bathroom light above his dog house. He's also a chewer and a digger - he kinda drives me wild but some things like the chewing my deck rails ive solved by putting a paste of cayenne pepper on the rails and he sure doesnt like that so hes stopped that. The digging he does alot when my smaller dog goes on the deck to get away from him - he chews on her! and the deck is her safe place. Its almost like he thinks digging will get him to her.
• Japan
29 Aug 09
Huskys are lovely dogs. Good thinking about turning off the light but the dogs are right outside the living/dinning room, which has large sliding doors onto the yard, kind of difficult to turn off the lights early!! Thanks for the cayenne pepper paste idea, we want to put a deck outside next year and was wondering how to stop the dogs from chewing it!!
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
29 Aug 09
Aawww... I think your puppy needs human companion and maybe she's still afraid of the dark. I also have dogs but they are grown ups now but when they were still puppies, they yap at nights when they are left alone in their cages. And sometimes I do have to come down from my bedroom, comfort them a little bit until they would fall asleep, with me beside them. But there can be a lot of factors why you dog yaps at night. She could still be hungry or thirsty. She may also need to pee or poop that's why she's calling your attention. I think you have to give the attention your dog needs even for just a while. Make it a regular habit to play with her so she'll feel she's special. Set up time for her until she get used to it when it is time for play with her persons or just being tied outside. Hope that helps. Ciao!
• Japan
29 Aug 09
She has a special playtime/walk at about 5pm when my son comes home. I didn't think the dog understood what time it was until the first week of the summer holidays. At the same time everyday she would start to get excited, I then realised that in term time this was the time for her walk!! She always has plenty of water and I check at night to make sure there is food inher bowl. She has a place to go toilet. Because her chain is long she gets her head into the house, once we have creepy crawlies outside I will let the screens be opended more. She gets lots of attention, more than the kids sometimes!!!
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
29 Aug 09
So you are giving her the time she needs, I guess then she might have become a spoiled dog hehe. If she tries to yap, just tap her on the nose but just lightly, so she'll know that what she's doing is becoming a bad habit.
@grace118224 (1038)
• China
29 Aug 09
Would it be helpful to bring her to the pet doctors ? I haven't kept dog pets and don't know how to deal with them because i'm extremely afraid of dogs indeed. I can understand your worries . In this situation can you talk to your neighbours to see whether they have some ways out . It's really annoying if she keeps barking all night through in high pitch.
• Japan
29 Aug 09
We don't have insurance for the vets, and it so expensive (I'm in Japan where pets are still a novel idea and owners are being asked to pay a fortune for everything!). Would you believe that last night, except for one bark at a cat she was quiet, but the dog down the road took over and barked non stop from midnight till 4am. I would never leave my dog to bark that long, sfter 5 mins I'm out trying to shut her up!
• Philippines
29 Aug 09
Our neighbors a few years ago that leaves across our house has this dog that does that all night . The owners was always on a night life so when they get home around 2 or 3 in the morning the dog start making this noise . They got complains from other neighbors , what they did was in the evenings they pud the dog inside the house.... and give the dogs treats to make him keep quiet.
• United States
29 Aug 09
The suggestion that I heard from the "dog whisperer" on tv was go ahead and ask them what is the matter? Talk to them but quietly and then say "time to go to bed" or say "NO" SHHHSH! That's what I did and eventually because I paid attention to her, she stopped barking. They say that they are just like children wanting our attention - and to know they are not alone.