Why did we elect Obama?

@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
August 28, 2009 12:24pm CST
After the things that were found out during the primaries...Jeremiah Wright's mentorship in Obama's 'religious' life, his connection to Ayers, his radical views on gun control and abortion and his sketchy experience as a leader? Why weren't these things more reported on? Why was it that the media gave him a pass, even though we know if he'd been a Republican they'd have been intensely scruitenized? http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0408/9564.html http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0308/9051.html http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0408/9718.html
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17 responses
@jonakyl (493)
• United States
28 Aug 09
I think a lot of it was more people being anti-Bush than pro-Obama. Mainstream media really painted McCain as being four more years of Bush, and a LOT of people did not want that. I think Clinton could have won if she had gotten nominated instead of Obama. Too many people were so upset and angry with Bush (heck they still are if you just look around) that they didn't care who they voted for as long as it wasn't Bush or someone like Bush.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
28 Aug 09
This is true. So, why wasn't Clinton nominated? She's not my fist pick...but she had a great following amongst liberals. I believe it is the first link I posted that discusses her refusal to fight a 'real' fight against Obama. Or was it the media that got him elected? Their refusal to bring to the public forum many of these issues....his radical views and radical associates?
2 people like this
• United States
28 Aug 09
Seeing what I'm seeing now I don't think its that easy to say Clinton could of been even better, she was actually my first pick. The whole "secret meeting" her and Obama has was minutely reported on and I think reporters that were aloud to follow her around when she skid of the plane without explanation said they weren't even made aware of her meeting with Obama without the press being there. Hillary Clinton SPONSORED(2007) the bill in the Senate (and Arlen Spector) for the U.S.Public Service Academy in the first place was unsettling. On the USPSA website its declared "a flagship institution designed to build a "more perfect union" by developing leaders of skill and character dedicated to service in the public sector...Much the way that the words “West Point” conjure up images of disciplined young soldiers..so too will the Academy’s campus become a national landmark." http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032619/#30627388 About Universal Healthcare she said: (at 2008 Congressional Black Caucaus Debate) ". If a Democrat doesn’t stand for universal health care that includes every single American, you can see the consequences of what that will mean. ..“You know what? Everybody has got to be covered.” There’s only three ways of doing it. You can have a single-payer system, you can require employers, or you can have individual responsibility. My plan combines employers and individual responsibility, while maintaining Medicare and Medicaid. The whole idea of universal health care is such a core Democratic principle that I am willing to go to the mat for it. I’ve been there before. I will be there again. I am not giving in;" In 2000 she supported The Hyde Park Declaration: "Their goal was to begin drafting a statement of New Democrat principles and a broad national policy agenda for the next decade. This manifesto, The Hyde Park Declaration, is the result of their work.[dlc.org]"
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
It seems to me she could have been more aggressive in her campaign. Perhaps she and McCain were afraid of the fallout...and damaging there futures. It was not a surprise when her position was announced...as Sec. of State. I just shook my head and told my daughter..bet that was planned from the first. Who knows...she sold out, is all I know. And I was not even a supporter of hers. I don't care for her politics either. I did feel for here when monicagate hit the press...as a woman. But you know...she got through it and held her head high...more than I could have said for myself in the same situation.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Because there is a double standard in politics, and because the American people are not as educated and as knowledgeable about history as they should be. The 0bama supporters are a gullible bunch, who let their hatred of Bush stampede them into believing the empty rhetoric of this community agitator who had never accomplished anything on his own previously to the election. The media continues to give him a pass because they want us to be a socialist society, and because of big money influences like the wanted socialist criminal Soros and others who want to enslave humanity under the oppression of a central government and the dictates of Totalitarian rule.
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• United States
28 Aug 09
There is also this as well.... http://www.aim.org/guest-column/obamas-civilian-troops-were-trained-by-ayers/
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• United States
28 Aug 09
These are the same points that many of us were warning about prior to the election... to no avail...
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Yes, there IS that element within the ranks of Obama supporters. The campaign appealed to the young with the internet and 'change' and to the hard core liberal with his radical views and associates, and to the middle ground American with his 'not like Bush' presentation.
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• United States
29 Aug 09
Debrak, the American people were sick and tired of the repubilcan ideas, and they wanted something else. They were sick of "trickle down" economics, that only made the rich, richer. They were sick of all of the lies told by the adminstration that led up to a war that we didn't need. They were sick of all of the spending by repulblicans, who tried to blame democrats. They were sick of the lack of regulations that caused the worse finical crisis in 70 years. I can go on for days with this.
• United States
29 Aug 09
Carson, the "Free Market" DIDN'T WORK under Bush. He used every free market principle, and it led to the SOCIALISM. If it wasn't for the American government spending hundreds of BILLIONS bailing out their mess then no one knows where we would be. There has never been one country ran on pure capitalist ideals, you always have some form of Socialism. If capitalism is such a great idea, and works so much better than any other then why hasn't anyone tried it?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Oh..I know greatdebater...that is what we were told we were sick of. But I think this summer we got an earful of what Americans are sick of...loud and clear.
@Carson11 (332)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Bush was very unpopular and McCain was not what we on the right considered a candidate we agreed with on many issues. Obama ran as a moderate. He actually said he would cut taxes for small business. Also with his claim he would cut taxes for 95% of Americans sounded very appealing. After he got elected he spent more than all presidents from George Washington thru GW Bush! All of his policies the people don't want,hence his plummeting poll numbers. Now people are catching on what he really wanted to do all along. Who out there really believes people want what Saul Alinsky author of "Rules for Radicals" wants? Do we want to crash the entire economy and say capitalism failed,we need socialism? Who doesn't believe in the free market and freedom? I have a message for all statist,socialist and communists. WE WILL DEFEAT YOU.
• United States
28 Aug 09
Most voters when questioned later on whether a certain candidate said anything in particular, couldn't give the correct statement to the right candidate, and when asked about the running partners of the candidates, most could not tell you the secondary runner. Case in point: some of the statements given by Obama were credited to McCain, because that "sounded like something a Republican would say!" And when asked about whether Obama and Palin made a good team, many said that they would vote for them because they were a great team - even though both candidates are in different parties, running on different platforms. My point is that a lot of the voters for Obama have no political knowledge, and they vote with the impulse traveling up their leg, instead of using any brain cells and their hearing to actually figure out what either party is saying or doing. You can't have a free election with people who vote with emotion only without using their heads! They totally disregarded everything about him, and voted because he was the first black man to run, he wasn't McCain, and because they believed, blindly, that he was being truthful! And we have and will pay for this bloated mistake!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
HEY it's Tanker...thanks for stopping by! He used the media..the internet in particular to reach THOSE kinds of voters. Rock the Vote is sending out emails asking for donations to help spread the word on Healthcare reform and stop the lies of the bad bad Republicans....I sent them a note via their contact tab....nice and polite. I encourage everyone to do the same. The email was inflamatory and most of it vague, some of it untrue.
@kb5000 (110)
• United States
28 Aug 09
i agree bush is related to mccain war war war we need peace and obama made that clear. recession was hard time for americans and obama was our answer. not war mogul McCain.
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• United States
28 Aug 09
Oh please, horns! John McCain is nothing but a war trained combatant who believes nothing can be done without war! To truly understand John "Wayne" McCain and his likes, you will have to first understand fighter pilots! Fighter pilots are beings trained to eliminate anyone or target: These beings are soulless and are trained to fight and kill anyone with opposing viewpoint. Try watching the documentary "Fighter Pilot" and you will then understand the likes of John "Wayne McCain!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
When your enemies have sworn to destoy western civilization...I'd want a fighting man in the White House any day. And how do you see that Obama is any different? We're still in Iraq and Afganistan has just got MORE American soldiers thanks to Obama? So...what's up with that?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Oh, I'm sure they will and they will be calling me a war monger when they do. I am a peaceful person. But life has taught me that peace is something worth fighting for. That there is no peace when evil and inhumanity is allowed to flurish. Human nature has taught me that bullys will stand up and if you don't stand up to them...they will get worse and worse. I also realize that there will NEVER be true peace on this human run earth. And the best we can do is stand up for what is true and right. I hate war...I despise tyranny.
@JenBth (75)
• United States
29 Aug 09
It really seems like it boils down to the fact that most people were unhappy with the way the economy was, that soldiers are STILL deployed over seas and there seemed to be no end in sight. Many people associate all of this negativity directly with Bush since it has all been going on during his time in office and certain things came to a head at that time (i.e. 9/11). The media, etc. portrayed McCain as another 4 years (or more) of Bush. I think voters just picked the lesser of 2 evils based on all of the propaganda, etc. Also, the Palin drama didn't help McCain's cause at all.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
WEll, the 'lesser of two evils' turned out to be a whole new brand of EVIL.
• United States
29 Aug 09
Palin must have been doing something right as a governor. She had the only state in the union that doesn't have a huge deficit. Sure her foriegn affairs experience was at zero, but what kind of experience did Obama himself have with that? Why not be upset with what Obama's done so far. He's only made it that my children's great grand-children will be paying back the incredable debt that he keeps making hirer and hirer. I remember everbody bashing Bush after Sept. 11th. Like the talibam was all his fault along with the fall of Enron and the problems with the airline business after 9-11. People seem to forget that the previous president knew about the Taliban. New what kind of threat they were and chose to do nothing about it.
@JenBth (75)
• United States
29 Aug 09
I don't know if I agree with that... I am not necessarily a supporter of Bush, McCain or Obama, but Obama was only inaugurated at the end of January. I think that I will give him a chance to be president for more than 6-7 months before I begin bashing him and criticizing him for not changing the entire nation around. The world wasn't built in a day and the nation will not be perfect in 6 months either. No matter what would have happened, who was elected... there will always be a group of people saying that this is the worst president or election yet. I can't remember what book it was, but it has been researched that the promise of "change" has been in almost if not every presidential inauguration speech. If everyone promises change and people still believe that our nation is getting worse during every presidential term- then what do you really expect? Like I said- it was the lesser of 2 evils. Also as I said before, Palin was definitely adding to McCain's part of the evil.
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
28 Aug 09
I think that people were truly fed up with the 8 years of wars! Years of unjust and unnecessary war in Iraq and billions per month was too much! Everyone was ready for some change; any change.
• United States
30 Aug 09
I am simply telling you all why we elected Barack H. Obama: The thinking people had had enough of wars! Now, has Obama stopped the wars? Nope; but that's another issue altogether! One thing to bear in mind is that our government is very warlike and has come to believe that we can only prosper by making wars (even when not necessary)! The Lockheeds, KBR, etc. will seize to exist should we start focusing in making peace. And as you and I very well know, most of our brothers and sisters will be on the street and be killing each other were it not for wars! I guess the need to vent out on others distract from our own sorry reality. Sad survival philosophy!
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
29 Aug 09
Did Obama stop the war and no one told us? He hasn't kept his promises about bringing the troops home and last I saw, his administration was predicting another decade in Iraq. He did start releasing prisoners from Gitmo in order to fulfill his promise to close it down, a move that the American people were against. The majority don't want Guantanamo closed. Face it, Obama hasn't kept the promises that meant anything to anyone - hope, change and transparency - and everything he does is against the will of the majority of the people. Obama voted to fund that war during those 8 years, btw.
@jonakyl (493)
• United States
28 Aug 09
I agree that many people were tired of the wars, but I disagree that people thought "billions per month was too much!" We are spending even more, and are likely to continue to see even larger amounts being spent.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
29 Aug 09
Simply because he "wasn't Bush". I think people honestly believed somehow by electing one of the same two parties we have been electing for the last century, somehow we would magicly get "change". Voters have been solidly programmed to believe that we must elect one or the other to get this "change, that only by electing a Democrat or a Republican, will things be different. Damnn fools, all of you, fools! You have elected a man who was exactly the same in the larger picture as the last guy. You didn't get change, you got another head of the same snake.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Oh how right you are. It is just another step in the march towards The New World Order.
• United States
29 Aug 09
He'll give us change all right. Just like Hitler changed Germany! He doesn't want to lead us. He wants to rule us.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Voter Ignorance and stupidity got Obama Elected... Obama is a Communist...
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
28 Aug 09
I agree...the cult of personality is how I've heard it described. Those who actually CANNOT SEE THE WRONG even when presented to them logically.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
The media was bought off...the people were lied to. And it's been a long time since we were a thinking people...as a whole. Our young people have been dumbed down in the schools..our colleges teach radical views as truth and twist history to suit them. The common people....the ones who PAY the bills in this country didn't trust him either, but what do WE know. Now we are stuck with him while he willy nilly hands out cash for clunkers, college tuition grants and bails out banks, buys up one of our largest industries...and breaks campaign promises...all the while lying to us about his agenda for healthcare. So where are you from? It's interesting that you are not American and say you did not trust him and that he is dangerous....would love to hear some detail as to why you feel that way.
• Philippines
29 Aug 09
i could not vote in your country...but my mom oculd.i watch the news everyday and I couldn' figure out why soooo many people voted for him.i always thought voters nowadays are more thinking. with everything that came out during the campaign perios, people still trusted that guy? i never trusted him from the very start.that man has a lot to hide.very dangerous.
• United States
31 Aug 09
I think there were a lot of different reasons Obama was elected. Some voted for him because he's black and for no other reason. Some probably felt as if they were doing an honorable thing by helping to put the first black man in office and showing the world that we're not racist here (although I believe the term has never been so overused as it has since Obama became President). Some were so angry with the Republican party that it wouldn't have mattered who the Democrat candidate was he'd get their vote. I doubt that many of those who voted for him gave much thought to his lack of experience, his platform, his associations, his lack of disclosure regarding certain aspects of his life, etc. Too many in this country let their hearts rule their heads and we all suffer because of it.
• United States
2 Sep 09
Hollywoodraj: Your approval or disapproval of my opinion means nothing to me. You don't know me, where my heart is or my political affiliations. You know as well as I that there was nothing in my comments that could be considered racist.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
31 Aug 09
I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I am neither Democrat nor Republican...I am an Independent. I did not vote for Bush. I do not hate Obama. I am not a racist. And where do you get off making assumptions about me? Or anyone else for that matter. Who did YOU vote for? Since you are not an American citizen....I request you not preach at Americans about their opinions of their government. You want to talk about American foreign policy...ok. YOu want to talk about American's actions in your country...ok. You want to express your opinion on our government...ok. But don't tell an American that they should not have the opinion they have about their own leadership. And above all don't call ME a racist. YOu don't know me, nor have I expressed a racist attitude here.
• United States
28 Aug 09
because the people believed that he could do a better job and a lot of people still do think he can get the things back on track, as far as mccain he said one thing but sent letters out saying another so that made things worse for him.
• United States
28 Aug 09
• United States
28 Aug 09
i am not saying he isn't i am just saying everyone does but i believe just like many others he is the better man for the job
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
28 Aug 09
And you don't feel Obama said one thing and is doing another on any of the issues?
• United States
29 Aug 09
If you follow my posts, you would learn more about the scam that is being perpetrated upon the citizens of the USA. We the people are now the we the sheeple. First let me say that Obama was not put in office by the people, the commission decided who will win, weather we voted for him or not. The Bush boys were put in the same way. We are not free people anymore, and are being lied to as much as the Illuninati wants to, and they control everything from money, to Laws. Nothing in this sociaty is born from the constitution that was layed down, for the people. But soon the Millionaires and biggest corporations took over, and now are billionairs. Wait till Obama hits your finances and crashes the monetery system and the dollar will be worthless. You will be in debt from your borrowing and your children will be in debt for the governments borrowing. We will all be put into slave encampments to pay for it all. You better start taking your money out of the banks now, and investing in presious metals like Gold,Silver,Copper and such.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Trilateral-Commission.net SecretSocieties.net CouncilOnForeignRelations.net eWTO.net Federal-Reserve.net BilderbergGroup.net CarlyleGroup.net OilCompanies.net Republicrat.net Corpocracy.net Henry-Kissinger.com Alan-Greenspan.com
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I hope you are not right...about the 'too far gone'. I keep posting and hoping that people will read and start to think.
• United States
29 Aug 09
I would have listed them but, people only hear what they want to hear. They have been just saying that this is just conspiracy theorys and it's bunk, so why bother? I have been posting these suggestions for a long while now but get nothing but put downs, but I still try. They are too far gone to the governments brainwashing that it is hard getting the truth out. I am glad you are not one of them. Thanks for the help.
@jimntam (93)
• United States
29 Aug 09
The top reason is because we're dealing with a libral media. They're no-longer non bios. You can see it in the way they covered the whole election. Letting every questionable thing just slide on by acting like these things didn't matter. These things did matter because it was a loud cry to what Obama's true character is. I've heard from a few people that they voted for Obama only because they didn't want McCain as president. When Obama was preaching change in his campaign no-one bothered to ask him exactly what he meant by that and he never really elaborated on it.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Aug 09
And if they did bother to ask...they were a racist!
• United States
31 Aug 09
So true, so true. For, if we questioned what kind of change, that could only mean that we question the idea of an African-American being president. Not that we question his beliefs and ideas reguardless of his race and not because of it. Just like those police officers must have been harrassing that professor because he was black not because an eye-witness just reported him kicking in his front door. I know that may be off the subject. Just showing another place where race was brought up and race had nothing to do with it.
@levyx22 (187)
• United States
29 Aug 09
At first, I really did not like Obama at all and was skeptical to having him as our president. He is now started to grow on me, slightly. I guess he's better than Bush. Hopefully his administration will remain strong and help our country.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
What's in that can? What are you drinking? I hate to be sarcastic....but sounds to me like you've bought the propaganda. Read some of the links I've posted.
• United States
1 Sep 09
Thats what I mean, it does not matter who we vote for, the decided who will be the next man good enough to make plenty of smoke screens, like the health care bill. Every July in the last two weeks they all go to the same meeting place, and these are all the super wealthy and most are blue bloods from England. Just wait and see, you will be convinced real soon how you will be told that all your rights are gone. Bush already signed into Law that takes away our rights on the excuse of National Emergency, after the people find out what their up to. There will be mass protests, and they will disarm everyone, and put them into camps being prepared right now under our noses. www.suppressedminds.com/?p=603 www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=108262 Just watch the clips to the end, the truth will set you free.
@Kowgirl (3489)
• United States
28 Aug 09
People actually believe what gets written in newspapers and on the TV news. The media was behind Obama in so many ways. Everyone thought it was a good time for a "change". They were hoping for something better than what we got from Bush and the media made use of this by making McCain look like another Bush just waiting to happen. Then there were those who didn't care or know on what principals Obama stood for, they voted for him because he was part black. If they had looked deeper and had asked the right questions and demanded a REAL birth certificate, Obama would not have won the election. They wanted CHANGE but not the change we are getting.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Every politician since George Washington's replacement has promised change....I think many voted for him to see History made...and that alone was enough.
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Because the media painted him as the rescue man after 8 supposedly disastrous years of Bush. And because people don't think much
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
30 Aug 09
LOVE your answer :) quita88
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@xixi_abby (211)
• Indonesia
29 Aug 09
Hi, i'm indonesian people and i think american choose him because want something different, to get a better future and of course we can live peacefully without anywar anymore. hehehe i hope so. thank you and happy mylotting
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Hi xixi_abby, good to have you at myLot. Yes, we sure got something different, didn't we. We owe money my great grandchildren will be paying off. And there's still war. And now Obama wants the government to be in charge of our WHOLE lives...from cradle to grave. To a true American..that is unacceptable. Thank you for your response. And Happy myLotting to you too!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
We no longer have the values as a people to see this "change" as dangerous. There was and is a big push in our schools and colleges to 'secularize' our society. No matter if you are a Christian or Jew...or not, the values of our founding fathers was the Judeo/Christian ethic. We have effectively thrown that out. BUT the common people still hold to these ethics...the everyday people who go to work, raise their kids to be responsible and accountable, help their neighbors, obey the laws...it is these people who are speaking up agaisnt Obama.