So Much Confusion

United States
August 28, 2009 12:29pm CST
O.K. I have wrote about this before on I different site but didn't get much response so i guess i'll try here. As i sit here looking at this picture of "the thinker" it makes me wonder. From my understanding he was sculpted to be sitting on top of the gates of hell looking down pondering the fate of those entering. Who's to say there is a heaven or Hell? Maybe Heaven and Hell is what we make it inside our selfs. With so many religions nowthese days "fighting" to obtain your loyalty to them how do you know what's right and what's wrong? Growing up I wasn't given much spiritual guidance so lately I've been trying to put the pieces of the puzzle, so to say, together myself. It's just hard for me to put loyalty to one religious group over the other when in reality if you search deep enough you can fine faults with most if not all religions in todays society. So what? Do you just choose a religious group and stick with them? What then if there is a Heaven and a Hell. Do you then becomed damned for choosing the wrong religion to side with? Or maybe I have just grown so accustomed to my own style of life that i have been blinded and can't see the truth in the mist of all the lies. Maybe it's not ment for anyone to find the truth. You have religious leaders that tell you their religion is the truth, but what if they've been miss lead? now you have thousands of people leading down the road of destruction. What if religion was merely created to draw divisions amongst people? So what religion is the true religion? I just if you believe in Heaven and Hell it's one of those questions that won't be answered until judgement day. On the other head if you believe in evolution then i guess you have to wait until they discover time travel to get the answers. As for me I am undecided as what to believe in.
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7 responses
@John4Christ (1597)
• India
28 Aug 09
Well you mentioned one thing in your description "Growing up I wasn't given much spiritual guidance" actually that's the reason you are so confused........its a simple concept if you try to learn a language right when you are small then you learn it with proper accent and if you try to do the same when you grow big you cant really pick it up in the right way, as you learn to reason things and your learning capacity goes down...... I feel that parents are to be blamed for this, they are supposed to make their children grow in that particular religion, but then in the end it is the child's decision if they want to follow that religion or no and I feel that it is perfectly fine if that particular person wants to follow that religion or not..... I follow it because my parents have brought me up that way and the second reason being I feel the power of god and I know that he does exists, I might not be able to prove that scientifically but then I feel that I don't really need to, as if that particular person does not have a personal encounter with god then you will never know god and what he is all about........and secondly science does not have an answer to many things so don't go by science for every thing...... Blessings !!!!
@sataness (321)
28 Aug 09
where is it stated that parents are to force an individuals mind down a certified road of religion? Surely it should be a free choice, and a parent's right is too teach a child everything they KNOW about religion as opposed to forcing them to follow said faith. Just as easily as you believe in God, if your parents had decided a different religion or different path, then just as easily you wouldn't have believed in God. just as science may not have all the answers NEITHER does religion. Both entities are based on the human minds adaptation of the world around them, its their individual interpretation of it. Religion can be something you grow into or adapt to - no matter your age. Simply because it is based on belief, experience and thought. Your learning capacity doesnt diminish, but mature thinking is added to the equation. the things you are taught and believe as a child is soo much easier to take to, like you mentioned 'I follow it because my parents have brought me up that way.' Happy Mylotting x
@sataness (321)
28 Aug 09
Good for you =], its great to see people who DO have a great deal of faith in what they believe in. I will say however that the bible was written by man and therefore questing in religion should not really be followed because of written word. But that's a whole other discussion. There are alot of options of religions out there, and it does sound like you switched and moved until you kind of found one right for you. But just as easily as you and your parents can find a religion that 'fits' your belief, there're parents out there that have no belief in religion whatsoever. Do you believe its ok for them not to teach their children about religion, if thats not their belief? I ask because you say about parents teaching the way of God and religion - so sureluy the opposite can apply. happy mylotting
• India
29 Aug 09
You know what I really like these kind of discussions..... Coming back to your point, I would say YES they do have the right to "NOT" follow any is their choice, but then trust me, the parents who bring up their children in some religion or the other, they are well behaved and mannered......whereas if you compare it with others, they don't really have any kind of rules or values to again it may not apply to everybody.....but still they prefer the satans me it is very tempting and you may agree with me on this for sure......the satans ways and offers are really alluring and they tend to have a force which attracts you towards it......and on the other hand there is a particular religion(one who believes in god) find it very difficult to keep as it tells you to do things which are exactly opposite of what you want to do....... Thats just my point of view and I have experienced it with myself and also among my friends...... So in the end the choice is absolutely yours....choose a plan that best suits your needs !!!! Blessings !!!!
@JAYMAR777 (839)
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
I believe there is a true religion. Because i was never confused. I never had any doubts or whatsoever. My spirit bares witness that i'm on the right path. I don't argue, because I believe i was never called to be God's defense attorney, but God's witness. if you ask me if i have questions about the things that happen in my life. I surely have. But not questions of his existence or what I believe in. The problem with "the thinker" as well as other men. They always try to understand and analyze God and His ways; but no finite man can fully understand the ways and mind of a finite God. They end up confused and discouraged... Continue mylotting walkinmyshoes
• India
28 Aug 09
Thats exactly what I feel.......I also trust my religion very much and have never really been confused as I have experienced the love of god in my life personally !!!!
@sataness (321)
28 Aug 09
How can you possibly understand the working and minds of people who dont believe in a God if you yourself believe in a God. And how can people who dont believe in God ever understand those who do believe in God. Both are impossible. You cannot honestly make a stable and reliable judgement that the people who question his existence will be 'discouraged' or 'confused', they are simply people who aren't satisfied with what's said or thrown at them ABOUT god's existence. the difference is belief is built on emotion. In which is can even be argued that the most confused people are those blinded by the emotion they follow as opposed to rationality. That probably brings a passionate defense inside you doesnt it? For someone to assume that because you believe in something you are blinded to reality? That's exactly what happens when assumptions are made about things which they have no knowledge of. Be careful not to alienate different ways of thinking. I admire the belief that you have in a God, it probably provides a very guiding and powerful security in your life. You;re true about people not understanding, but it is not for other humans to MAKe them understand, questioning leads to people finding their own true routes to themselves. Happy mylotting x
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
I don't mind if you believe in God or not. and i don't intend to defend my faith as well. As i have said, I am not God's defense attorney. I am his witness. It simply means i only say what i "know, see, and experience" and nobody can dispute a witness, because it is subjective. In the court, a witness is a witness. You can not say to a witness, "he never saw that, he feel that (as you said based on our emotions)". You can cross examine his statements to verify if it is true or not, But a witness will say what he knows (no more no less) unless of course he is lying. So if I believe in religion or God, that's because I experience it. but I never intend to condemn anybody because I'm a witness not a judge.
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
29 Aug 09
I was brought up in different churches and religions, I grew up and decided to raise my kids a certain religion. The one I most identified with but not completely agreed with. As my kids were going through their learning, I would tell them to learn what they needed to, to get through classes but to keep their mind open. It might not be right, but I do believe that since the Bible was written by man, it is not word for word correct. I go by the words spoken by Jesus but not whatever else is written, literally. It was the customs of the day and the times that "women covered their heads while worshiping" In the day the Bible was written, Jesus was hanged by his hands and his feet. But did you know that the hand was, in those days, from the elbow down and the feet, known from the knees down? I have never taken one religion and favored it over the other, who am I to judge what is the right or wrong religion? Who knows, I could be 100% right or 100% wrong. Condemning one religion or another is damnation in itself, I think. At least a person with some sort of belief system is on the right track as far as I'm concerned. I'm not the one who will be doing the judging in the end, so I can't judge anyone's beliefs, I can, however question it, not to do anything else, but learn. Religion is man made and not reliable. I think maybe everyone has a little bit of truth but not all of it in one place. I don't believe in evolution....the big bang theory? possibly.... there was a lot that happened before the human race came into being that we don't know about. If one is sitting and looking down, pondering the fate of those entering hell, what is the difference between us sitting here, pondering the truth of what is and what isn't the right or real religion? I do know there are different religions that have added or omitted words out of the Bible to suit their own needs. I think before anyone decides that they belong to the right religion, they need to take a look around and decide if they are being sheep led to slaughter or if they are making the best educated, informed decision that they could possibly make. Between my parents and siblings (there were 6 of us) there are many beliefs and disbelief's (if you will) and I can't say that any of them are completely right or wrong. Some of them are interesting and funny to me, but they are their beliefs none the I said before, who am I to judge?
@jimbelle (485)
• Philippines
29 Aug 09
I think it is believing that there is God, heaven and hell rather than choosing a religion is more important than anything else. It is your belief in God almighty- whether you are a christian or whatever religion you practice... . What is important that you have done good and is happy on what you are doing- helping those in need and being a good brother to your neighbor and to others is what matters here on earth.
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Hello walkinmyshoes, believe me I've been there before and I've walked in those shoes before. I know what it feels like to feel confusion over all the different religions that are in the world. Normally I tend to stay away from these kinds of discussions because they can be so controversial. But if you'd really like to know what I believe and why, please feel free to add me as a friend and then you can pm me and we can talk about things. I do hope in the meantime that you will take comfort in knowing that there is someone out there that is greater than us human beings and I call it God or our higher power. Anyways this higher power loves every human being the same. The bible says that we are to study to show ourselves approved, a workman that studies needn't not be ashamed because he or she can rightly divide the word of truth. So what does all of this mean to you my friend? I'm sure you are asking. Anyhow what it basically mean is to study and pray. Take care and hopefully I will hear from you soon.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Perhaps you are closer to the truth than you realize. God does not belong to a religion. You have to question everything. Real truth will never change. Just like all the physics of the universe, everything about God will add up. If it doesn't, it's either man or you just don't understand God!!! Look at the universe around you then ask yourself. For a Being capable of creating all this, why is it so important that you BELIEVE??? It is important only to religions for without belief, religion has nothing. Hell exists only as a tool to scare people who won't believe into believing. Think!!! If God had a problem with you, wouldn't He be smart enough to FIX you??? As far as Heaven goes, we will all know God's unconditional love that will heal all hurt!!! Life is the education of God's children. We are meant to THINK!!
@silvercoin (2101)
• Lithuania
28 Aug 09
You're in the middle of the road wondering where to go.There's nothing wrong about having your own style or your own belief.There are common features in every and each belief.Hell is when you don't believe anything and don't trust anyone.The world seems dark and cold.I have experienced this many times.Some people think God is like servant, always ready to do something for them.It's just a fear of responsibility.Some are afraid of almighty God who can punish them any minute for any mistake.It's weakness.People of any religion who find LOVE in God,are heading in the right direction.