Ungrateful git

United States
August 28, 2009 2:26pm CST
I have to vent and to you mylotters I can do so, so I will. My brother in law has been living in his parents basement for 8 years now (he is 37). During this time he has been married twice and has had three children with two diffrent women, whom have both lived with him at his parents. He has remarried his second wife and they are now expecting a fourth child. The purchased their own home several months ago 3+ hours away from his parents and his job. With the addition of yet another child and the fact that he can drive again (he had lost his license and his dad drove him to and from work) my in laws have told him that he needs to go live in his own home with his wife and kids. That is the situation. Now my brother in law is extremely mad at his parents. Will not speak to them and has been bad mouthing them to his siblings. When said siblings like my husband told him they agreed with their parents he became belligerent with us (and another brother who also agreed). Now prank calls and threatening emails have been showing up from the ungrateful jerk not only to his folks but to us as well. I can easily ignore all this but it does make me mad that he would treat his folks who paid for two divorces all of his lawyers, never charged rent etc. are being treated like this...ahhh if he could just grow up. Thanks for letting me rant, but seriously am I taking this too much to heart and how do I make my mother in law who is absolutely devastated by the threat of never seeing her grandbabies again (or the new one ever)
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7 responses
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
29 Aug 09
[b]Just hold your ground. He does need to grow up, & unfortunately, his parents have been enabling him to do this to them; they've created a monster. But rather than feel guilty, they need to force him to grow up. If he won't leave voluntarily, well, sad to say, that's one of the reasons police officers exist. When he sees he can't get away with anything any more, either he'll grow up, or at least go elsewhere & blame someone else. Either way, he'll cease to be a thorn in your family's side! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
31 Aug 09
[b]Their worry is misplaced. They should care more about the damage he has done & will do to others, really. Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
• United States
31 Aug 09
I do not think they will go that far he has too many priors. They will worry about where he would end up.
2 people like this
• United States
1 Sep 09
Hear hear from your finger tips to their brains! There are 3 soon to be four kids who have been raised in a fashion that we believe is paramount to abuse. Another brother (who has the money) has tryed to gain custody of the oldest (before the other two) as he was left with them for a week what turned into months. Alsa the state they live in wouldn't allow the paper work from another state and they where unable to get custody though he was with them for a long time.
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
28 Aug 09
really? that's crazy. rent free you say? and he just moved out. where is this? i don't have a family to move in, but i could adopt some kids.
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Aug 09
No he did not move out he got kicked out because he took advantage of the situation for 8 years. Now he is pissed that his folks told him to go live with his wife and kids.
• United States
2 Sep 09
i'm guessing their in their 60's at least. hmmmm maybe a bad move.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Someone needs a spanking....or should have had some a while back...you are right ..what an ungrateful boob! His parents should have kicked him to the curb a long time ago and maybe he would have had to grow up a bit! None of my business really but I totally understand your anger!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Oct 09
that seems to me to be a spoiled, overpampered man whose parents' have kept bailing him out of trouble, letting him live rent free,Of course once the jerk had his own home, he should have been more than willing to move out and go live in the new home with his own family. He really doesn't deserve what he got after badmouthing his own parents like that. I guess you are just going to have to take it step by step with your mother in lae
• United States
19 Oct 09
yeah well we know have legal action against him It seems he found paper work from a military move when they where kids. All of the boys ss # and info was on the papers. He used this to get credit cards in both of his brother's names and maxed them out. His parent have been defending him, we are not speaking to anyone of them now.
@neededhope (1085)
• United States
28 Aug 09
I completely understand what you mean!! THis sounds so much like my sister it's not even funny. My parents have paid for numerious things like tickets, fines, and other things I should not mention. And they have also co signed for one car. She wrecked it got it fixed than gave up her job. Parents had to pay for it. Than my parents tried getting her on her feet again. Bought another Car my dad said he leaks oil so make sure you check it often. She didn't she burned up the motor.. Than my grandmother gets' alztimers and she's doesn't help my mom or me with taking care of her and just goes off and moves to TN. Than they Buy her another car this is recently and she said she'd pay them back. They haven't seen one cent. She's now living with them rent free. And that car they bought for her she's let a friend borrow it. And on top of that she doesn't want to help clean or cook or anything. Unless somebody is around meaning like a "guy friend". She's 31 freaking years old and she has the maturity of a freaking 14 year old. So i know what you mean. My parents keep saying this is the last time we are gonna help her out. BS!!! To me honestly!! when kids become like your brother in law and my sister it's because they have mommy and daddy to bail them out. I believe if your child has made the bed they lay on than let them lay there and deal with there problems!! There the ones that choose it!! Mom's and Dad's should stop being helpers for them to stay there ways!! that's my opinion so i do understand what you are going thru. ANd yes it pisses me off too.
• United States
31 Aug 09
I guess every family has one..lol..actually it's not funny but what else can you do. When you say something to the parents they get offended but if you don't they just keep enabling horrid behavior. Round and round they go, he didn't even show up to see a family member home for the first time in over a decade because he was mad at mommy & daddy. Spiteful man.
@anklesmash (1412)
5 Jan 10
maybe they should have made him leave years ago and make him stand on his own feet sooner it may have avoided this problem.
• United States
5 Jan 10
My hubby and oldest Brother (the git is the middle one) have been telling the folks for years to kick his butt out. They finally told him to leave in August but he still hasn't left and they will not push him out.
• United States
28 Aug 09
Honestly I blame a lot of his reaction on the parents, no offense. I was 21 when I moved back from another state because my father had a good job lined up for my husband and had recently gotten married to him and had our first child. We paid rent (which was placed into an envelope and returned the day we moved out to use for our rent and bills at the new place). BUT... we were also given 3 months to get work and get the hell out of their house, because it was no longer their responsibility to care for their grown child OR her new spouse, that was our job as adults. There is such a thing as state assistance and ummmm have they ever heard of BUSES?They allowed him to get away with it for so long it became the norm for him so when it was taken away he reacted like any spoiled child would. If the visitation with the grandchildren is such a large concern for them, then take his butt to COURT and petition for visitation rights. Then it doesn't matter what he says, there is nothing he can do as they were his, and the children's apparently sole support for so long. Grandparents also have legal rights when it comes to their grandchildren, so stop tolerating his juvenile behind and take him back to school for some hard lessons I say.
• United States
31 Aug 09
We have been telling them that they have been enabling him for the past 7 years. The first year we kept our mouths shut but after he and his second wife where pregnant with a second child (they where pregnant when they moved in) we said something. Then we said something when he got the mistress pregnant, then we gave up on them when he got the second mistress pregnant while wife was pregnant for third time. It is their fault but his reaction is still wrong.