What kind of people turn you off?

United States
August 28, 2009 4:43pm CST
I used to say with great pride that I was not in the least bit prejudiced. Then I joined the navy, and was then immersed into a society where a certain group of people began to gnaw at my patience. To see them dress, act, and live a certain way, then cry racist when I opened my mouth to ask about it, just felt like my hand was being slapped away. Basically, this was the beginning of my prejudice, and it wasn't a single skin color of people either. I saw several skin tones that fell into this category, and I grew to hate that attitude more than anything. Don't get me wrong, I had several great friends that were not my ethnic background, and I'm not slamming any specific ethnicity. I am slamming an attitude that says I'm better than everyone else, and I don't care who I walk on as long as I look cool. What about you? What kind of attitudes screw you the wrong way, so to say? Don't answer if you have a racist comment, I'm just looking for characteristics that come from inside, and those are all too often visible from the outside...so what's your take?
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21 responses
• United States
29 Aug 09
I used to think,like most people, that I did not have 'any' prejudice, but I have since learned that it can take many different guises. I may not be directly racist, or look down on anyone of a different economic background to myself, or anything as 'obvious' as that, but I think, if we listen to our thoughts in the moment, rather than what we THINK we know about ourselves,there are a few murky beliefs and attitudes we may not want to admit to! What really made me examine my own feelings was my experience of moving from England to America. I moved to marry my American man five years ago, and have often been shocked at the way my own country is perceived over here. So, I suppose my pet peeve in people is those who assume they know about me, based on where I comes from, my accent, etc. because they persist in believing things they have read or heard about my country and refuse to listen to the view of someone who actually lived therefor 30 years. Of course this is not everyone, but I refer to the ones who do! And my other pet peeve? Seeing those same attitudes in myself when I have a bad day, and I hear myself thinking 'this wouldn't happening England'. When of course, in most cases, it probably did, frequently, when I lived there! Ruth ")
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
29 Aug 09
People who lie and cheat really turn me off, so do those who turn every situation around to them and how it effects them instead of trying to see things from the other person's viewpoint. Racists are a turn off as well as those who judge others without even getting to know them.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
29 Aug 09
Agreed. I guess that I'd have to say the only other thing that REALLY turns me off are those bounce off the walls 24/7, constantly chattering as if they have a continual, pushed IV drip of Jolt into their veins.... like the chick from the movie "Real Genius"... idk why, that just gets to me lol
• United States
30 Aug 09
Hi, Chaotic! I agree with you about those attitudes. So often people act as if their way is the only way, and everyone who isn't just like them is just wrong! We're seeing the worst in people like that in the present political squabbles in the US. Instead of interacting and, perhaps, agreeing to disagree, too many are becoming violent, either physically or verbally, without allowing any other viewpoints to be heard. It's closed-minded people who irk me most, when they try to force others into agreeing with their narrow views.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
29 Aug 09
I hate how people will judge you by race and religion or anything else along those lines . You dont judge a person by looks or what they might believe in . Get to know the person and go from there . I hate people who will also put people down and make them feel small. Lazy people bother me as well and people who complain and complain without ever trying to change.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
30 Aug 09
I have a long list of the different types of people I don't like or who turn me off. People who think they are better than others. People who are racists. People who are liars. People who are hypotcrites and your phony. People who are selfish. People who are cold hearted. People who are evil, such as predators, rapists, killers. There are probably more but its getting a bit late and I can't think anymore.
• United States
29 Aug 09
I hate arrogant people, I had a class where we were working with people who had troubled pasts. There was one guy in my class who was so condescending, always correcting their language, grammar, going out of his way to use big words. My lab partner is a racist jerk always telling racist jokes saying bad things about other faiths (of course i support his racist pro-christian rant not like I have a loved one who happens to be of a different race and/or faith)Also he contributes nothing to our labs. He is an idiot. Thank you for letting me rant.
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
29 Aug 09
I have lived in several areas and I have to say it is how you are raised and where you are raised. In the country settings of Virginia, the civil war is still being fought, the attitudes are on both sides. Meaning, sometimes black people ask for other people not to like them. Then there are stupid white people who think going to church will absolve them from being prejudice. In Florida there are so many different types of people that you see everything and every type of prejudice possible. People that were raised here are accepting though. They know people come in all different types of colors and attitudes. The next place I am going to mention I hated living there but the people! The people made the place okay. We were in Mobile Al. and I would have to say the blacks there remembered that their race struggled and they have to be better than others to achieve. Being better than others means to strive in education and business, not having an attitude and wearing clothes that fall off their backside. Mobile Al. was an interesting place for me because the people their were NICE. They were people. They weren't black, I wasn't white. We were all people trying to get ahead. It was truly a place that could make anyone lose their prejudices.
• Philippines
29 Aug 09
I hate those who put themselves in a pedestal and thinks they're prettier/smarter than everybody else.they think they're perfect,but they aren't.I don't like them!.my "frenemy" is actually like that.she thinks she's perfect and puts down every body else just to boose her ego.sheesh!so pathetic!
@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
29 Aug 09
This is from my own point of view. Talkative people especially men, people with smelly odors, anybody who don't know how to listen to a conversation, people who look at you as if they always knew better than you; they don't accept their shortcomings are individuals I abhor. When I am with any of them, I say but a few words in answer just to complement them.
• United States
29 Aug 09
I agree with your dislike for people who act like they are better than everyone else. It's almost like they lack any type of politeness and consideration. I feel like everyone should be considerate (at least to a point). I almost think it's strange that you feel the need to say that you are not racist. The whole stress on prejudice (on skin color) has made people think that if you dislike a person with an attitude with the opposite color of skin that makes you prejudice. It has gotten way out of hand the amount of times people use this as a defense about their personality being attacked by another person. I think it should be simple like when children say they don't like someone. They just don't like their characteristics and the way that person treats them. It shouldn't be labeled as prejudice.
• United States
29 Aug 09
Folks I call Constitutional Hypocrits..The folks who claim constitutionality to be, do and/or say as they please regardless of me while claiming the same constututionality to hamper me because of them. I keep tellin' folks 'There is no I in the constitution. There is ony WE..If WE don't have the right then you're talking privilege and the constitution don't guarantee that!' ENJOY!
• United States
29 Aug 09
I hate people who are basically just bad people. They do bad stuff. Some people don't care about anyone about themselves (conceited), they lie, dis obey their parents, steal, cheat and lastly, watching bad stuff on the internet. First off, if you care about yourself all the time, people will not like you for that. You will eventually have to change in order to make some true friends. People will think of you as like the guy who owns a mirror or something. (Back in the day, there was a kid like that in my class). Remember to be yourself, and take notice at other people and not just yourself. Secondly, people who lie and just plain dishonest. It is bad to lie and if you lie to your friends, people won't trust you or like as much. Lieing is a bad thing to do, it can get you into a lot of trouble or hassle with your parents/teachers. You might feel good about it from time to time, but I'm just saying it is not the right thing to do. Lieing might haunt you one day. Everyone lies, eventually, but when you do, control yourself and maybe even apoligize if it has hurt anyone's feelings. Third, disobeying your parents. Honestly, they are the ones who born you and raise you. They are the ones that took cared of you when no one was there. They changed your diapers, bought you your essiential things for you. They have done so much for you, and all you people can think about if talking back at your parents, and not respecting them. They have all the authority over you, and you should respect that. That is what I believe (and the 10 commandments) that everyone should do. Stealing. Why do it? Are you that poor and desperate to do it? Do you have to do it to make you look "cool" in front of your friends or something? Stealing is a horrible sin to be doing. People have worked hard to make the thing that you are stealing, or people have worked hard to get money for that item. You can't always take the easy way out and take things that fon't belong to you. One day, you'll get caught. What happens then? I know it is really tempting to take things when no one is looking. I had trouble of that myself back in school, but I learned to trust God and do the right thing even though it is hard. Cheating. This is even more tempting that stealing. But like I said, you have to control yourself. Just work hard and achieve your goal. You don't have to take the easy way out. You will get caught more often than once. So be prepared! If you didn't study for a test back then, then you will get a bad grade. Don't take advantage of your friends, who have studied all nighters for the whole week to just get all the answers from them! Do the right thing, always! Last but not least, watching the bad stuff on the internet. This is mostly for guys only. Guys, what makes you want to do this like everyday? It won't help you get anywhere! Instead of doing bad stuff, why don't you do something more productive? It is a waste of time, and it gives your mind very dirty thoughts. If girls found out you did it, they probably won't get with you. Honestly, people who watch bad stuff and losers. People with no-lifes but watching p*** all day. Don't do it. Time is of the essence and instead of going on the computer for like 5 hours doing just that, we should get out, interact, communicate, etc. I hope this sums up all the reasons about what I don't like in a person. For those MyLotters who are reading this, please do the right thing. Please, please, please. You will feel good about it later and know that you have done it the hard way. It feels really good about working hard to run a 10K marathon than to cut half way and only run about 5K just to get first place. You will feel horrible about yourself. Your conscience will get to you eventually or not. I hope this has been a good read and have a great day!
• United States
29 Aug 09
It rubs me the wrong way when anyone comes to our country and has no intention of learning the English language. They somehow manage to get a job,and usually make more than the average person who was born in good ole USA. Or they do speak english and pretend that they don't. My grandparents came from Hungary. They didn't have their language written on products giving directions. They had to learn the English language. Back then, I'm told if you didn't speak English, you couldn't become a U.S. citizen.
@levyx22 (187)
• United States
29 Aug 09
I hate people that are dumb. People that are dumb 100% turn me off. I truly hate people that act dumb, and what pisses me off even more is when really smarty people act dumb and act like they dont know something. I do not know why anyone would even want to do this if they have the gift of being smart...Why act dumb? I hate it so much people just try to draw so much attention to themselves.
• United States
29 Aug 09
hello there beauty:) I myself find arrogant,mean spitited and rude people that burst my bubbles..they made me angry,sad and just pis$ed off..racist and prej people to do big time..no ofense to anything u said..but i never got it.like im white and if another white girl kicked my a$$ i wouldnt hate the whole white race..so why if someone thats another color or creed does something bad why does that make one hate the whole? its the people not the whole..anywho..and people who make fun of less fortunate people pi$$ on my cheerios as well(dont like corn flakes lol lol)whether its fat,skinny,dorky,disabled,or just ugly to there eyes..when in teh end its teh person makin fun who is the ugliest person.take care..April
• United States
29 Aug 09
I can relate to this. Personally I can not stand arrogance, bad attitude and people who more worthy then the rest of us. We are all equal no matter who we are.
• India
29 Aug 09
It's simply those attitude guys and gals which turn me off!
@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
29 Aug 09
I must say that my biggest turn-offs are loud vulgar people, and liars!!! i have little respect for people who cannot live up to their word. trust is a very big thing for me and is the key in all my relationships...could it be with friends, boyfriends, with my son..I alwasy make sure the trust is there. i don't think i can live by if people starts losing faith in me
@sfjalex (46)
• India
29 Aug 09
i dont like people who are proud. pride can be found in all kinds of things like religion, colour, wealth, beauty...the list goes on. people who are humble will always be liked by everyone and they will be simple. i also dont like people who cheat me and are not honest.
• United States
28 Aug 09
I always put it like this.... I am not prejudiced... I hate everyone equally LOL You have to learn to laugh at yourself before you can accept distasteful things in others, but everyone has their prejudices. People dislike me because I am small and always have been... sorry, nothing I can do about that. Others type me because I have morals.... oops again. I think a "prejudice" is simply a trait that you are unable or unwilling to tolerate, be it because of your moral upbringing, or from personal observation. Everyone has lines they are unwilling to cross and should not be asked to, but too many people have prejudices born of fear and ignorance. If you dislike the way someone speaks (such as the typing of the other poster), that could simply be fear of something different.... nobody likes change. People who have racial prejudices are typically ignorant about that race and therefore fear them, so they ostracize them. Personally, I have some pretty harsh prejudices, but mine are typically moral ones, nothing to do with skin tone or language or country of origin. I live in a very diverse environment where that simply would't be a feasible way to live because then I WOULD have to hate everyone. I prefer to judge on an individual basis, as I think everyone should, and simply avoid those that I find I cannot tolerate.