Do you think all girl should wear makeup?

August 28, 2009 11:30pm CST
I have this co worker who think and tell everyone who will listen that girl should always wear make up.She tell me that if i don't wear make up i should of been a boy!!!!What a idiot i said.I am not the best looking girl in the world,but i don't have to wear make up everyday,i think make up if for special occasion or going out.Maybe i will put on some mascara just to make myself pretty,but i don't belive that i should make myself up just to go to the store.I like to be simple,put my hair up in a bun and go on with my day.What is your opinion on that??
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44 responses
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Aug 09
Of course there are a lot of factors involved. Number one, if you're the type that looks great without make-up then no, you needn't wear it all the time, despite what your "genius" co-worker thinks. I out of habit though do wear just a light foundation and a bit of blush to give me some color and yes, even to go to the store..LOL. Now there are some women that really SHOULD wear make-up--I have this next door neighbor that really should wear some kind of make-up since she's pale as a mother once said she looked like Mr. Potato Head cause of her paleness (no she didn't say it to my neighbor's face)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Aug 09
My neighbor is a tad weird...she hardly ever goes out, and she sits in the dark all the time..never has lights on--I can tell since my windows are adjacent to mine
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Aug 09
Agoraphobia....believe it or not I have panic disorder (though not that bad now) and for a time I WAS completely housebound...yet here I am, and I go out more than my neighbor does. I'm almost the opposite now..can't STAND to be home for more than a day (sometimes I do have to stay home if I'm expecting a delivery) and make a point of going out---nope, this neighbor once told me she suffers from migraines, is manic depressive and paranoid schizophrenic
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Aug 09
hipyewacket I wonder if your neighbor in the dark has that'fear of'open spaces.that can be just husband had that for awhile and talked to a therapist who really did help him. usually theres 'a cause for someone sittinginthe dark all day. of course again there wsas this old lady who used to sit in A dark room and peer out through the edgeof the curtainto watch us come home from work and go to wor k. I found out all the matter with her was she was lonely. I would stop after work and talk toher for several minutes every day and she started to open her blinds and come out and talk to us.we found out she had had a very interesting life.
@Gladia (36)
• Philippines
29 Aug 09
I agree with you. I don't wear make-up often, I only put make-up on during special occasions. But to be honest, I don't like wearing make-up because it makes me feel like I'm wearing a mask. Natural beauty still rules for me.
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• United States
29 Aug 09
Hello! Natural beauty for me is the best as well . I think most men like less makeup!
@DrRac0 (126)
• United States
29 Aug 09
no many girls look beautiful as is, without any make up
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• United States
29 Aug 09
I know sometimes if a girl has natural beauty and she wears make up something just doesnt look right and it looks super fake and like she is dresing up or something .
@kcoregon (302)
• United States
29 Aug 09
I don't wear make up either. Growing up I only ever saw my mom put make up on for a special occasion. Honestly I am not the best looking girl either. If a woman wants to wear make up more power to them but I don't want to feel like I have to wear it because its "what women are supposed to do". I know its cheesy and cliche but I rather have people like me for what is on the inside than on the outside. I take care of myself by showering, moisturizing, brushing my teeth and hair, these are all essential-wearing make up is not. Though like I said I am not putting anyone down who wears it I know that many women like to and some do it for their work and there is nothing wrong with that. Just like there is nothing wrong with me choosing not to wear any.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
29 Aug 09
Some girls love to wear make up but some don't want it like me. I hate wearing a make up since then. I only wear make up on speacial occasions too. I think your co worker is very vain about how she look. Yes I agree make up can damage your skin. I think if you are confident about how do you look I think lipstick or powder would be enough. Some girls wearing make up just to hide their wrinkles or improve their looks. I'm not against of it but for me being simple is much preferred.
• Canada
30 Aug 09
She is very vain and vocal about lots of stupid little thing...She would prefere to be pretty than smart.She over weight and i think sometime"good for her for being happy in your skin"but you don't have to push you opinion on others!
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
That was rude... But isabella, it also depends on your job.. If your job is into custumor-interfacing, then you should... i am sorry... but you should wear make-up. But the make-up doesnt have to be that thick, just choose the make-up that would put color your pale features.
• Canada
30 Aug 09
I work in a nursing home...I do need to look clean and put my hair up,but i don't think i should be made up for a wedding!lol
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
so you are patient-interfacing... Lip gloss will do. and for your job, not much make-up is really needed. you just have to look healthy and neat... that's all...
• United States
30 Aug 09
Hi Isabella, You can start by telling your co-worker to mind her own business and leave other girls alone. Is she selling Avon or MaryKay??? LOL...if not maybe she should, since she is already pushing makeup on others she can at least make a little commission on it...he he he... I happen to love makeup and I don't know if there is a brand out there that I haven't tried. I am addicted to it but sometimes I just wear a little mascara and a little blush. And, I don't walk around telling my friends to wear makeup. You can tell her there are a lot of guys out there that don't like makeup on girls and a lot of us don't need it all the time. :) Olivia~
• Canada
30 Aug 09
HA!HA!HA!Is she selling Avon...that's funny.I think i might ask her next time she has a lecture to give!!
• United States
30 Aug 09
AHHHAAA!!!! I knew it...HA HA HA .....that is funny. :)
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Aug 09
isabella hi I think that looking natural can be very pretty and keeping your skin clear and clean and yourself healthy 'can make a pretty person;but a touch of lipstick and a bit'of eye'shadow can enhance ones looks but only if put on with a very light touch.Simple is always attractive but a touch of lipstick can only enhance ones looks. that and a clean attractive hair style.
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
31 Aug 09
No, I don’t think so. There are women who look better without it. There women who looks sexy without make up on. I like it when someone keeps it simple and matches on their profile.
• India
30 Aug 09
No all girls need not wear makeup because beauty comes from within.I prefer girls with natural beauty.
• United States
30 Aug 09
I told Isabella the same thing. Some guys don't like girls with a lot of makeup or any at all. :)
• United States
30 Aug 09
There is no rule about wearing make up or not. I always wear make up, but it is nothing wrong with being simple. Just be yourself, dear.
• United States
30 Aug 09
Anyone who says woman should always wear makeup is just got something to hide. Anyway look at woman who used makeup most of their life, in their 50's and tell me that makeup is good for you. There are nothing but wrinkles and alligator skin.
• Canada
30 Aug 09
True,she'll most likely look 20yrs older in a few years!
• India
30 Aug 09
ya I am totally agree with you that girls should nt wear make up every day, because I think they will loose their natural & pretty look, well I love to see my Girlfriend in simple look & open hair, I like her in make up too but occassionaly only & she also thinks same so I am with youu....
• Canada
30 Aug 09
You think like i do,i think it's not good at all.I would rather look like a boy than look like i'm 80 at 50yrs old!
• United States
29 Aug 09
Dear Isabelle123: To each is own. I think that in a work enviroment, people should present themselves in a business fashion where they can be taken seriously. However, with that being said, it does not necessarily mean that you should have to put on make-up in order to be taken in that fashion. Some women choose to wear make-up, others do not, but that does not mean it takes away or keeps you from who you are as a person. If you chose not to wear make-up then that should be fine. I have never heard of a law that states that women should always wear make-up. I, for one, do not judge anyone who wears or who do not wear the substances. I think everyone is great the way they should be. God bless.
• Canada
30 Aug 09
I agree with you when you said that peoples should present themselves in a business fashion.How ever,i don't think that i should be putting on lip stick,eye shadow,blush,mascara and do my hair to go work in a nursing home(my job)for 8 hours...I do need to look clean and put my hair up but this co-worker just belive we should look like a beauty queen ALL THE TIME!That's just nuts!
@levyx22 (187)
• United States
30 Aug 09
Some women are very beautiful without many makeup at all. Some men also love the natural look of a women's face. Surprisingly, I know a lot of men that absolutely despise makeup on women. Be comfortable with yourself, experiment, and don't wear makeup for a weekend night and see how things go!
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
29 Aug 09
I agree with you. For day to day, I guess it is nicer not to have make up. I prefer simple also but during special occasion, i love to have some!
@jstaubin (423)
• United States
29 Aug 09
I do not put make up on a daily basis. I might wear it if we are going some where special but otherwise what is the point if I put it on everyday that just means that I have to buy more make up sooner and ends up costing my family more money.
@dsharat (456)
• India
29 Aug 09
Yeah Isabella you are absolutely rite!A girl need not wear makeup all the times she goes out.The basic need of make up is to make a pretty lady who is already beautiful and just needs some touch ups so that she looks gorgeous.And the other type of need is to make up a person whose looks are not that good as a common lady/guy.But most of the girls over use the cosmetics and make their skin look ugly than nice.You know what,if you use the cosmetics who say that they are natural but not,your skin will get damaged.For example,you look at some celebrities when they are not makeup-ed,they really look awful!The best way to keep our skin healthy and wrinkle free is to drink 5-6 liters of water in a day and have a glass of a plain orange juice(with out any sugar).You will notice the difference in a week...
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Hey there, Now you talking on something that's in my area of expertise. I don't think that it's anything wrong with a woman going outside not wearing any make up. We weren't born with it on our faces and to be honest there are some women that have natural beauty that really don't need it. Perhaps you see yourself in that way. As for me personally I don't like to wear it real heavy, just a small dab here and a touch there is all I really need. If people don't want to look at my face in it's natural light then I feels like they don't need to be looking. So go on out there gf the way you choose to go and the way that you feel comfortable displaying your assets. God bless you............. CC!
@JenBth (75)
• United States
30 Aug 09
I think it is your own personal preference. I personally wear make-up every day that I go to work or out at night, but I know girls that only wear it to go out or for special occasions. If you are happy without make-up, then it doesn't matter what others think!
• United States
30 Aug 09
I completely agree with you. I don't think makeup is necessary, it is completely up to each individual. I don't wear it all the time, it depends on what I'm doing. Just running errands, I don't use it. Going to work, going out to dinner, things like that or anything special, I will use it. But it is totally a personal preference, if you are comfortable without it, then there is no need.