What do you do when you're bored?

United States
August 29, 2009 2:52pm CST
Alright, fellow mylotters, I need a little help. Lately, my weekend days have been totally free which is good and bad. It's nice to have some breathing room to relax, but now, after a few weeks, I'm BORED!!! Anytime I have a few hours to myself, I've been taking a nap, but that only means I don't sleep at night...no good. :P Reading puts me to sleep lately, so can skip that one. Does anybody have any fun ideas to stave off boredom? All suggestions are appreciated. :)
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21 responses
@tintukm (1102)
• India
29 Aug 09
Well its a most boring experience to be getting bored.I always try and find out an alternative act to keep up with the time passing by.I try to be with my friends around ,go out with my cycle and be relaxed under a tree shade,places I love to be reader too but not many books to go with rather studies take some time or the other.I always try and keep the time going good.
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@DCLehnsherr (1037)
29 Aug 09
Hey Care4Pets, I had a massive issue with boredom, and then I joined mylot and it was miraculously gone lol. So my cure for boredom is now this site, though I guess it isn't currently working for you. Hmm...if I am bored and don't want to go on mylot I tend to end up watching TV, but I snack when I do that so it isn't high on my list of recommendations. Perhaps going crazy to some nice music. That works wonders for me as well, though does tend to be quite dependant on mood :) Good luck finding the cure though. Dranz PS: Another good thing about mylot is late nights. I was allowed to nap today because the previous days have involved late nights and early mornings, meaning I was just too tired to not be allowed to sleep a little in the afternoon lol
@redhotpogo (4401)
• United States
29 Aug 09
force myself to answer the same mylot questions over and over again. at least if i'm going to be bored i can make some money.
• India
30 Aug 09
Whenever I get bored or feel so I try to defocus myself and start playing PC games or watching movies online. But Boredom is quite unique for everyone and the ways to lower it depends on one's own thinking and this fact can't be generalized.
• United States
30 Aug 09
i think you're thinking too hard. if you think all your thoughts now then what will you think about later?
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
30 Aug 09
During winter months I like to draw and read. In the summer months I like to go outside and enjoy the weather. I like to ride my 4 wheeler through the woods and fish a little bit. Splitting wood for the winter is always a fun one. I also try to make own furniture but I'm not very good with that kind of thing. I'm always looking for new hobbies. This past year I took up gardening. I grew peppers and tomatoes.
29 Aug 09
I never have time to get bored with a baby to take care of, but if i ever do get some free time i use it to catch up on housework and cleaning (sorry not very fun) and then once that is done i like to play some game son facebook like bejewelled blitz and rollercoaster kingdom for some light amusement.
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@thokius (426)
• Austria
30 Aug 09
Hello Care4Pets, I'll tell you what I do when I have a lot of free time: 1. I go to this website and talk with people. Not only do you have fun and learn but you also get payed for it. 2. I sit in one place and don't do anything but think for a few hours. I basicly strategies my life for the next time I have work or have to meet someone. Cheers! Thok
@thokius (426)
• Austria
30 Aug 09
Sorry, my mistake. I ment I don't do anything but think...
@becdmd (704)
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
uhm I think if you love arts...make a scrapbook...it kills time and releases your creativity and imagination. find your fave pics..make a story of it or any memorable pictures that will remind you of the good things happened in your life.(^_^)
@saki13 (95)
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
I surf the net, find online jobs, post on forums and communities and keep a blog.
@grace118224 (1038)
• China
30 Aug 09
Go out to have a cup of coffee or some snacks . Or go to the movies with friends . If you have to stay at home listening to music or surfing on internet would be good . If that's still too boring for you you can also play games on the internet . Playing games might get you to forget the time . But if play for too long you might get bored in the end.
• China
30 Aug 09
When I am bored,I will go to the park and take a stroll.The winding paths and corridors make me feel pleased.There are pavalions and towers in the park.Happy birds singing,breeze wind touching my cheeks,I feel I were in a paradise.I think it's my advantage to live in an apartment near a central park.
@ypyanyan (956)
• China
30 Aug 09
well,when I am bored ,I will write chinese.I like chinese , it is an art.it attract me , there are many kinds of chinese.Its history is long . You can find a thing which is your favorite thing. I think that you have great passion on it . dear,my friend . you can read a good book, it can make you fully. Good luck to you .
• United States
30 Aug 09
usually I just watch t.v, chill and relax, hang with my friends, shop, etc
• India
30 Aug 09
i really get bored-i tend to try to keep my self entertainment from happening.
@1manshow (49)
• India
30 Aug 09
@ redhotpogo Sorry to post as a comment under you, but as you can judge I am quite new here and this happened unknowingly. I thought I was responding to the discussion and ended up adding a comment to you instead. Sorry again. If someone with moderation powers, can move my post from the first page here it would be very grateful of him/her.
@dodo19 (47268)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
29 Aug 09
There are a few things that I do when I'm bored. I usually do something that I enjoy doing. I'll read a book, watch a movie, write, go for a walk, or something like that. It usually helps not to be bored anymore.
@Valenas (1507)
• United States
29 Aug 09
I really don't get bored- I tend to try to keep myself entertained in order to prevent that from happening. I do not get bored at work because our motto is "keep busy," and "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean." At home, I tend to be on the computer a lot, but I bounce around from site to site. If I can't find something to do on one site, I just go to the next and try for something there. I recommend forum boards where you can participate in or read conversations and light debates. I also like sites like Youtube, and sites which host their own games for free play. Good luck finding activities to reduce your boredom. :3
• India
29 Aug 09
Usually when i get bored i watch cartoon movies or go out for a walk with my friend
@simonelee (2715)
• China
30 Aug 09
hmmm... i think most of us here are bored. Well, if you can play a guitar it will help or if not try to paint our draw anything what you feel. these are the few things i usually do when i'm bored, just like the other night.
@bmuchler (441)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Sometimes I look forward to boredom. I have three kids. I read, exercise, go online. I have trouble sleeping at night if I nap too. What hobbies do you have?
@skywalk (66)
• Indonesia
29 Aug 09
I usually watching DVD or listening to the music if i feel bored. Doing our hobbies is the best boredom killer. I think we can be bored anytime and anyplace, no matter where we are at that time. Especially when we must waiting for someone in someplace which is not our home. I will use my mobile phone and its headset to playback my favourite songs while i'm waiting there. I think this also can be an answer for your question here. Happy mylotting.