By Ace_Anime
@Ace_Anime (38)
9 responses
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
hello ace!
as for me, my life and everything around me are enough reason for me to believe that my God exists! i don't need any scientific explanations for this for i already feel Him and His presence in my life...
and never will i ever doubt His existence...
have a nice day!

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@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
This is a hard question... Usually, people would have to see first before they believe. The air we breathe is a simple proof that God exists. the mere reason why we still live another day is again a proof that God truly exists. You would learn to appreciate and believe in god all the more if you are into medicine course. You try looking up at the minute parts of the eye alone and you would wonder... how could anyone make something so perfect?
@Ace_Anime (38)
12 Oct 09
If God really existed why would there be alot of crap going on in the world... alot of terrible things, and deaths and stuff if he really existed nothing bad would be happening to anyone
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
12 Oct 09
Hello ace! Because you appear to be a very intelligent person, i will try to answer you as intelligently as you came. 1. Have you heard of a saying "out of nothing comes nothing?" I havent heard of that. There is always a something that came from something else. Where did ace anime come from? From his parents. Where did ace's parents come from? so on and so forth. It has to start with something cause nothing will ever come out of nothing. Then who made who? In other words, you may apply the principle of cause and effect here. 2. Everything is changing. Everything is moving. A car wouldnt move without the driver, who moves the driver then? The driver's soul. In other words, there are things that move which causes a series or domino effect on other moves. Everything is moving except God. But! No one can ever move God and yet he has the power to make you move! 3. Contingency Planning. We all depend on something that we need. we depend on something that has existed even before we came. God happens to be someone whom we all depend upon as he is a Necessary Being. And his being is not dependent on another being. What else does God need when he has everthing? I guess it is really better to ask something from him. 4. Perfection. We are all beautiful people, we just happen to be of different levels. We are all intelligent people, we just again happen to have different levels of intelligence and different talents. And because of all these differences, we are all tagged as "imperfect." And our standards of perfection is an absolute being, who else can that be? 5. Design. Whats the use of the humps of the camel? Whats the use of this thick fur of polar bears? Einstein, we know is one of the greatest braniacs in history. Even though he has came up with the the Law of Relativity. Even he cant explain how and who made the light.
I believe that everything good and beautiful came from God. If there had been many mishaps in this world, i believe that there is a reason why such a thing happened. Like for instance in my country Philippines, i would like to reflect the after-effects of Ondoy typhoon as something beautiful. I am not referring to the things that i see like the mud-stricken places and carcass smell in Pasig, Cainta and Marikina. There is beauty witnessed not only on Filipinos but to all peoples across the globe. I have witnessed the sincerity of foreigners giving donations to my poor countrymen, i have witnessed filipinos giving themselves wholeheartedly to assist in relief and rescue operations. If you are a filipino, would you not witness this as well? Has the Philippines become prone to typhoons due to global warming? Should i blame God for global warming? Or is it something that man himself has made?
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
9 Sep 09
If god does exist, then the same goes for ghost.. lol =D There's always a balance in things.. Without the evil, there wont be any good.. THus, i believe in ghost as much as i believe in gods too.. hehe ^_^
All of them are part of nature, and happenings around the world.. It's a fact that some things did happen somewhere out there, just that there will be certain groups of ple whom refuses to believe in it, in the name of science.. lol =D
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
1 Sep 09
The real question is: Do you want the truth?????? If you value truth, you must search for the real truth. Since you can not prove that God does not exist then you must search for God. If God does not exist, you will search forever. Sometimes people who search do find what they are searching for. In your search know that while religion does have a part of God in all of them, man has his hand deep into religion.On your journey QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!!! Just like all the physics of this universe adds up, everything about God will add up.All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. Can you see????? It's all a test of intelligence!!!
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
30 Aug 09
When you believe in your heart that God exists you don't need the proof. First and foremost I have witnessed things in my personal life that tell me there is a God. Also look outside your door, look at the trees and the beautiful blue sky, the sun the birds. How else could all this have happen. I believe and know one can take that away from me.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
30 Aug 09
You are right: there is nothing to prove the existence of God. Even the Bible does not set out to prove God. It simply begins, "In the beginning, GOD" thus establishing the fact of God.
Having agreed with you that the existence of God can't be proved, I will now tell you that I have a personal relationship with the living, creator God, through the Lord Jesus Christ. God needs no scientific back-up because I know Him personally. I talk with Him and He talks with me. He guides me and has cared for me for 50 of my 73 years, but I know I cannot prove this to you. ONLY a personal experience would give you this assurance.
There are numerous proofs, however, that the BIBLE is true. Things written many hundreds of years before they happened, happened EXACTLY, in EVERY detail, as recorded. Every single prophecy in Scripture was fulfilled exactly as given. Some of these things were ridiculed for centuries until archaeologists unearthed proof. I can give you many instances IF you are interested.
Did you know that the Bible (though not a scientific book) records many scientific facts that were not "discovered" by man until hundreds of years after being written?
Did you also know that there is not a single "fact" in the teaching of evolution? Scientists and teachers agree on that, even though they believe in evolution.
Yes, I believe in God and I believe God. Although I don't need proof, because He is just as real to me as any living person, there is more proof of the existence of God than there is for any alternative.
@jeffsback2223 (156)
• United States
30 Aug 09
Believing in god is a leap of faith. You may believe in god but not the churches and institutions that take your money or kill "heathens" in the name of god. Personally I think this world was created a little too perfectly not to have a divine hand in it. Problem comes when man tried to interpret it. Crucifixion, persecution, increase racism and crusades are the dark side of what it means to believe in god. When religions formed, all hell broke loose, pardon the pun.
@tarundrebellian (186)
• India
30 Aug 09
The fact that everything works is proof enough for me.The fact that plants need CO2 and put off oxygen,and that we need oxygen and put off CO2,con incidence?I doubt it.
The Earth is the perfect distance away from the sun to support life,two separate cells can come together to create a brand new life forms,i could go on and on,but what I'm trying to get at is that I don't think that a planet with so many diverse creatures could be an accident.So there is a power.