Have you copied in your exams? Have you seen persons copying? will you inform ?

August 30, 2009 4:23am CST
Hi friends, Have you copied in your exams? Or Have you seen persons copying in exams? Will you inform them to the invigilator? I have copied during my 10th grade class tests not on any board exams. After that I never used to copy. In fact I was caught that day and punished for my act as I had my text book inside my desk and my teacher found out.. If you have copied.. how you have done that? Will you get papers from your friends? Or will have bit papers? Or do you have "micro xerox" which mean taking xerox copies of books in a smaller size.. Have you caught for the act?... Please do share some of your experiences.... Cheers.... Happy Mylotting
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29 responses
• Philippines
31 Aug 09
hi phillip! i never experienced copying in any of my exams. i was brought up in such a very conservative environment that cheating, in whatever form, will be punished. time and time again, back when i was still in school... i'd hear my older siblings, parents, aunts and grandfather reminding us not to cheat during exams... instead, we should study hard prior to the exam. i was such a good student then, never cheated, never absent, cut or missed classes unless excused because of a contest or something that the school sent me to. i've seen my classmates do it. some of them have mastered the art of cheating. a few of them got caught, reprimanded and punished... but not severely enough in my opinion for them to learn the lesson. i admit that i have participated in this type of activity but not to copy answers from my classmate... i did it to help schoolmates get a better score... by letting them copy from me. i've only done it twice in my life. one was in sixth grade and the other one was as a highschool senior. both were national aptitude tests. both were quite important to let them into highschool and university/college. it was a tough call for me, because of the principles i have embraced as a child. but i have made exceptions on these 2 occasions. there were 50-60 students in the exam room i was assigned in, and most of them were from lower sections. my task was simple, just answer the exam as best i could, and the students surrounding me will take care that the other students in the room will be able to copy most of my answers if not all. how they did that was beyond me. i just leave my test papers open for everyone to see. that was the deal i made with them before the exam started, that i will let them all copy, just don't get caught doing it. as expected, everyone in my exam room passed. what was unexpected was that, my exam room got the highest average of all examinees. what was the nicest surprise was i got the highest marks (in my school) in that national college/university entrance exam. i felt like a celebrity during highschool graduation when parents of the students in my "exam room" approached and thank me for helping their kid out. some of them were amazed that they got scores higher than the valedictorian of our batch, and they couldn't forget that. i felt what i did was a form of cheating by helping them out by allowing them to copy from me. but what i did, i did to help. i knew most of them won't be able to go to college if they couldn't pass that exam. that would certainly break their parents' hearts because much is riding on their ability to get higher education.
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
thank you. you are always vey good at affirmations. hehe it may only be two times... but it benefited more than a hundred different students at a very crucial time... (lol) more than two-thirds of them... i didn't really knew because they belonged in different sections.
• Philippines
7 Sep 09
thank you phillip for the BR. it's very much appreciated.
• India
1 Sep 09
Hi mylesnarvaez, You are just spicing up my discussions with your big and valuable responses. I appriciate it. I wish I could have such a nice friend in my exams during my college days... You have a great exxperience but you have showed your paper only twice is somwhat not that good. You must have helped a lot... Great to have you here in this disccussions.. Cheers.. God bless you...
@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
1 Sep 09
HAHAHA.. I admit.. I do copy.. and this happen in every of my Mandarin test when I was in my Grade 7! Reason doing that, I just can't bring myself to study all those classical language and idioms.. Even I have studied 6 years of Primary for Mandarin, however come to Grade 7, I just don't have the 'love' for it any longer.. and I can tell you that the whole class copied brightly and openly.. Exam papers are passed around to be copied.. books are under the table for easy reference.. some of them even fly 'plane' with answers.. at once, it flew right in front of the teacher.. and we just mere lucky that the teacher didn't realise it.. Anyway, only for this subject that we did that.. for others, we all do it with all our hard study.. But at least with this copy thing, I now can response to your discussion right..
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• India
1 Sep 09
Hi cwong77, Nice to hear your experience as a movie infront of my eyes. Its real in some of the tough exams. Really copying is useful atleast here.. Well said... Cheers
@simonelee (2715)
• China
31 Aug 09
ha ha ha! Im not ashame to admit that i've copied sevel times whether exams or long quizes. During college years I was so lazy to study my notes and even listen to my professors. When I copy my seatmate's answers, I usually ask her/him before the exam if she understand our lessons and if he/she master the coverage. I have to make sure I copied the right answers and get pass. There is this one time that my close friend allowed us to coppy his answer but later on change his answers after we submited are papers. That's a lesson for me not to be leech. I was so passive during college days. I was so focused playing volleyball and other erands. Good thing I was able to finished a bahelors degree. I think most the student experienced coppying, they won't be a student if they've never coppied. They miss the thrill. HA! ha! ha!
• India
31 Aug 09
Well said Simone. Many misses the thrill. We need to enjoy and at the same time we need to clear our papers... But always copying for every test and exams is not a fair thing... Nice tto hear your experience.... Cheers... Have a nice day always...
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
I have so many stories to tell for this topic philip! Another nice discussion from you, cheers! My first experience of copying to others was when i was in grade 1. I used to rock my chair back and forth from left to side to sneak through the answers of my seatmates. Unfortunately, my chair fall backwards! It was embarrassing because we used to wear a jumper type of skirt to school. My underwear was seen by everyone else. After that, i didn't rock my chair at all *talk about trauma*. Next situation was in our Chinese class. We used to do a lot of techniques for copying! We carved Chinese characters from our pen or sometimes hide our "micro xerox" under our skirts or handkerchiefs. Thank God i wasn't caught and graduated with flying colors. The last one i cheated was in college. I wrote the whole names of the bacteria in my armchair! It's so tiny that only I can understand what's written. It was in my biology class, i swear i didn't learn anything in that class because of the boring professor. Sometimes, i regret the times i copied, but hey! i am just a normal student and your student life won't be complete without experiencing this copying thing.
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• India
31 Aug 09
Thanks for appreciating me. We usually have thrill and fun while copying. But its a cheating thing but enjoyment in our college days is having thrill with fun. Hope you got me... Really student life won't be complete without experiencing this copying thing. Well said Cheers.. Happy Mylotting
• Indonesia
31 Aug 09
Hi phillip I never copied, but once I helped my best friend when I was in 1st grade junior high school. She asked me in biology exam, so I write the answer behind small paper and handed it to her. Then immediately the teacher come, grab that paper and stare at us. She asked me what's that paper. and I anwer it's a poem! Hahahahaha! So stupid! The teacher became more angry because she know I was lied! So me and my friend was punished. I get zero (if I didn't caught when give the answer, I will get 100!) The teacher threatened me that he would call my parents. I was cry at that time, think about what my parents will say, because so far I'm a good student. Thanks God, he didn't inform my parents about it. Since that time I never cheat or give answer in exam. So that was my first and last experience I won't say anything if I see someone cheat or copy. I don't want have problem with that person, better I ignore them and let the teacher who find out. It's their business. My friend have various way to copy. Two of them are make a note in your pocket then ask to go to toilet during the exam and see that note in the toilet. Another methods are insert that paper inside your pen (so you can read it from outside) and hide it in the glass box,hehehe.. So creative, but I'm not interested in give it a try.
• Indonesia
1 Sep 09
It's too risky and good we don't need and won't do that, it's not honest and I think we learn to get the knowledge, not to get the score. If someone get good score by cheating, it means he use his friend knowledge to get it and nothing to be proud of. It's not his ability and he's lied to himself,,hehe.. That's my point of view
• India
1 Sep 09
Really I too agree with what you said. Cheating and then coming out with flying colors is really not a worthy part of a great person. Well said... Cheers
• India
1 Sep 09
Hi ChrysanTflower, Thats really like a past came present. I too have seen many incidents like that. But each of us learn from our mistakes that we make in some part of our life. Glad you have never copied after that incident. But the techniques are really great inserting the bit paper inside a glass pen... Really innovative... I have never tried that and also I can never try that too in future Cheers... Have a nice day always..
@marctiu (829)
• Philippines
31 Aug 09
Hi. When I was in my High school days, I was really fund of copying from my seatmate. I was lucky enough I was never got caught by our instructor. I was happy about it at first but as my conscience arises I was guilty of my doing and stop the act momentarily, and when I was in college I cheat all the way. Thank God that I was not caught. But during the board exam I was not able to cheat because I was very afraid that I might get caught and be expelled from the given exam. Luckily I was able to pass the exam. It's really a bad experience for me. That's why my copying days are over. I'll start a new life, because guilt will kill me if I don't.
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• India
30 Aug 09
To be very frank yes i have copied in my exams. I know copying is not a good habit but what to do i had to copy. Or else i would lose almost 20 marks which i cannot afford to lose as it costs my percentage. I have found a person copying during my school board exams. I did not complain it to the supervisor. I taught he might be in need of those marks and hence i did not inform it to the supervisor there.
• India
31 Aug 09
Ya you are right friend its cent percent right that we will lose friendship with that person it might also lead having grudge on a person. So its better not to be like that.
• India
31 Aug 09
Thats really nice and reporting is not a good habit too... It will lose most friendships... Cheers
@jheLaichie (4438)
• Philippines
7 Sep 09
oh this i could not deny. and i guess we all do have tried it once or even twice in our lifetime. but other have it all the time. lol! i am so guilty in this stuff but i am not the goody typ of student but not that super bad as well. i just do somethings that others are doing and hope that i am not being spank for doing it, right?! jhelai
• India
7 Sep 09
Thats said truly. No one can deny this one as they must atleast know how to copy... Cheers
@taztheone (1721)
• India
30 Aug 09
Copying is common among students in colleges. Most of us do copy except those scholars & so called genius students. Starting from paper exchange to micro xerox is common & the best part is the thief who won't get called is the actual thief. If you want to copy, which is not such a big sin as people copy to get pass & not to get a top rank, copy in such a way that you wont get caught rather than sitting with a tensed face & looking around. Being cool & calm is the key to success.
• India
31 Aug 09
Hi taztheone, Hope you had a great experience in copying huh?,,, Cheers,,, I too have that experience by keeping us cool and calm is the key.... Well said...
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
Okay.. here goes my confession. I use to copy a lot actually when I was in high school.. our section was known for copying.. lol. I have tried copying from someone by using codes, acting, or even getting their test papers.. hehehe.. When I was in college, I copied once for one minor subject, but that's it ... when I was already taking up my major subjects, I never copied or let someone copy my answers.. it was a different ballgame, cause we have board exams, and I know I have to train myself, or else I'll surely go down because of it.
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
I think I have been caught once.. the teacher just glared at me.. cause she likes me too much, she didn't say anything... hahaha. anyway, I love her for it.
• India
31 Aug 09
So I hope you had never been caught? Right?,.... Sometimes getting copied and copying is skill. Cheers... Have a nice day...
@vandana7 (101397)
• India
30 Aug 09
Hi I did. Well, it was not exactly copying. I just couldnt recollect a word I was desperately trying to recall. And I have this adamant nature, if that word is not there I am not going to get marks kind of thing. So I did open the book. But almost immediately, I also closed it. Thereafter I never did do that course. I kind of never forgave myself. I did not find that word, and I did not clear the paper. It was a professional course. :(
• India
31 Aug 09
Ha ha ..thats really Nice.. I too have done that but not one word. I will see that sentence fully and I sometimes won't have the thought to close the book... Cheers... Have a nice day....
@thokius (426)
• Austria
30 Aug 09
Hello Phillip, In my old school/ highschool/ university 39% of the people used to copy. But no one reported them to the teachers due to the fact that the reporter would get attacked after words. I myself used to help the copiers with there exams so I would recieve help in return. But I myself haven't copied so I could pass. I never saw the point in that since you won't actually know what your success rate is if you use someone else's work. Cheers! Thok
• India
31 Aug 09
Hi thokius, Its real. The reporter gets attacked after the exams if he repots. We do something that he will remember for his whole life... College days are really fun and Copying too is fun sometimes but as you told it is not good to have someones work on your own.... Cheers... Have a nice day...
@thokius (426)
• Austria
31 Aug 09
Yes. It was a great time. When you don't get hurt afcourse.
@underdogy (700)
• Thailand
30 Aug 09
When i was in my senior year in high school, we call ourselves "gifted", not because we were intelligent but because we were gifted of finding any possible means of copying (the entire class agrees to it). All of us shared our answers to the people sitting next to us. No one ever informed the teachers but there was a situation where one of our teachers saw my classmate showing his papers to the people near him. He had a conversation with the teachers in the guidance office, and the whole class followed in. Our class president was also inside with them while we waited outside. It was like waiting for the final verdict of a convicted felon. Luckily, my two classmates went out smiling and told us they didn't know why the guidance officer didn't suspend or expelled my classmate. We were still wondering up to this moment. I guess the word gifted fits, right?
• India
31 Aug 09
Ha ha ...That was really a great experience and the word "gifted" really fits to you guys... It needs a team to imply some kinda techniques in copying...... Skill... copying is a skill but its nasty behaviour...
• India
1 Sep 09
Really well said. Some part of a person's life with or without his knowledge he must have copied.. I damn sure...
• Thailand
31 Aug 09
A nasty behavior? Yeah hahaha....but i don't think that copying can be prevented. It's like part of every school girls and school boys lives. I was wondering if the great people of the past and of the future copied? I guess no matter how intelligent a person is, sometime in his life he looks at his note or made something that can be considered cheating. What you think?
@hehe88 (72)
• Singapore
30 Aug 09
I actually haved copied in my exams. I even remember that during my secondary school, whenever there is spelling test, I will placed the book opened under my desk and when my teacher is not looking, I quickly take out the book and take a peek. I can even steal a peak at my friend's answers. But luckily I was not caught. One of my friends was not so luckily. He got caught copying and eventually he got a zero for the exam that he was sitting for
• India
31 Aug 09
Ha ha ...Really when caught that it and we need to put a full stop to that exams.... Cheers
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
Yes I do many times, I even helped my classmate during exams. I let them copy mine. First of all, I am not inviting young mylotters to do the same. We have our own styles and techniques in college in order to survive. Like everyone else, we are human being , if someone help us , we help others too, it is like a cylce. Helping each other . Okay it is cheating I know, and I am not telling you do it, but I had done it and I don't have regrets. I never been caught. It is just that there are subjects that was my weakness and I need help for it. Someone is willing to give a hand and I received it. Moreover, on the subject that I excel, I was willing to share my knowledge , so that everyone will be happy. I am just being honest here and on the question if I will inform obviously not is the answer for the fact that I was doing it too.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I can think of a couple of times that I copied (or should I say allowed others to copy from me). Unfortunately my answers were wrong and the other girls thought I knew what I was doing. I had showed all my work so I got a C, but the other girls didn't show their work so they failed. One of them had the right answer and changed to my answer so the teacher knew what happened. I have avoided that kind of thing since then. I have a definite preference for open book open note tests that some of my college teachers give. They expect us to know how to find the answers rather than memorizing a lot of information and not knowing how to use it.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
1 Sep 09
Dear Phillip, Oh oh...don't let your children read this post For myself, I have never done it personally. But I have seen others done it. I never complained, I just do not bother about it. What for getting into trouble...they do it, if they escape, they are lucky! But few years many years back, before I passed up my answer papers, my friends borrowed and copied it, very fast..perhaps one question that she is not sure with the answer...hahaha, she is more successful now, have a good career... Wait a minute, talking about this, I recalled many of my calssmates always borrowed my Accounting answers papers and copied. Yet they are now, well known figures in entertainment industry, stock market etc...ended up I am just a housewife, blogger and myLotter...I think I am not agressive enough, not street smart...lol All the best and do keep in touch!
@yoyokiwi (31)
• China
31 Aug 09
I hardly copy during my exams.For one,copy is a serious thing in my school if you are caught.For another,there's no need to cheat because exams in college is easy to pass.However,I've seen my classmates copying.Since I cherish our friendship so much,never will I inform them.And I think it's meaningless.They usually use "micro xerox".By asking to visit John,they can read what they hide in their pockets. Sometimes I think copying is very stimulative.But trying to do it makes my heart beat too fast to bear.Generally speaking,I won't cheat casually.
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
i remember this during high school. but it wasn't me, it was my classmates, it was done out of an Home Economics subject and it was an english teacher who guarded the exam. one classmate of mine was a fool of getting caught instead of outsmarting the teacher by showing the code instead of hiding it..some do that to falsely make the teacher believe they're lying of some sort.
• India
31 Aug 09
Yeah some times that too happens. Some times I have seen friends put the bit paper inside his mouth and chew and swallow if the teacher has found out from a distance... We can see very funny scenes during copying...
• India
1 Sep 09
I sure have copied. I think I have one it about 5-10 times so far. But I usually copy only (come on )when the exam doesn't matter. Boy do I feel scared when i do it though. Keep posting APR