Eeewwww, BEDBUGS!!

@dragon54u (31634)
United States
August 30, 2009 10:00am CST
Here in my town we have an outbreak of bedbugs, disgusting creatures that bite all night and I have no idea what causes them. First it was in our state capitol now it has spread to other Ohio towns and cities. One man at a meeting was covered in bites and they were in his shoes!! Have you ever seen a bedbug or had them in your house? What causes bedbugs and do you know how to get rid of them? Thank God I don't have them or any other bugs in my house!
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15 responses
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
9 Apr 11
Hi. dragon54u. I have seen bedbugs. At first I did not know what they were. I looked these bugs up on the Internet and they matched what I had seen. When my husband would go to his parents house, he would somehow bring back some bedbugs with him. I know that we did not have any bedbugs at all. So I was asking myself where were they coming from? Once I found out, I was so disgusted! My in-laws has bedbugs because my sister-in-law brought back some bedbugs from some furniture and some spreads that she never cleaned. My mother and father-in-law ended up using them and they got bitten all up by these bedbugs! I saw the bumps on my mother-in-law and I thought that they were the Shingles. But they weren't. They were bedbugs. It was so terrible. I am so funny about sleeping on the beds of any motel rooms. I am glad that I don't have to go to that route anymore either.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Apr 11
I will not stay at a motel or hotel any longer, the infestation is in all the states. It's said that they come from illegal immigrants from Mexico--my son has a girlfriend in Mexico and he says the place is full of them but the people just accept them as a fact of life. How horrible for them, and for us when they bring them here!
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• Philippines
30 Aug 09
the only bed bugs that i know crawling on my bed before where the vermin s or cockroaches. yeah, really creepy to their 6 legs, sometimes i get awake if they pass through, when i get mad and pass through me i would get mad and splat them with my sandals
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Aug 09
The only creature in the world that I really and truly hate are cockroaches. I have no idea why, they just creep me out and I can't even stand to step on them. I hope you have no bugs in your bed!
• United States
31 Aug 09
I have a neighbor that has roaches and I have to say they are nasty thing's. I just noticed last night one on my porch running. I think it's coming from their trash can.
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• Philippines
31 Aug 09
they should simply use spray killers, i used that too when ever garbage is full. even when the garbage is outside, i used it prevent cats from messing it around,feral cats i mean.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
11 Apr 11
I think personally there is no real reason for these, and why they show up some of the areas they do. I have heard that you could have even spotless house, or work place and find them there. Not sure if it happens because someone carried them from somewhere, or they fly to somewhere or what, but they are no fun. Problem is until you start getting bit, etc. from one you never know they're there unless you spot them with a magnefying glass.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Apr 11
There are many sources that say we've seen a resurgence because of all the illegal immigrants. I don't know if that's so but it makes sense seeing as we had practically eradicated the pests years ago. It used to be that immigrants were given medical exams, vaccines, etc. to be sure they brought nothing in that was harmful, physical or any flora and fauna that would be bad. They no longer get that benefit when they sneak in so I can see where we'd get them that way. But bedbugs make me think of filth, same as cockroaches and lice. I know these pests are not the result of filth but it's hard to overcome that teaching! I won't even go to the cinema anymore since I heard of someone seeing some bedbugs in the seats there.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
29 May 11
I dislike bedbugs ... I think there's a certain kind of spray to remove all these bugs. Not sure what brand and all that..
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
30 May 11
Oh , really...I didn't know that it was banned there in the US... yes I think it should be brought back , at least only for bedbugs. Have to steer away from yard sales only makes sense.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 May 11
The spray that does the best job of killing them is banned by the U.S. so we can't use it. There is a movement afoot to bring it back just for bedbugs. And we are now being told not to buy furniture or any other upholstered goods or bedding from yard sales and thrift shops. It's getting pretty bad here!
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
21 Mar 10
hope i havent already responded to this. i see its a bit old but found it. i havent seen any for years thank god when i was about 12yrs, we moved in an apartment and i was woke up all night with bites. i ended up with giant welks all over. my mom and step dad had none he checked the beds and yes they had them. mom boiled the sheets, he dismantled the beds, took them outside and took paper fire torches and ran all around it all even the mattresses, altho he was very care ful just to singe and not catch on fire. that got rid of them. it was a really old wives cure, his mom had taught him.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Mar 10
I think a lot of the old cures are the best. What they should have done with that building was burn everything in it, fumigate then fumigate again as the eggs hatched. Now they have a big expense-again. As an old friend of mine once said, anything worth doing is worth doing right!
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
30 Aug 09
I know bedbugs and know its anatomy too. They are the worst blood suckers. But I am a bit puzzled to know that how come you have them there as their most favorite ares is the tropical one. They prefer worm and humid condition. Might be the immigrants bedbugs have got to their move and are now conversant with your climate too. lol
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Aug 09
Insects are very adaptable! I will no longer buy used furniture for fear of them!
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
31 Aug 09
Hi dragon, that sounds really gross, I've never heard of that before. Can they actually be seen? Is it something like head lice which can fly around schools? Anyway I'm going off this discussion fast as it's making me itchy. Suppose that one would have to go with the old 'Gone with the Wind' treatment and get thoroughly deloused, or de bed bugged in this case, and then have the house fumigated and start sleeping on the floor as the bed will be binned somewhere.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
31 Aug 09
They are big enough to be seen, they're like ticks for humans instead of dogs. The people are moving back in tonight, the city fumigated the apartment building. I hope they're not bothered by them again!
@Jennlk84 (4205)
• United States
30 Aug 09
The university my sister goes to had an awful outbreak of bed bugs! It was a huge scare! I hadn't really ever heard much about them before that. I always believed they were just a part of a saying ;-) Sleep tight, Don't let the bed bugs bite! I've done some research on them, since hearing about the outbreak, and they're definitely creepy! I'm so glad I've never had a problem with them in my house. I can't even imagine. As for other bugs - unfortunately those do make their way into our house. My husband and I live out in the country, so we often see spiders and flies enter our house. They're hard to prevent. Sometimes it gets really frustrating and annoying, but we deal.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Aug 09
I really don't mind spiders, I just catch them and put them outside. Flies are usually eaten by my dog! But I couldn't deal with bed bugs, how disgusting! I hope your sister is okay and didn't get bitten.
@liviurus (190)
• Romania
31 Aug 09
strayed animals and lack of hygiene would be a major cause. Try to kill all abandoned animals and shoot filthy neighbors. And pour on a whole town some water with detergent!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
31 Aug 09
Ha! I would go for all of that except killing the animals--if trashy people wouldn't abandon them or would sterilize them we wouldn't have strays. Actually, someone else pointed out that bedbugs don't come from being filthy--but a lot of other horrible things do!
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
31 Aug 09
Bedbugs our problem at home want I do I tried to hunt them I sprayed them with insecticides or poured it with hot water. I believe that my Father brought it at home because they have bedbugs in their camp. I can't sleep at night because of their bites sometimes I think what if I burn my bed but it is very disappointing to throw it. I tried to put my bed under the sun together with the mattress. I hope I'm going to rid all of them because I sprayed insecticides last Friday. They are very hard to kill because at the short period of time they can lay eggs. I don't know it there's boric acid here that is effective in killing bedbugs.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
31 Aug 09
Another member posted a link here and it said to pick off and kill all the ones you can see. If you can get a plastic mattress cover that you can zip or seal to cover it under your sheets, that should kill them, too. I hope your problem gets solved, I just said a prayer for you.
• United States
31 Aug 09
I never buy used furniture because I had found out that down here in the south the bed bug's are really bad. And when I buy even a used stereo or TV, I alway's take bleach to the outside of it. You never know what you may track home.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
31 Aug 09
We've had bedbugs here in Ohio all summer and I haven't bought anything from thrift stores that could possibly contain any. I usually buy my clothes and stuff there but not this time! I'd hate to have those things in my house.
• Indonesia
31 Aug 09
whoaa, cant believe that this creature also exists in other countries:)) Well i do myself experienced this "kutu busuk" or "bangsat" attack as our people called it. Here is again my another tips :D 1. The main cause that invites this outbreak is the humidity of an area. The clammier the place, the more vulnerable it is from the attack. So my advice is dry it with sunlight [Dunno whether bringing your springbed outside to dry it with sunlight is a common thing in your country:p]. Dry it regulary, i bet they will die. But it just TEMPORARY 2. The other repel for this creature is petroleum. Swept it all over your spring bed, i know it will caused your spring bed smells so bad. But it kills them a lot. Again,, it is TEMPORARY 3. The best way and the PERMANENT one is, calling some bug buster, then let them kill those bug, and remember, this bedbug eggs is invulnerable against any chemical attack, they wont die just because some pesticide spray, so throw out the infected spring bed or tools, and then burn them all hope the outbreak overcome soon, because it can spread massively
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
31 Aug 09
They did fumigate that apartment building and the people moved back in yesterday. I hope there is no recurrence! I can't imagine living with such horrible little bugs.
• United States
31 Aug 09
eeew, nasty little beasties! My only major experience with bedbugs was on a holiday once, when my best friend and I rented a cottage in Ireland. Beautiful place, we went there to watch wild dolphins, which you could see from the cottage. But, sadly, the two sofa beds we slept on were infested and we got up after the first night itching like mad and spent a good part of the week applying appropriate lotions! And we drank a lot of Guinness. For medicinal purposes, of course.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
31 Aug 09
Guinness is grand medicine for what ails you! Sorry your holiday was ruined, but I guess they are more of a problem in more places than I ever knew.
21 Mar 10
I've had bed bugs. I found useful information and products on how to get rid of them on the internet, e.g.:
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
21 Mar 10
I think the key, as your link says, is getting rid of the eggs. Our county treated the building but moved the residents back in almost immediately. You would think that a public health office would observe simple common sense!
• United States
7 Sep 10
If you live in Ohio you are very lucky not to have them. At last count, they have spread to at least 1 out of every 7 homes here. I am having an encounter with them as well currently. However, this will be my last. There is nothing that actually "causes" bedbugs to come into your home vs another. Bedbugs do not care about clean or dirty; they just like warm-blooded mammals, their favorite being humans. I have actually found a way to get rid of bedbugs, one that I plan to share with the world because it is way cheaper, safer, and more effective than what is on the market today. If you would like to find out more about my method, please visit my blog Leave a comment, and tell all your friends. The only way to battle these things is awareness!