Etsy vs Artfire and 1000Markets

@joye68 (151)
United States
August 30, 2009 2:42pm CST
I've been an etsian now for a while and I've discovered other similarly different sites that also sell handmade and vintage goods. I'm noticing the differences as I explore these two additional sites and I'm finding that I like some aspects of each. My question is this. Who among you have stores in these other two marketplaces and what exactly is it that drew you to them? Thanks in advance for your responses.
1 response
@adam1980 (516)
31 Aug 09
i hadnt heard of either of these untill now but will go and have a look see if i see anything nice
@joye68 (151)
• United States
13 Aug 10
I'm using multiple sites now. One has merits over the other and as a result, I find I use that one more. It's been a task maintaining all of them.