What are these bumps?
By cowboyds
@cowboyds (79)
United States
November 13, 2006 4:21pm CST
Hidradenitis is a chronic disease of the scent or apocrine glands which causes chronic scarring and pus formation of the axillae and groin areas.It has been linked, non-medically, to PCOS, and other auto-immune disorders. However it can stand alone.
It is very similar to acne, which is a disease of the sebaceous glands, however it is slightly more painful than acne.
Hidradenits Suppurativa, or Hidradenitis, is not as rare as it once was believed to be. Mainly because people are just now coming out of their shells of shame and embarrassment to get help. Many people are misdiagnosed over and over again prior to finally getting a doctor to recognize the actual disease.
Because of the inaccurate diagnosing, many people spend a lifetime of money and faith that antibotics will cure them. It will eventually weaken their immune system, and they will be back to square one with multiple lesions and pain, no recovery.
There has been little to nothing research done for Hidradenitis. It is known as an "orphan" illness. This means that it is a rare disorder. This is NOT true!! And get this, because it is considered a "rare disorder", NO pharmaceutical company will take up the challenge to find a cure!!If you are expierencing boils in the top inner thigh, your bottom, genitals, armpits, under your breast, and less commonly on the stomach, hairline and behind the ears. Please check out the following links to see if you might have HS (Hidradenits Supprativa)
http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/hidradenitis/Print off all information you can and take it to your doctor.
2 responses
@soapies1973 (931)
• United States
8 Jan 12
I know that you posted this many years ago but the information for the people is still very good. This can be a horrible condition to have to put up with and I thinking many are suffering sometimes in silence because of being embarrassed by it with no need to be. It is a medical condition and not the person's fault at all. People have to realize this and try to get treatment early on because the longer you let it go the worse it can get.
@Sherae (2)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I have dealt with hidradenitis for 20 years. I am now in stage 4 and the pictures I have are alot more graphic. This disease changes your life, Hurts the ones that love you the most and is very debilitating, And at times embarrasing.