Have you made a tough decision before?

@zandi458 (28102)
August 31, 2009 4:21am CST
Sometime during your life you are faced with making tough decision. You know, the kind you never want to make, that make you unsure which is the best way to go. You receive a health diagnosis that requires serious measures and you need to decide among various options. Your loved one is on life support and you need to decide whether to consent to end his life. Your marriage is experiencing rough patches and you're at a limbo to decide whether to stay put or make an exit. There are many other tough issues and even tougher choices. Do you ask others for second opinion before making the final decision?
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26 responses
• India
11 Sep 09
Hello my friend zandi458 Ji, Well, in my case, i would consult my hubby for everything and tehn come to conclusion. But my hubby is of different nature, he may consult with all including me, but he himself will decide and blame himself as well, in case something goes wrong by his decision. At times, it is hard, as I found him for taking dicision on our daughter's marriage, out of many and then between two cases, it was difficult. But then She is happy. It is really difficult under adverse conditions. May God bless You and have great time.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 09
Tough decision is something I am not very good at. It always falls short of the right decision. I will not be involved when it comes to children choice of partners in life. I keep a distance as I don't want to get the blame if anything goes wrong in future.
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• India
5 Dec 09
Hello my friend zandi458 Ji, I fully understand you taht one must carry along with pacifying all members in teh family. At the same time let me remind you that to gain something, something has to be shed away. So if any head of the family ha sto maintain customs/traditions of their family, tehn head may had to decide against the will and pleasures of youngsters. My younger son wanted to marry a particular girl, ane we both agreed as well, but in our society, if my son marries before my daughter, then it may be very difficult for us to arrange her marriage,so I told them to wait and they did wait, afetr consultation withIn-Law's of my daughter my son was married to his choice, both are hale and hearty. It was a tough decission under the circumstances. May God bless You and have a great time.
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
[i]hello zandi458, For a couple of times or so, I tried to apply for a job far from my family. And a day before my scheduled interview, my wife and I talked about it again before going there. At first it was just fine with me working away from them until I received a call from the company that I need to go down for my interview. That I really need to decide if I will go for it or stay with the company I'm working since I graduated from college. Indeed the salary there is much higher than my salary now but the difference is that my family is not there with me. And my wife told me that indeed we'll have more money but that is nothing if you are far from us.[/i]
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
2 Sep 09
This is indeed a very tough decision that you are going to make. Between a well paying job and a family, I think you will definitely stick to your family even though the extras that you earned may not make your family happy in your absence. But honestly speaking, I would go for better career advancement as luck does not knocks at our door very often. The family is there to stay and just a bit of explanation could bring positive result from your family.
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• Philippines
13 Sep 09
Yes, your family will be together but you are not.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
1 Sep 09
hi zandi don't relay on others opinions there is no right or wrong here their is your feeling about the things dont decide on things when you are very emotional just go and take a few hours and think what you feel about those things if u decide on one thing and suddenly your stomach begins to ach know that this decision is not really the best one and always think what is the best for the other person that is ill and what he or she wants i hope i helped here a bit take care
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
This is something I wish to hear from a well meaning friend. Thanks for sharing your well thought out views.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
9 Nov 09
Most of the time, I will weight the consequences of the choices in front of me. Then I take the lesser of the two evils and go with it. And then make the next decision when the next obstacle comes from the decision that was made earlier. Everyone has to make tough decisions at some point in their life. There is no escaping it.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 09
I agree with you that we at one point in life meet with tough decision to make but I will need to consult others before coming up with a decision.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
7 Dec 09
ha ha ha ha ha... it is good to be able to consult someone before making the tough decision. But there are times where there is no one to turn to for advise. Then what do you do?
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
10 Sep 09
I found it very hard to decide what i wanted to do with my life - i talked it over with my parents before settling on a program for the third time in college. After that it was deciding where to move and work ..where i wanted to be. Those werent emotionally tough like a break up or a loved one on life support but those are ones i talked over with my family. I decided recently that my boyfriend and i despite being together for 5 years were having problems (mostly related to the distance we live from each other and lack of communication) i didnt want to break up and hurt him...didnt want to be so crass as to dump him by email but getting him to talk to me (hes a conflict avoider-drives me nuts) online or answer his phone was tough. Its also not a work conversation. So i put it off. He actually ended up doing the breaking up this week by email which made me so mad because he KNEW how i felt about email break ups and how chickensh*t i think that is. Also mad because i had been TRYING to get ahold of him to do it for some time now and he goes and does it in such a sneaky underhanded way and thinks we should stay in contact. no way jose!
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
11 Sep 09
Breaking up is had to do. No matter how much you say it is good riddance but deep inside your heart there is a little space that is still crying for the lost love that you once had. You never lose by forgiving. You always lose by holding back. If you love someone, let him go. If he comes back, he is yours forever. If not, he is not even yours to begin with.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
14 Sep 09
Even if he came back i doubt id taKE him backafter that.
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@suzzy3 (8341)
3 Sep 09
Oh yes If I was faced with such a huge decision.Talking about it with the doctor or friend,family member would be the only was of coping for me.When it comes down to it will be my final descision but to get what others think and what they would do would help me come to the final choice.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
Getting 2nd opinion from others would be a wise choice but at the end of the day it is you alone who holds the important key to decide on the right course of actions.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
1 Sep 09
SOme times I do . But with hubby we already talked about it way before either of got sick and he told me he didnt want on the machines so I had to sign the papers to that effect . now a couple of years later me and my brother has to do the same for our mom. and we arent going to put her on any machines and they have now took her off all meds and she has been doing better!. At teh end Hospic will take over and give her comfort med till it becomes time for her to go. SHe IS 89 So we are just sort of setting back and watching and visiting and I get to talk to her on the phone when my brohter goes to see her no use to putting a phone in her room as she wouldnt answer it.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
4 Dec 09
and this was 4 months ago and she still talking on phone to me and doing quite well with out the meds they had her on
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 09
I think you have made the right decision over your mom's case. It saved her life.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
1 Sep 09
Definitely Zandi.If it is a tough decision I cannot do it without consulting my husband and son[now that my son has become an adult].Simple ones really do not cause much of a problem.Butwhen the decision is tough I do not take them and I just decide to follow my husband's train of thought. If it is a personal health issue then the decision would solely be mine depending on what the doctor feels.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 09
Certainly when it comes to important decision, we need consensus agreement before deciding.
@ck3259 (248)
• Malaysia
3 Dec 09
I had make tough decision. Things happen when I had the responsibility to present something that does not related to me.However I had promised someone to do that. Is very sad that I have to make such hard decision. In fact, the things does not relate to me. Why I have to do these kind of things? Such ambiguity decision really hunted me.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 09
You come as a savior to your friend by giving your point of views.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
I am making a tough decision now if would undergo a surgery at the cervix, thoug so many prayers of support and and kindhearted advises than give me strength, still I know this is a tough decision. I just wish I would be fine, God is Good.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 09
Pray and surrender your trust to God. He knows what is best for you.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
1 Sep 09
Hi zands, This was what pushed the prince of Denmark Hamlet to the tragic end. As he failed to take right decision at the right moment and this failure not only took his life but of so many. Decision making is a part of self development. If we are poor in it we can learn how to tackle a situation. now coming to the content of your post I must confess that so far I have not faced any such situation where this sort of do and donot are involved. Obviously once I was faced with one but it was minor. What happened was one the same day I got appointment as a lecturer and the one where I am now had less facility at that time and the other one one was much advanced. I was kinda on two horns of a buffalo and after long pondering over the issue I decided to stay back in the former and finally I was correct in my decision. The ones you have mentioned here are the toughest ones indeed.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 09
I would have opted to remain silent if I am unsure but sometimes we are forced to come up with a tough decision that can be fatal.
• China
1 Sep 09
Well,honestly,i never made a tough decision til now,i mean everything in my live is so natrual.I'm the girl who's hating change,i like normally day.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 09
You should be thankful for the life that you are leading now.
@mrshughes (352)
• Philippines
31 Aug 09
Hi Miss Zandi! Ive been through a lot of heartaches in the past. I made a lot of wrong decisions and i still managed to passed through life after all of those pains. I was at the stage in life of giving up everything. I had enough of life. But looking back... those tough decisions and those wrong hard mistakes makes me what i am now. But this pains and heartaches always following me around for some reasons. Now its even tougher and harder decisions to make. I usually ask for second opinion but i always ended up making it on my own. Im not a perfect person. There are days of my life i feel empty inside, im looking for something i could not find and i can never have. So for me yes! i made and is going to make another tough decisions in my life all over again....i hope this time is a good one.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
1 Sep 09
Everyone is not perfect. What ever problem we faced in life we need to make our own decision as it is only us who can best solved our own problems. We can only ask from others when the need arises but in the end it is our own decision that we based on.
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
Yes i agree with u miss zandi. Have a good day to u.
@cherrc (661)
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
yes, if the choices can be so confusing, i seek for help. i even pray that at the end of the day, i can come up with a good decision. friends or people close to me are not the ones to make it. i was merely confiding things to them. theirs are suggestions. not bad to consult them somehow because we might get something from them. their experiences. but we cannot pin anyone for the outcome or justify that they said so. to sum it all up, it is your call. ü
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 09
I do pray when I am at a crossroad in a tough decision. It helps me a lot to come up with a clear thinking that would eventually come with the right decision.
@cherrc (661)
• Philippines
4 Dec 09
agree. i'm not a religious person but i make it a point i seek guidance by praying and thank god for helping me in knowing the person to deal with and to come up with a solution in times of conflict. ü
@subha12 (18441)
• India
31 Aug 09
I have taken few tough decisions before. Like once I was getting a small opportunity of going Onsite, although not to a very safe place. Still it was my potential first on site . But I decided not to go as my Dad was very ill at that point.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
1 Sep 09
I am sure you made the right decision.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I think alot of us have had to make alot of tough decisions in our life also. some are good and some are bad. I make alot of my decisions on my own because I trust my judgement. I hardly ever ask someone to make them for me.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
1 Sep 09
We have to learn to be tough in our decision making.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
31 Aug 09
Hi Zandi! I think many a times we are faced with odd situations in our lives, when it becomes highly difficult to take a decision. If I am caught in such a decision, I take advice of near and dear ones and then arrive at a decision. One thing I invariably do is - I do not procrastinate or postpone a decision, I go for a decision, either right or wrong, because I believe that it is always better to take a decision, than not to take a decision. State of limbo could be self-destructing. Have a nice day! Deepak
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
1 Sep 09
looks like you are a person who doesn't like to sleep on problems. You must decide the next course of action so you'll not be met by bigger problems. At least you are more open to others opinion which I think is quite flexible on your part. But of course we only draw opinions and the final decision is on us.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
1 Sep 09
'State of limbo could be self-destructing.' That is so true! It is better to make a decision one way or the other rather than ponder and waste time deciding. Once the decision is made we can then get on with living with the outcome of it and dealing with what comes next. Until we actually decide we are in a situation of 'stalemate', neither moving forwards or backwards.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
1 Sep 09
Hi Zandi! Your observation is quite right, I do not prefer to sleep on problems, I feel that I must take a decision either way, if there is a problem. To me not solving a problem, could be more troublesome and the problem start looking bigger. There is no harm in seeking others' opinion, however, it is we, who is to take a final decision. Deepak
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
31 Aug 09
I've faced many tough decisions over the years and I have learned from experience to never ever make a major life decision in a moment of anger or distress. It took years but I've learned to sit on things for a while and think them thru from all sides. I do get thoughts or opinions sometimes from someone whom I trust. I don't always take their advice but I do consider it. Sometimes hearing an outsiders thoughts will help me to look at a situation from a different angle. In the end the decision and any consequences are mine.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
1 Sep 09
It is good to gather outside advice before making our final decision.
@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
31 Aug 09
The only second opinions I ever asked were doctors during a bought with cancer that I went through. I always have believed and still do, that when we make choices, they have to be ours and ours alone. No matter what the choice is. You can ask opinions, or research facts, but in the end you should never base your final choice on anyone else's opinion. It should only be based on your own feelings and facts you have gathered. The reason I feel so strongly about this is that I have seen too many people blame others for things that go wrong when the decision does not bring the results desired. Family members blaming others for what they "told" that person to do, friends who blame other friends, etc. Even the person who got the other advice or opinions place will place blame as well (if I wouldn't have followed your advice, etc etc). Blame shouldn't be a factor at all. When you have a serious decision to make, be it medical or any other, the responsibility for the final choice needs to be yours and yours alone.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
1 Sep 09
Even the medical field needs the consent of the nearest relative of a patient in case of emergency surgery. The doctors can't decide for his patients even he knows what is best for the patient.
@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
1 Sep 09
You fill out a form that the doctor has to do anything you wish under any circumstances. You really do NOT need anyone else to decide anything medical for you anymore. But you have to have these forms, notices on file with your doctor for "any" time this type of circumstance comes up. The only thing you need to have another human being for is legal guardian of your kids or yourself and your money/finances, etc if ever there is a circumstance when you cannot do these things on your own. I am a cancer survivor and know all of these things from experience. I am a researcher when it comes to my health and care so I checked the legalities, etc. May be different in different states, but this is so true here!:-)
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
31 Aug 09
I have encountered many obstacles on my path and tough decisions needed to be made and for me it was always agonising but decide I did and although the outcome was not always the best one for me, things always worked out in the end; the problem with me is that I like to learn most things the hard way! (LOL) When faced with a decision to be made I tend to linger on it for ages but when I decide that’s it and I go for it. I don’t usually like to rely on others to help me I have to be the one to make up my mind as what to do.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
1 Sep 09
Deciding for self is more satisfactory than relying on others. In case anything doesn't turn out right, we are only to blame ourselves for the decisions we made.
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