Do you intrested in playing instruments ?

@mattan (13)
August 31, 2009 5:57am CST
I loved playing instruments when i was small. soo I quarreled to my parents and finally went for thabala class.. In the class i found it soo difficult to study and returned.. Now i listen to instruments and intrested in hearing music.. Are you intrested in playing instruments ?
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7 responses
• India
31 Aug 09
hi5 maga...even i faced a similar thing..i was carried away with the craze gals have for guitar playing even i wanted to be fought with parents and joined one institute..even i purchased one shelling put 4000 bucks..but as my father said i found it too difficult n left it.. donno this concept of blood always one in our family are gifted with music n everyone who tried have failed accomplishing something in this field..
@daliaj (5674)
• India
1 Sep 09
Nobody in my family is also gifted with music. I am also not very fond of my music. I just like to listen to music whenever I am stressed or tired. It is a good relaxation listening to melody songs. I don't like high rock even mild rock. I call themselves as fight songs. Those songs give the feeling that somebody is fighting in the background.
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@daliaj (5674)
• India
3 Sep 09
My husband likes mild rock. I like to listen to countryside songs. My favorite song is 'If I were a carpenter and you were a lady.....". Have you heard that?
• India
1 Sep 09
hi5 again....even i love music in stressed background...infact it springs heart back to u said,even i hate hard rock n beats...i love slow n silent ones...and patho songs at times...according to me good song is one which can be looped some 6 times and still eager to play it 7th time...
• India
31 Aug 09
Ya.I can't live without Music.Music is my passion.Last year I learned playing guitar and this year i am learning piano.I am thinking next year i should learn Something different.Like-sexophone,or drums....what do you thing?
@daliaj (5674)
• India
31 Aug 09
I like to see people playing drums. You can choose the instrument according to your choice. It is great to know a musicla instument - at least one. Do you sing?
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
31 Aug 09
Hi there. I am a lover of music, cant function normal without it, haha. I come from a family who loves music and all play an instrument or two. I play guitar ear and a little keyboards too. Both my children play guitar and keyboards and love hearing music. Hearing music motivates me and moves my soul. Never give up playing your instruments, it will happen when your good and ready for it. Keep listening to the music as well. Thanks have an awsome day....
@daliaj (5674)
• India
31 Aug 09
I also wanted to learn music when I was a kid. Later, I gave up because I found that the coaching classes are expensive and I didn't want to take up playing musical a instrument as my career. I just want to learn playing violen if I find time. I am not very fond of musice. I just listen to music once in a while. I don't update myself to latest trends in music.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
31 Aug 09
HI , I liked to play mouthorgan and I do play well. Besides I play on violin too. These musical passion centered into me when I was still a school going boy. I learnt to play violin when I was in College. Oh yes I play on flute too. But this one is self learned as is the mouthorgan.
@huirose (17)
• China
31 Aug 09
Before I owned a violin, I was crazy about that and dreamed that one day I could play that on the stage.But after I owned it, I forgot it behind because of being so difficult to play violin.I think I'm too lazy.
• India
31 Aug 09
hi5 maga...even i faced a similar thing..i was carried away with the craze gals have for guitar playing even i wanted to be fought with parents and joined one institute..even i purchased one shelling put 4000 bucks..but as my father said i found it too difficult n left it.. donno this concept of blood always one in our family are gifted with music n everyone who tried have failed accomplishing something in this field..