Something bit me in the night, could you suggest a likely biter?

@thea09 (18305)
August 31, 2009 6:31am CST
I was rather abruptly woken at some point in my sleep by an intensely sharp pain in my foot. Being in the midst of a deep sleep at that time I returned to the land of slumber. I was aware that this was not the usual mosquito snack, and have woken today to three large swellings on my foot. On venturing outside this morning in the intense heat I noticed not only my foot was painful but my whole body was itching so returned as quickly as possible to take an antihistamine tablet. I wonder if anyone could venture a guess at the culprit bearing in mind I have ruled out mosquitos and we have many strange creatures which bite in this place.
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21 responses
@akuler (3531)
• Malaysia
31 Aug 09
Hi thea, I think you have been bite by centipede. Usually it would hurt the whole body if we bitten by this creature. And not just at the place its bite.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
31 Aug 09
Hi Akuler, I was wondering about a centipede myself but have so far mangaed to elude their attacks so really don't know what it would feel like. The thing I do know is to always check inside the bed before entering in case one is lurking inside as I have it on good authority that a local centipede bite requires hospital treatment. The pain was extreme at the time of being bitten but there is no pain now, how would I know if it was a centipede and if a hospital visit would be needed?
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
31 Aug 09
Hi akuler, well since I took the anti histamine I'm feeling a bit woozy around the edges and the box says not to drive after taking so I won't be doing a hospital visit at this time. However the anti histamine can take the blame for the number of new discussions I am churning out today for a little amusement. I still got bit by something though which was completely not amusing
@akuler (3531)
• Malaysia
31 Aug 09
I am not sure about the mark they left after they bite their victims. And i also don't know how pain is it since I never being bite by centipede before. But I think if the pain is unbearable, it is the sign that you need to go to hospital.
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@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
31 Aug 09
I am thinking ,You got bit by some type of spider .I am almost positive, I say this because, I caught one on my leg one time outside . Later had three raised bumps that itched, like heck with some sharp pains in the beginning then itching constanly. What kind of spider is yet to be known, but spiders do bite in three's that's a definite. Keep a close watch if you are reacting ,you could swell up like a balloon .If the infection of the bite is bad enough. Be sure you can breath properly and are not nauseous or burning all over. These are tell tale sign that you are allergic. Those nasty buggers always leave there three bite markings, just like a dog does a fire hydrant .
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@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
31 Aug 09
I'm sorry ,I know of know bitters for this but mug wart(elephant ears) chewed up and stuck to your foot might draw most of it out.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
31 Aug 09
Hi Capsi, I'd kind of ruled it down now to either a centipede or spider but that's definitely interesting to hear they bite in three places. It has swollen up a lot and hurts but the itching all over has gone down due to the anti histamine I should imagine. Burning all over is difficult to gauge as that's pretty constant these days with the hot weather but seems no worse than the last few days. The bite must have happened though over 18 hours ago now so I'm sure there's no danger of anything now though you paint a lovely picture of swelling up like a balloon. Whatever that thing was you named below I can't really see the local Greek chemist stocking, elephants ears was it?
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
1 Sep 09
Thanks for that Capsi, though I'd not be averse to trying honey it could be a bit dangerous round here, I'd have ants and wasps sticking to me so will have to give that a miss. Thanks for your concern, it hasn't gotten any bigger so sure it will be ok.
• United States
31 Aug 09
most likely a larger spider of some kind. i used to get bit like that at a friend's house if they didn't spray their couch before i came down to visit.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
31 Aug 09
Hi scarlet_woman, the spider has been raised a few times but I really don't know, my foot is now swollen and hurts a lot though. I've never seen the need to spray my bed and the stuff we use on things out here stinks so much it wouldn't be safe to enter the room later on, let alone breathe it in all night. I think it's pretty much narrowed down to spider or centipede though, but never seen a scorpion inside but the odd green one.
• United States
31 Aug 09
i HOPE IT IS NOTHING SERIOUS. My first thought was a spider . That is about all we have here . they are bad enough. U might need to go to the dr. Take care. aunty.
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• United States
31 Aug 09
Come on now, they aren't going to cut your foot off , i hope. Are the dr.'s that bad there or u just don't like to go. I'm sure u checked to see if there was anything in your bed covers. Do u have something u can spray around your bed?? Take care.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
31 Aug 09
Aunty I thought you'd have realised by now it's way too hot for any sort of covers, there's just a sheet to lie on. Our local clinic Docs have a habit of taking one look and professing something serious and writing a letter for you to take with you to the hospital, a 3 hour round trip. Actually my poor foot is hurting now and swollen and difficult to get into my shoe which I need as no way am I walking barefoot on these tiles, who knows what I could stand on, it's flying bug paradise tonight round here, must be the heat. Did I mention it's getting even hotter. Thea
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
31 Aug 09
Hi Aunty, I seem to be leaning towards the centipede idea but rather hope it wasn't in case it is lurking somewhere now, nasty horrid fat things and almost indestructible. Never considered a spider though a possibilty but possibly they would leave eight holes rather than three. And I'm going nowhere near a Doctor Aunty, they'd probably have my foot off in a jiffy
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@Raven7317 (691)
• United States
31 Aug 09
Good morning, Thea, could it have been a spider??? OH, that would completely drive me witless - knowing i shared my comfy bed with SOME kind of creature!!! Whatever it was, it was obviously disturbed by your foot and felt the need to bite more than once... i don't think most bees/wasps survive after the first bite... Please don't hesitate to seek medical help if the swelling spreads or if you notice rash/red lines on your foot/leg! I hope you feel better soon!
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
31 Aug 09
Hello Raven, I should have perhaps clarified, I live amongst the olive groves and there is all sorts lurking outside which seem to be able to get through the shutter vents at night. We don't actually get normal bees, just buider bees, which are a distinct nuisance bring red mud inside but never attack unprovoked and I think wasps sleep at night. I am always careful to check if there is a creature inside my bed as have been warned about centipededs and snakes hiding in there sometimes but it's so hot at the moment that there are no covers in sight, just a sheet to lie on. It perhaps was some kind of spider, the green ones are supposed to bite, but not three times to my knowledge. I'm kind of leaning towards the idea of a disgusting centipede which totally freaks me but my foot really hurts now and has swollen up, maybe I'll try a bottle of ice on it.
@Derongan (13)
• United States
1 Sep 09
It could have been a bat, they do bite people sometimes, although I don't know how that would account for the whole body pain
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
1 Sep 09
Hi Derongan, no the pain was just the foot, the itch was all over, probably all that nasty poison coursing through my veins. Your suggestion is completely gross by the way, just the thought of a bat in my bedroom brings me out cold, mind you I'd rather be bitten by one than have one caught up in my hair. Not a bat though, that would be a pretty hard thing not to notice.
• India
1 Sep 09
Could It Have Been A Bed Bug .. - Might Be A Bed Bug ..
Sharp Pain In Foot .. Any Other Part Maybe I Could Have Given A Suggestion .. Wait Am Still Wondering .. Mosquito Is Ruled Out .. We Are Left with Bed Bugs .. That's all My Imagination Could Go to .. Am Still Thinking ..
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
1 Sep 09
Prash bed bugs were ruled out immediately. I have recently discovered the culprit which remains at large unfortnately, a small scorpion, I wasn't fast enough to make a kill so it remains lurking somewhere.
• India
2 Sep 09
Lucky You .. - Feet Bite is Tolerable ..
Scorpions Are Known To Give Nasty Bites .. You Were Lucky Though .. I Have to Say this As You Were Bitten on the Feet .. It Does Hinder Motion But It's Better Than Getting Bit On the Face or Some other Sensitive Part .. Do Take Care ..
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
31 Aug 09
In your foot? I don't know if this is related or not, but people like to say that sometimes it's cockroaches. An occasional one or two, and it can be itchy once they set foot on a part of a body's surface. Like eyes (yes there are instances like that).. but I'm thinking in your case it's likely just a bug running around.. get a good spray and near your foot area; like on the foot of the bed spray some odorless insecticide every night before sleeping..
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
1 Sep 09
Wrong foot; wrong note. Just giving 1 or 2 cents thought It'd better be bugs then..
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
1 Sep 09
I've got the odorless pesticide and the white balls too.. None too expert in a bug's life, ha.. So far it helps.. perhaps it's a different bug in my home..
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
31 Aug 09
Hi zed_k4, what a horrid, nasty suggestion, no way was it a cockroach, the only one I've ever seen anywhere near the place was one of those giant flying things that nearly gave me a heart attack attacking my screens one night. I'm ruling that suggestion out without any further consideration at all thanks very much. The problem out here is lots of different bugs around from the olive groves and they do manage to get inside despite the best precuations, number one enemy at the moment is those annoying green smelly bugs but they don't bite, just buzz. I don't think they sell odorless insecticides out here at all and the ones that smell don't stop everything. I've already got smelly white balls of something all round the outside of the house as a snake deterrant.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
1 Sep 09
I don't know what kind of critters you have in Greece, but could it be some kind of a spider?
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
1 Sep 09
Oh we have most of those too. The worst was rattlesnakes on our property...
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
1 Sep 09
Didn't realise that, kind of imagined you in a bug and snake free zone, probably all that talk about the California state fair, just don't tend to associate that kind of place with bugs.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
1 Sep 09
Well you could really take your pick of them dawnald so I'll give you just a short list of what's actually managed to get indoors this year alone. Centipede,large fat gross creature that rears up in attacks and only to be dealt with by large man. Snake, that one took a large man with a shovel. Then there's grasshoppers, smelly green flying bugs, ants, green spiders,gold spiders,red and black spiders, nice spiders who are welcome and eat mosquitoes, mosquitoes of course, flying ants, wasps, builder bees, ciccadoes, moths,mllipedes, fire bugs. All I can think of off hand. Creeping you out yet dawnald?
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@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
31 Aug 09
Hello, Thea - that sounds painful. Given the time of year and the fact that you were woken by the pain, it could be a biting fly, as in hot countries, the flies seem to bite more than in the UK. I get bad reactions to wasp stings, and when I was bitten last year, a friend suggested cutting a clove of garlic in half and rubbing the sting with the cut side several times over the next few hours. I was sceptical as nothing else seems to reduce the reaction - even antihistamines - but it worked, taking away the inflamation, pain and itching. May be worth a try - unless you were intending making kamaki today, in which case, the smell of garlic could be a bit of a deterrent! Hope you feel better soon.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
31 Aug 09
Hi Sandra, thank you for your concern, I'm really feeling not the slightest bit ill from it just all over itchy with a swollen foot which obviously has some foreign posion like substance in it. I may well indeed try your garlic remedy as it could even put a stop to the kamaki like behaviour I am invariably subjected to, but would rather detect the culpirt before trying different remedies. The biting flies here have illuminate rear ends which glow for about half an hour and I believe such a glow would have disturbed me. Wasps are nasty creatures and their stings may be treated with windex in an emergency.
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• Philippines
1 Sep 09
This culprit could be a bed bug. Better clean your bed before sleeping at night thea. Here's a link on wikipedia about this bugs. Hope this information helped you. You could also try using anti-itch lotion like Caladryl. It's very effective.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
1 Sep 09
Hi koalapenguin, thanks for your link but once again I stress I've not got bed bugs of any description and for the past few heat ridden months just sleep atop a sheet. We do have a large selection of biting creatures here and I'm leaning towards the idea of a biting spider due to the three holes, or a centipede. Someone smuggled me in some benydryl cream from the UK.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
1 Sep 09
No no, if they are there they creep in in the night, I always check the bed for centipedes as I'd hate to wake up cuddleded up next to one of those - gross.
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
Is that so. That's way to creepy for me to see. Centipedes and spiders crawling out from your bed? Oh well, hope you could kill those bugs as soon as possible or else you won't have a good night sleep.
• India
1 Sep 09
Sounds like a scorpian....hows is the foot now?
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
1 Sep 09
Spot on sritrninty, obviously you read some responses. The foot is a bit swollen thanks for asking, just been out but had to be quick as the top of my sandal hurt it.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
1 Sep 09
Will another coffee do the trick? Might know the small ones do the worst, the one I found got away and is hiding somewhere, pity they don't kill themselves whilst feasting on flesh.
• India
1 Sep 09
It's the first thing that came to my mind, as we have loads of them here, so was glad to see that someone got round to mentioning it. Hubbie has been bitten by them quite a few times, the first time he thought he was going to die......but nothing happened accept alot of pain and swelling. The smaller ones are the most dangerous apparently.....didn't realise you get them in greece too. Drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins. Hope it gets better soon.
@malpoa (1214)
• India
5 Sep 09
It can be bees. When they bite, not only does the spot swells but whole body aches...I do not know whehter you have these types of bees there, these are a bit larger than the normal sized bees...You should consult a physician to get rid of the pain and swelling if that is the case.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
5 Sep 09
Hi Malpoa, it wasn't bees but thanks for the suggestion. It's also nice to see you back online. The culprit though has been discovered now, it was a small scorpion, the first one I've encountered next door. As you can see it didn't kill me and the swelling has now gone down without the need of a doctor. All I have now is three rather ugly looking scabs on my foot
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
6 Sep 09
I tend to tackle such things with a shoe.
@malpoa (1214)
• India
6 Sep 09
Sorpions!!! But they are very poisonous know? and i heard they could kill... Thank god that you are safe!!! How did you tackle then? May be not all scorpions are poisonous, right?
@tintukm (1102)
• India
1 Sep 09
You are not lucky i would say,the biting that gives pain can be of anything ,haven't you searched for any similar bites around your neighbor hood.what kind of a neighborhood do you live in.Probably that could be a wasp fly or a bee that comes no in a group.I have swelling in my left hand's ring finger,but still am unknown for the reason,I too am mum said the chances of wasp are more than any bed bugs.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
1 Sep 09
Hi tintukm, well I wouldn't exactly call it the sort of neighbourhood you're possibly thinking of, as the house is sat atop an olive grove which harbours many sorts of things which love to bite, including snakes, centipedes, plus an assortment of flying biting things. There was a large builder bee in the house that night but it was kind of comatose with the heat on the kitchen floor but they don't bite anyway to the best of my knowldege.
@tintukm (1102)
• India
2 Sep 09
There are so many creatures you mention,some other creatures would surely be roaming around there because of the presence of these things.Like the fire ants that gives a huge bite,also other types of ants with big claws than usual.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
31 Aug 09
Hi Thea, was there a full moon last night? Hmmm I'll have to consult my calendar, mind you I didn't have any howling tendancies last night and being as we've got a few occeans between us and wolves can't swim very well, I think we can definitely therefore rule out a wolf bite. As to vampires well vampires would leave two holes not three, so I think it's a case of ruling things out. Maybe we should do an ID parade and find out what bit you. Mind you after reading about those exotic critters you have in your country it could have been one of them. Or it could be human? I hope you find whoever did it and punish them accordingly and hope the swellings go down soon my friend ;0)
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
31 Aug 09
Hi Wolfie you present some options for consideration there and have obviously ruled some out during your ruminations. So wolves and vampires are definitely in the clear and I'm sure a human could come up with a more adventurous place to bite than my foot, which is still brandishing three holes as we speak. My son has suggested a snake which could have been a culprit possibly, and akuler a centipede, another possible possibility, but I found neither lurking anywhere this morning but I think that if they were inside they would be quite capable or lurking somewhere out of sight.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Oct 09
hi thea could it have been an ant or a fire ant? they are vicious bitters and a lot of people myself included are very allergic totheir bites.they sting like crazy too. I once was unfortunate enough to plunge my hand into an unseen ant hill while weeding the drive way. I immediately began to wheeze and my throat felt weird so went inside called my doctor and surprise surpise he insisted in coming to my house,he gave me an IV of benadryl and a prescription bottle of the tablets and told me I had gone into anaphylactic shock that is why he did not just ask me to come to his office or the ER. now days no doctor will come to your home,heaven forbid. but ants do affect some people like that.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
22 Oct 09
Hatley my darling, we've had this conversation 2 months ago in box 14 But it is always delightful to see you again.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Sep 09
thea here in ca we have brown and black widow spiders and the nasty recluse spider ,the bites are very painful and swell like crazy.but in greece I dont know it could be ant bites as some people like myself are allergic to ant bites.I got my hand bitten by a swarm of ants one time when I was weeding the driveway and my mouth grew numb, my hand swelled up but worst of all I could hardly breathe.Of course there wasnt a single benadryl tablet in the house. my sister called the doctor and he came to our hou se as he said I was having what is called anaphylactic shock. He gaveme an intravenous of antihistamine and a bottle of tablets so I neednt go outside until I was back to was so scary not being able to get a deep breath.mythroat had swollen so the IV made the swelling go down in my throat and on my hand,
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
1 Sep 09
Hi Hatley sorry to hear about your nasty ant bites, I've never come across any biting ones out here. I sometimes have an allergic reaction to mosquito bites which has led to extremely painful cortisone injections but if you get one of those I'd recommend sticking with the bite as it's not as bad as that injection. I'm leaning towards a spider myself and just hoping that it goes down so I can put a sandal on to leave the house later.
• United Kingdom
31 Aug 09
I really don't like the sound of that! My worst fear is having a spider end up in the bed that I sleep in so I check it before I retire for the night. However, in relation to something biting you I'm not sure that it would be bed bugs or anything like that, they are really tiny that you cannot see them with the naked eye! I'm thinking that you were probably unlucky enough to be bitten by a spider, that gives me the shivers! I'm not all that sure that a mosquito would give you the intense pain that you describe although you never can tell! Well, I hope that you have recovered from that unfortunate experience! Andrew
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
31 Aug 09
Hello Andrew, thank you for your concern, at the moment my foot is rather swollen and difficult to slip into a sandal. The possibility of a biting spider has been raised and although I do keep a couple of spiders in the house for reducing mosquitoes they are not the biting kind but there have been other strange species around this year and I do know of others who have swollen parts from spider bites. I'm not convinced though that the response above about the centipede was most likely the cause which really freaks me, I detest the things and on sight of one within doors I usuall employ the strategy or telephoning a large man to deal with them. I rather suspect that with your own fear of spiders you would not be a lot of use in dealing with an eight inch centipede of gross dimensions.
@realan (518)
• United States
31 Aug 09
Along with many of the above posters, I also was going to suggest a spider. My young daughter has shared a bed with one before. Of course this was not by choice. And she has been bitten. She tells me it is quite itchy. Don't remember how many bites, but she did have several. She was quite traumatized and now checks her bed multiple times. Good luck and feel better!
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
31 Aug 09
Hi realan, sorry to hear your daughter got bitten by a spider, when i was younger I was frightened of them and would have probably reacted with horror if bitten by one, but now I see so many different types and when they aren't big and black and hairy I'm quite brave with them, especially my pet ones who keep to themselves and gorge on mosquitoes.
• United States
1 Sep 09
First guess would be spider. Where I grew up we often woke with spider bites which were large welty and red. Second guess would be bedbugs. We've been battling against them for 6 weeks now (Accoring to my brother there's an outbreak of the little beasties here in the US.) They leave multiple bites and itch like crazy. Those are the only things I can think of that fit what you said..
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
1 Sep 09
Hi greenfeathers, thanks for your suggestions but once again I must state it's not bed bugs, if it was my son would have been attacked to as he's often in and out of the bedroom. Thinking towards spider bite with the swelling still on the bitten area but think that recently it's even been too hot for most of the spiders to survive.