software judge

@camodad (176)
United States
August 31, 2009 2:48pm CST
I have been researching different work at home things just to make money. I found one called software judge. Not sure how much I trust it. Has anyone tried it. If so could youexplain more about it?
2 responses
• Sweden
31 Aug 09
Trust me...STAY AWAY! ...I signed up with them about 2 months ago. They have the worst products to review. Games and programs that nobody has ever heard of. I wrote 2 reviews for them and they added them to the site and never even credited them to my account.
@camodad (176)
• United States
31 Aug 09
thanks. was kinda getting bad vibes. have you ever worked for arise?
@camodad (176)
• United States
31 Aug 09
not exactly sure. signed up but never did anything on it. need to get more info first.
• Sweden
31 Aug 09
nope I have never heard of arise. What is it?
• United States
31 Aug 09
I wouldn't trust it, probably viruses that steal your information
@camodad (176)
• United States
31 Aug 09
that was kinda what i thought. the rules were even abit weird. my first thought was that this is a company that is promising you money paid through wire transfer. probably never going to show up. the best part is though that if there is something you want to purchase and download just send the link and they will by it for you out of your account. now they would have full access to my pc to add or take whatever they wanted.