Why Do People Have to Lie About Being Vegetarian?
By Pigglies
@Pigglies (9329)
United States
August 31, 2009 3:15pm CST
I find it strange that when you tell people you're a vegetarian, they usually complain that you can't get enough protein, etc. Or some people will say that they tried it and then they got sick and their doctor told them to stop (um yeah, sure). And then some people just say that they'd love to do that but don't have the willpower. And still others will just flat out lie about it!
One of my cousin's had a girlfriend before who said she was vegetarian. So she says that she'll bring the vegetarian dish. And then I end up making dessert since I figure the main course is covered. She comes in with chicken! Okay, chicken is not a vegetable people. And neither is fish. If you don't believe me on how stupid this sounds to vegetarians, just think about this... what if you started calling sea lions vegetarians? I mean, all they eat is fish! Oh wait, that doesn't sound right? They're still carnivores? Exactly!
And then one of my friends always likes to say she wants to become a vegetarian, but she just doesn't know enough recipes. They've got the internet now, so that's a horrible excuse. But anyway, I bring her some cookbooks. And then we go out to Subway and she tries to pretend she wants something vegetarian, but she hates vegetables. So she gets the sub with the iceberg lettuce and some shredded carrots, that's it. And then she complains vegetarian food doesn't fill you up, lol. Now she always seems to eat either before or after I come over. Which I told her is ridiculous, just eat when I'm there. Everyone else I know has no problem eating meat in front of me, if she really feels that guilty she could just stop eating it all together. Reminds me of my Indian coworker who sneaks out to go get a burger late at night so his parents don't see him eating it.
Now my mom, who had been vegan for probably 7 years (she always says 10, but I've only been vegan for 10 years and she changed her diet quite awhile after I did). She goes to a party and on the way picks up food since she says they won't have anything. I never do this, because it's just rude. I will sit there and eat chips and fruit instead. But I still offer to go in with her, and she says no. So I sit in the car. Later, I find out from someone at the party that the reason she didn't want me to go in is because now she gets the veggie patty sandwich, which has eggs in it. When I confronted her about this, she tells me that the regular veggie sandwich isn't filling enough because they won't put enough on it. I don't buy this because I've been to every Subway in our area and they put plenty of veggies on it. And then she tries to sit in the other room at the party, but I walked in and caught her eating ice cream cake. I ask her about this later too, and she acts all shocked that it has dairy in it. She claims no one stopped her and told her it wasn't vegan. I told her it's pretty obvious, it's an ice cream cake and if it were a vegan one likely there would have been a huge deal about it.
I don't care if people are omnivores or vegetarian or vegan or whatever. I'm not one of those vegans who even goes around trying to convert people. I get annoyed when religious people do that to me so I won't go around doing that type of thing. My coworkers always say they like that I'll bring stuff in for a pot luck or something, but I won't force people to try anything or try to make them feel guilty. Yet for some reason my family and friends still feel like lying about it. I don't get it. Why even lie about something like that? I don't even see the point. Sorry to rant but maybe someone can explain this to me.
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6 responses
@realan (518)
• United States
31 Aug 09
I think people just feel guilty. They need to make excuses to why they can't be vegetarians. And they think if you are a vegetarian then you will think less of them because they don't have the willpower or whatever is the weakness. You made me laugh with the chicken story. I know people who do this. It amazes me that people don't get what vegetarian or vegan means. Hello! It's meat! It breathes! And people don't get that things made with chicken/meat broths are not vegetarian etc. In these modern times it really is easy to be a vegetarian. Plenty of protein etc out there. 

@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
31 Aug 09
Oh definitely! Even 10 years ago I had people telling me in these times it is easy. And 10 years later, it is even easier.
Honestly, I can't seem to stick to any diets. My friend did Jenny Craig and was practically starving, but she was okay with that. I don't have the willpower for that. So I know it isn't a willpower thing. It's just that she doesn't want to be vegetarian.
I think you're right that people feel guilty though.
Sorry to hear about Piggy. Guinea pigs do tend to get sick quickly and hide their illness so that it's often too late to do much by the time it is discovered. I've found that the best way to catch illnesses is to weigh them weekly. They can't hide their weight loss that way.
If you're ever looking for some guinea pigs again, let me know. I do guinea pig rescue and know of rescuers all over. :)
@realan (518)
• United States
31 Aug 09
I think some people may not want to be vegetarians, but think it is 'cool' if they say they are. Who knows...people are funny. I know we went off topic. Thanks for the guinea pig tip. Piggy was long haired, so it would have been easy to miss weight loss. She was always light when picked up. She didn't look sick the day before. Like you said, she probably hid it well, poor baby. That's great that you do the rescue. I'll keep it in mind if we decide to get another in the near future. My daughter still cries if Piggy's name is mentioned. I'll request you as a friend, so I don't forget! Thanks!

@louielou67 (4)
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
There are a few reasons why people lie about being a vegetarian.
First is social pressure. They are ashamed to be identified as one because they are afraid to be the butt of jokes or ridicule, which they just could not take. So they try to hide their being one.
Second is they do not know or they are not convinced of the reason they have to be one. What I mean is, is the person a vegetarian because of a deep seated reason or principle to which he/she fully and wholeheartedly subscribes? If a person is not really convinced of any good reason that he/she should be one then you can expect that he/she will lie about it. People who know and have taken by heart the reason for being vegetarians will do everything possible to maintain their being one and will not resort to lying. Way back in 1971, my wife and I changed to a vegetarian diet. My colleagues came to know our decision and the fact that we stuck to it, made me especially the subject of jokes, not to say ridicule. I didn't mind but when they laughed, I laughed with them, and I stayed a vegetarian just the same. Today, 38 years later, at 65 years old, I still am one, enjoying a healthy life, free of maladies that afflict people who are even younger than me.
Third, they have not conquered their appetite and to cover their lack of self-control and discipline, they would rather lie about it, and yet end up shamefully as a loser for being defeated by their appetite.
Fourth, what is the possibility that persons who lie about a small thing like that are used to lie all their lives, so that it doesn't really look as something that is wrong to lie? Fact is, is there any harm that will happen if one accepts he/she is a vegetarian? None, I should say. Then why lie? The reason for doing so is as already said.
Fifth, have you looked at yourself and asked whether your attitude toward those who are not vegetarians is right? Pardon me to ask this question because I have read and heard declarations of some which are rather condemnatory toward those who are non-vegetarians. Or that they have heard other vegetarians' somewhat condemnatory attitude toward those who are not. This could also be one reason why your friends say they want to be vegetarians and at the same time manufacture excuses for not becoming one.
Think about these things.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I'm not sure if my attitude about people who aren't vegetarians is right, maybe I should dislike those people. But currently, I really have no problem with other people's choices. I just have a problem with them lying.
One of my coworkers used to always complain about people who ate meat, she had all the stickers, was one of those holier than thou people. And she had only been veg for about 2-3 years. Then one day she started craving meat again and now she's not. So of course now my other coworkers won't let her live that down since she was so into it before. I don't think anyone could ever get me to start eating meat again, but I realize not everyone cares about animals to the extent that I do.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
10 Sep 09
I think any reason for being vegetarian is a good thing. Personally, I don't believe in God but I'm glad that your belief can cause you to stick to something that is good.
I realize not everyone is going to have a belief that can make them want to be a vegetarian, I just wish that people wouldn't lie about it.
I've had a few times where being vegetarian helped me avoid food poisoning too. Yet other times I ended up getting poisoned due to the vegetarian food being left sitting longer. But luckily not to the point of hospitalization! That must have been terrible.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
I am not a vegetarian or ever hoped to be one. I have nothing against vegetarians either. But when people who claim to be one cheat themselves from this diet because they are not satisfied with what they are eating, it makes me begin to wonder why. There are a lot of alternatives if you want to really be a vegetarian without the usual excuses of not getting enough nourishment or there aren't enough recipes at hand. I am not a trained chef but I can cook tofu in twenty five different ways. Plus other veggies. You should explain to your mom (if she will listen, knowing mothers =) ) that eggs are NOT part of any plant family.
One possible explanation that I can see from your mother hiding the fact that she isn't a strict vegan is that she thinks she might hurt your feelings. Maybe you can tell your mom that its okay for her not to be a vegan just because you are one.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Yeah, it does seem like my mom mainly did it to copy me. But at least it's not the worst thing she's ever tried to copy. People in my family even want to outdo people on surgeries and injuries.
Me, I'll take the least surgeries and injuries possible!
And yep, tofu is pretty easy to cook when it comes down to it. And hey, even non-vegetarians can still enjoy it too.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
1 Sep 09
Maybe they are trying to fit in or impress you. If some vegetarians didn't have the attitude that they do people might not feel the need to go there sometimes. Not excusing them but a lot of vegs that I have met personally act like they make the laws and I better eat what they tell me or else. I have been very harshly attacked a few times for being a meat eater. Im sorry but I will eat what I darn well please like it or not.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
10 Sep 09
The funny thing is, I've noticed that most vegetarians that get all disgusted with people eating meat end up later going back to eating meat themselves.
The only time I'm going to tell people what to eat is on my wedding day. Because if I'm paying for the food I don't buy meat. They can eat what they want at home, but I'm definitely having a vegan wedding. But if I'm just out with people I really don't care what they're getting.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
1 Sep 09
Hi Pigglies, well I do remember some family member making a huge deal about this when she first turned vegetarian before it really caught on, she had to let everyone know, and loudly, especially in restaurants, as if it made her special or something. It was really annoying. She kept this up for years then one day cooked a chicken so I really think some people do it to get attention.
Out here there's no such thing as vegetarianism unless one does it behind closed doors as there's always some excuse as to why lamb isn't meat or chicken is really a vegetable, it's just never caught on here at all, even though there are lots of dishes which don't involve meat, so if you eat out you can choose from those but if you make a point of saying you're vegetarian they'll probably bring you a nice platter of meat to stop you getting ill.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
13 Jul 10
Wow, what a "vegetarian" liar that was, no way she was a real Vegetarian.
The food that has animal suffering in it it's eaten by carnivorous people, not Vegetarians. My dream is to become Vegan but sometimes I eat things that have milk, like 2, 3 times a month. I'm studying many recipes that have soy milk so I can make my souces and everything. The problem is that I live in Japan but don't understand the language, I can't find a substitute, or the name for egg so I can stop it too, but it's really rare to eat like when I don't have anything else or for baking pies.
I think being a Vegetarian is a right and heroic way of living.
10 minutes of pleasure in a dish is worthed all the suffering, in the body and the mind of those poor animals? Who say they were born to serve us in anything, who doesn't love animals should just leave them alone not to harm them. There's nothing more coward, they can't speak ,defende them selves...If we can't protect might as well just leave them alone.
So I'm a happy Vegetarian, taking all proteins I need. I'm also taking vitamin pills of protein, calcium and now I love soy milk to drink (need to learn to cook with soy milk) and also find my protein in the food.
I heard I'm not really a Vegetarian because I'm killing the letuce...That letuces are alive....
People say all the things but in the end Vegetarians are actually taking action, making the world better.
I know more and more people will become Vegetarian, once wake up.