Do you like to have garden around your house? Do you have one?

August 31, 2009 8:51pm CST
I love to have garden around my house and have all sorts of plants whether flowers or vegetables. In my childhood, we had good space in the quarters that we lived and had a big garden. Each one of the family member had some particular space allotted to them and we used to put plants of our choice in that place. My granny had lady's finger, eggplant and green chillies, I had small row plants as border, the leaf of which can be cooked and few flower plants. How about you? Do you have garden at home? Do you like to have and work on it? What plants do you have?
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30 responses
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I have vegetable gardens, as well as flower gardens. I used to do huge gardens, enough to put up (freeze or can) and have for during the winter too. Now I have a much smaller garden (blame that on advancing age lol) For veggies, I have sweet corn, herbs & mints, garlic, cutting tomatoes and cherry tomatoes, peppers and zucchini. Our spring around here was really a wet and cold one, so I lost lots of other plants. I'll plant twice when that happens, but not three times! So, this year I'll just have to be happy with what I have. I lost lettuce, my beans, cucumbers, as well as some other stuff. Ah well, there's always next year! At least all my flowering gardens are doing well!!
3 people like this
• India
27 Oct 10
I imagine how nice your garden would have been with so many vegetables and flowers. But it needs lot of hard work. Now with your advancing age, it is certainly difficult to manage such a big garden. Keep plants as much as you can manage. Do not strain yourself more friend. I am also a senior citizen hence can understand your body strain. We cannot run like the man in your avatar.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
1 Sep 09
WE have a very small garden. We planted some tomatoes, green onions and leaf lettuce. the green onions did very well and so did the leaf lettuce. Our tomatoes did not do so well due to all of the rain we had. I do not mind working in it either.
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@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
We also have garden at home we use the vacant lot here. My mother have orchids, ornamental plants and vegetables. I'm also planted papaya and sweet potato. I'm planning to plant more vegetables for my rabbits. I want to plant lettuce but the weather here is not suited for it. Our bitter gourd is dying because of the pest.
1 Sep 09
A vegetable garden is a good idea. Great for peeps who doesn't want to shop around for vegetables.
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
1 Sep 09
Oh, I am green with envy. If that green will only go to my thumbs, it would bring much joy. I love gardens but I am not a gardener. In fact, my thumbs are black. LOL
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
1 Sep 09
Hello Buchi_bulla. I would like to have a garden around my house, but I don't have one because mine is an apartment on the seventh floor. If I buy a villa, then it is possible to have one garden for planting something we like. It is lucky of you to have such a place with a nice garden, friend. I wish you to enjoy it. Take care.
2 people like this
• India
27 Oct 10
I had a garden in my childhood but not now. At present I have some hibiscus plants and a white and red flower plants the name of which I do not know. But I always long for a garden around my house.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
Oh I love to but our present house has no space for gardens, it's cemented all around. I have to hang my orchids at the fence. The next time we get a house I will see to it that there would be enough space at the sides for the flowering plants and at the back for the vergetable garden. Good for you, Nice to see plants around and enjoy harvesting and cooking as well. Wish I could have next time.
• India
2 Sep 09
My sister has a big garden and all vegetables and flowers are there in it. Even greens she grows and cooks fresh. It is a pleasure to go to the garden and pluck fruits, vegetables and flowers and use them fresh.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
2 Sep 09
Right buchi and the feeling is great cooking your own harvest.
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@daliaj (5674)
• India
1 Sep 09
I would like to have a good garden arond my house, but it is not possible and there is no space since I live in a city. I live in an apartment where around 25 families live. My parents live in a village and they have a good garden with lots of flowers. I just went home last weekend and I appreciated my mom's work in building a good garden.
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• India
27 Oct 10
That is the problem, the space problem when we live in cities.
• United States
1 Sep 09
I would LOVE to have a garden,I really miss having one. I currently live in an apartment which has no grounds at all outside, I just have some herbs I am growing in a pot! When I was young my Dad had a big vegetable garden and my brother and I each had a patch to grow things in. Dad still grows things at home now and is getting ever more adventurous, I hear! We have to move in February so I am hoping we get somewhere this time which has a bit of a garden!
2 people like this
• India
27 Oct 10
Yes you are right. It is a pleasure to have a garden at home. I wish you got a home wherein you have a garden now.
• Canada
1 Sep 09
We would love to have a garden around our house if we had a house, but we don't have a house. We have a little apartment in the basement, and we have one plant in here, since it doesn't get enough light to have a lot of them. LOL We have an aloe vera plant on our book shelf. There is a little flower bed out front we can sit by in the summertime.
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• India
27 Oct 10
That is interesting to have a flower bed in front of your house. We can enjoy sitting there and having a chat with a cup of good coffee.
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
hello Buchi_bulla, Having a vegetable garden is one of my dreams to have. But since our sapce is not that big, so it's impossible for me to have. Though right now, we have a small garden but just enough for flowering plants like ground orchids, blue bonnette, money plants, san francisco and the likes. Such a wonderful feeling if they are having there flowers. Have also some herbs plants like rose mary, origano, mint. Wish I can have a bigger space so I can plant more.
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• India
27 Oct 10
I sincerely wish your dream comes true. My Best wishes for the same.
@overhere (515)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I am an English woman relocated to America I would be lost without a garden. For me it is flowers first and a few vegetables as a mere after thought. We have almost an acre surrounding the house which was wood and lawn when I arrived and is now, much to my DH's delight wood and flowers beds. My aim here in Ohio is to get a garden flowering for the maximum weeks of the year and to this end before I came onto mylot I was looking at buying aconites and snowdrops to have flowers in January or February. Nothing amuses the neighbour more than telling my hubby I am "playing in the dirt again".
1 person likes this
• India
27 Oct 10
When we play in the mud and it yields results in the form of flowers, fruits and vegetables, you get a great satisfaction that your hard work is coming out in the form of flowers etc.
• Romania
1 Sep 09
i have a superb garden on romania :X
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@beachstarz (1092)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I've always loved having lots of flowers .Since we live by the beach in Mexico it's hard to learn what grows and what don't. The sand and very little rain and the salt water spray from the ocean make it hard for things to grow . We have 12 big palm trees and I use the coconuts to trim my flower beds with . Fruit trees grow well here and I plan to plant a banana tree and lime tree this winter . Winter's here are perfect to be outside .. Summers are just too hot to be working in the yard much.
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• India
27 Oct 10
Lime tree is ideal in your place I feel. Even if you have one lime tree, you get so many limes through out the year.
@realan (518)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I also love to garden and have a nice size yard. Every year we add to our garden with new perennials. We have rhodendron (however you spell that, lol), butterfly bushes, columbines, roses, lillies, lavendar, bleeding hearts, clematis, lillies of the valley, grapes, a fig tree, japanese willow tree, dogwood tree, tomatoes, strawberries etc. I love to dig in the dirt and see the beautiful plants that grow from all the hard work.
• India
27 Oct 10
You have all the interesting varieties of plants in your house garden friend. I love to see fresh lillies and roses. Strawberry and grapes are very interesting to have at our house garden.
@tintukm (1102)
• India
1 Sep 09
Our house do have a garden,its actually widespread on the entrance of our home.There are flowers of different kind not imported but still looks exquisite,particularly when one sees them early morning after waking up.Its give so pleasure with it's beauty and freshness.My mum takes care of the whole thing I do help her at times,dad also does the same sort of helping like me.Mum also has planted some different type of vegetables on the back side of the house,there are has trees of mangoes,guava,jack fruit and coconuts.Mum simply loves gardening.
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• India
27 Oct 10
Your mum must be a nature lover. I am sure your garden should be an enjoyable one indeed.
@underdogy (700)
• Thailand
1 Sep 09
I have a small garden with some roses, orchids, and plants that i don't know but looks beautiful. It beautifies my house and the surroundings especially when flowers are at its bloom. It makes me relax right after work, watering the plants while talking to them. They seem to listen to me because they have started to have flowers easily..I'll try to add more plants in there so it will look more beautiful.
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• India
27 Oct 10
People say that plants can listen to us and even can enjoy songs being played.
• China
1 Sep 09
I'am guy from China. When I was a child,my father planted many fruit trees and flowers everywhere in his farmland.I can smell fresh air , listen the song of bird and taste fresh fruits every day.But now our family moved to an apartment of Shanghai,the most populous city in China. My hope of having a garden shattered because of high price of house.Maybe to me, having a private garden in Shanghai is just a dream that never can be realized.
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• India
27 Oct 10
Why do you say that? Positive thinking has got a very good power. People achieved many unimaginable things by this positive thinking. Think positive on owning a garden in the same Shanghai City, keep on thinking and visualizing on that thought. I am sure you will own a garden soon. Best of Luck my friend.
@profclark (512)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I love having mt garden at home, and I also share a greenhouse with a girlfriend. This is the first year I have been really growing food, and I have found it delightful, though next year I will organize things better. But I do have lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, lots of beans, and had broccoli ans cauliflower earlier in the season. It has been an amazing blessing to watch these plants flower and grow into fruit. I have found it to be one of the most peaceful activities in my life.
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@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
2 Sep 09
Of course I like to have a garden around my house so that I can plant some herbs, flowers, vegetables and even fruits there. It will be so nice. However, I don't have a garden because I live in the apartment. If one day I am rich, I would like to have a house with a swimming pool and garden:) I love China
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@ryuvinta (153)
• Indonesia
2 Sep 09
at my hometown, my mommy have lovely and big garden. she loves to work at garden and full my garden with many kind of flower. she also put a garden accecories like mini waterfall. she loves work at garden because by working at garden will make her feel more refresh after doing many task at her work. she has many kind of flower such as jemani and gelombang cinta. those kind of flower was high priced. but now, after many people have those flower, the price down to very cheap.
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@nenuphar (117)
• France
1 Sep 09
We have a garden, as a matter of fact, it is surrounding the house. We have trees, flower plants, herbs, and a small fish pond. Unfortunately I can't upload a picture here for you to see. It's very relaxing to sit at the backyard listening to the soothing water sound, with very happy and lively fishes moving between the lotuses. About a month ago, we even have a frog, not sure how it got here though. Most pretty and enjoyable time is of course in summer. Happy gardening!
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
1 Sep 09
Much as I love gardens, I dont have one. I have, however, two balconies in my small apartment. There are some pots there. Recently changed the mud. Need to plant new saplings. Its been raining so heavily out here, I cannot really go out. So no decorative plants as of now. :( In the utility balcony - some tomatoes, green chillies, corriander, and ginger are all that I could accommodate. This morning I read somewhere - green chillies are good defense against heart disease and diabetes. Sometime ago, a study mentioned that they are good against cancer. I now have a great regard for those green fruits. ha ha. :-)
@IMEzekieL (498)
1 Sep 09
For oxygen's sake, everyone should have a garden on their house, or at least on their yard. Plants filters the air you know.
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