By dreamertink
@dfollin (25543)
United States
September 1, 2009 10:23am CST
My oldest children,my 2 sons went to public school,unlike me homeschooling my daughter.They would spend about 6 and a half hours a day in school.Then they would come home and have to do about 2 hours worth the homework.During the fall times of the year,(in the east anyway)it get's dark outside early.
I have known parents that have a rule that the children must do their homework before they are allowed to play.I have 2 problems with that,first,the child/children have been in school all day so they need a break.Second,there is no other time for anything else.
Alright,here is the scenario of a possible public or private school child during that season.Get up earlier to get ready for school,eat breakfast(if you have time)and get all your stuff together(don't forget anything!),go to the bus.The school rules begin walking to the bus stop,then on the bus.Ride to school.Then get to school,follow the rules,do your work.Then get off school and follow the same bus routine.Walk in the door,go to the bathroom,eat a snack.Then get busy on that homework.Hurry,rush so you can get a chance to go outside!Then if it's not dark yet or dinner time yet then go "socialize".You know that thing that homeschool children are ecussed of not getting to do.Then come eat dinner,take a bath and go to bed so you can get up early tommorow and start all over.
Now if it were dark after they finished that homework and dinner was ready then you did not get to "socialize".When do they get to be kids?
I remember in the 60's and 70's when I was a kid.We had some homework,but not as much as the schools are giving now.I had time to "socialize",babysit,spend time with my family.Even in the 80's and 90's when my son's were in public school they had time to "socialize",do boy scouts,church events,recreational classes,play sports.We also knew high schoolers that babysat.But,now I cannot find high school kids that babysit and we know kids at church and the neighborhood that don't come to church events,not involved in sports,church events or other programs because they don't have time.
Oh yeah that child that rushed thru their homework so they could "socialize" got the hurried homework wrong!
What do you think? Do you believe in homework?

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18 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Sep 09
Do I believe in homework? Yes I do, I think it is important for a child to bring some of the work that they are doing at school home with them to practice and further instill what they are learning in them. My daughter is in first grade this year and brought home her first homework packet yesterday. Now, I don't make her do her homework as soon as she gets home from school, instead we do it just after dinner while we are all still at the table. She seems to get a lot out of it and has even requested that I send a note to her teacher asking for more homework.
The fact that she brings homework home does not stop her from being able to be a kid. We do playgroup and gymnastics and also Girl Scouts but she still always gets her homework done.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
2 Sep 09
How much are you seeing in first grade? If it is equal to one page a day AND is a review of a concept she learned at school, I can see how that is beneficial, but if it's more than that? I disagree. If you want to see what kids are learning at school, then volunteering and being on the PTA is a big help. They also generally bring home the papers they do AT school. I check my daughter's backpack daily.
Honestly, I do not think any child in first grade should have more than 10-15 min Mon-Thurs, I don't think any child should have work that has to be done over the weekend UNLESS the packet is given on Thurs and asked to be turned in on Tues or something.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Sep 09
This year she is going to be bringing home two packets a week. The first packet is for literacy and it includes working with spelling words, a reading passage and 10 site words to review. There are 10 spelling words per week and they have to write the spelling words each three times on Monday, on Tuesday they have to put them in alphabetical order, on Wednesday they do a RIME addition with the word family and write two sentences. Then on Thursday they should do a practice spelling test. They also need to go over their sight words and reading passage each night as they are also tested on these on Friday.
The other packet that she has is a math packet which has four worksheets in it. One to do each night.
In total I'd say that her homework each night takes her between 10-20 minutes.
I am a big volunteer in the school as well so that I can be totally up to date on what is going on in both her grade and in the school as a whole. I am secretary of the PTA and I also like to volunteer in the classroom and on field trips because it gives me the opportunity to really know the teachers and the kids that my daughter goes to school with. I also like that I get to see the quality of the education that she is receiving.
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@tintukm (1102)
• India
2 Sep 09
Homework always works for teachers
ain't they.All the burden is taken up by the poor students.The free time gets cut short and everyday after the schooling there has to more time spent again on them in our homes.Homework is necessary to keep the child updated with their studies but there are institutions and teachers who take this system of homework very professionally and makes the student stressed out under crumbling studies, being a student one must be able to enjoy and have fun while learning new topics, which the learning process easier and creative.
I now being regular college guy do have homework,can you believe this,I go to NCERC,here in Pambaby,India and this too keeps records of weakly assignments.

@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
2 Sep 09
I always hated having to go to a public school and having alot of homework almost daily. I had chores to do at home also daily. I did my homework at night when everyone else went to bed and everything else was done. I had no time for myself at all. I do not believe in bringing school work home. That is what we go to school for.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
3 Sep 09
Life skills are important.When I was in my late 20's I babysat for this man that would go out of town a lot.He had all sorts of degrees.He was a supervisor of a very important government agency.One weekend he came home and said that the hotel ripped him off on his bill.I asked him how and he told me something.I asked him if I could see the bill and he handed it to me.I then looked at it and within about 60 seconds I saw that yes they had ripped him off,but not in that manner.Lol!
It was very easy and I am telling this to a man who was an engineer with all sorts of degrees!

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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
2 Sep 09
Ugh it just ATE my comment! What I was saying in essence is that real life skills are important. It doesn't matter if you get an A++ in European Geograhpy, that won't help you when your smoke alarm goes off because you baked your cutting board or when you call your mom crying because you shrunk and changed the color of your favorite sweater. Learning how to take care of yourself - ie keep your workspace and living areas organized and clean, doing laundry without ruining it, picking up etc are JUST as important as grasping academic subjects!
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
2 Sep 09
I believe in a certain amount of homework, but NOT the terrible amount the kids get these days...I lived with my daughter for 3 months before moving into my apt & she has 2 teenagers & 1 ..12 year old...When the kiddo's got home i was there , my daughter was working, so i saw first hand that my grandchildren spent all day in school and had to come home & do a big pile of homework, my grandkids hardly got a break at all....I mean i would cook supper & my grandkids had to do homework until time to eat, by that time it was almost dark, all they had time to do is take a bath & go to bed...So as i said "some homework" is ok but not the amount that they give them now...My grandkids never got a break, and they even had homework on the weekends as well....
@gracefuldove (1668)
• Malaysia
2 Sep 09
Well, very fortunate for me, my children are self-driven. So I do not have to push them to do their homework.Do i help them to do their homework? Never. Yes, when they were younger I do supervise their work and check their schoolbooks. As they always perform in their school subjects, I have stopped this unnecessary practice. Today all my children have graduated and working. I am very proud of them.
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@clasprea (16)
• Italy
2 Sep 09
Hi, I'm from Italy and I'd like to add my experience to this discussion. in Italy homeschooling isn't really an option, everyone goes to public or private schools. Some years ago elementary school was only in the morning, so children had all the afternoon for homework and play time. Even if you had to do homewok, you had a lot of free time after that. This was possible because in the past moms could stay at home and didn't have to work.
Today many moms have to work beacuse one salary isn't enough for one family, so kids remain at school until 4/5/6 p.m. in the afternoon. In this case homework isa choice of each teacher: someone only gives homework in the week end, but someone else decides to give homework anyway, even during the week.
in conclusion, now life is too difficult for many kids, rapporting that to the life of 15 years ago!
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
3 Sep 09
Elementary school in Italy sounds really good.It is a shame that both adults have to work to afford to live.My husband passed away almost 5 years ago and I do understand how rough it is.My boys for a few years had to go to after school care till 6:30.When I had to work I would get off about 5:30 and the traffic was so bad that it took me a long time to get my kids.Do both parents have to work in Italy now as well as in the USA.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
1 Sep 09
When my son was in 4th and 5th grade, he started on it when he got home, and was still working on it at bedtime. It was horrible. After that it is very rare for him to bring anything home. They even give them time in class to do it.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
2 Sep 09
Wow,so that was in the 2000's! That's amazing that they are not giving them much homework.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
2 Sep 09
What year was this? Kids in high school last year had tons of homework!

@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I know cuz I have two children and one is starting school tomorrow. well the main point of giving out homework to children are:
1. they want to make sure students get what they learn today and the more they do homework(practices) then the more they understand better.
2. to keep them busy from doing nothing. Some kids hang out and waste a lot of time.
For me, I always give my kids time to play and then do home later. I know it is dark but if they love to play then the back yard is good tho. or we can total all the time up for the weekend.
mostly, I dont really set a time for dinner. if she hungry then I give her food right the way, then she play or do homework with no worry about dinner time
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
2 Sep 09
Mommyboo,You said it right!
The kids are already at school all day.Let them be kids.I homeschool my daughter.Myself and other homeschooling parent have heard many,many times how homeschooling is wrong because it keeps our children from "socialization".Ok,so when do the kids in public school have socialization? They cannot go out and play,go to scouts,play sports,church events and take other classes because they have so much homework.Some of the kids have so much on the weekends they can't even go to church on Sunday.

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
2 Sep 09
I think it is silly to give kids what boils down to 'busywork' or 'repetition' just 'to keep them busy from doing nothing'. If it's a little practice to show a parent what they are learning, that's one thing, but to pile on three assignments which are clearly just examples of the same thing to keep a kid busy? Wrong. As a parent, I would go to the school and say 'my kid is going to do ONE of these and ONE only. Which one would you like her to do' and that would be that.
Kids are in school for 4-7 hours, depending on your school. That is enough time for them to be busy doing school related things. I consider any time outside of that should be THEIR time, social time, family time, and I don't want that interfered with.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Sep 09
Absolutely not. I am sooo grateful that my daughter's school does not really give out homework. She is in kindergarten and she actually did just get a small packet this week, but it's like 4 pages, and we did it all yesterday right after school. The school policy states that if a child does not finish their assigned work from class, then it must be finished at home, but they are allowed time in class to complete work. It is not the school nor teacher's fault if a child does not make good use of class time, and it is the responsibility of a student to complete their work to the best of their ability. They do not assign EXTRA work though for any students other than kindergarten, because kindergarten is half day.
The only time I believe anything extra should be done is in the way of special projects or finals, or perhaps things like book reports. I don't think these things should be regular either, perhaps once a quarter - maybe the book reports once a month or twice a month.
You're right in saying that kids need time to be kids. When I was a kid, I did not have homework. I didn't have anything ASSIGNED and I worked hard to get everything FROM school completed AT SCHOOL. This is what I tell my son in high school too - make use of class time. If you don't, then you have to do it at home! I tell my daughter to participate in class and do her work as quickly as possible so she doesn't run out of time. In my opinion, the most a child should have to do as long as they are completing most or all of their classwork in class is maybe 15 minutes. There is no reason EVER for a child to have more than that, if they have more than that, it's because they are not applying themselves, they are wasting time, dawdling, procrastinating, etc. Homework - if there is any - is supposed to be extra practice or a quick review of concepts and ideas they have learned at school, not a new concept that they have to learn AT HOME. This is ridiculous. We send our kids to school because there are certified and degreed TEACHERS who are there to teach. If we were supposed to do it, then why send the kids to school? If the teacher is sending home extra assigments on top of what the kids did at school and there are too many so it takes more than 30 minutes, then they are sending home too much. If kids are at school 6 hours, 2 hours of extra work equals 8 hours. If what has happened here has happened everywhere and the majority of the day is now devoted solely to academics and there is no more regular pe and art and music and elective type creative things, then the kids are spending TOO MUCH TIME on academics anyway, they shouldn't be sending home ANYTHING. If it were more balanced and out of 6 hours at school, at least half of that is devoted to pe, art, music, drama, and play, THEN maybe I could see sending home 30 min of extra practice because 3 hours are devoted to non-academics. I just don't see that though, not with the budget cuts.
As far as what we do, this was the first packet we received, and since I volunteer, often I get to see what will come home before it actually comes home. I am fine with a packet of 4 or 5 pages because there are 5 days in the week. We got the same type of thing from preschool and have never had an issue doing the whole thing in about 20 minutes. If it ever got to the point where I thought it was too much, I would tell the teacher that we'd spend 20 minutes and after that, no more. If it wasn't done, well, it was still 20 minutes and that's all I consider fair for a five year old for one week. Sorry.
I always even myself try to do the crappy stuff that I don't want to do as quickly and right away as possible so I can be DONE and get on with everything else I FEEL like doing. I have been this way since I was a kid, and I think it's the best way to deal. I wouldn't be against taking a break first or doing something else we had planned first because it was time, but after that we'd have to buckle down and get the crappy thing done so it's done. As far as homework being wrong, most of the time the teachers mostly look to see if it's finished, not necessarily if it's correct. Since I had middle schoolers and now high schoolers, i have talked to many teachers and the general consensus is this: in middle and high school they do not ASSIGN homework unless your kids are in AP courses preparing for college. Whatever homework your kids have from approx 6th grade on is their own fault, not the teachers. The stuff elementary school teachers say about 'preparing for the homework load in middle and high school' is a crock of bs. They also know the kids won't do assigned homework and most of the parents work fulltime and can't be of much help there either. They figure instead of marking 10 out of 12 kids with zeros every day, better to do the majority of the assignments in class.
I have never seen the point of regular homework, again if a child wastes class time and doesn't do an assignment in class, of course they should do it at home, but assigning extra on top of an assignment in class? No. I wouldn't do it even if I were a teacher. Perhaps for a student who wasn't getting the concept but not for kids who were proficient and picking up things just fine. I wouldn't see a point.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
2 Sep 09
I agree with you.Here thou,they send more homework if you get more done in school.They figure if you are smart enough to do that much then you can do more.Yes,your daughter should of got it sent home if she did not finish it at school.That is very true that if they are there to teach our children and being paid for it,especially from our taxes.But,I homeschool my daughter because God's word says that the parents should teach them.But,if they are going to public or private school then they should let them be kids after school.Not spend their whole childhood working.
You know what I just thought of?It's ok if the school's make our children work.But,if we made the work around the house then we would be prosecuted for child cruelity!
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
3 Sep 09
That fine to get more homework if your kid wants it and they can handle it.But,the schools should just not automatically give all kids a lot of homework.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Sep 09
Definitely. All kids are different, as I know from the variety of my daughter's friends. BTW, thanks so much for the best response!
I was helping at the school today and the other kindergarten teacher was thanking me for helping. She told me that some of the kids cannot even hold a pencil right much less know how to write their names
. That makes me feel bad, I thought that most five year olds could do that, but that's what made me think about how different one five year old may be from another. They are not all capable of the same level of expectations even if they are the same age.

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• United States
1 Sep 09
I know exactly what u are saying. i don't think there is anything wrong in having homework but i do think they can give too much & do nowadays. When my boys were in school & there was 20 years difference in them they always got to go out & play till supper time if they wanted to. we did homework after supper & it did not take that long. They do need a break. when they get grown it will be work all day, fix supper , get your kids a bath & in the bed, Maybe u will have an hour to call your own before u have to get up & do it all again. That routine comes soon enought for kids. They need to be kids as long as they can & enjoy it.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
1 Sep 09
That is for sure they certainly need to be kids while they can.When they become adults it is going to be many years of routine.Now there is nothing wrong with a routine for kids,but a small one.Last school year they talked to some high school students that had to quit scouts,could not babysit,be in sports or have after school jobs because they had 3 hours worth the homework.Employers also said that they could only afford to pay miminum wage for part time.But no adults would work that and no teens had time to do it.
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• United States
1 Sep 09
That is way too much homework.Do they still have study halls? I haven't had a child in school since 2000.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I hope they still have study halls because I am going to encourage my daughter to get one when she gets to high school - in order to get everything done while she's at school. Otherwise, if she actually gets extra work, she won't be able to do the things I consider normal for high schoolers - sports and other extra curriculars, maybe dance if she still does that, a part time job, etc.
The way things are going, I would never but never go back to school, I cannot believe all the crap people have to do just to get by. It sounds exhausting and doesn't make any sense to me. It's not like I'm dumb either. I graduated with a 3.78 gpa and missed the honor graduates by one place lol.
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@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
2 Sep 09
Oh homework Oh!
HiDfollin, in my country most of the kids go to public school. Let me share the daily routine of a kids in my country : need to get up early around 6am. Maybe take some light breakfast like milk and bread, going to school while the day is still dark around 6.30 am. Reach school, start school life... Because the school has extended the school hours to 3.30pm, so normally kids can only reach home at 4pm. Of course taken simple lunch in the school.
Okay, it is so call the home work time, it starts at 5pm, immediately after they take some tea break and shower. If you do it fast , you got chance to watch tv, else few hours sitting and busy with home works.
Oh homework Oh! The only way to improve the study?
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@boboguitar1 (45)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I understand the point of homework, and I think it's important, but there is far too much homework being assigned these days for kids to have any times to themselves. In high school, there is almost no time to do anything other than schoolwork, sometimes even on the weekends. Even when a student doesn't have as much homework, they always have to study for a test. There should not be as much homework assigned in school.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
2 Sep 09
I believe in homework as far as projects,reports and so on.They are in school all day.
@jross19871 (239)
• United States
1 Sep 09
On one hand, it is nice to teach your kids business before pleasure. However, if they are young let them have fun. If they are in middle school, they need some structure.
When I was in high school, I always came home and did my work right away.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
2 Sep 09
Yes "some" structure.High schoolers are old enough to go out after dark with their friends in their cars and a lot of them even have their drivers lisences.
@rodrigocastilho (11)
• Brazil
1 Sep 09
Well, I sort of believe in homework.
There are students that definitely achieve progress in obtaining knowledge, as it's the real intention of homework. For these, a few exercises should work fine.
However, there are students that are not like that. I myself wasn't. I'm in college now, but when I was a kid in the school I had no problems with doing homework and playing with friends - I didn't have them every day.
And I must say I was quite negligent. Sometimes I didn't do a thing, just because I was too stressed from school to keep the same rhytm home. Different environments leads to different moods, different wishes.
I never really did any progress by doing homework. It didn't make anything clearer for me. But, I have a method of learning I carry on me until nowadays: the only way I learn is to pay attention to the teacher himself. Thus, I will learn - not reading books.
I believe homework can be good, but still: kids have to be kids. The kids of today are waaaaaaay different from the yesterday's kids. And sometimes we need a break from the madness the world's becoming. So, the solution would be to reduce the ammount of homework.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
2 Sep 09
Now,they give them more homework then years ago.So,it is hard for them to keep up.Kids these days are not as respectful or entergetic.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
2 Sep 09
I don't believe todays kids are different than when I was a kid. Physically, psychologically, physiologically, emotionally, etc, a five year old now is the same as a five year old in 1974. There are small differences from one kid to another but I don't expect more out of a five year old in 2009 than one from 1974. Maybe they have a greater understanding of technology because hello, we have hd tv and dvrs and web enabled cell phones, gps, satellite radio, and gaming systems but that doesn't mean that a five year old today should be speaking 3 languages and doing trig just because it is now 35 years later.
Five year olds have the same general capacity, the same attention span, the same degree of development. It doesn't matter when they were born, it matters more what opportunities they have and what they have been exposed to in those five years. I just do not think it's fair to expect more out of them today just because it's well... TODAY instead of 35 years ago. They deserve the SAME chance to be kids while they are kids, the same amount of time to enjoy life before it turns into a burden of responsibility.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
7 Sep 09
I totally hear what you're saying, and it makes me sad too. I am a child of the 1990s, graduated highschool in 2000. We had some homework, but not so much that it took over our lives, and I didn't get any REAL homework until the SEVENTH (not second, but SEVENTH) grade!!! I think what they are doing to kids these days is crimminal!!!
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
1 Sep 09
My son gets a very short break when he gets home from school to have a snack, but then he has to get down to business with his homework. I used to let him run around for about an hour before I made him start on his homework, but he handles schoolwork best when he does not have a big gap between school and homework. He does not get that much work to do at home though most nights. Last night is the most work he has had since school started back up a few weeks ago and it took him about an hour. Apparently he was one of the only kids in the class that did it, so they have to do it tonight and he gets a homework free night.
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@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
8 Sep 09
I am NOT a big fan of homework. There is plenty of time to get the work done in school if they give them study halls as they should (they stopped offering that in our public school in middle school this year, and put in more "electives" that they are required to take - we are homeschooling this year and that is one of the reasons). It is just ridiculous to have them in school (7.5 hrs a day here) and then send home hours of homework. And then expect those who have sports, or other things they want to do to get it all done by the next morning. I do NOT like it. Seems like kids don't get to be kids anymore.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
i don't think the past decade or decades were much better or easier for students . not in my country. it remains the same. it has been pretty difficult for children to do anything except study cause they spend almost all day in school. but here in my country it still depends from what school you to go whether public or private school. the public schools here have longer school hours but actually have lighter work load. they were given less assignment to bring with them at home and they were taught less at school. though they do more activities that has nothing to do with studies. unlike in private schools, students are given many homeworks and are being taught many things in schools so they are more busy and have less time to socialize.
but it will still all depend on the students, many students just don't bother to do their assignment anyways, and most specially in public schools , like the students were not being forced to their assignments . and most public school students here just go to their friends after school and even in school they just mostly treat it a place to see their friends and not to study and that is why many public school graduate if they do graduate don't get to land on a good job not unless they have money for further studies.
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