Don't tell me how to pick up my kids from school!
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
September 1, 2009 5:03pm CST
In a rather interesting fashion, a woman in Florida decided the best way to avoid school traffic when picking up her daughter was to ride a horse. The school, and POLICE deemed this unacceptable. She was escorted off campus by police and the police drove her daughter home.
On what planet can schools and police suddenly dictate what method of transportation we use? To me this is a gross violation of her rights as a mother. What if she were a Quaker and didn't use a car at all? Would the school say she is unfit to be a parent? Would they move for her children to be taken away because she didn't use a car? I can't believe the police had the audacity to get involved. If they tried taking my kid away like that I'd raise hell.
On a side note this woman's choice of transportation is green, organic, well tested, and better for the environment.
Do you think the school did the right thing? Do you consider this another infringement on parental rights by schools and law enforcement? What would you do if the school started telling you what transportation you must use to pick up your child?
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14 responses
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
1 Sep 09
Good grief the nanny state at it again. So what if the mother wanted to pick up her daughter horse back style. If the mother had pick up her daughter on an iron horse she would have been a cool mom. If the mom had pick up her daughter in a mini-van or SUV she would have been a soccer mom. Why cannot the horse back picking up mom just be a cowmom, I guess? As to this environmental argument, she is putting out less co2 emissions than the hybrid mom does.
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@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
2 Sep 09
I don't see what the big deal was either, i mean as long as she had a riding helmet for the girl, then I don't see what the problem was. Some parents let their children walk home by themselves, that is far more dangerous, because not only of physical dangers but also they could be hurt by strangers. Some parents drive like maniacs too, but neither of those types get the police called on them.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
2 Sep 09
You know, I used to walk over 2 miles to school and back as a kid up to 5th grade. It was just the way we did things. My parents worked and didn't have time to be my limo service. I can't believe they are now not only insisting parents pick up their kids, but try and dictate how they pick them up. The school also has a ridiculous policy of letting only one child out at a time as their parent pulls up making the process even slower and more annoying. As a kid when my school let out, we left and teachers couldn't stop us.
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
2 Sep 09
My mom used to walk and pick me up, and it was nice because we would talk, id tell her about my day, if it was a bad one, she would talk me through it, it was really nice. The way they have the traffic set up at that school ,all that happens is kids enter a car with frustrated parents. I wasn't saying that kids who walk home alone that their parents should get in trouble, i meant that its just dumb to say that this is more dangerous than that or driving. I think that its kinda cool that the mother chose horseback, that way maybe her and her daughter could talk and bond better than driving.

@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
2 Sep 09
This is just a further example of an out of control government and educational system.
We are fast turning into a police state, and until we take our government back it will only get worse.
That parent should consider herself lucky the she did not get tasered, cuffed, and stuffed.
Big Brother knows best.
Welcome to the USSA.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
2 Sep 09
Hmmm. I don't think anybody, school OR police, OR ANYBODY IN THE GOVERNMENT has ANY RIGHT to tell anybody how they can pick up kids from school. If you want to pick them up on a horse, why not? Of course you probably have to bring a riding hat, just like if you brought a motorcycle you'd need to have a small helmet and have the bike equipped with a seat with a back or an actual seat for a small kid to sit in....
I don't understand this at all. You're right... on what planet can something like this occur?! Not the one I live on, the people involved are CRAZY. Beyond crazy. I don't even know what to think of them right now. I don't like them very much. In fact I think they are bizarre, poor excuses for people and maybe they should just keel over and die before they do any other stupid things....
Here some of the parents walk to pick up their kids. Some of the parents like me drive but I always park and get out to wait. Some of the kids get on the bus and are met at the stop closest to their house by a parent or person on record with the school as being allowed to pick up the child. Of course we're talking about kindergarteners here, after 2nd grade I think if the house is within sight of the bus stop, they let the child walk even if a parent is not AT the stop. Some of the older kids walk alone without a parent. I really don't think the school would have a problem with a horse or a motorcycle as long as the parent(s) followed the procedure for pickup - which is not expecting their five year old to walk off the curb in the parking lot without holding an adult's hand or being next to them, not acting in an unsafe manner on school property, etc.
I wish the stupidity of people would cease - because it never seems to CEASE TO AMAZE ME!!!
@MissAmie (717)
• United States
2 Sep 09
Well, here in the boon docks, I doubt anyone would even look at you funny if you rode a horse to school. There would probably be a million kids around it wanting to pet it or go for a ride.
I hate it when schools and police butt their heads in where they don't belong. If I were that woman and had some cash to spend myabe next time I would try a hot air balloon. I would continue to get more and more rediculous with transportation. But that's just the kind of person I am. You WILL NOT tell me what to do with me or my kids. Period.
@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
2 Sep 09
We used to ride horses TO school during finals. Tie em up just off the sports grass where there was some shade & water. Finals only took about an hour, two at most. We'd come out, tack em up and ride home (over the river and through the woods I might add).
I would pick my kid up on horseback, she'd love it!
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
2 Sep 09
Wow, unreal. I live in a pretty rural area. Granted, I don't think I have ever seen anyone pull up on a horse to pick up a kid. but, it isn't unusual to pull in to the highschool or even the middle school here in the winter and see a dozen or so snow machines (snow mobiles) parked outside, the students drove them to school....and 4 wheelers in the spring. both the schools sit right on the trail system, it's a pretty common way to get around up here.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
2 Sep 09
i feel the school was wrong. unless they could prove the horse was going to be a danger, at that point i'm also guessing the mother wouldn't have done what she did.
just listen to the stories our parents and grand parents would tel of having to ride the horses to school, good laughs at times. my mum used to pick me up from the bus with my pony, then we had a 1km walk to our drive way. the road was not wide either.
when i get an arvo off i may consider riding down to my sons school with my horse and his pony so he can ride home. it's only about 6/7km from school if that. i know my son will love it, and it'll be a petting zoo for a bit.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
2 Sep 09
LOL I grew up in the country and I live in farm areas there's a school close to me that stopped providing bus service so the kids had to resort to other means one kid drove a John Deer tractor to school (you only have to be 14 in Ohio) and one kid rode the riding lawn mower because he wasn't 14. So if the school doesn't provide transportation what is a parent to do? The article didn't say if the school did or not. Maybe she could call Al Gore and complain that she was "going green" and the school was pissed about it.
@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
2 Sep 09
thats just crazy i mean at least she is getting her daughter to school it should not matter that she used a horse thats what they did in the olden days before cars where invented i would put up a big fight with the school and the cops because thats just crazy.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
2 Sep 09
They had no business opening their mouths up unless they knew for a fact the girl was in danger. The horse rider didn't could very easily take paths home where she wouldn't have to worry about car traffic either. I say bring back the horse and buggy days. Cars are nothing but trouble and grief.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Sep 09
Well, after the economy totally collapses from all the trillions being printed and industry being regulated by Washington DC...we will all be riding horses to school and work....maybe she's just trying to get used to the fact. 

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Sep 09
They didn't think of it perhaps? I feel the same way you do...I'd be livid and going for the nearest lawyers office. How dare they dictate what transportation. Like you pointed's green. Oh I's not taxable!'s the Amish who use horse and buggy.