I have made £187 ($300) online in 9 months without spending a penny

September 2, 2009 7:19am CST
Online surveys is the way to go. Don't bother with the PTC unless you know you can get loads of active referals. How much have you made online? And what do you do with the money? I spend mine on CDs and gig tickets
3 responses
• Sweden
2 Sep 09
£187 for 9 months work is not very good. Maybe you need to try other stuff and not just surveys?
2 Sep 09
It's good for when I do like nothing at all to get this much. I do 1 or 2 surveys a week so I'm not even working an hour a week. And it's something to pass time that also pays lol. What other stuff would you recommend?
• United States
2 Sep 09
cool, i just hate being harrassed by companies i give my phone number out to, so i never join those sites
@Enlitas (36)
• Lithuania
2 Sep 09
It doesn't much, but good money.