How many do you want?

United States
September 2, 2009 1:38pm CST
Now everyone knows the Dugger family, the Gosslins, and of coarse Octo-mom. Some have real issues with the amount of kids they have while others feel it is perfectly normal. Which side do you fall on and how many do you feel is the perfect amount of kids?
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10 responses
• United States
2 Sep 09
Octomom has issues of some kind. the kids she does have are not well taken care of and she relies mostly on the state and food stamps, I think. she should have used the money she saved on the kids she had first and not on producing more. The Goselins want one or two more and ended up with more. But they are the best parents on tv and have made the best of what they have, even after the separation. The Duggars are a faithful, family who do not believe in birth control and are willing and able to take care of any children that God gives them. They believe that children are a gift from God and are obviously very fertile. I personally, have five kids, not all planned. But I love each and every one of them. I am fertile too but could not have carried any more physcally inside my five foot frame. I support anyone who wants to have so many children provided they have the means to raise them.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
3 Sep 09
I once wrote an article on this issue, which got a lot of attention in my office. :-) Well, I will repeat in brief what were the contents. If u dont have any kids - everybody will love u - because they get some freebies. U have one kid, they will still love u - even though freebies are down. When u have the second one - then the going gets tougher - wife has to take up full fledged employment - people become indifferent to u as there are no more freebies. The third child makes u the seeker of freebies and nobody would want u around! So should one restrict to one child! Actually, I am of the opinion that under the present circumstances for the next three to four generations - if we can restrict everybody to one child per family, then we may be able to bring down population to quite a manageable level. From there - we can have two children (replacement cost) per family and never more than that. I do believe that one child per family will hit us much later in a different way - the workforce will be less - and non-working force will be more (both children and elderly). But this is the price we have to pay for not having taken the right steps at the right time.
• United States
3 Sep 09
First off I do not agree with you on the freebie thing. Or the fact that if you have 3 kids the wife needs to go to work. I am a stay at home mother of three and though we are not rich I do not have to go to work. Do I earn extra cash sure it is nice to make a little for the extras in life like the kids dance classes and movie nights but they are not needed. As a American I find the notion of telling someone how many kids they can have an appalling front tour freedoms, though I know other countries have done so, they still have issues that cannot be cured. In fact families are immensely smaller then even two generations ago, people are just living much longer so the population is larger in ratio. It was the odd person who made it into the 80s now it is expected. That makes a re large difference. Something will have to be done I am sure, but then again nature keeps trying to control our numbers, she keeps hitting us with things like AIDS and the swine flu.
• United States
9 Sep 09
No clue how to stop it but I know in our area we do not earn enough to adopt though we could afford the daily we where told by the state we couldn't afford the paper work and inspections (we have to pay the state for inspections) and all of the rest unless we took out a payment option that has a ridiculous interest. As for people having a lot of kids I can say the Duggars seemed to find a way to pay for it that's for sure. I personally couldn't do that but they don't seem to mind.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
3 Sep 09
Hi opinionatedlady, I told u - u make a good friend. :-) Thanks for replying. :-) Well - freebies were in Indian context - we tend to send something (eatables) to our neighbors off and on. I did mention - it was from an article I wrote. Ok - if u dont have to work u r one of the lucky few. For most, they have to start serving the moment the second child arrives. Yeah - it is pretty messy situation. There is not adequate cultivable land to cultivate food and fodder for existing population of man and animal leave alone the rats. Elderly folks are living longer. We cant possibly ask them - hey, why r u alive, u die so that we can bring in younger ones. That would be inhuman. But we can certainly prevent the birth of an extra child, and the not yet conceived child wont hurt. The choice is in my opinion between asking elderly to kick the bucket and create vacancy for an extra child, or forego that extra child and care for the elderly. I choose the later.
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
2 Sep 09
I can kind of understand the Gossilins- they couldn't really control having 6 kids in one pregnancy, but octomom already had several kids before she had the octuplets. The Duggars are just ridiculous. I personally think all people need to put a hold on having babies. The world is getting wayyyyyy too full of people. If you want children, please give adoption a chance. There's tons of kids that alreay exsist that need a home: we don't need to create more.
• United States
3 Sep 09
Yes adoption is a great thing and people who do want large families should look into this option. I say that with experience though that many places make it hard to take on an adoption. For many the fact that in some states the baby can be taken away and given back to the birth mother (states vary from 6 months to 5 years in there time limits) puts off a lot of people. Not to mention the fact that it has become a racket and the typical non-state adoption cost $30,000 when all is said and done, hurts that option as well. You can have your own and use that money to support them for a few years or more. Other then that though adoption is a wonderful thing. We have adopted children through out ur whole family and we love them all the same.
• United States
2 Sep 09
For me personally I don't want any kids. I know the job I want to go into will have be working at all hours and I don't want someone else watching my kids. I feel that if you think you're ready to keep your legs open and pop something out in 9 months then you should be ready to take care of that child for the entire 18 months - no daycare. Saying that - I think people also shouldn't have more than 2 kids. There is enough research showing that almost all of our problems in society can relate back to the rise in population. And the reason for that rise in population is people can't understand how you should only bring in 1 life for each life lost. Therefore a family has 2 adults, so 2 kids max.
• United States
3 Sep 09
Ok but who will replace people like your self who do not want kids at all?
• United States
3 Sep 09
Again - the earth right now isn't going to be able to sustain the population we have at the moment, so therefore by me not having kids and other people not having kids the population will be lowered to a point that things will be better. Things don't happen instantly so its going to take forever.
• United States
3 Sep 09
Maybe it would be helpful if we let people go. Population numbers include those on life support or barely living. Don't think there is a large amount of these people look up nursing homes and hospices and see how many their are. This is bothering me and I do not want to seem argumentative but I went to see an Uncle in a hospice and was astounded to see almost a hundred patients on life support. Those poor people need to be let go of. Talk about greedy people some family members need to let a person go instead of "I need him/her" . Also what would say to someone who does get pregnant with multiples? Should they then commit murder and do away with one or more of their kids because we should only have two kids a couple?
@taztheone (1721)
• India
3 Sep 09
I believe in the motto 'we two, for us two'. I think o have 2 children is perfect which includes girl & a boy. Most educated families won't usually have more than 2-3 children. You can have more, if you are really sure that you can provide each one of them with enough love & also if you have financially a very stable life. You need to provide a very good financial background to every one of them rather than making then suffer for any kind of their needs. Also we need to keep in mind that the govt has some kind of family planning programmes! Happy Lotting
• United States
3 Sep 09
It is funny that you say most educated families will not have more then 2-3 kids as we live in a college town and all but 2 of the professors we know have 4 or more (up to 8) I think it is a regional thing as well. I grew up in a diffrent area that having 3 kids is considered a large family. I now live in a diffrent area and we have three kids. We are asked all the time when we will have another as the family average in this area is 5 kids a family. It is very interesting as in truth we are only 3 hours away from where I grew up.
• United States
2 Sep 09
I don't really understand why anyone would want more than 5 or 6 kids personally. That might just be because I'm one of 5 myself. If I have kids at all, I don't really want more than two or maybe three. I'm of the opinion that if you're going to have kids you should have more than one so that the one doesn't end up getting inadvertantly spoiled and so that they can have the experience of playing with each other and watching out for one another; however, I'm personally not interested in dealing with the stress of having more than two or three children.
• United States
3 Sep 09
Well yeah adding more people to any situation does create more stress, you are definitely right on that point.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
3 Sep 09
The perfect number? The number that you are capable of taking care of well, both financially and emotionally. Some people are capable of handling, loving and supporting more children than others. Some people should have NO children! For me 2 or 3 is about right...
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
2 Sep 09
To be honest, I don't want more than 5 or 6 kids. I do want a reasonably large family, but again, I don't want more than 5 or 6 children. More than that is just a little too much for me. I don't know how I'd handle having 8 children like the Gosselins or 18 kids like the Duggar family.
• United States
3 Sep 09
I don't understand the need. We are having an overpopulation problem as it is in this world. I will have one or two. One will be adopted, maybe two. I feel little need to contribute to overpopulation.
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
2 Sep 09
Hi OpinionatedLady, I think I would start off with one child to see how well I could handle them, and then after they are over a year old I would perhaps think about a second as a sibling for the first, and to maybe have one of each so I have a daughter to dote on, and my husband would have a son to do random male things with lol. I definitely don't think I could handle a vast number of children due to space and time issues. It would be far nicer to have two who can grow up together and leave the nest at the same time, rather than a long list of them which leads to me never getting a spare moment as long as I lived lol. That said if I really enjoyed being a mother and was financially stable enough I would probably stretch to 4, but definitely never in double figures. I would need a castle for that lol!! When it comes to perfect amounts I think each couple would have to decide that themselves as only they can know how much love they can give :) All the best, Dranz