Had a friend delete me from friend list!

United States
September 2, 2009 2:47pm CST
I had not been on Facebook for a week and finally took time to visit the site yesterday. To my surprise I find out one of friends is no longer a friend! I'm not happy and don't know why this happen! This friend is very important to me! He is my son I gave up for adoption almost 20 years ago! We both wanted to meet each other and had been communicating! Once on the phone and a few times on Facebook! I have no idea why he deleted me! I did send him a message but so far no reply! I'm sure this has happen to lots of other people.I mean being deleted from some person's list. I hope I'm not the only one who was deleted by a relative!
9 responses
@wigima5 (904)
• United States
3 Sep 09
ooohh well tat sucks. but maybe he's still resenting you for all tat time. i mean 20 years??? why didnt u contact him sooner? and idk, i didnt want to add my dad on facebook just cuz idk i thought my dad would embarass me or something. :P
• United States
7 Sep 09
I didn't contact him sooner because he was the one who found me first.In the state I live in the child has to do the contacting,through social services. I couldn't look for him because he records were sealed. At 18 or 0lder the child can open his adoption records and look for the parents if they care to. My son first contacted me back in the early spring and when he didn't stay in contact I went and found on Facebook which I became a member around 1/1/09. I would NEVER DELETE A RELATIVE! ESPECIALLY MY SON!! I'm not a vain person! I probaly embaressed him but if I did I didn't mean any harm! So we will see!
@wigima5 (904)
• United States
11 Oct 09
Well I'm sorry about that. But maybe your son just still had bitter feelings from being abandoned all that time ago. Or maybe he doesn't want to remain in contact. I'm sorry I hope it all works out.
• United States
2 Sep 09
Hello Blue, Awwwww....I can only imagine how you feel. Especially your own son. Maybe it was a mistake on his part or maybe it was a glich on Facebook. Did you try to call him and talk to him? I am sure he has a good reason. I have a facebook profile but don't visit it too much, since I am on MyLot and Tagged more often. I am not a big fan of facebook, I find it boring. I keep it for a few friends I have on there. :) I have been deleted by friends but not relatives or close friends. They were just online friend. Good Luck Blue, I hope you get to talk to you son soon. Olivia~
@wigima5 (904)
• United States
3 Sep 09
i thought it was boring b4 too, but it's more fun if u have more friends. n i like d apps d best.
• United States
3 Sep 09
I guess it could be fun, but I still think Tagged.com is more fun. You can do so much more with your profile and a little more privacy on it. :)
@katisaurus (1038)
• Canada
3 Sep 09
I read some of the comments, and I agree with one that was added to a post. Maybe he just deleted the friends he doesn't speak to. I go through my friends list once in a while and delete the people who are never on and that I don't talk to, or havent' talked to in a while. Don't take it too personally unless he gives you a reason for why he deleted you, other than maybe he just didn't think you were going to come online ever again.
• United States
14 Sep 09
You don't get it either! He's my son not a friend! I'm offended again! READ THE WHOLE TOPIC BEFORE RELPYING PLEASE!!!
@UK_Shree (3603)
2 Sep 09
That is a pretty hurtful thing to go through. I sometimes actually wonder whether social networking websites and other means of electronic communication have made it easier to ignore people, or whether it has made us paranoid about the way people behave. Not receiving a reply to a text soon enough for example can make people worry about all sorts of things. Do you have any other contact details for him? Seeing as he is your son, I suggest you try and get in touch with him and find out why you can no longer see him on your friends list.
• United States
7 Sep 09
I have other contact with my son this year. There were a few letters,one phone call and a few messages on Facebook. He was the one who got in contact with me first. I then got hold of him this August on Facebook. I still have not heard anything form my son,yet. I probaly will write him a letter and see if he'll tell me what is going on. Since all this started I have been going through a ton of emotions and senarios! I hope I can meet my son one day!
@UK_Shree (3603)
11 Sep 09
If you feel that strongly then I would definitely advise you to get in touch. Good luck with it!
@vandana7 (101601)
• India
6 Sep 09
Hey blue65packer, we dont really know what he is thinking right now. 20 is much too young to take a mature decision. Keep sending messages. Let him realize that notwithstanding the fact that u gave him for adoption, u still love him, and that had circumstances been any different, u would not have given him up. Make him feel loved still. I am sure he will relent. Best of luck.
@vandana7 (101601)
• India
14 Sep 09
Hi blue65packer, thank u for the BR. But I hope ur son realizes soon enough how lucky he is to have u. Keep trying - he will definitely go thru what u write, whether he replies or not. The very fact that he tried to contact u means he has some feelings for u. He is just sulking. Be patient. My prayers are with u. Best of luck. :-)
@Care4Pets (176)
• United States
2 Sep 09
Hi blue, Sorry to hear about your troubles. I can understand how upsetting that must be to you. However, I would not push the issue too much. It is possible that your long-lost son simply decided that he wasn't ready to communicate after all. Sometimes, when a relationship has been lacking that long, you get overexcited about reuniting and it ends up being too much too soon. Give him some space for a bit and hopefully, he will get back to you. I wish you the best and hope that your son will get in touch with you again. Remember, all good things come in time.
• United States
7 Sep 09
Beachstarz who comment is way off! This person that deleted me was MY SON I GAVE UP FOR ADOPTION ALMOST 20 YEARS AGO!!!!!!! You don't get it! I wanted to be in contact with my son and he been in contact with me before! He was the one who started the contacted with me first! You are in idiot and I don't didn't appreciate you comment! You have no idea what I'm dealing with! Not at all and it is very painful! I hope you get the point!
• United States
2 Sep 09
Once in awhile I will go through my friends list clear out the ones that never try to reach me . I think if you are my friend you will try to talk or at least leave me a message now and then . Friends should ack like friends ,or else don't call them friends .. anyway not everyone see's it the way I do.
@Archie0 (5652)
3 Sep 09
I am really very sorry to read this, but franly speaking even i have got this habit of removing inactive friends from my soacial networking sites i dont keep those friends who use to talk a lot at the very beginning but now hardly they do so i just remove them than making a traffic in my friend list.I think may be similar must your friends behaviour too, there is no rude feeling in this infact i feel bad that my friend has taken me casually that he cant say a hello.
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
3 Sep 09
sorry to hear about what happened to you there. i have never been deleted by a relative in a social network site, but in a blogging service i was not given permission to read updates, sometimes family members doesnt want us to know certain things in their lives, this is what i had in mind then, sure got hurt a little but after that, i move on and never bothered anymore. in your case, maybe your son had still some feelings that is against you and that is why he had deleted you from his list. i hope soon, that you will make up and reconcile.
@dolmitta (221)
• India
3 Sep 09
Well thats really painful, but i feel that there must be a reason behind this. May be he had some problem or someone who is close to him didn't like him talking to you. So just wait i'm sure he will respond one day. I've not had any experience like this before. i would have surely felt bad if i was in that situation. Don't worry i'm sure he'll reply back.