If a stranger slapped your 2-yr-old in a store....

United States
September 2, 2009 10:30pm CST
Things like this: http://www.11alive.com/video?maven_playerId=sect_frontpage&maven_referralObject=1236851887 make me furious. A stranger was arrested today for slapping someone else's toddler. He was bugged that she wouldn't stop crying and that the mother couldn't make her quit. Who does such a thing???? He even LOOKS mean in his mug shot picture. Just wanted to share that, as I'm still shaking my head in disgust and disbelief! http://news.aol.com/article/stranger-slapped-screaming-child-in/653392?icid=main|htmlws-main|dl1|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fnews.aol.com%2Farticle%2Fstranger-slapped-screaming-child-in%2F653392
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44 responses
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
3 Sep 09
Hello my friend How dumb is this just when you think you heard them all now he has to do time when he could have simply walked out of the store wow unbelievable,he slapped her more than once could you imagine how scared the child must have been, geez well I am sure he will get a few smacks where he is going
2 people like this
• United States
3 Sep 09
Exactly! Just walk the heck away. I just cannot imagine such audacity...he must be at the very least semi-insane. Ack!! I still cannot stop thinking about that.
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• United States
3 Sep 09
Where I lived before, I had a home office and my desk faced a window. I've lost counts of the times I would have gladly thrown my PC smack dab out of that window!!
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@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
3 Sep 09
Good morning my friend Really sad but right now not to make light of the situation I really want to give this computer a few hard smacks it is working against me and it is making me really angry not sure this will go through so I wont type any more lets see what happens with this.
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@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
3 Sep 09
Hello my friend Well I was wondering where you were did not expect to see my friend so upset That is sad I will check out the link, the nerve of this jerk what a shame
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• United States
3 Sep 09
Hi Kitty. I adore children and hate any form of abuse aimed toward me. The idea of such a thing happening, via a stranger in a public store??? Wonder what the heck he's like at home??? xoxo
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• United States
3 Sep 09
Yes, it just shows on his face that he would be more than likely of committing such a deed, grrrr. I don't know exactly what the mom was doing, but like you, had that been one of my grandbabies?? Look out! And yup, I've heard what happens to prisoners who've hurt a child! Have a most blessed day :)) Karen
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@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
3 Sep 09
Hello my friend I use to watch this show when I was younger called Prisoner Cell Block H, I always remembered that show I would ask people did they watch but they look at me like what are you talking about anyway I found it on the net youtube have almost every episode I try to watch it everyday lol I said that to say this when you get an inmate that do bad things to children the prison will sensor all papers so the prisoners don't know why you are doing time, I wonder if this really happens in his case I hope not, they all need to know what he did
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• United States
4 Sep 09
Im gonna tell you what..if anyone touched my son..i would stick my foot so far up there A$$ they would be sucking on my TOES FOR A WEEK!! LOL..seriously..i would most deff of taken him out,nooo one touches my son but me,hell i havent ever needed to spank him but maybe 5 times in the 7 years hes been born..hes a great kid,people are just ignorant..when Sky was a baby i remember this one time i was in line to check out and Sky was so hungry and at that moment i couldnt nurse him,so this guy was acting so disgusted and complaining to his wife/g/f about Skylar and his crying,i had a bottle of that power milk yucky that always made him power puke as soon as he drank it,it was about a week i tried it cause my girls were so sore from nursing..anywho the guy was getting madder and madder and just rude!!!! Sooo i said hell with it,i gave Sky some formula to sooth him knowing dang well what would happen any minute,and just as soon as it went down it started coming up..and know what i did??????? I turned Sky towrds the guy and he POWER PUKED ALL OVER HIM!!!! hahahahahahhah!!!He was soo pi$$ed he left his cart there with his stuff behind me and bolted hahahahahaha!! yesss i can be a veryy vengeful woman when u mess with my lil one lol..
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• Canada
6 Sep 09
But how was he "messing" with your little one? Careful, you might leave yourself open to a lawsuit. xoxo Cyne
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• United States
5 Sep 09
Hello Cloud. No one would have gotten away with laying a hand on my kiddos, either. What you did to the whiney guy is just plain hilarious!! Good for you for sticking up for Skylar, as any good parent would. Thank you for sharing that and have a great weekend. Karen
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@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
5 Sep 09
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• Canada
3 Sep 09
Honestly, I wouldn't slap a strangers kid, but I have spoken to them. I guess I just can't get my head around people who can't control their children just allowing them to be public nuisances. If this is a pattern then they should leave their children at home. I've raised 3 kids, and they understood how they were expected to behave in public, and not once did I have a temper tantrum on my hands with any of them. On the other side of the coin; how about if your child felt you needed a slap? see it here: http://linkbee.com/bratcamp xoxo Cyne
• Canada
4 Sep 09
Thank you motherstouch, it's not often that you find someone who believes their child's manners and good breeding begin at home. Yeah two - year - olds can be a handful, but mine were never more than I could take. Even at two they understood I meant business and I was fortunate enough that they never tested that theory. I always told my kids that they had the easiest mother in the world to get along with because I only had one rule: Don't "f" with me. And it's not so much what you say but how you say it. xoxo Cyne
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• United States
5 Sep 09
Hello Cynergy and MothersTouch...I am sure most of us do indeed know full well that how children behave does indeed begin at home and with the parents. Even as a mother whose children were always well behaved in public, it surely was never because I hit them, let alone in the face! There are other ways to help a child learn respect and good behavior. Had a stranger ever dared hit any child, mine or anothers, in the face, I would have intervened. I respectfully disagree that it is ever our place to speak to anothers child in public. Wouldn't it be more fruitful to address the adult? I would never hesitate, though, to intervene on behalf of a child who was being abused, even if the parties involved were complete stangers. We cannot put all "rowdy" children in the same category, either. Some do have actual physical or mental disorders that drive them, regardless of how well they are raised. I do enjoy various points of view and thank each of you for expresssing yours. Kudos on raising well-behaved children. Have a nice weekend! :) Karen
• United States
3 Sep 09
Hi CynergyDiva, I have to agree with you on a couple of things, First the raising starts at home. I am somewhat old fashioned and I always got compliments on my children's behavior in public. I have 5 of them. My children have thrown a tantrum in public a couple of times, around the age of Two, at which point I would take them to the bathroom and if necessary spank them. Today I see more and more children misbehaving in Public and I don't see much discipline from the Parents. since we are talking about a 2 year old here and you having three children of your own you probably know the 2 year old phase ..they can be a handful. But in all my children were very well behaved, but again it starts at home.( which I am sure is the reason your children know how to behave in public ) as far as my Child feeling I need a slap? Oh NO..I am the Adult and I don't do the reverse psychology with my child, LOL that Dr. Phil thing? well, There is NO way my Kid would talk to me like that EVER. Slapping me? At that point all respect is gone, No Child should ever raise their hand to the Parent. Whatever the situation may be, NO One has the right to hit someone else's Child especially not in the Face.
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• United States
3 Sep 09
I find this appalling. The guy must have severe mental and or anger issues, and should be dealt with to the extreme. Also, I can't imagine how he could have been allowed to hit her more than once. I would have stepped between him and my child immediately.
• United States
3 Sep 09
Hello to you. Yes, I also wondered how on earth the mom allowed 4 slaps???? I'd have decked him at the very onset. As you said, he must have some severe anger or mental issues to have done such a thing! Thank you for your input, and have a very nice day. Karen
@jenysie (106)
• United States
3 Sep 09
Wow, I think I would smack him right back and call the police!! That's shocking that someone actually had the audacity to hit someone else's child!! If he was so annoyed with the crying child he should have just walked away!! What a jerk!!
2 people like this
• United States
3 Sep 09
Hello Jenysie. I am with you on that...I would instinctively swat the daylights out of him!! And then, yes, I'd have called the police. To the credit of the Wal Mart people, they did just that...called the cops on this maniac.
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• United States
4 Sep 09
Hi Jenysie. I feel like you do. I hate the "I don't want to get involved" mentality that some people hold. I would have defended that child no matter if she were mine or someone else's. You're also right. He needs more than just jail time. He obviously has some deep issues that need correcting! Karen
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I really can't believe that someone would do that! I know as a mother that I would of attacked him like a Momma Bear! What the heck was going through his mind? He looks meaner than a bulldog in his mugshot. Some people are just idiots. Doesn't matter what you do, they are still idiots! I hope he didn't tramatize that baby for life. Geesh, I'm still stunned....
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
3 Sep 09
Oh yeah, slapping a crying toddler is really going to make them stop. I can understand him getting mad at the mother and suggesting that she remove the toddler, but actually slapping a child like that? Unacceptable...
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
3 Sep 09
The crying gets to me too, my kid or not, but I don't go slapping them around. This guy was so far out of line...
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• United States
3 Sep 09
Hi Dawnald. Sure, a crying child can be a bit nerve wracking but never to the point of hurting the child because of it. Oddly enough, many people who've hit or harmed much worse a child tell the police the "crying" got to them. Whoa! All babies cry for heaven's sake. Yes, unacceptable is right. Karen
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• United States
4 Sep 09
Yes he was...very far out of line. None of us should have so much anger that we literally strike out every time a thing gets on our nerves. Can you imagine??
• United States
5 Sep 09
Wasn't that ridiculous??? I don't even know what i would have done if that had happened to one of my children but i don't think it would have been nice.
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• United States
5 Sep 09
Hello my friend. I agree, it was completely ridiculous. And also a shock, greatly disgusting to me! I bet you are right. Whatever you would have done if someone had treated one of your children in such a manner would have been not nice at all! I hope your weekend is going well. Do take care. Karen
• India
14 Sep 09
Hello my friend PeacefulWmn9 Ji, After I went through the link, I am of the opinion that Old person ha dsome back-ground, why he slapped, instead, he would have offered her some toffees for smoothing her agony, and she should have kept quiet. I condemn his act for a person having elderly experience and slapping an un-known child publically. But before any punishment is awarded, we should also find out circumstances. May God bless You and have a great time.
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• India
30 Sep 09
Hello my friend PeacefulWmn9 Ji, Adjascent to our house is day-care and school for Nursary/Kg children. Whole day they howl/shout and make noise. One day i asked opinion from my hubby. He said to tahnk them as tehy entertain and remove our lonliness. We should be greatful to parents who leave their children for our company. May God bless You and have a great time.
• United States
14 Sep 09
Hello my friend. I thank you for your constant wisdom. We should indeed find out all of our facts before reacting or responding. Thank you. Karen
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• Canada
4 Sep 09
Okay, got the video. I can't even believe anyone would or could act like that. I think all of the other mothers on this post said it all. The natural reaction of any mother would be to go into kill mode. xoxo Cyne
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• United States
5 Sep 09
Hi Diva. I am so glad the video worked for you, as it didn't for a few others. And yes, we parents are extremely protective of our children, clearly evidenced by the responses here! Thank you for responding and have a very nice day. Karen
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
29 Sep 09
My child would never give a stranger a reason to slap them but if anyone was ever crazy enough to do so they would regret it for the rest of their life.
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• United States
30 Sep 09
Hi Canellita. I feel the same! My children were well-behaved, but even had they been fussy in a store?? No one had better ever had done such a thing. Karen
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
3 Sep 09
I would honestly have to slap him in his jewels and if he made any effort to cry, moan, roll on the floor, or whimper, kick him again.. see how he enjoys someone touching him...
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• United States
3 Sep 09
My very sentiments, Zoey. We parents are very protective of our babies and it would be a gut reaction to get physical with him! It just makes one wonder...why on earth so much anger and violence? Where does it all end? Smacking a tiny child, not once but 4 times??? A child you don't even know, no less, and in public. I'm glad he's been arrested. Karen
• United States
3 Sep 09
Same here, Zoey. Even if that happened to a child not mine, I would definitely interfered!! Like you, I have a tender and protective spot for ALL children. Thank you for you input! Karen
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
3 Sep 09
My child or not.. if I saw that it was a perfect stranger, you bet I'd be jumping right up there and doing it anyway. I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit by and watch that crap go on. Maybe that makes me just as bad,a hypocrite... I don't know... but an adult who has nothing better to do than to literally pick on a small child... I'm relatively protective of all children, period.
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@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
5 Sep 09
wtf! this article made me angry... sh*t if someone did that to my child, id be scratching his face, pulling his hair and try to take his eyeballs out of his eyes, darn! and if i see some stranger do that to someone else's child id be helping the mother out, kick his groin.
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• United States
5 Sep 09
Hello Jayrene. It made me angry, too! I think about it now and then and it STILL makes me angry. So much violence in the world already, but I especially hate it when it's directed at children! Like you, I'd have kneed the jerk in a flash, no matter whose child he was hurting like that. Thank you for expressing your opinion, and have a nice weekend. Karen
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Sep 09
Oh I'd kill the stranger. KILL THEM. Probably literally. And I'd have them arrested.... and lawyer up, and sue them for everything they had. And everything they didn't. Everybody I knew would know about the person, and share with everybody they knew. I don't think they'd ever have a normal life again, I'd make sure they were known as the jerk who slapped my kid and got what they deserved - which is misery for the rest of their life. Not that I'd allow a stranger to get that close to my daughter.... not one who was going to go ballistic on her.
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• United States
5 Sep 09
Hello Mommyboo...the temptation to maim the beast beyond recognition would be great! I would have definitely laid some hurting on him. I also wonder how on earth he was allowed to get that close to the child AND hit her four times!! In that respect, I wonder what on earth the mother was doing as that went on. I'm glad he's been arrested! Karen
• Indonesia
4 Sep 09
hi Karen =) i can't watch the video at the moment though, but from what you've described i see it a very-very embarassing attitude of that guy. he has a bad temper huh ?! ufff i don't know, that's too meany! a child doesn't deserve that whether it came from a stranger or even their parents! that's not how it works... if he was bugged, he could just walk away from that kiddo instead of slapped her. and the mom, uff..well i don't know why her mom couldn't make her quit, but that's how a child goes sometimes. it's a kiddo anyway, who can't control themself very well like adults. who don't understand many things yet, and that's why we teach them..teach them about life, manners, how to behave, we teach them morals and heart too... whatever the reason or the situation, he has no right to do that!
• United States
5 Sep 09
Hi Shalli. I'm sorry about the video. It seems the link works fine for some, but not for others. Yes, that man's bad temper shows all over his face in the mug shot. I agree that all he had to do was simply walk the heck away. And some mom's do tryu their best to get a child under control, but for whatever reason, the child just is not having any part of that. I am not sure how the stranger was allowed 4 slaps, though! Sheesh! Yes, teaching manners and proper behavior begins at home. Thank you for voicing your opinion. Karen
@taztheone (1721)
• India
4 Sep 09
I don't think that some strange has the right to smack my child, after all its just a child. I think that person might be so rude & does not even know the basics of manners. I would however give him a nice one back so that he'll remember next time as how to behave. Atleast he will learn something the police has got him & that he didn't get away with it. Happy Lotting
• United States
5 Sep 09
Hello Taz...I'd have decked him. I am very protective of children, whosever they are. I do hope he gets what he deserves! Thank you for responding and have a good weekend. Karen
@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
hi peace, maybe i can slap him too for doing it to mu child, or better shoot him at that time of the incident, poor kid..!! he's a mess..
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• United States
5 Sep 09
Hi Janebeth. I for sure would have slapped him, kneed him in the groin, whatever it took. I do feel sorry for the child. Only two years old. What a way to learn that not all people are kind or patient! Thank you for sharing your opinion, and have a great day. Karen
@gomaeann (46)
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
He should be arrested. If ever I had a child and someone just slap my child I will be very angry and have him arrested for doing such thing. Even thought whatever the child have done to you you don't have the right to slap any bodies child.
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• United States
5 Sep 09
Hi Gomaeann...I am glad that he was indeed arrested and do hope he gets what is coming to him! A temper like that is dangerous in the extreme. I had never before heard of someone slapping a stranger's child in a store like that. It's atrocious! Thank you for sharing your opinion. Karen
@sredith (239)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I would be livid if a stranger took it upon themselves to punish my child, especially using violence. Yes, children can be extremely obnoxious at times but they're children! I know that when I was a child I didn't fully understand that you can't throw a fit if you don't get your way or that you shouldn't cause a scene in a public place, so how can anyone really get that angry at a child for simply being a child?
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• United States
5 Sep 09
Hi Sredith. Violence toward children should come from no one, least of all a complete stranger in a store. As you said, children do act up and throw fits until they learn a different and better way to behave, but not even a parent should repeatedly slap a child's face. That accomplishes nothing good. I appreciate you sharing your viewpoint. Karen